One of my favorite conservatives, SE Cupp, speaks on Republican outrage over the recent Trump indictment

I don’t believe there is one. Definitely not on the national stage, at this point in time. Maybe there’s a State level candidate somewhere, but I’m not holding my breath. If there is one, it would almost have to be from a Deep Red State.
Would you rather I lie about it? The type of person I’m looking for is not the type who generally gets into politics. Definitely not a career politician.
the fact is there will never be such a candidate and you know it. Don't waste our time with your genetic troubles.
Your mind is a bucket of thought-terminating clichés, of which 'TDS' is one.
TTCs are implanted by demagogues (via repetition) into your brain to prevent critical thinking and to kill dissent.
keep TDSing, it's amusing.
ActionJackson, given your propensity to traffic in tired right wing tropes, which are, indeed, nothing more than thought-terminating clichés whose purpose are to curb critical thinking and kill the conversation, I can find no argument of merit in your comment, not even one that deserves a response other than to indicate its deficiencies.

We voted President Trump into office for several reasons: he tells the Truth and he tells us why.
He speaks his mind, but what is on his mind is not the truth. This distinction his followers fail to make.
He promotes the prosperity of America and encourages successful businesses to share their profits with their employees who engendered their prosperity.
There's an old saying: 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'.
Just because.......
His deals with foreign countries includes taking his best shot to bring peace to the Middle East, and when that is accomplished, peace to this warring world.
Trump signed no peace accords. A honest peace accord is one signed by warring nations. Trump got some mutual cooperation agreements signed by non warring nations, and has been hyping it as 'historical peace agreements'.

He's lying to you, right there. Trump will never miss and opportunity to grab low hanging fruit which he can hype as 'historic'. It is his modus operandi.

He is so concerned about our dying oceans, that he worked on cleaning up the Atlantic,
During his presidency, Trump rolled back or weakened more than 100 environmental regulations. Here are some of the major environmental regulations that Trump repealed or weakened:

and in his next administration will achieve his list of important things to do--world peace that brings prosperity to America and human prosperity to the entire planet.
Trump, by pulling out of the Paris Climate accords, his anti environmental repeals, his installing the Scott Pruitt who lobbied for the fracking industry as head of the EPA

Scott Pruitt was appointed by President Trump as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2017. Pruitt had a history of challenging the EPA's authority and had sued the agency 14 times during his time as Oklahoma's attorney general.

As head of the EPA, Pruitt oversaw significant changes to the agency, including:

  1. Rollbacks of environmental regulations: Pruitt played a leading role in rolling back or weakening many environmental regulations, including the Clean Power Plan and Clean Water Rule.
  2. Reductions in enforcement: Under Pruitt's leadership, the EPA reduced its enforcement of environmental regulations, including a drop in the number of civil penalties issued to polluters.
  3. Staff cuts: The EPA lost nearly 1,600 employees under Pruitt's leadership, primarily through budget cuts and buyouts.
  4. Industry-friendly policies: Pruitt had close ties to the fossil fuel industry and was criticized for his cozy relationship with industry lobbyists. He also approved the use of toxic chemicals such as chlorpyrifos, which had been banned by the Obama administration.
  5. Ethics scandals: Pruitt was embroiled in several ethics scandals during his time as head of the EPA, including allegations of excessive spending on travel and security, using staff for personal errands, and renting a condo from a lobbyist at below-market rates.
Adds up to one conclusion, Trump is a threat to the environment.

He's been the hero in charging full speed ahead to the aid of sea animals by planning to clean up the oceans, one by one, until the sea critters have a decent and safe habitat.
During his presidency, Trump's actual record on cleaning up the ocean is mixed, with some notable successes but also some significant setbacks.

On the positive side, Trump signed the Save Our Seas Act in 2018, which aimed to address the problem of marine debris and plastic pollution in the oceans. The law provided funding for research and development of new technologies to prevent and remove plastic waste, as well as support for local and international efforts to address the issue.

In addition, Trump's administration has taken steps to reduce illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, which can contribute to overfishing and other environmental problems. In 2020, the administration signed an executive order aimed at combatting illegal fishing and seafood fraud.

However, Trump's record on ocean conservation is also marred by several setbacks. For example:

  1. Rollbacks of environmental regulations: Trump's administration has rolled back or weakened many environmental regulations that are important for ocean health, including the Clean Water Rule and the Endangered Species Act.
  2. Budget cuts: Trump's proposed budgets have included significant cuts to programs that support ocean conservation, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the EPA.
  3. Offshore drilling: Trump's administration has pursued a policy of increasing offshore oil and gas drilling, which can have significant environmental impacts on the oceans and marine life.

Needless to mention, I'm cherry picking things I would love to see happen to the earth through policies President Trump came up with his excellent choice of advisers, both environmentally and pecuniary improvements.
Not seeing evidence of that
President Trump on his watch fervently supported the Constitution,
the opposite is true:
There were several instances during President Trump's tenure where he was accused of violating his oath of office, abusing power, and the Constitution. Here are some of the most significant examples:

  1. The Ukraine scandal: In 2019, Trump was accused of using his power to pressure the Ukrainian government to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter Biden. Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, but he was acquitted by the Senate.
  2. The Russia investigation: Trump was accused of obstructing the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The investigation, led by special counsel Robert Mueller, found that Trump's campaign had numerous contacts with Russian officials, but did not establish a criminal conspiracy. However, Mueller did not make a determination on whether Trump obstructed justice, citing legal constraints.
  3. The travel ban: Trump's administration implemented several travel bans on individuals from predominantly Muslim countries, which were challenged in court as discriminatory and unconstitutional. The Supreme Court ultimately upheld a revised version of the ban in 2018.
  4. The emoluments clause: Trump was accused of violating the Constitution's emoluments clause, which prohibits presidents from receiving gifts or payments from foreign governments. Trump's businesses continued to receive payments from foreign governments while he was in office, leading to lawsuits and calls for investigations.
  5. The assault on the Capitol: On January 6, 2021, a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Trump was accused of inciting the insurrection by making false claims about election fraud and urging his supporters to march to the Capitol. Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives for incitement of insurrection, but he was acquitted by the Senate.

Note that the Senate who acquitted him were Republicans, who held the majority, all of whom feared Trump's mean tweets and threats from his base, whom all of them had to curry favor in order to be reelected.

and called on his advisory talented staff to serve the best interests of the American people, particularly parts of the country that were in trouble due to weather or other problems. Furthermore, he provided for the common defense by respecting and acting on the opinions of the American military. Love him or hate him, Trump leads the pack in making responsible, thoughtful arrangements for America to prosper and do right to other countries as is possible.

No, Trump is the worst, most corrupt, most demagogic, president in history, and represents a clear threat to US National Security.

Yes, yes, you do remind me of that famous quote:

"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."--Thomas Gray

So many marginalizing quotes. So little time, Yer a riot, Mr. Rumpole. :laughing0301:

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