One of my favorite conservatives, SE Cupp, speaks on Republican outrage over the recent Trump indictment

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, whatever it might be. Just wondering what she's conservative about though, that ain't the first adjective one might ascribe to a CNN host.
And she really sets the record straight.

You Repubs are gonna love this one!

And this is TLDR friendly, it's a short:

In order to railroad someone into a conviction, in this country, first you have to commit a crime. NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED BY DONALD JOHN TRUMP. He has stayed within the laws of freedom to prosper himself and many, many others in America. Joe Biden is a good example of one who has to extort money from the American people's United States Treasury including Foreign Aid Packages, from which Biden extorted from a recipient world state aka the Ukraine to bolster his under-the-table "win" in 2020 in which he had very few people attending his speech rallies, frequently under 200, compared to the tens of thousands who attended Trump's rallies. In 2018, a viral video went around of Biden bragging on using his Vice Presidency to demand that the Ukraine place one billion dollars on Air Force Two in less than 6 hours when he planned to fly out of their country with a plan to cancel their 3 billion in Foreign Aid package that was being sent to the Ukraine forthwith, if they didn't give him a billion dollars for personal pleasure and use. When you have five multi-million dollar houses with servants to take care of them, and you are considering winning the next Presidential election, it takes money from somewhere. Nobody is interested in tangling with Biden to make him cough up the billion dollars to give back to the people's purse aka the United States Treasury. Not one single one of the Democrats on this forum volunteered to hold Biden's feet to the fire he earned. Some Democrats here claim they get paid for being here. Along with that goes a division of this country, because some of them really believe the lies they are told to tell. :cranky:

If you believe the leftist lockstep press at this point, Mr. Rumpole, apparently their 300,000 lies per diem for the eight years President Trump has participated in and been victimized by filthy dirty Democrat politics in America. Who'da thunk that 8 years of lies about peeing would cause an innocent man to lose an election? And that the Russia,. Russia, Russia hoax was the brain child of a former Democrat First Lady of the United States White House who also used her title to extract peoples' personal information to use against her husband's political rivals? The Grand Canyon is silent.

I'm surprised an intellectual like you would fall for perpetrations of the United States leftist lockstep reporters receiving generous fiduciary encouragement from Hungarian/American George Soros who scammed an Allied Country, the United Kingdom, by destroying their bank economy to get even with some real or imagined slight. Great Britain came to our immediate aid following the December 7, 1941 bombing of the then protected territory and presently, the State of Hawaii at Pearll Harbor, murdering over three thousand people. Soros has also put in with the Deep State in this country to destroy its prosperity using the communist branch of the Democrat Party and associated RINOS.

"It ain't fittin'," to quote wise Miss Mamie in the Academy Award Winning movie, "Gone With the Wind."
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And she really sets the record straight.

You Repubs are gonna love this one!

And this is TLDR friendly, it's a short:

You forgot the rule: Anyone who doesn't obediently bend over for the Orange High Hard One™ is an evil demonic socialist Hitler commie Nazi Deep State swamp pedophile who wants to destroy America and turn it into Cuba.

Something like that.
"One of my favorite conservatives".

Yes, I'm sure you painstakingly read her work for years and developed an enduring respect for the nuances of her positions through the process of deep and contemplative thought.
She is among the few on other right I enjoy listening to, though we don't agree on everything. Naturally, they all have that one thing in common --a general loathing of Donald Trump, and that is only because he is a despicable, vile, divisive, criminally inclined threat to US National Security who does not have one redeeming quality in his malignantly narcissistic empathy deprived carcass.
Funny thing, in his youth, Trump was a charming fellow. It is what he became when he got into politics that offends the sensible minded souls.
Or....and just stick with me for a sec, here's another theory:

"Woman on TV identify as R and say bad things about Orange Man! ME LIKEY!"

Take another Fake News dopamine hit, Rump.
Fake news? You mean like 'Democrats stole the election'? Spare me your easily debunkable myths.
You're clearly hopelessly addicted.

Yes, I'm hopelessly addicted to facts, reality, and the truth.

Your honor and most gracious personage, I plead guilty on all three counts!
She is among the few on other right I enjoy listening to, though we don't agree on everything. Naturally, they all have that one thing in common --a general loathing of Donald Trump, and that is only because he is a despicable, vile, divisive, criminally inclined threat to US National Security who does not have one redeeming quality in his malignantly narcissistic empathy deprived carcass.
Funny thing, in his youth, Trump was a charming fellow. It is what he became when he got into politics that offends the sensible minded souls.

Fake news? You mean like 'Democrats stole the election'? Spare me your easily debunkable myths.

Yes, I'm hopelessly addicted to facts, reality, and the truth.

Your honor and most gracious personage, I plead guilty on all three counts!

"Hopelessly addicted", yet you ignore every fact that refutes your idiocy.


You sound like a true Marxist.
In order to railroad someone into a conviction, in this country, first you have to commit a crime. NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED BY DONALD JOHN TRUMP.
You'd have to be blind to come to that conclusion.
He has stayed within the laws of freedom to prosper himself and many, many others in America.
Joe Biden is a good example of one who has to extort money from the American people's United States Treasury including Foreign Aid Packages
from which Biden extorted from a recipient world state aka the Ukraine to bolster his under-the-table "win" in 2020 in which he had very few people attending his speech rallies,
You have zero evidence.
frequently under 200, compared to the tens of thousands who attended Trump's rallies.
Democrats are a different demographic. It would take someone like Obama to get us to go to a rally. But, that has no bearing on how we vote.
In 2018, a viral video went around of Biden bragging on using his Vice Presidency to demand that the Ukraine place one billion dollars on Air Force
Debunked on every level Your repeating this tired trope reveals that your credibility is zero.

There is NOTHING in that video that is not consistent with US Foreign Policy and that of the International Monetary Fund and that of our allies at that time. Look it up. A crime would have been to withhold loan guarantees for private gain. Was that the case? No, the benefactor of his action as described in that video was the UNITED STATES and that of our allies and the IMF, which was the stated foreign policy at the time in that region.

Viktor Shokin was appointed to the position of Prosecutor General of Ukraine by Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko, whom he was loyal to. Representatives of the EU and the United States pressed Poroshenko for his removal[21] as did the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.[22] In March 2016 testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, former ambassador to Ukraine John E. Herbst stated, "By late fall of 2015, the EU and the United States joined the chorus of those seeking Mr. Shokin's removal" and that Joe Biden "spoke publicly about this before and during his December visit to Kyiv". During the same hearing, assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland stated, "we have pegged our next $1 billion loan guarantee, first and foremost, to having a rebooting of the reform coalition so that we know who we are working with, but secondarily, to ensuring that the prosecutor general's office gets cleaned up."[9] An overwhelming majority vote in the Ukrainian Parliament in March 2016 led to Shokin's removal from office[23] after an investigation into extortion of another company led to associates who were found in possession of diamonds, cash and other valuables[24] as well as documents and passports belonging to Shokin.[25]

Not to mention the inconvenient truth that it is as if Biden would confess to a crime on National TV, well that defies logic.

There is no need, therefore, to read any further, having incontrovertible proof of your incompetence of knowledge of historical fact.
Facts which, apparently, you cannot produce, given that you are making shit up.

Hmmm, you sound like a true simpleton; mediocrity becomes you.


They have been presented ad nauseum. You ignore, and then claim they were never presented.

Marxist bootlicker 101.

Mediocrity is a clod, such as yourself, who lies and claims Cupp is a conservative.

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