This is vandalism, NOT free speech................


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Recently in Borger TX, the Boy Scouts laid out flags in observance of Columbus Day, and that evening, a whole bunch of flags were stolen and burned.

Now................yeah, I do support free speech in every form that you can imagine as long as it is not violent. Why? Because I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the USA every time I enlisted/reenlisted in the Navy, and I take that oath seriously.


If you wish to express your displeasure with this country, do it so that everyone knows it was you that instituted the protest. Don't do it anonymously, or do it via vandalism by stealing flags belonging to someone else. If you want to burn a flag, do it, but be there when people see it so they can know what you are protesting. If you do it anonymously, then people not only don't know why you did it, but they don't know who it was protesting.

If you can't take responsibility for your free speech and have to do it in the shadows, it's no longer free speech, it is simply vandalism.

And, I don't support vandalism. I hope whoever did this is caught and brought up on charges.

Police: American flags put out for Columbus Day in Borger found burned

BORGER, Texas (KVII) — Several American flags that were put out in observance of Columbus Day by a Boy Scout troop where found burned Monday morning.

According to a Facebook post, the flags were found on Yows Street in Borger. The post states that $150 worth of flags put out by Boy Scout Troop 507 were burned.

"To me the biggest thing is it's showing disrespect for the flag," said Jim Stark, Boy Scout Troop 507 flag coordinator. "This is not a representation of Borger, Texas in my opinion. I've lived here my whole life and to me this is not what Borger, Texas is about."

Every holiday, troop 507 puts American Flags outside of businesses.

The post was shared by the Hutchinson County Sheriff's Office. They asked residents to help the Borger Police Department identify the vandals responsible for burning the flags.

"There are ways to make statements when you believe in something or not," said Capt. Brandon Strope, Assistant Police Chief for the Borger Police Department." I believe that this is a very immature way to make a statement, no matter the age of the offenders. Political differences aside in this country, there's a lot of people who died and gave their life and parts of their life and came back from wars going back generations and that flag means a lot to them."

Believe it or not, I got a bit upset when I saw this on the news last night. Why? Because they set the flags on fire and left them in the road unattended (could have caused a fire, it's kinda dry in the Panhandle right now), as well as stole the flags from businesses that the Boy Scouts had put them up at.

Like I said, if you want to protest something, go ahead, but be responsible for your protest and let people know who you are and why you are protesting. And, if you're going to burn or destroy something, buy it yourself, don't steal it from others.

Doing something like this is not only vandalism, but cowardly in my book.

Yeah, I guys are shocked to hear the "liberal" say stuff like this.

Believe it or not, I got a bit upset when I saw this on the news last night. Why? Because they set the flags on fire and left them in the road unattended (could have caused a fire, it's kinda dry in the Panhandle right now), as well as stole the flags from businesses that the Boy Scouts had put them up at.

Like I said, if you want to protest something, go ahead, but be responsible for your protest and let people know who you are and why you are protesting. And, if you're going to burn or destroy something, buy it yourself, don't steal it from others.

Doing something like this is not only vandalism, but cowardly in my book.

Yeah, I guys are shocked to hear the "liberal" say stuff like this.

"you guys"? I've been an independent for 25 years... That said, agreed, if you cannot be "known" for your "protest" then I'd submit you don't really believe in it and are just using "belief" as an excuse for criminal/shitty acts - and yea that totally applies to some religious right opinions from way back when, it's why I was never a republican.

We had a sad story of vandalism here a while ago, some guy had set up a free Halloween walk through in his yard (many years tradition) and some jackwads trashed the display over night :/ Some people are pretty pathetic.
I do support free speech in every form that you can imagine as long as it is not violent. Why? Because I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the USA every time I enlisted/reenlisted in the Navy, and I take that oath seriously.

So, if one didn't take such an oath, what basis have they for "supporting free speech in every form [imaginable]?"​
I do support free speech in every form that you can imagine as long as it is not violent. Why? Because I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the USA every time I enlisted/reenlisted in the Navy, and I take that oath seriously.

So, if one didn't take such an oath, what basis have they for "supporting free speech in every form [imaginable]?"​

Not free speech in every form imaginable, but free speech that is not violent. I guess you decided to edit the last part, and that is something covered by the Constitution.

If they didn't take the oath, they are still American citizens and should understand that the Constitution is the basis for all our freedoms. But, apparently, there are a lot of people that don't understand that.

Me? I do. Why? Because of the oath I swore, and how it was explained to me a couple of days every year that I was in during our Navy Rights and Responsibilities Training. And, the free speech thing came up a lot..........mainly because as a military member, my rights to free speech were severely limited.
If you wish to express your displeasure with this country, do it so that everyone knows it was you that instituted the protest. Don't do it anonymously, or do it via vandalism by stealing flags belonging to someone else. If you want to burn a flag, do it, but be there when people see it so they can know what you are protesting. If you do it anonymously, then people not only don't know why you did it, but they don't know who it was protesting.

If you can't take responsibility for your free speech and have to do it in the shadows, it's no longer free speech, it is simply vandalism.

And, I don't support vandalism. I hope whoever did this is caught and brought up on charges.
Amen to this! Also, if you are going to destroy anything in any way, focus on what was bought with your own money and not someone else's.

God bless you always!!!

If you wish to express your displeasure with this country, do it so that everyone knows it was you that instituted the protest. Don't do it anonymously, or do it via vandalism by stealing flags belonging to someone else. If you want to burn a flag, do it, but be there when people see it so they can know what you are protesting. If you do it anonymously, then people not only don't know why you did it, but they don't know who it was protesting.

If you can't take responsibility for your free speech and have to do it in the shadows, it's no longer free speech, it is simply vandalism.

And, I don't support vandalism. I hope whoever did this is caught and brought up on charges.
Amen to this! Also, if you are going to destroy anything in any way, focus on what was bought with your own money and not someone else's.

God bless you always!!!


That is one of the reasons why I support the NFL players taking a knee on the field (free speech), but I can not support the idiots that burned the flags in Borger because it's not a protest or free speech, but rather anonymous vandalism trying to masquerade as free speech.
I do support free speech in every form that you can imagine as long as it is not violent. Why? Because I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the USA every time I enlisted/reenlisted in the Navy, and I take that oath seriously.

So, if one didn't take such an oath, what basis have they for "supporting free speech in every form [imaginable]?"​

Not free speech in every form imaginable, but free speech that is not violent. I guess you decided to edit the last part, and that is something covered by the Constitution.

If they didn't take the oath, they are still American citizens and should understand that the Constitution is the basis for all our freedoms. But, apparently, there are a lot of people that don't understand that.

Me? I do. Why? Because of the oath I swore, and how it was explained to me a couple of days every year that I was in during our Navy Rights and Responsibilities Training. And, the free speech thing came up a lot..........mainly because as a military member, my rights to free speech were severely limited.
I guess you decided to edit the last part, and that is something covered by the Constitution.

??? The last part of what?

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