This is Way the Fuck Out of Line

Coming from you I should take that as a compliment.

Here's one of my favorite pictures, disproving your 'toothless' assertion. The rest of them you need to prove or STFU, birdbrain.


Derp Derp

Fuck off, dirtbag...
Well as a right winger, there arent many things, but there are a few things I disagree with..... Most of these are not real ideological and so probably arent necessarily right wing.....

i'm against Monopolies, dont know alot of right wingers for them, but you cant have free market without competition, so if you see one advocating them, I'm opposed. )And I would love to break up utility companies and get some freaking competition)

I'm against the Phelps clan, protesting at the funerals of the victums of the CO shooting, I heard that and was like WTF????

I am for a law making tax returns, school records, and birth certificate as well as proof of residencey for national politicians (Congress and WH).

Dont care about the legaliztion of dope, that's probably one main one. I hate drugs and if someone ODs on dope (due to an additive like coke or angel dust) then oops.....other than dope they should remain illegal, although people should still be allowed to be fired if they use it. So kind of a middle ground.
Things in Im with the right on...abortion, guns, gays, taxes, business (most if not all of the time), israel, most foreign policy (I didnt like Iran Contra),

CALDWELL, Idaho (KBOI) - A Caldwell billboard is raising questions in the Treasure Valley as it compares the president to accused Colorado killer, James Holmes.

The billboard on Franklin Road equates the actions of the president's foreign policies to the acts of Holmes, who's suspected of killing 12 people in the theater shooting...

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?

I think it's fine so long as they are easily identified.

The peeps behind this should let everyone know who they are..and be proud of their work.
Oddly enough several of us, who are labeled as Right wingers on this board, have already said this Billboard is over the line and wrong, yet Libs keep claiming that the Right is defending it.

Because you have a few on the right in here defending it....there you go, your evidence...

You seem to have more opposing it then against it. Hence me wondering why lefties keep acting like were all defending it.

note how i said few......or dont
Well as a right winger, there arent many things, but there are a few things I disagree with..... Most of these are not real ideological and so probably arent necessarily right wing.....

i'm against Monopolies, dont know alot of right wingers for them, but you cant have free market without competition, so if you see one advocating them, I'm opposed. )And I would love to break up utility companies and get some freaking competition)

I'm against the Phelps clan, protesting at the funerals of the victums of the CO shooting, I heard that and was like WTF????

I am for a law making tax returns, school records, and birth certificate as well as proof of residencey for national politicians (Congress and WH).

Dont care about the legaliztion of dope, that's probably one main one. I hate drugs and if someone ODs on dope (due to an additive like coke or angel dust) then oops.....other than dope they should remain illegal, although people should still be allowed to be fired if they use it. So kind of a middle ground.
Things in Im with the right on...abortion, guns, gays, taxes, business (most if not all of the time), israel, most foreign policy (I didnt like Iran Contra),

Thank you buckeye. I appreciate the effort. You're a real man...not a pussy like liability.
I personally find the billboard distasteful. But for the left, after everything they called President Bush and Vice President Cheney, to be freaking out over this billboard seems more than disingenuous.

President Obama has lost more US troops in Afghanistan than President Bush did under his watch, Obama has a secret kill list and the left continually chest thumps over O's homicidal hits without trials.

When he ordered the drone murder of the one Imam he also killed the American citizens son as well as others in that attack.

16 year old kid. No trial. Obama just offed him and 9 others.

So on one hand, the billboard is distasteful. On the other hand, it's spot on.
Guy Pinestra wote elsewhere, "Not what I said at all, do you always have these comprehension problems, or is this handicap a recent thing?"

Guy is crying about what he does to others all the time? Priceless.
I personally find the billboard distasteful. But for the left, after everything they called President Bush and Vice President Cheney, to be freaking out over this billboard seems more than disingenuous.

President Obama has lost more US troops in Afghanistan than President Bush did under his watch, Obama has a secret kill list and the left continually chest thumps over O's homicidal hits without trials.

When he ordered the drone murder of the one Imam he also killed the American citizens son as well as others in that attack.

16 year old kid. No trial. Obama just offed him and 9 others.

So on one hand, the billboard is distasteful. On the other hand, it's spot on.

There is no other hand. It's highly distasteful.
I personally find the billboard distasteful. But for the left, after everything they called President Bush and Vice President Cheney, to be freaking out over this billboard seems more than disingenuous.

President Obama has lost more US troops in Afghanistan than President Bush did under his watch, Obama has a secret kill list and the left continually chest thumps over O's homicidal hits without trials.

When he ordered the drone murder of the one Imam he also killed the American citizens son as well as others in that attack.

16 year old kid. No trial. Obama just offed him and 9 others.

So on one hand, the billboard is distasteful. On the other hand, it's spot on.

There is no other hand. It's highly distasteful.

It's distasteful but true. And after all the years the left has heaped all their vitriolic savage attacks against Cheney and Bush, I don't care about the "high road" anymore.

That's what the left counts on.

They can go ballistic and paint a Republican President as a man who gets off on killing muslims, but if one is to mention even breathe a hint that the truth of the matter is their Dem President assassinates presumed terrorists who are Americans and without due process AND off innocent children, well all of a sudden it's "distasteful" to point that out.

The fact is that the American people as a whole don't have a problem with the President killing terrorists that want to kill us, particularly American terrorists who want to kill Americans.

The terrorist should not have had his son with him.

I have no use for terrorists, and I have no use for their defenders like you.

I personally find the billboard distasteful. But for the left, after everything they called President Bush and Vice President Cheney, to be freaking out over this billboard seems more than disingenuous.

President Obama has lost more US troops in Afghanistan than President Bush did under his watch, Obama has a secret kill list and the left continually chest thumps over O's homicidal hits without trials.

When he ordered the drone murder of the one Imam he also killed the American citizens son as well as others in that attack.

16 year old kid. No trial. Obama just offed him and 9 others.

So on one hand, the billboard is distasteful. On the other hand, it's spot on.

There is no other hand. It's highly distasteful.

It's distasteful but true. And after all the years the left has heaped all their vitriolic savage attacks against Cheney and Bush, I don't care about the "high road" anymore.

That's what the left counts on.

They can go ballistic and paint a Republican President as a man who gets off on killing muslims, but if one is to mention even breathe a hint that the truth of the matter is their Dem President assassinates presumed terrorists who are Americans and without due process AND off innocent children, well all of a sudden it's "distasteful" to point that out.


CALDWELL, Idaho (KBOI) - A Caldwell billboard is raising questions in the Treasure Valley as it compares the president to accused Colorado killer, James Holmes.

The billboard on Franklin Road equates the actions of the president's foreign policies to the acts of Holmes, who's suspected of killing 12 people in the theater shooting...

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?

I think it's fine so long as they are easily identified.

The peeps behind this should let everyone know who they are..and be proud of their work.
Hmmm is this thing (photo shop)-ed maybe or does anyone actually know that this thing exist for real yet ? Sorry if I am behind on the reading, but trying to do the vacation thing and keep up all at the same time (poping in here or there)..Yikes!
Seems fair to those of us with an IQ of our shoe size know Obama and Holder are responsible for about 500 murders in fast n furious.
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How many people are on obama's hit list?

James Holmes went into the theater and pulled the trigger himself. obama gives orders for someone else to pull the trigger. That makes obama more like Al Capone than James Holmes. Al Capone or Charlie Manson.

By that logic the same could be said of anyone with any level of military responsibility, including every POTUS.

How many past presidents have had an assassination list of American citizens?
I personally find the billboard distasteful. But for the left, after everything they called President Bush and Vice President Cheney, to be freaking out over this billboard seems more than disingenuous.

President Obama has lost more US troops in Afghanistan than President Bush did under his watch, Obama has a secret kill list and the left continually chest thumps over O's homicidal hits without trials.

When he ordered the drone murder of the one Imam he also killed the American citizens son as well as others in that attack.

16 year old kid. No trial. Obama just offed him and 9 others.

So on one hand, the billboard is distasteful. On the other hand, it's spot on.

There is no other hand. It's highly distasteful.

It's distasteful but true. And after all the years the left has heaped all their vitriolic savage attacks against Cheney and Bush, I don't care about the "high road" anymore.

That's what the left counts on.

They can go ballistic and paint a Republican President as a man who gets off on killing muslims, but if one is to mention even breathe a hint that the truth of the matter is their Dem President assassinates presumed terrorists who are Americans and without due process AND off innocent children, well all of a sudden it's "distasteful" to point that out.


You can rationalize it any way you want. I really don't give a shit about red against blue. Taking a tragedy like the one in Colorado and attempting to draw a parallel to score political points is vile behavior, whoever does it.
How many people are on obama's hit list?

James Holmes went into the theater and pulled the trigger himself. obama gives orders for someone else to pull the trigger. That makes obama more like Al Capone than James Holmes. Al Capone or Charlie Manson.

By that logic the same could be said of anyone with any level of military responsibility, including every POTUS.

How many past presidents have had an assassination list of American citizens?

No idea. But I would be surprised if I found out that no past POTUS has had a list of targets that didn't have the potential to kill Americans.

Either way, I support taking action against terrorists, even if that that unfortunately means unavoidable collateral damage. This is a policy issue. I support the policy, irrespective of the political color of the person in control of it.

I supported Bush taking a hard line against terrorism. I thought Obama's initial approach to confronting terrorism was weak. Now it is somewhat more proactive. I approve of that change in stance. To say I don't because it's now a Democrat in the White House rather than a Republican would be absurd. It would be changing my own position purely to provide a means of disingenuous attack.

Some people think that's all part of the political game. I think that's the problem.

CALDWELL, Idaho (KBOI) - A Caldwell billboard is raising questions in the Treasure Valley as it compares the president to accused Colorado killer, James Holmes.

The billboard on Franklin Road equates the actions of the president's foreign policies to the acts of Holmes, who's suspected of killing 12 people in the theater shooting...

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?

thanks for posting this.

it's good that the scumbags crawl out of the woodwork and identify themselves.
But some leftist skank, (griffin), calling the young, not even an adult yet, teenage Palin girl a WHORE and insinuating she's making PORN is OK, because it's from a LEFTIST against a CONSERVATIVE... RIGHT? Ya, got it.

STFU with your FAKE OUTRAGE dick for brains.

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