This is Way the Fuck Out of Line

But some leftist skank, (griffin), calling the young, not even an adult yet, teenage Palin girl a WHORE and insinuating she's making PORN is OK, because it's from a LEFTIST against a CONSERVATIVE... RIGHT? Ya, got it.

STFU with your FAKE OUTRAGE dick for brains.

oh, tommy, you really need to change your diapers.

i could give a fuck what some third rate politician says about some fourth rate media whore.

it's not quite the same as equating potus with a nutbar killer.

i don't expect you to understand this, because when it comes to stupid, you've pretty much cornered the market.

now go have a good cry and photoshop some more really stupid obama pix.

If you were standing next to Obama when he farted would your nostrils flare?

you're humping the wrong leg, sparky.
Has there been a president whose foreign policy either by action or inaction hasn't cost thousands of lives?

This billboard is whacked. And sadly, some on the right think it's just fine.

But it wasn't "sad" to you, you hypocritical piece of shit, that so many on the left would embrace that bullshit if it were denigrating President George W. Bush. I bet you are one of the moron scumbags, in fact, who compared W to Hitler.

So, take your sanctimony and cram it up your stupid ass, ya twat face.

One, I supported Bush on Iraq. If you don't believe me, ask Sallow (if he doesn't have you on ignore, too) and you'll see I made a very principled stand of his decisions.

If anyone has a hypocrisy problem, you guys do, because Obama has largely kept about 90% of Bush's policies.
The consequence of one side using human tragedy to mount petty personal attacks is that the other side does it as well. And with this behavior mankind is advanced, is it?

I don't buy it.

Of course you dont...You quit thinking.................

It is the consequences of said actions that influence future decisions.

Does "You quit thinking" really pass for an argument? :eusa_eh:
No... It would be a perception of state of the debate.

Not taking sides on this one... Just saying.
Why not? Am I a target or something? I don't care if people know what I look like, I've been in the public eye on numerous occasions. Fucking leftists don't scare me in the least. Besides, anyone can backtrack to my photobucket account and find this same picture, you think those things are secret or something?

As for the 'choppers', I'll NEVER tell... :D
So you are saying you are toothless? That has to suck. strange how you are actually proud to be shaking hands with that fucking hack wackjob Beck. It says all I need to know about you roothless one. Continue being and fan and actually tying to be credible. :)

Not what I said at all, do you always have these comprehension problems, or is this handicap a recent thing?

As for Beck, you know what they say about opinions? They're just like assholes, everybody has one and most of them STINK. The one thing I like about Beck is that he tells his listeners on a DAILY basis to not take his word for anything, to do their own research, which is an activity you seem to denigrate, based on the parrot-like comments spewing from your piehole.

In other words, your idiocy is only surpassed by your hypocrisy. Thanks for the laugh!

You are welcome for the laugh. Now I need to thank you for the chortle because I am imagining you saying all this without your teeth in.
I'm surprised that some of the many left wing loonies we have here haven't blamed this in the Tea Party yet.

Some moron actually said it was a dem who did it. Can you believe this crap.

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?

thanks for posting this.

it's good that the scumbags crawl out of the woodwork and identify themselves.
But some leftist skank, (griffin), calling the young, not even an adult yet, teenage Palin girl a WHORE and insinuating she's making PORN is OK, because it's from a LEFTIST against a CONSERVATIVE... RIGHT? Ya, got it.

STFU with your FAKE OUTRAGE dick for brains.

Yeah. Fuck freedom of speech. Chick fil a shit.
Fucked in the head as he is, Holmes had the stones to pull the trigger himself in a heinous act.

Boiking not only doesn't take the blame for civilians killed by his international meddling, but he's also good with taking the credit for the job of Seal Team 6.

Sorry, hjmick, outrage needle doesn't even register

That's because you're a lowlife cocksucker.

CALDWELL, Idaho (KBOI) - A Caldwell billboard is raising questions in the Treasure Valley as it compares the president to accused Colorado killer, James Holmes.

The billboard on Franklin Road equates the actions of the president's foreign policies to the acts of Holmes, who's suspected of killing 12 people in the theater shooting...

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?


And they jumped the gun on this. Holmes may or may not be insane, if insane he is not culpable of murder, unlike obama who boasted about killing a US citizen.

And there was no outrage.
Free speech... OK when you agree with it... When you don't... Not so much. Got it.

Free speech allows members of Westboro Baptist to do reprehensible things. Legally they can do it; morally they can kiss my ass. Same goes for the fucktards who came up with this billboard.
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CALDWELL, Idaho (KBOI) - A Caldwell billboard is raising questions in the Treasure Valley as it compares the president to accused Colorado killer, James Holmes.

The billboard on Franklin Road equates the actions of the president's foreign policies to the acts of Holmes, who's suspected of killing 12 people in the theater shooting...

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?

I bet my mom is proud to have grown up there right about now. They pretty much have tried to erase the fact Ray McDonald went to high school there.
I was just there, people there are very different and I am related to a lot of them.
It is stupid and childish poor taste on a par with pairing George W. Bush with Hitler or pairing Bill Clinton with Jeffrey Dahmer, etc. and trying to draw stupid comparisons between them. And in all cases it should be denounced as hateful, disrespectful, and reflects unacceptable coarseness in a dumbed down America.

Any President has enough that can be legitimately criticized without doing stupid stuff like the OP depicts.
The billboard is at least hypocritical. If it objects to presidents killing people, Obama takes a back seat to 'W'.
American foreign policy has been so mismanaged over such a long time that the only conclusion is to replace those in government. It is a simple selection process. If they are Republican, OUT! If they are Democrat, however, OUT!
Anyone with a sense of reality and a basic understanding of history would have done a better job in the last twenty years.
Obama is not a mass murderer. This billboard is offensive and should be removed. No matter what you think about the President, it is just wrong to compare him to someone like Holmes, and to imply that he is worse.

CALDWELL, Idaho (KBOI) - A Caldwell billboard is raising questions in the Treasure Valley as it compares the president to accused Colorado killer, James Holmes.

The billboard on Franklin Road equates the actions of the president's foreign policies to the acts of Holmes, who's suspected of killing 12 people in the theater shooting...

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?


And they jumped the gun on this. Holmes may or may not be insane, if insane he is not culpable of murder, unlike obama who boasted about killing a US citizen.

And there was no outrage.

Quick question..................if there were Predator and Reaper drones in the time of Timothy McVeigh, and the US had a good bead on him, able to take him out with a single shot while he was getting away, would you have approved that?

The American that you speak of renounced his US citizenship and helped out terrorists by trying to recruit other Americans.

If you say they both should have lived, you support terrorists.

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?


And they jumped the gun on this. Holmes may or may not be insane, if insane he is not culpable of murder, unlike obama who boasted about killing a US citizen.

And there was no outrage.

Quick question..................if there were Predator and Reaper drones in the time of Timothy McVeigh, and the US had a good bead on him, able to take him out with a single shot while he was getting away, would you have approved that?

The American that you speak of renounced his US citizenship and helped out terrorists by trying to recruit other Americans.

If you say they both should have lived, you support terrorists.

I support the Constitution.

You clearly don't. but then you're a liberal, so that's to be expected.

And they jumped the gun on this. Holmes may or may not be insane, if insane he is not culpable of murder, unlike obama who boasted about killing a US citizen.

And there was no outrage.

Quick question..................if there were Predator and Reaper drones in the time of Timothy McVeigh, and the US had a good bead on him, able to take him out with a single shot while he was getting away, would you have approved that?

The American that you speak of renounced his US citizenship and helped out terrorists by trying to recruit other Americans.

If you say they both should have lived, you support terrorists.

I support the Constitution.

You clearly don't. but then you're a liberal, so that's to be expected.

Really? Wanna tell me where it violates the Constitution? Especially when a person declares themselves to be enemy combatants (and therefore traitors)?

Because, sorry...........but as someone who spent 20 years in the military, if you walk over to the other side in the middle of a war (like John Walker did), then you are considered a traitor, and therefore, subject to being treated like an enemy.

Go ahead..............provide links to show where what happened (actual links please, and not some right wing blog site) was against the Constitution.

I'm guessing you can't.

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