This is Way the Fuck Out of Line

I think any honest person would see the board as 'wrong'... right wing hacks will, no doubt, find it perfectly acceptable.

I also have no doubt that the left wing hacks will assume that all conservatives agree with the sentiments of the board.

Stupidity crosses party lines.

Oddly enough several of us, who are labeled as Right wingers on this board, have already said this Billboard is over the line and wrong, yet Libs keep claiming that the Right is defending it.

Because you have a few on the right in here defending it....there you go, your evidence...

Plaz. Tsk tsk. Even YOU have to see how stupid that "logic" is.
I think any honest person would see the board as 'wrong'... right wing hacks will, no doubt, find it perfectly acceptable.

I also have no doubt that the left wing hacks will assume that all conservatives agree with the sentiments of the board.

Stupidity crosses party lines.

Oddly enough several of us, who are labeled as Right wingers on this board, have already said this Billboard is over the line and wrong, yet Libs keep claiming that the Right is defending it.

Because you have a few on the right in here defending it....there you go, your evidence...
When you breed contempt, it has offspring.

Good to see democrats being hit for a change.

I bet there is still more to come :badgrin:

oh...thanks for refreshing my memory. IIRC, the premise that Frank was making was that liberals were like zombies, never veering from left wing rhetoric....I challenged Frank to tell us all where he disagreed with the right wing rhetoric...YOU came to Frank's defends.... Never asking HIM to itemize...issue by issue, to prove his ridiculous assertion....but you DEMANDED that of me.....

My wife and I are in the midst of a major landscaping project at our home, so I really didn't have an opportunity to allow me to do so now..fuck off. I've REPEATEDLY expressed my differences with the hard fact, I just did so in THIS thread.

You've been around this board, so has Frank....we all know the issues, we all know the sit here and plead ignorance is just more of the deflection and dishonesty that I've come to expect from the hard core idealogues.

You are a coward and a pussy, Rusty. And JUST as I predicted that you'd prove yourself to be a pussy yet again, so it has come to pass. No surprise.

oh...thanks for refreshing my memory. IIRC, the premise that Frank was making was that liberals were like zombies, never veering from left wing rhetoric....I challenged Frank to tell us all where he disagreed with the right wing rhetoric...YOU came to Frank's defends.... Never asking HIM to itemize...issue by issue, to prove his ridiculous assertion....but you DEMANDED that of me.....

My wife and I are in the midst of a major landscaping project at our home, so I really didn't have an opportunity to allow me to do so now..fuck off. I've REPEATEDLY expressed my differences with the hard fact, I just did so in THIS thread.

You've been around this board, so has Frank....we all know the issues, we all know the sit here and plead ignorance is just more of the deflection and dishonesty that I've come to expect from the hard core idealogues.

Your Signature says a lot about the cracks in your foundation. Before Labor, and Capital, there is the concept of Private Property, and the Value you give both, the Person who owns it, and the property itself. That is more the True foundation, for Rich and Poor. One cannot know right and wrong, and not value that. Just a thought. what you are saying is that people with property own those without? Sounds VERY. much like an aristocracy.....something that we, as a fledgling country fought against some 230 years ago.

Look... let's look at this in a LOGICAL, instead of ideological, manner.

The wealthy are cleaning up....right? Personal taxation is at an alltime low in recent memory....Right? So, we've established that the wealthy are doing better than perhaps they ever have in our history.... we have, underneath that, the professional level....let's for the sake of argument use small business owners, doctors, lawyers....even down to Physician's Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Physical Therapists, etc...I am sure that there are more, but the medical field is what I'm most familiar with.

Then underneath that, we have another level...the semi-professional...let's throw most government employees in that level....sure.... there are some that go up to the previous level, or down to the next....but general government employees, Teachers, tradesmen.

the last of the working levels is the non-professional level this is where a HUGE part of our country resides. This is the level that has been decimated by the actions at the very top. Forcing many of them to drop down to the lowest level...or NEXT to the lowest level in our society....the dependent level.

The dependent level is where, whether from no fault of their own...or because they choose to be....are reliant upon government assistance for their survival. It's a tight rope that these people are living on. Get a shitty job and pay for everything...including child care out of pocket, or live off of welfare and be able to stay at home with the kids and look/work towards a family sustaining job? Yes, I know... there is a sublevel that is chronic in nature and will never get off of the teat unless forced to.

The lowest level is the Criminal level...those who rely on government AND make a pretty good living committing illegal activities....THOSE are the guys that Conservatives equate with everyone who takes assistance.

Now.... the reason I went through all of that, is because in order to make the economy strong again is that we need to put money in the hands of the non-professionals. That is where most of the country resides, and they can't do it anymore. They are living from paycheck to paycheck, robbing Peter to pay Paul, their credit is at the straining point and they can't carry the economy on their shoulders anymore. The professionals and Semi-professionals are too few in number and lack the money/power to make a dent.

So, it's kind of up to the people who have really kicked ass since "trickle down" became mainstream to bolster our domestic economy. The more money people have in their pockets...the more they will spend. The more they spend, the greater the demand, the greater the demand, the more produced, the more produced, the more sold, the more sold, the more profit.....

But do they invest in this country and it's people? No...they invest outside this country....for slave labor rates and the promise of a tax haven account.

Look, I don't care what happens in November, as long as Wal-Mart type jobs become more and more commonplace as the norm, the worse our country....and by default, the global economy, is going to do.
You gotta admit that the "Peace Prize" award was premature and completely unauthorized. Barry Hussein deliberately obstructed the Congressional investigation into the Fast/Furious abortion of a federal law enforcement plan. It makes him directly responsible for the death of a US Border Patrol officer who was killed by a bullet fired by one of the Fast/Furious weapons. We could elaborate on the incredible mistake of shipping 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico by estimating that hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens may have been murdered by thugs who fired weapons authorized by the Attorney General. It makes Barry Hussein's negligence ten times worse than Holmes insanity.
oh...thanks for refreshing my memory. IIRC, the premise that Frank was making was that liberals were like zombies, never veering from left wing rhetoric....I challenged Frank to tell us all where he disagreed with the right wing rhetoric...YOU came to Frank's defends.... Never asking HIM to itemize...issue by issue, to prove his ridiculous assertion....but you DEMANDED that of me.....

My wife and I are in the midst of a major landscaping project at our home, so I really didn't have an opportunity to allow me to do so now..fuck off. I've REPEATEDLY expressed my differences with the hard fact, I just did so in THIS thread.

You've been around this board, so has Frank....we all know the issues, we all know the sit here and plead ignorance is just more of the deflection and dishonesty that I've come to expect from the hard core idealogues.

Your Signature says a lot about the cracks in your foundation. Before Labor, and Capital, there is the concept of Private Property, and the Value you give both, the Person who owns it, and the property itself. That is more the True foundation, for Rich and Poor. One cannot know right and wrong, and not value that. Just a thought. what you are saying is that people with property own those without? * * * *

Nothing Intense SAID, suggested or implied sounds at all like that idiotic spin of yours. :liar:

You are completely without discipline, honor or integrity.

oh...thanks for refreshing my memory. IIRC, the premise that Frank was making was that liberals were like zombies, never veering from left wing rhetoric....I challenged Frank to tell us all where he disagreed with the right wing rhetoric...YOU came to Frank's defends.... Never asking HIM to itemize...issue by issue, to prove his ridiculous assertion....but you DEMANDED that of me.....

My wife and I are in the midst of a major landscaping project at our home, so I really didn't have an opportunity to allow me to do so now..fuck off. I've REPEATEDLY expressed my differences with the hard fact, I just did so in THIS thread.

You've been around this board, so has Frank....we all know the issues, we all know the sit here and plead ignorance is just more of the deflection and dishonesty that I've come to expect from the hard core idealogues.

Good retort. Did Frank conveniently move to another thread after that?

oh...thanks for refreshing my memory. IIRC, the premise that Frank was making was that liberals were like zombies, never veering from left wing rhetoric....I challenged Frank to tell us all where he disagreed with the right wing rhetoric...YOU came to Frank's defends.... Never asking HIM to itemize...issue by issue, to prove his ridiculous assertion....but you DEMANDED that of me.....

My wife and I are in the midst of a major landscaping project at our home, so I really didn't have an opportunity to allow me to do so now..fuck off. I've REPEATEDLY expressed my differences with the hard fact, I just did so in THIS thread.

You've been around this board, so has Frank....we all know the issues, we all know the sit here and plead ignorance is just more of the deflection and dishonesty that I've come to expect from the hard core idealogues.

You are a coward and a pussy, Rusty. And JUST as I predicted that you'd prove yourself to be a pussy yet again, so it has come to pass. No surprise.

So...why didn't you ask the same thing of Frank? C'mon....PUSSY, tell me....He's the one that made the assertion, I'm the one that called the fraud out. YOU defended him and castigated me. Seems to me that you and your bromance partner Frank are the pussies....either that or you're fucking mentally defective that all this time on the board, and you still don't know the issues that get repeated on here on a daily fucking basis.

C'mon PUSSY...quit stalling. turn off the radio, take your hand off your Dick... and use your brain all on your lonesome.
Your Signature says a lot about the cracks in your foundation. Before Labor, and Capital, there is the concept of Private Property, and the Value you give both, the Person who owns it, and the property itself. That is more the True foundation, for Rich and Poor. One cannot know right and wrong, and not value that. Just a thought. what you are saying is that people with property own those without? * * * *

Nothing Intense SAID, suggested or implied sounds at all like that idiotic spin of yours. :liar:

You are completely without discipline, honor or integrity.

what did he say? that property is above all? so that means that the rest of the riff-raff is subject to those elite.

oh...thanks for refreshing my memory. IIRC, the premise that Frank was making was that liberals were like zombies, never veering from left wing rhetoric....I challenged Frank to tell us all where he disagreed with the right wing rhetoric...YOU came to Frank's defends.... Never asking HIM to itemize...issue by issue, to prove his ridiculous assertion....but you DEMANDED that of me.....

My wife and I are in the midst of a major landscaping project at our home, so I really didn't have an opportunity to allow me to do so now..fuck off. I've REPEATEDLY expressed my differences with the hard fact, I just did so in THIS thread.

You've been around this board, so has Frank....we all know the issues, we all know the sit here and plead ignorance is just more of the deflection and dishonesty that I've come to expect from the hard core idealogues.

Good retort. Did Frank conveniently move to another thread after that?

No, Dottie. It was certainly not a "good retort." It was a pussy-ish evasion -- JUST as I had predicted with complete accuracy.

IF the pussy, Rustyplate, had been interested in obtaining from CrusaderFrank the specifics which I had requested of Rustyplate, then Rustyplate COULD have posed pretty much the same question TO CrusaderFrank.

Instead, being the massive pussy that Rusty is, he decided to deflect and try to compel CF to provide a litany of "the" conservative positions.

Obvious bullshit. And I properly called pussy Rusty on it. And I provided Rusty with the chance to re-pose the very questions HE pretended he wanted to have answered, just in a clarified manner. And he pussied out.

That's what pussies like Rusty do.
Last edited: what you are saying is that people with property own those without? * * * *

Nothing Intense SAID, suggested or implied sounds at all like that idiotic spin of yours. :liar:

You are completely without discipline, honor or integrity.

what did he say? that property is above all? so that means that the rest of the riff-raff is subject to those elite.

Your reading comprehension skills are in doubt. Either that or your honesty.

Read it again. Have an adult with a grasp of the English language assist you this time.
I think any honest person would see the board as 'wrong'... right wing hacks will, no doubt, find it perfectly acceptable.

I also have no doubt that the left wing hacks will assume that all conservatives agree with the sentiments of the board.

Stupidity crosses party lines.

Oddly enough several of us, who are labeled as Right wingers on this board, have already said this Billboard is over the line and wrong, yet Libs keep claiming that the Right is defending it.

Because you have a few on the right in here defending it....there you go, your evidence...

Well, you've got some saying it's OK because it happened to Bush, and others saying it's OK period. The first group are deflecting, the second are just wrong, but you'd see the same reaction is the boot were on the other foot.

Let's face it, neither side can claim a monopoly on reasonable behavior, as this board demonstrates daily. Anyone who says otherwise is part of the problem.
oh...thanks for refreshing my memory. IIRC, the premise that Frank was making was that liberals were like zombies, never veering from left wing rhetoric....I challenged Frank to tell us all where he disagreed with the right wing rhetoric...YOU came to Frank's defends.... Never asking HIM to itemize...issue by issue, to prove his ridiculous assertion....but you DEMANDED that of me.....

My wife and I are in the midst of a major landscaping project at our home, so I really didn't have an opportunity to allow me to do so now..fuck off. I've REPEATEDLY expressed my differences with the hard fact, I just did so in THIS thread.

You've been around this board, so has Frank....we all know the issues, we all know the sit here and plead ignorance is just more of the deflection and dishonesty that I've come to expect from the hard core idealogues.

You are a coward and a pussy, Rusty. And JUST as I predicted that you'd prove yourself to be a pussy yet again, so it has come to pass. No surprise.

So...why didn't you ask the same thing of Frank? C'mon....PUSSY, tell me....He's the one that made the assertion, I'm the one that called the fraud out. YOU defended him and castigated me. Seems to me that you and your bromance partner Frank are the pussies....either that or you're fucking mentally defective that all this time on the board, and you still don't know the issues that get repeated on here on a daily fucking basis.

C'mon PUSSY...quit stalling. turn off the radio, take your hand off your Dick... and use your brain all on your lonesome.

Your effort at deflection is noted, with scorn, and rejected.

IF you want specifics from CF, you bleeding pussy, YOU ask him.

Meanwhile, I am asking YOU to break down your own (pretty dishonestly based) question about "the" conservative positions you seem to have some alleged interest in exploring.

But you remain an evasive pussy. Ho hum. No surprise at all.

It's what pussies like you do.
oh...thanks for refreshing my memory. IIRC, the premise that Frank was making was that liberals were like zombies, never veering from left wing rhetoric....I challenged Frank to tell us all where he disagreed with the right wing rhetoric...YOU came to Frank's defends.... Never asking HIM to itemize...issue by issue, to prove his ridiculous assertion....but you DEMANDED that of me.....

My wife and I are in the midst of a major landscaping project at our home, so I really didn't have an opportunity to allow me to do so now..fuck off. I've REPEATEDLY expressed my differences with the hard fact, I just did so in THIS thread.

You've been around this board, so has Frank....we all know the issues, we all know the sit here and plead ignorance is just more of the deflection and dishonesty that I've come to expect from the hard core idealogues.

Good retort. Did Frank conveniently move to another thread after that?

No, Dottie. It was certainly not a "good retort." It was a pussy-ish evasion -- JUST as I had predicted with complete accuracy.

IF the pussy, Rustyplate, had been interested in obtaining from CrusaderFrank the specifics which I had requested of Rustyplate, then Rustyplate COULD have posed pretty much the same question TO CrusaderFrank.

Instead, being the massive pussy that Rusty is, he decided to deflect and try to compel CF to provide a litany of "the" conservative positions.

Obvious bullshit. And I properly called pyssy Rusty on it. And I provided Rusty with the chance to re-pose the very questions HE pretended he wanted to have answered, just in a clarified manner. And he pussied out.

That's what pussies like Rusty do.

but Frank did not do the same to the "left, did he? Only PUSSIES. like Frank and Liability( a fucking APPROPRIATE moniker) demand more of others than they do themselves.
Good retort. Did Frank conveniently move to another thread after that?

No, Dottie. It was certainly not a "good retort." It was a pussy-ish evasion -- JUST as I had predicted with complete accuracy.

IF the pussy, Rustyplate, had been interested in obtaining from CrusaderFrank the specifics which I had requested of Rustyplate, then Rustyplate COULD have posed pretty much the same question TO CrusaderFrank.

Instead, being the massive pussy that Rusty is, he decided to deflect and try to compel CF to provide a litany of "the" conservative positions.

Obvious bullshit. And I properly called pyssy Rusty on it. And I provided Rusty with the chance to re-pose the very questions HE pretended he wanted to have answered, just in a clarified manner. And he pussied out.

That's what pussies like Rusty do.

but Frank did not do the same to the "left, did he? Only PUSSIES. like Frank and Liability( a fucking APPROPRIATE moniker) demand more of others than they do themselves.

If you have (or pretend to have) a problem along similar lines with what Frank asked or asserted, take it up with him you pussy.

Meanwhile, I am calling YOU out for what YOU said, not what Frank did or did not say or do or imply.

And YOU are evading like a motherfucker.

You pussy.
Coming from you I should take that as a compliment.

Here's one of my favorite pictures, disproving your 'toothless' assertion. The rest of them you need to prove or STFU, birdbrain.


92.3 KTAR? Phoenix? Why in the world would you post a pic of yourself in here? Makes NO sense. Oh and arent those choppers store purchased? :)

Why not? Am I a target or something? I don't care if people know what I look like, I've been in the public eye on numerous occasions. Fucking leftists don't scare me in the least. Besides, anyone can backtrack to my photobucket account and find this same picture, you think those things are secret or something?

As for the 'choppers', I'll NEVER tell... :D
So you are saying you are toothless? That has to suck. strange how you are actually proud to be shaking hands with that fucking hack wackjob Beck. It says all I need to know about you roothless one. Continue being and fan and actually tying to be credible. :)
Last edited:

CALDWELL, Idaho (KBOI) - A Caldwell billboard is raising questions in the Treasure Valley as it compares the president to accused Colorado killer, James Holmes.

The billboard on Franklin Road equates the actions of the president's foreign policies to the acts of Holmes, who's suspected of killing 12 people in the theater shooting...

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?
Might find it even stranger, if it was learned or found out that it may be a democrat strategist who might be behind this attrocity for whom may have come up with this shocking idea, and all in order to what, maybe swing voters over to Obama with such a shock and awe strategy, by making the other side look as bad as they can by way of such an attrocious shocker as this one is. I guess it could be a plan so that the undecided voters/independents/Obama drop outs would finally get a good enough excuse for which they needed, in order to go democrat again or vote democrat for the first time, and especially so if it is thought that the repubs were behind this bill board, even if they weren't..

Interesting indeed! I hope I havn't come into the thread late, and that it has already been proven who did this as found somewhere in this thread already.. If so then dis-regard my conspiricy theories or insinuations on this thread. Thanks
You are a coward and a pussy, Rusty. And JUST as I predicted that you'd prove yourself to be a pussy yet again, so it has come to pass. No surprise.

So...why didn't you ask the same thing of Frank? C'mon....PUSSY, tell me....He's the one that made the assertion, I'm the one that called the fraud out. YOU defended him and castigated me. Seems to me that you and your bromance partner Frank are the pussies....either that or you're fucking mentally defective that all this time on the board, and you still don't know the issues that get repeated on here on a daily fucking basis.

C'mon PUSSY...quit stalling. turn off the radio, take your hand off your Dick... and use your brain all on your lonesome.

Your effort at deflection is noted, with scorn, and rejected.

IF you want specifics from CF, you bleeding pussy, YOU ask him.

Meanwhile, I am asking YOU to break down your own (pretty dishonestly based) question about "the" conservative positions you seem to have some alleged interest in exploring.

But you remain an evasive pussy. Ho hum. No surprise at all.

It's what pussies like you do.

fuck off...I'm not playing your silly game. If you don't know the issues and positions by now...then you're a moron. The truth know what they are as well as I do. You just want them broken down so you can consult, freedomworks, or the Blaze to tell you how to about a Pussy.
92.3 KTAR? Phoenix? Why in the world would you post a pic of yourself in here? Makes NO sense. Oh and arent those choppers store purchased? :)

Why not? Am I a target or something? I don't care if people know what I look like, I've been in the public eye on numerous occasions. Fucking leftists don't scare me in the least. Besides, anyone can backtrack to my photobucket account and find this same picture, you think those things are secret or something?

As for the 'choppers', I'll NEVER tell... :D
So you are saying you are toothless? That has to suck. strange how you are actually proud to be shaking hands with that fucking hack wackjob Beck. It says all I need to know about you roothless one. Continue being and fan and actually tying to be credible. :)

Not what I said at all, do you always have these comprehension problems, or is this handicap a recent thing?

As for Beck, you know what they say about opinions? They're just like assholes, everybody has one and most of them STINK. The one thing I like about Beck is that he tells his listeners on a DAILY basis to not take his word for anything, to do their own research, which is an activity you seem to denigrate, based on the parrot-like comments spewing from your piehole.

In other words, your idiocy is only surpassed by your hypocrisy. Thanks for the laugh!

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