This is Way the Fuck Out of Line

it's fascinating to me that two wrongs make a right now.

i should call my mom...

OK so I understand you think BOTH responses are wrong?
Then would the juvenile Liberal/Bush haters that called Bush "Hitler" actually made a movie about his assassination and SAID far worse then has ever been said about Obama primarily because the MSM PROMOTED Bush bashing and protect Obama be consider in the wrong according to your Mama?

You do realize that the film that you are talking about was a foreign film, right? Furthermore, at least speaking for myself....I've never even HEARD of the film until the right wing started bitching about it. I refuse to watch it, because it's bullshit....same as your side's bullshit against Obama.

Finally? Grow the fuck up. If you don't want foreign film makers making nasty films about your Messiah, stop supporting agendas that piss the rest of the world off at us, stop pretending that it was American Democrats that made the film, and lastly TURN THE FUCKING CHANNEL! There is no "left wing conspiracy" to make America a Communist country, very.....VERY few of us consider Obama to be nothing more than a politician...He's no Messiah, no demigod, not even a "chosen" person.

That's the biggest issue I have with the extremist right. They go on crowing is too nice of a word...they go on BLEATING about their infamous "critical thinking" skills...but can't look at their own ideology with that same critical eye.

I asked....CrusaderFrank, I believe... to tell me what he disagrees with in his own party/political affiliation... he deflected and refused to answer. That is NOT Critical Thinking....that's blind obedience.

I challenge ANY of you hard core righties to do the same...tell us all what you disagree with that comes out of your party's propaganda machine. the board that you aren't a mindless drone of Fox/ AM radio.

I've been called all kinds of names from the Left here, LEAST of which has been 'ultra right wing fucktard', and I think it's HILARIOUS!! I NEVER voted for Bush, was against the war in Iraq, against Gitmo, against Medicare Part D, against NCLB, against the bank bailouts, and the list goes on. I've said this about 100 times in my 3,000 posts and yet the rabid attack dogs of the Democrat Party on this site continue with their biased, bullshit attacks.

Now it's your turn, Steelplate. Where do YOU disagree with the Left?

CALDWELL, Idaho (KBOI) - A Caldwell billboard is raising questions in the Treasure Valley as it compares the president to accused Colorado killer, James Holmes.

The billboard on Franklin Road equates the actions of the president's foreign policies to the acts of Holmes, who's suspected of killing 12 people in the theater shooting...

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?
So what? If it was Bush on the other side most here would praise it. you want to know my favorite and true billboard?

* * * *

I asked....CrusaderFrank, I believe... to tell me what he disagrees with in his own party/political affiliation... he deflected and refused to answer. That is NOT Critical Thinking....that's blind obedience.

I challenge ANY of you hard core righties to do the same...tell us all what you disagree with that comes out of your party's propaganda machine. the board that you aren't a mindless drone of Fox/ AM radio.

I think you asked it generally. I pointed out that there is no such thing as "the" conservative position on almost ANY issue.

So, instead, I suggested that YOU stop being such a cowardly dip shit, and if you care to "ask" such a question, that you do it the right way. I even gave you clear, simple, brief directions on how to possibly proceed.

You, of course, pussed out. It's what you dishonest pussies do.

well... since I have SHIT TO DO other than puss and moan on a message board....would you mind very.much repeating what you asked in this thread? I have no problem answering honest questions asked in a neutral manner....However, if it's going to be a "when did you stop beating your wife?" type question...go stick your thumb up your ass.

Edit: if there is no clear cut agenda...then tell me how you disagree. with the most popular ones....welfare, Gays, abortion, outsourcing jobs, unions, gun control...etc....there are plenty of topics and you know them as well as anyone else that frequents this board.
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OK so I understand you think BOTH responses are wrong?
Then would the juvenile Liberal/Bush haters that called Bush "Hitler" actually made a movie about his assassination and SAID far worse then has ever been said about Obama primarily because the MSM PROMOTED Bush bashing and protect Obama be consider in the wrong according to your Mama?

You do realize that the film that you are talking about was a foreign film, right? Furthermore, at least speaking for myself....I've never even HEARD of the film until the right wing started bitching about it. I refuse to watch it, because it's bullshit....same as your side's bullshit against Obama.

Finally? Grow the fuck up. If you don't want foreign film makers making nasty films about your Messiah, stop supporting agendas that piss the rest of the world off at us, stop pretending that it was American Democrats that made the film, and lastly TURN THE FUCKING CHANNEL! There is no "left wing conspiracy" to make America a Communist country, very.....VERY few of us consider Obama to be nothing more than a politician...He's no Messiah, no demigod, not even a "chosen" person.

That's the biggest issue I have with the extremist right. They go on crowing is too nice of a word...they go on BLEATING about their infamous "critical thinking" skills...but can't look at their own ideology with that same critical eye.

I asked....CrusaderFrank, I believe... to tell me what he disagrees with in his own party/political affiliation... he deflected and refused to answer. That is NOT Critical Thinking....that's blind obedience.

I challenge ANY of you hard core righties to do the same...tell us all what you disagree with that comes out of your party's propaganda machine. the board that you aren't a mindless drone of Fox/ AM radio.

I've been called all kinds of names from the Left here, LEAST of which has been 'ultra right wing fucktard', and I think it's HILARIOUS!! I NEVER voted for Bush, was against the war in Iraq, against Gitmo, against Medicare Part D, against NCLB, against the bank bailouts, and the list goes on. I've said this about 100 times in my 3,000 posts and yet the rabid attack dogs of the Democrat Party on this site continue with their biased, bullshit attacks.

Now it's your turn, Steelplate. Where do YOU disagree with the Left?

I think I've made my positions pretty well known....I am very much for welfare reform. I think that if someone is going to take taxpayer dollars to live, then the taxpayer should get value for that investment.... we have a crumbling infrastructure that is in dire need if repair/ upgrade....bring back the CCC and the WPA and put these people to work.

I am pro-gun rights. I am a hunter and a recreational shooter. I am not, however a paranoid freak like Big Reb....who thinks a civil war is imminent and is stockpiling weapons.

Those are two main ones, I'll think of more as the conversation progresses. Quid pro quo, Clarice(Silence of the Lambs reference).
* * * *

I asked....CrusaderFrank, I believe... to tell me what he disagrees with in his own party/political affiliation... he deflected and refused to answer. That is NOT Critical Thinking....that's blind obedience.

I challenge ANY of you hard core righties to do the same...tell us all what you disagree with that comes out of your party's propaganda machine. the board that you aren't a mindless drone of Fox/ AM radio.

I think you asked it generally. I pointed out that there is no such thing as "the" conservative position on almost ANY issue.

So, instead, I suggested that YOU stop being such a cowardly dip shit, and if you care to "ask" such a question, that you do it the right way. I even gave you clear, simple, brief directions on how to possibly proceed.

You, of course, pussed out. It's what you dishonest pussies do.

well... since I have SHIT TO DO other than puss and moan on a message board....would you mind very.much repeating what you asked in this thread? I have no problem answering honest questions asked in a neutral manner....However, if it's going to be a "when did you stop beating your wife?" type question...go stick your thumb up your ass.

Edit: if there is no clear cut agenda...then tell me how you disagree. with the most popular ones....welfare, Gays, abortion, outsourcing jobs, unions, gun control...etc....there are plenty of topics and you know them as well as anyone else that frequents this board.

There is a pattern to your pussiness.

You can make demands of others, but when put to any test yourself, well then by golly, you have a life so the other guy has to lay everything out for you.

When did you first realize that you were a pussy, living the life of a pussy and destined to die as nothing more than a complete, abject, total pussy?

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?
From 2001 right up to today, the left continue to accuse Bush of murder with regard to the war on Extremism...

At least this billboard holds some truth to it. After all, Obama is the only President to sanction a killing of a US citizen without a court order.

"mom, the other kids are doing it."

what an asshole
no family Del.....:eusa_hand:
  • Thanks
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I don't understand, is the billboard wrong about something?

Yes, Obama hasn't killed "thousands" any more than Bush did. Although Obama did kill at least one American without a trial. It's not the same as killing 14 and wounding 50.
I do agree with that.

Obama is bad, very much so, but not as bad as Holmes.

***Edit: Maybe I should put a sarcasm tag... in here... somewhere...*** ;)
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I think you asked it generally. I pointed out that there is no such thing as "the" conservative position on almost ANY issue.

So, instead, I suggested that YOU stop being such a cowardly dip shit, and if you care to "ask" such a question, that you do it the right way. I even gave you clear, simple, brief directions on how to possibly proceed.

You, of course, pussed out. It's what you dishonest pussies do.

well... since I have SHIT TO DO other than puss and moan on a message board....would you mind very.much repeating what you asked in this thread? I have no problem answering honest questions asked in a neutral manner....However, if it's going to be a "when did you stop beating your wife?" type question...go stick your thumb up your ass.

Edit: if there is no clear cut agenda...then tell me how you disagree. with the most popular ones....welfare, Gays, abortion, outsourcing jobs, unions, gun control...etc....there are plenty of topics and you know them as well as anyone else that frequents this board.

There is a pattern to your pussiness.

You can make demands of others, but when put to any test yourself, well then by golly, you have a life so the other guy has to lay everything out for you.

When did you first realize that you were a pussy, living the life of a pussy and destined to die as nothing more than a complete, abject, total pussy?

Judging from your last sentence? I bet you're loving that thumb up your ass.
well... since I have SHIT TO DO other than puss and moan on a message board....would you mind very.much repeating what you asked in this thread? I have no problem answering honest questions asked in a neutral manner....However, if it's going to be a "when did you stop beating your wife?" type question...go stick your thumb up your ass.

Edit: if there is no clear cut agenda...then tell me how you disagree. with the most popular ones....welfare, Gays, abortion, outsourcing jobs, unions, gun control...etc....there are plenty of topics and you know them as well as anyone else that frequents this board.

There is a pattern to your pussiness.

You can make demands of others, but when put to any test yourself, well then by golly, you have a life so the other guy has to lay everything out for you.

When did you first realize that you were a pussy, living the life of a pussy and destined to die as nothing more than a complete, abject, total pussy?

Judging from your last sentence? I bet you're loving that thumb up your ass.

Your refusal to answer the question about when you grasped the fundamental nature of what a pussy you are put you in mind of a thumb up an ass?

You have issues, pussy.

Anyway, you pussy, I laid it out for you again.

Feel free to be the pussy you are by running away again.

When I was a young man your teachers and those around you used to tell young people that to grow up to be President of the United States was one of the highest accomplishments a person in this nation could achieve. Not because they had a belief contrary to what someone else had, but because they had a willingness to serve this nation and it's people and hold the very same office that the likes of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson held. It was because people respected the office of President of the United States and the nation in which they lived
I remember that time too. However this is 2012 and those days have long passed us by. Both parties have shown no respect for the Office of the President and even less respect for the country and the Constitution they took an oath to protect.
People have lost respect for the government in general because of the government's actions and some cases inaction. It is up to the politicians now to try to earn our respect again, and that will be a tough uphill battle.
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oh...thanks for refreshing my memory. IIRC, the premise that Frank was making was that liberals were like zombies, never veering from left wing rhetoric....I challenged Frank to tell us all where he disagreed with the right wing rhetoric...YOU came to Frank's defends.... Never asking HIM to itemize...issue by issue, to prove his ridiculous assertion....but you DEMANDED that of me.....

My wife and I are in the midst of a major landscaping project at our home, so I really didn't have an opportunity to allow me to do so now..fuck off. I've REPEATEDLY expressed my differences with the hard fact, I just did so in THIS thread.

You've been around this board, so has Frank....we all know the issues, we all know the sit here and plead ignorance is just more of the deflection and dishonesty that I've come to expect from the hard core idealogues.
Now Glen might be going with the Bug's Bunny Crazy Wabbit Special there, but I think you are just jealous. Emu's are generally sensitive about the issue of teeth, like the Cosmos played a big joke on you, when it comes down to eating a good steak or corn on the cob, especially. :) Creamed corn and strained peas just doesn't do it. I sympathize. :):):)

bring it, motherfucker


:lol: Down Spike!!! ...... How about a breath mint? You got plans for Thanks Giving? How many do you think You'll feed, I mean, how much do you weigh?

230 with a 36" drumstick, er, inseam
Romney, if asked, would tell his managers to turn into the alley any who support the comparison.


CALDWELL, Idaho (KBOI) - A Caldwell billboard is raising questions in the Treasure Valley as it compares the president to accused Colorado killer, James Holmes.

The billboard on Franklin Road equates the actions of the president's foreign policies to the acts of Holmes, who's suspected of killing 12 people in the theater shooting...

Does billboard comparing Obama to alleged shooter go too far? | Local & Regional | KBOI 2 - Boise News, Weather, Sports and Breaking News

I don't care who you are or your political leanings, this is just over the top.

They have their right to free speech, but WTF?

I agree, putting Obama next to him is way out of bounds. :eusa_hand:

oh...thanks for refreshing my memory. IIRC, the premise that Frank was making was that liberals were like zombies, never veering from left wing rhetoric....I challenged Frank to tell us all where he disagreed with the right wing rhetoric...YOU came to Frank's defends.... Never asking HIM to itemize...issue by issue, to prove his ridiculous assertion....but you DEMANDED that of me.....

My wife and I are in the midst of a major landscaping project at our home, so I really didn't have an opportunity to allow me to do so now..fuck off. I've REPEATEDLY expressed my differences with the hard fact, I just did so in THIS thread.

You've been around this board, so has Frank....we all know the issues, we all know the sit here and plead ignorance is just more of the deflection and dishonesty that I've come to expect from the hard core idealogues.

Your Signature says a lot about the cracks in your foundation. Before Labor, and Capital, there is the concept of Private Property, and the Value you give both, the Person who owns it, and the property itself. That is more the True foundation, for Rich and Poor. One cannot know right and wrong, and not value that. Just a thought.
Right or wrong would depend on your political view. Appallingly bad taste is more the issue.

I think any honest person would see the board as 'wrong'... right wing hacks will, no doubt, find it perfectly acceptable.

I also have no doubt that the left wing hacks will assume that all conservatives agree with the sentiments of the board.

Stupidity crosses party lines.

Oddly enough several of us, who are labeled as Right wingers on this board, have already said this Billboard is over the line and wrong, yet Libs keep claiming that the Right is defending it.

Because you have a few on the right in here defending it....there you go, your evidence...
I think any honest person would see the board as 'wrong'... right wing hacks will, no doubt, find it perfectly acceptable.

I also have no doubt that the left wing hacks will assume that all conservatives agree with the sentiments of the board.

Stupidity crosses party lines.

Oddly enough several of us, who are labeled as Right wingers on this board, have already said this Billboard is over the line and wrong, yet Libs keep claiming that the Right is defending it.

Because you have a few on the right in here defending it....there you go, your evidence...

and there were libs defending the bush=hitler meme

theres brainless assholes on both sides of the aisle
I think any honest person would see the board as 'wrong'... right wing hacks will, no doubt, find it perfectly acceptable.

I also have no doubt that the left wing hacks will assume that all conservatives agree with the sentiments of the board.

Stupidity crosses party lines.

Oddly enough several of us, who are labeled as Right wingers on this board, have already said this Billboard is over the line and wrong, yet Libs keep claiming that the Right is defending it.

Because you have a few on the right in here defending it....there you go, your evidence...

You seem to have more opposing it then against it. Hence me wondering why lefties keep acting like were all defending it.

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