This is what a mentally ill liberal looks like..


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

Hmm. I've dismissed him since the beginning. I guess I'll have to look into him after seeing your post Galtfag. Thanks. :thup:
This once great Nation has reached the point of no return. The writing is on the wall. Another Socialist will occupy the White House next year and the wrath of Obama's "America" will come to full fruition.

We are totally fucked.
This once great Nation has reached the point of no return. The writing is on the wall. Another Socialist will occupy the White House next year and the wrath of Obama's "America" will come to full fruition.

We are totally fucked.
At least we have each other.
This once great Nation has reached the point of no return. The writing is on the wall. Another Socialist will occupy the White House next year and the wrath of Obama's "America" will come to full fruition.

We are totally fucked.
At least we have each other.
Let's elope to Kentucky. :smiliehug:
You better treat me like a lady.
I'll treat you like that queer Obama treats his hermaphroditic spouse. :slap:
That old fart'll be lucky if he doesn't have a heart attack before the primaries. He looks like he has one foot in the grave already.
This once great Nation has reached the point of no return. The writing is on the wall. Another Socialist will occupy the White House next year and the wrath of Obama's "America" will come to full fruition.

We are totally fucked.
At least we have each other.
Let's elope to Kentucky. :smiliehug:
You better treat me like a lady.
I'll treat you like that queer Obama treats his hermaphroditic spouse. :slap:
Bring some weed :thup:
This once great Nation has reached the point of no return. The writing is on the wall. Another Socialist will occupy the White House next year and the wrath of Obama's "America" will come to full fruition.

We are totally fucked.
At least we have each other.
Let's elope to Kentucky. :smiliehug:
You better treat me like a lady.
I'll treat you like that queer Obama treats his hermaphroditic spouse. :slap:
Bring some weed :thup:
Absinthe and crystal meth, my soon to be spouse. :thup:
Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

POTUS has ordered the U.S. Forestry Service to begin planting on all Government land the Special trees that grow Free Shit.
Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

Scared bro? Just admit you are. Our tax dollars pay for war and foreign aid they can pay for education and healthcare. See not that hard to figure out.
Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

Who's gonna pay for his "free shit" the same people that paid Trillions for those lost war's in Iraq and Afghanistan, which im so glad were a HUGE LOSS FOR THE BIG BAD USA!!!..

Funny how that old fart Sanders is drawing LARGER crowds by a country mile over all the clowns in your circus on the other side, LOL, I don't see Scott Walker, or Ben Carson drawing 10 thousand + to rallies, or even Jeb Bush :finger3:, all those guy's are like watching paint dry, just like Rubio and Cruz..

You wanna talk about a mentally ill Conservative, check out that whiny Bitch Palin in 2008, figures all of you inbred country fried Hillbilly white trash loved her so much, because that **** represents all of you, dumb shits that have been voting GOP for 40 years now and are still poor as dirt, and most of the cesspool South lacks health insurance as well, hecka job Bushie!!

Im glad old fart Mccain (who looks older than Sanders) choose her, because that led to the Black guy winning a landslide, and who has been pistol whipping your sorry ass party for 7 long years now, with 1 to go:rofl:
Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

Who's gonna pay for his "free shit" the same people that paid Trillions for those lost war's in Iraq and Afghanistan, which im so glad were a HUGE LOSS FOR THE BIG BAD USA!!!..

Funny how that old fart Sanders is drawing LARGER crowds by a country mile over all the clowns in your circus on the other side, LOL, I don't see Scott Walker, or Ben Carson drawing 10 thousand + to rallies, or even Jeb Bush :finger3:, all those guy's are like watching paint dry, just like Rubio and Cruz..

You wanna talk about a mentally ill Conservative, check out that whiny Bitch Palin in 2008, figures all of you inbred country fried Hillbilly white trash loved her so much, because that **** represents all of you, dumb shits that have been voting GOP for 40 years now and are still poor as dirt, and most of the cesspool South lacks health insurance as well, hecka job Bushie!!

Im glad old fart Mccain (who looks older than Sanders) choose her, because that led to the Black guy winning a landslide, and who has been pistol whipping your sorry ass party for 7 long years now, with 1 to go:rofl:
Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

Scared bro? Just admit you are. Our tax dollars pay for war and foreign aid they can pay for education and healthcare. See not that hard to figure out.
It's the governments job to defend our borders, it's not the governments job to pay for healthcare and every other damn thing we want.

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