This is what a mentally ill liberal looks like..

Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

Paying for that is easy, stop playing policeman to the fucking world...
Context, bitch. Where's the Jew payout? :dunno:
I listen to Bernie.

While I may not agree with some things....the man in sincere.

Hillary is an autobot whose very smile says she thinks shes looking at the little people.
Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

Scared bro? Just admit you are. Our tax dollars pay for war and foreign aid they can pay for education and healthcare. See not that hard to figure out.
It's the governments job to defend our borders, it's not the governments job to pay for healthcare and every other damn thing we want.
According to who? My tax dollars belong to helping ME and others in this country not fighting some war for corporate interests and Israel's interests.
This once great Nation has reached the point of no return. The writing is on the wall. Another Socialist will occupy the White House next year and the wrath of Obama's "America" will come to full fruition.

We are totally fucked.
Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

Scared bro? Just admit you are. Our tax dollars pay for war and foreign aid they can pay for education and healthcare. See not that hard to figure out.
It's the governments job to defend our borders, it's not the governments job to pay for healthcare and every other damn thing we want.
According to who? My tax dollars belong to helping ME and others in this country not fighting some war for corporate interests and Israel's interests.
According to the Constitution. You've heard of it, haven't you?

Oops. I guess "mentally ill" and "liberal" is redundant. So who's going to pay for all this free shit?

Scared bro? Just admit you are. Our tax dollars pay for war and foreign aid they can pay for education and healthcare. See not that hard to figure out.
It's the governments job to defend our borders, it's not the governments job to pay for healthcare and every other damn thing we want.
According to who? My tax dollars belong to helping ME and others in this country not fighting some war for corporate interests and Israel's interests.
According to the Constitution. You've heard of it, haven't you?

General welfare. :)

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