This is what atheist believe? Atheist believe that nothing created everything

Sure, that's the point. Socialism is intentionally vague and does not want to be examined. That was one of the points in Igor Shafarevich's book, The Socialist Phenomenon.
intentionally vague ... and does not want to be examined -
View attachment 493557
and your 10000 pg. christian bible of forgeries and fallacies is a work of discipline.

you just lose your sense of joy when it's you being run out ...
God's presence. His works. The universe. His creation. It's all around you and within you. You are his creation. Why do you reject him? He gave you life. He wants you to believe in and follow him and live forever with him. Seek and you will find.
You take all of the above in faith. Look that last word up in a dictionary and have a little respect for what others believe and disbelieve.

There is neither proof, nor disproof, of a God. For every good you see in the world, there is pain and suffering and misery.

"Whence comes evil"? If God is all powerful, how is it that she is unable to achieve what is good without the presence of evil?

There's literally nothing.

And those people who say "there is a God" or "there isn't a God" are silly because they're literally making it up.

Where does evil come from? It comes from our minds.

Get this. 6 million Jews were killed in a period of say, 10 years. "evil" (and I'm not saying this isn't evil).

But every year billions upon billions of animals are slaughtered for food and other products. "not evil", apparently.

Which proves that "evil" is merely in the eye of the beholder. Not some God given thing. Hell is merely a human construct.
Yes, I'm familiar with "Beyond Good and Evil" and it is a fair point. However, I might muddy the water with the suggestion that our constructs are reality.

Well, if we're saying God exists only because we exists, then how could God have created the universe?
God's presence. His works. The universe. His creation. It's all around you and within you. You are his creation. Why do you reject him? He gave you life. He wants you to believe in and follow him and live forever with him. Seek and you will find.
You take all of the above in faith. Look that last word up in a dictionary and have a little respect for what others believe and disbelieve.

There is neither proof, nor disproof, of a God. For every good you see in the world, there is pain and suffering and misery.

"Whence comes evil"? If God is all powerful, how is it that she is unable to achieve what is good without the presence of evil?

There's literally nothing.

And those people who say "there is a God" or "there isn't a God" are silly because they're literally making it up.

Where does evil come from? It comes from our minds.

Get this. 6 million Jews were killed in a period of say, 10 years. "evil" (and I'm not saying this isn't evil).

But every year billions upon billions of animals are slaughtered for food and other products. "not evil", apparently.

Which proves that "evil" is merely in the eye of the beholder. Not some God given thing. Hell is merely a human construct.
Yes, I'm familiar with "Beyond Good and Evil" and it is a fair point. However, I might muddy the water with the suggestion that our constructs are reality.

Well, if we're saying God exists only because we exists, then how could God have created the universe?
That's an excellent point. Our reality cannot be God's reality. God's reality must be our reality. God does not share in our existence. We share in God's existence. In fact, as near as I can tell God is existence.

The question is can existence come from non-existence. And if it can't then logically there must be an eternal and unchanging source for existence. Otherwise, it's turtles all the way down.
Sure, that's the point. Socialism is intentionally vague and does not want to be examined. That was one of the points in Igor Shafarevich's book, The Socialist Phenomenon.
intentionally vague ... and does not want to be examined -
View attachment 493557
and your 10000 pg. christian bible of forgeries and fallacies is a work of discipline.

you just lose your sense of joy when it's you being run out ...

that's because you have to read your book to know what you believe, and when no longer available you will be more a blank wall than you already are. if possible.
Sure, that's the point. Socialism is intentionally vague and does not want to be examined. That was one of the points in Igor Shafarevich's book, The Socialist Phenomenon.
intentionally vague ... and does not want to be examined -
View attachment 493557
and your 10000 pg. christian bible of forgeries and fallacies is a work of discipline.

you just lose your sense of joy when it's you being run out ...

that's because you have to read your book to know what you believe, and when no longer available you will be more a blank wall than you already are. if possible.

I won't call you a liar as you did me. Instead, I'll turn the other cheek and ask you to link me to some hard evidence on your claims about Hillary?
Hillary is pro-abortion. You fools are claiming that we should have voted for an abortionist over Trump.
God's presence. His works. The universe. His creation. It's all around you and within you. You are his creation. Why do you reject him? He gave you life. He wants you to believe in and follow him and live forever with him. Seek and you will find.
You take all of the above in faith. Look that last word up in a dictionary and have a little respect for what others believe and disbelieve.

There is neither proof, nor disproof, of a God. For every good you see in the world, there is pain and suffering and misery.

"Whence comes evil"? If God is all powerful, how is it that she is unable to achieve what is good without the presence of evil?

There's literally nothing.

And those people who say "there is a God" or "there isn't a God" are silly because they're literally making it up.

Where does evil come from? It comes from our minds.

Get this. 6 million Jews were killed in a period of say, 10 years. "evil" (and I'm not saying this isn't evil).

But every year billions upon billions of animals are slaughtered for food and other products. "not evil", apparently.

Which proves that "evil" is merely in the eye of the beholder. Not some God given thing. Hell is merely a human construct.
Yes, I'm familiar with "Beyond Good and Evil" and it is a fair point. However, I might muddy the water with the suggestion that our constructs are reality.

Well, if we're saying God exists only because we exists, then how could God have created the universe?
That's an excellent point. Our reality cannot be God's reality. God's reality must be our reality. God does not share in our existence. We share in God's existence. In fact, as near as I can tell God is existence.

The question is can existence come from non-existence. And if it can't then logically there must be an eternal and unchanging source for existence. Otherwise, it's turtles all the way down.
Existence did not come from non existence. That's absurd.
We came from evolution which came from the oceans about 200 million generations ago.
It doesn't matter that people believe some big sky daddy clicked his fingers and it all appeared. That's an insult to rational intelligence.
Bullshit. Trump never "bragged" about "grabbing" women. Like I said, you are a LIAR.
It's on tape.
Hillary is pro-abortion. You fools are claiming that we should have voted for an abortionist over Trump.
Tramp IS an abortionist!!!Rumors have circulated for years to the effect that U.S. President Donald Trump has paid off multiple sexual partners to undergo abortions after he impregnated them, and to sign nondisclosure agreements precluding them from discussing their involvement with him. One common form of this rumor holds that Trump may have paid as many as eight different women to undergo abortions.
During a 2016 interview, Trump dodged answering a question about whether he had ever been involved with anyone who had an abortion:
Given [Trump’s] draconian comment [about] sending women back to back alleys, I had to ask: When he was a swinging bachelor in Manhattan, was he ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?
“Such an interesting question,” he said. “So what’s your next question?”
Bullshit. Trump never "bragged" about "grabbing" women. Like I said, you are a LIAR.
It's on tape.

K9buck is looking very stupid now.
I can't believe people make outrageous statements and haven't got the smarts to check it first. Then they get more cranky and hateful when they are shown to be a liar themselves.
Are you there k9buck?
God's presence. His works. The universe. His creation. It's all around you and within you. You are his creation. Why do you reject him? He gave you life. He wants you to believe in and follow him and live forever with him. Seek and you will find.
You take all of the above in faith. Look that last word up in a dictionary and have a little respect for what others believe and disbelieve.

There is neither proof, nor disproof, of a God. For every good you see in the world, there is pain and suffering and misery.

"Whence comes evil"? If God is all powerful, how is it that she is unable to achieve what is good without the presence of evil?

There's literally nothing.

And those people who say "there is a God" or "there isn't a God" are silly because they're literally making it up.

Where does evil come from? It comes from our minds.

Get this. 6 million Jews were killed in a period of say, 10 years. "evil" (and I'm not saying this isn't evil).

But every year billions upon billions of animals are slaughtered for food and other products. "not evil", apparently.

Which proves that "evil" is merely in the eye of the beholder. Not some God given thing. Hell is merely a human construct.
Yes, I'm familiar with "Beyond Good and Evil" and it is a fair point. However, I might muddy the water with the suggestion that our constructs are reality.

Well, if we're saying God exists only because we exists, then how could God have created the universe?
That's an excellent point. Our reality cannot be God's reality. God's reality must be our reality. God does not share in our existence. We share in God's existence. In fact, as near as I can tell God is existence.

The question is can existence come from non-existence. And if it can't then logically there must be an eternal and unchanging source for existence. Otherwise, it's turtles all the way down.
Existence did not come from non existence. That's absurd.
We came from evolution which came from the oceans about 200 million generations ago.
It doesn't matter that people believe some big sky daddy clicked his fingers and it all appeared. That's an insult to rational intelligence.

I think the point here is that if there were a Big Bang, and everything was just energy and not atoms, at what point did atoms constitute "life"? And what is "life"? Are we really "alive" or just we think we are because we've been programmed like that? Does a computer think it's "alive"?
God's presence. His works. The universe. His creation. It's all around you and within you. You are his creation. Why do you reject him? He gave you life. He wants you to believe in and follow him and live forever with him. Seek and you will find.
You take all of the above in faith. Look that last word up in a dictionary and have a little respect for what others believe and disbelieve.

There is neither proof, nor disproof, of a God. For every good you see in the world, there is pain and suffering and misery.

"Whence comes evil"? If God is all powerful, how is it that she is unable to achieve what is good without the presence of evil?

There's literally nothing.

And those people who say "there is a God" or "there isn't a God" are silly because they're literally making it up.

Where does evil come from? It comes from our minds.

Get this. 6 million Jews were killed in a period of say, 10 years. "evil" (and I'm not saying this isn't evil).

But every year billions upon billions of animals are slaughtered for food and other products. "not evil", apparently.

Which proves that "evil" is merely in the eye of the beholder. Not some God given thing. Hell is merely a human construct.
Yes, I'm familiar with "Beyond Good and Evil" and it is a fair point. However, I might muddy the water with the suggestion that our constructs are reality.

Well, if we're saying God exists only because we exists, then how could God have created the universe?
That's an excellent point. Our reality cannot be God's reality. God's reality must be our reality. God does not share in our existence. We share in God's existence. In fact, as near as I can tell God is existence.

The question is can existence come from non-existence. And if it can't then logically there must be an eternal and unchanging source for existence. Otherwise, it's turtles all the way down.
Existence did not come from non existence. That's absurd.
We came from evolution which came from the oceans about 200 million generations ago.
It doesn't matter that people believe some big sky daddy clicked his fingers and it all appeared. That's an insult to rational intelligence.
You aren't really equipped for this conversation. No offense.
God's presence. His works. The universe. His creation. It's all around you and within you. You are his creation. Why do you reject him? He gave you life. He wants you to believe in and follow him and live forever with him. Seek and you will find.
You take all of the above in faith. Look that last word up in a dictionary and have a little respect for what others believe and disbelieve.

There is neither proof, nor disproof, of a God. For every good you see in the world, there is pain and suffering and misery.

"Whence comes evil"? If God is all powerful, how is it that she is unable to achieve what is good without the presence of evil?

There's literally nothing.

And those people who say "there is a God" or "there isn't a God" are silly because they're literally making it up.

Where does evil come from? It comes from our minds.

Get this. 6 million Jews were killed in a period of say, 10 years. "evil" (and I'm not saying this isn't evil).

But every year billions upon billions of animals are slaughtered for food and other products. "not evil", apparently.

Which proves that "evil" is merely in the eye of the beholder. Not some God given thing. Hell is merely a human construct.
Yes, I'm familiar with "Beyond Good and Evil" and it is a fair point. However, I might muddy the water with the suggestion that our constructs are reality.

Well, if we're saying God exists only because we exists, then how could God have created the universe?
That's an excellent point. Our reality cannot be God's reality. God's reality must be our reality. God does not share in our existence. We share in God's existence. In fact, as near as I can tell God is existence.

The question is can existence come from non-existence. And if it can't then logically there must be an eternal and unchanging source for existence. Otherwise, it's turtles all the way down.
Existence did not come from non existence. That's absurd.
We came from evolution which came from the oceans about 200 million generations ago.
It doesn't matter that people believe some big sky daddy clicked his fingers and it all appeared. That's an insult to rational intelligence.

I think the point here is that if there were a Big Bang, and everything was just energy and not atoms, at what point did atoms constitute "life"? And what is "life"? Are we really "alive" or just we think we are because we've been programmed like that? Does a computer think it's "alive"?

You're as if Not as by as a stump.
That's is not a comparison of evolution and you know it. You're being childish to reference that.
That's a very poor rebuttal.
But remember you believers think Jesus came from an immaculate conception and virgin births yet you speak with authority about the beginning of life.
Don't make me vomit.
God's presence. His works. The universe. His creation. It's all around you and within you. You are his creation. Why do you reject him? He gave you life. He wants you to believe in and follow him and live forever with him. Seek and you will find.
You take all of the above in faith. Look that last word up in a dictionary and have a little respect for what others believe and disbelieve.

There is neither proof, nor disproof, of a God. For every good you see in the world, there is pain and suffering and misery.

"Whence comes evil"? If God is all powerful, how is it that she is unable to achieve what is good without the presence of evil?

There's literally nothing.

And those people who say "there is a God" or "there isn't a God" are silly because they're literally making it up.

Where does evil come from? It comes from our minds.

Get this. 6 million Jews were killed in a period of say, 10 years. "evil" (and I'm not saying this isn't evil).

But every year billions upon billions of animals are slaughtered for food and other products. "not evil", apparently.

Which proves that "evil" is merely in the eye of the beholder. Not some God given thing. Hell is merely a human construct.
Yes, I'm familiar with "Beyond Good and Evil" and it is a fair point. However, I might muddy the water with the suggestion that our constructs are reality.

Well, if we're saying God exists only because we exists, then how could God have created the universe?
That's an excellent point. Our reality cannot be God's reality. God's reality must be our reality. God does not share in our existence. We share in God's existence. In fact, as near as I can tell God is existence.

The question is can existence come from non-existence. And if it can't then logically there must be an eternal and unchanging source for existence. Otherwise, it's turtles all the way down.
Existence did not come from non existence. That's absurd.
We came from evolution which came from the oceans about 200 million generations ago.
It doesn't matter that people believe some big sky daddy clicked his fingers and it all appeared. That's an insult to rational intelligence.

I think the point here is that if there were a Big Bang, and everything was just energy and not atoms, at what point did atoms constitute "life"? And what is "life"? Are we really "alive" or just we think we are because we've been programmed like that? Does a computer think it's "alive"?

You're as if Not as by as a stump.
That's is not a comparison of evolution and you know it. You're being childish to reference that.
That's a very poor rebuttal.
But remember you believers think Jesus came from an immaculate conception and virgin births yet you speak with authority about the beginning of life.
Don't make me vomit.

God's presence. His works. The universe. His creation. It's all around you and within you. You are his creation. Why do you reject him? He gave you life. He wants you to believe in and follow him and live forever with him. Seek and you will find.
You take all of the above in faith. Look that last word up in a dictionary and have a little respect for what others believe and disbelieve.

There is neither proof, nor disproof, of a God. For every good you see in the world, there is pain and suffering and misery.

"Whence comes evil"? If God is all powerful, how is it that she is unable to achieve what is good without the presence of evil?

There's literally nothing.

And those people who say "there is a God" or "there isn't a God" are silly because they're literally making it up.

Where does evil come from? It comes from our minds.

Get this. 6 million Jews were killed in a period of say, 10 years. "evil" (and I'm not saying this isn't evil).

But every year billions upon billions of animals are slaughtered for food and other products. "not evil", apparently.

Which proves that "evil" is merely in the eye of the beholder. Not some God given thing. Hell is merely a human construct.
Yes, I'm familiar with "Beyond Good and Evil" and it is a fair point. However, I might muddy the water with the suggestion that our constructs are reality.

Well, if we're saying God exists only because we exists, then how could God have created the universe?
That's an excellent point. Our reality cannot be God's reality. God's reality must be our reality. God does not share in our existence. We share in God's existence. In fact, as near as I can tell God is existence.

The question is can existence come from non-existence. And if it can't then logically there must be an eternal and unchanging source for existence. Otherwise, it's turtles all the way down.
Existence did not come from non existence. That's absurd.
We came from evolution which came from the oceans about 200 million generations ago.
It doesn't matter that people believe some big sky daddy clicked his fingers and it all appeared. That's an insult to rational intelligence.

I think the point here is that if there were a Big Bang, and everything was just energy and not atoms, at what point did atoms constitute "life"? And what is "life"? Are we really "alive" or just we think we are because we've been programmed like that? Does a computer think it's "alive"?

You're as if Not as by as a stump.
That's is not a comparison of evolution and you know it. You're being childish to reference that.
That's a very poor rebuttal.
But remember you believers think Jesus came from an immaculate conception and virgin births yet you speak with authority about the beginning of life.
Don't make me vomit.

Is that your best excuse for justification of a god? You an easy target.
God's presence. His works. The universe. His creation. It's all around you and within you. You are his creation. Why do you reject him? He gave you life. He wants you to believe in and follow him and live forever with him. Seek and you will find.
You take all of the above in faith. Look that last word up in a dictionary and have a little respect for what others believe and disbelieve.

There is neither proof, nor disproof, of a God. For every good you see in the world, there is pain and suffering and misery.

"Whence comes evil"? If God is all powerful, how is it that she is unable to achieve what is good without the presence of evil?

There's literally nothing.

And those people who say "there is a God" or "there isn't a God" are silly because they're literally making it up.

Where does evil come from? It comes from our minds.

Get this. 6 million Jews were killed in a period of say, 10 years. "evil" (and I'm not saying this isn't evil).

But every year billions upon billions of animals are slaughtered for food and other products. "not evil", apparently.

Which proves that "evil" is merely in the eye of the beholder. Not some God given thing. Hell is merely a human construct.
Yes, I'm familiar with "Beyond Good and Evil" and it is a fair point. However, I might muddy the water with the suggestion that our constructs are reality.

Well, if we're saying God exists only because we exists, then how could God have created the universe?
That's an excellent point. Our reality cannot be God's reality. God's reality must be our reality. God does not share in our existence. We share in God's existence. In fact, as near as I can tell God is existence.

The question is can existence come from non-existence. And if it can't then logically there must be an eternal and unchanging source for existence. Otherwise, it's turtles all the way down.
Existence did not come from non existence. That's absurd.
We came from evolution which came from the oceans about 200 million generations ago.
It doesn't matter that people believe some big sky daddy clicked his fingers and it all appeared. That's an insult to rational intelligence.

I think the point here is that if there were a Big Bang, and everything was just energy and not atoms, at what point did atoms constitute "life"? And what is "life"? Are we really "alive" or just we think we are because we've been programmed like that? Does a computer think it's "alive"?

You're as if Not as by as a stump.
That's is not a comparison of evolution and you know it. You're being childish to reference that.
That's a very poor rebuttal.
But remember you believers think Jesus came from an immaculate conception and virgin births yet you speak with authority about the beginning of life.
Don't make me vomit.

Is that your best excuse for justification of a god? You an easy target.


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