This is what atheist believe? Atheist believe that nothing created everything

I doubt all people of faith looked away. But certainly some people of faith did. It makes one question the level of faith for those that did.

Nobody "looked away". The atheists claim that Trump wasn't morally perfect and, therefore, we Christians should have voted for lying, crooked, Hillary, the proponent of cutting up babies into little pieces.
Such a moronic, hate filled screed attached as his signature provides one fair warning at least. It should go without saying that it's capitalism that remains obsessed with ensuring privileged treatment of private property owners, whereas socialism is obviously far more concerned with the people in general and ensuring all revenue sensitive public access to essential goods and services.
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The plural of atheist is atheists. Atheists disbelieve or express lack of belief
No, atheists are active disbelievers while agnostics at least pretend to be open to the possibility

Jordan Peterson 8s an honorable agnostic, but I believe he is now closer to believing I'm the existence of God
God's presence. His works. The universe. His creation. It's all around you and within you. You are his creation. Why do you reject him? He gave you life. He wants you to believe in and follow him and live forever with him. Seek and you will find.
Such a moronic, hate filled screed attached as his signature provides one fair warning at least. It should go without saying that it's capitalism that remains obsessed with ensuring privileged treatment of private property owners, whereas socialism is obviously far more concerned with the people in general and ensuring all revenue sensitive public access to essential goods and services.
What was hateful about it? Can you show me?
Nobody "looked away". The atheists claim that Trump wasn't morally perfect and, therefore, we Christians should have voted for lying, crooked, Hillary, the proponent of cutting up babies into little pieces.
Sounds more like King Solomon from your "Good" book.

It's really that simple, everything that is, came to be what it is, because nothing decided to write genetic code
Then there is the very logical answer as to what started everything, per your religious followers: An all-powerful, all-knowing, flawlessly perfect, invisible thingy invented the entire universe and all in it.
Of course, as human males are physically stronger than females, the invisible thingy must certainly be a male and as we are the most intelligent creatures on the planet, we must certainly look like the invisible thingy, who despite his perfection, seems to suffer from such emotions as insecurity, jealousy, anger, control issues and rage.
whereas socialism is obviously far more concerned with the people in general and ensuring all revenue sensitive public access to essential goods and services.
So then as a long retired business and home owner you would prefer to live in a socialist society? Is that correct?

It's really that simple, everything that is, came to be what it is, because nothing decided to write genetic code
Then there is the very logical answer as to what started everything, per your religious followers: An all-powerful, all-knowing, flawlessly perfect, invisible thingy invented the entire universe and all in it.
Of course, as human males are physically stronger than females, the invisible thingy must certainly be a male and as we are the most intelligent creatures on the planet, we must certainly look like the invisible thingy, who despite his perfection, seems to suffer from such emotions as insecurity, jealousy, anger, control issues and rage.
Actually there is no logical answer, as there is no data to come to a conclusion. Yes even with everything that humanity knows there is no data at all to determine the creation of the universe. However since nothing can not create something there was something that can not be reconciled and was named God. God is the unknown, and the unknown is actually a scientific fact, and is actually the reason for science

It's really that simple, everything that is, came to be what it is, because nothing decided to write genetic code
Then there is the very logical answer as to what started everything, per your religious followers: An all-powerful, all-knowing, flawlessly perfect, invisible thingy invented the entire universe and all in it.
Of course, as human males are physically stronger than females, the invisible thingy must certainly be a male and as we are the most intelligent creatures on the planet, we must certainly look like the invisible thingy, who despite his perfection, seems to suffer from such emotions as insecurity, jealousy, anger, control issues and rage.
Actually there is no logical answer, as there is no data to come to a conclusion. Yes even with everything that humanity knows there is no data at all to determine the creation of the universe. However since nothing can not create something there was something that can not be reconciled and was named God. God is the unknown, and the unknown is actually a scientific fact, and is actually the reason for science
Yes even with everything that humanity knows there is no data at all to determine the creation of the universe.
you bounce around a lot - does that refer to the christian god - no data ... as in witnessed by more than a single person throughout human history - except for those that talk to them for their own peculiar purpose - christians. dusty.

there is abundant data for the cyclical bb and other celestial phenomena - obviously you have little legitimate regard for the former. a pretense also known as christianity.

It's really that simple, everything that is, came to be what it is, because nothing decided to write genetic code
Then there is the very logical answer as to what started everything, per your religious followers: An all-powerful, all-knowing, flawlessly perfect, invisible thingy invented the entire universe and all in it.
Of course, as human males are physically stronger than females, the invisible thingy must certainly be a male and as we are the most intelligent creatures on the planet, we must certainly look like the invisible thingy, who despite his perfection, seems to suffer from such emotions as insecurity, jealousy, anger, control issues and rage.
Actually there is no logical answer, as there is no data to come to a conclusion. Yes even with everything that humanity knows there is no data at all to determine the creation of the universe. However since nothing can not create something there was something that can not be reconciled and was named God. God is the unknown, and the unknown is actually a scientific fact, and is actually the reason for science
Yes even with everything that humanity knows there is no data at all to determine the creation of the universe.
you bounce around a lot - does that refer to the christian god - no data ... as in witnessed by more than a single person throughout human history - except for those that talk to them for their own peculiar purpose - christians. dusty.

there is abundant data for the cyclical bb and other celestial phenomena - obviously you have little legitimate regard for the former. a pretense also known as christianity.
Data of the big bang even if real is not data for where the matter came from, nor does it detail a reason for the expansion. The big bang theory says that the universe just up and created itself one day because nothing decided to create everything.

So there is no data for the cause of the big bang or for where the matter came from and dopy physicist just claim that the matter created itself, in opposition to the law of conservation of mass. So when scientist have no answer they create a fake one then tell us we must believe, and MORONS do
invisible thingy
Can characters in a video game see the programmer that created them? If they can't see the programmer, does it mean that the programmer doesn't exist?
That analogy only becomes viable after the characters become self aware and can actually see which has not happened yet. Hopefully sooner rather than later they will become aware as neural network programming is seriously happening

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