This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Hi Godboy:

Ok, lets assume you are right.

No. I am right and have been right from day one. No 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into that EMPTY HOLE. Period. And the same goes for the Pentagon . . .

No plane crashed there and they just made a hole and didnt put airplane parts in it. Give me a good reason why they felt the need to convince us all that a plane crashed there?

The Inside-Job Terrorist Rogue Element working inside our Federal and State and Local Govt's had to convince American Sheeple that 100-ton Jetliners crashed into these empty holes to give the Bush-controlled FBI jurisdiction over all of these related 9/11 Cases. Otherwise, legal jurisdiction over these investigations belongs to the States of New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Since the FBI, CIA, NSA and the DoD itself are all part of the 9/11 Inside-Job Attacks, then the corrupt-to-the-core FBI is running the 9/11 Investigation in search of the FBI criminals who perpetuated the Inside-Job Attacks in the first place. Nobody inside the US Govt is looking to solve any 9/11 Case, because the Govt itself is responsible for murdering innocent Americans. Since Americans are really this goddamn STUPID (my Topic), then you deserve to be murdered by the same Govt insiders now using their H1N1 Bio-Weapon against the same STUPID Sheeple . . .

Why bother with all of that? If they were so busy with shooting missles into the pentagon and making it look like a plane, and crashing planes into the world trade center and using explosives to topple the towers, why would they add a fictitious plane crash in an empty field on their plate? Explain this to me, because this makes no sense at all. What purpose did this crash serve?

Listen here, Goatboy: You are just another Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPE :)confused:) being primed for utter destruction by the same people who planned and carried out these 9/11 attacks. The time has already passed to get 9/11 right, so kick back and enjoy the H1N1/H5N1/H3N2 Bio-Weapon Virus (my Topic) ride to "Ignorance Is Bliss" oblivion . . .


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Hi Godboy:

Ok, lets assume you are right.

No. I am right and have been right from day one. No 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into that EMPTY HOLE. Period. And the same goes for the Pentagon . . .

No plane crashed there and they just made a hole and didnt put airplane parts in it. Give me a good reason why they felt the need to convince us all that a plane crashed there?

The Inside-Job Terrorist Rogue Element working inside our Federal and State and Local Govt's had to convince American Sheeple that 100-ton Jetliners crashed into these empty holes to give the Bush-controlled FBI jurisdiction over all of these related 9/11 Cases. Otherwise, legal jurisdiction over these investigations belongs to the States of New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Since the FBI, CIA, NSA and the DoD itself are all part of the 9/11 Inside-Job Attacks, then the corrupt-to-the-core FBI is running the 9/11 Investigation in search of the FBI criminals who perpetuated the Inside-Job Attacks in the first place. Nobody inside the US Govt is looking to solve any 9/11 Case, because the Govt itself is responsible for murdering innocent Americans. Since Americans are really this goddamn STUPID (my Topic), then you deserve to be murdered by the same Govt insiders now using their H1N1 Bio-Weapon against the same STUPID Sheeple . . .

The FBI would have had jurisdiction without the empty field crash. That crash added nothing.

Why bother with all of that? If they were so busy with shooting missles into the pentagon and making it look like a plane, and crashing planes into the world trade center and using explosives to topple the towers, why would they add a fictitious plane crash in an empty field on their plate? Explain this to me, because this makes no sense at all. What purpose did this crash serve?

Listen here, Goatboy: You are just another Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPE :)confused:) being primed for utter destruction by the same people who planned and carried out these 9/11 attacks. The time has already passed to get 9/11 right, so kick back and enjoy the H1N1/H5N1/H3N2 Bio-Weapon Virus (my Topic) ride to "Ignorance Is Bliss" oblivion . . .



Given that you have no good explanation for this, and the fact that you are getting pissy over the question, leads me to believe that you have no explanation for it. Its a MASSIVE hole in your story that you seem more than happy to ignore.
Hi Goatboy:

Given that you have no good explanation for this, and the fact that you are getting pissy over the question, leads me to believe that you have no explanation for it. Its a MASSIVE hole in your story that you seem more than happy to ignore.

Bullony!!! The Goatboy and a vast majority of these registered USMB members and readers 'will' remain standing in the stench of their willful ignorance no matter how many times I show you 'the' 911Truth. I washed my hands of this absolute STUPIDITY on April 20, 2009 at exactly 3:30 PM (my warning post), or about three days before anyone here ever heard of the Swine Flu. Do we recognize the date? That's right! This is the anniversary of the 1994 U.S. Geological Survey Picture showing the same EMPTY HOLE:

The Picture Again

Yes. Americans really 'are' this STUPID. Hey! Goatboy! Guess who is headed for the lake of fire along with 'all liars' and 'murderers'??? Any clues? First in line are the 'cowards,' and then . . .

"(A)But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in (B)the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the (C)second death." Revelation 21:8.
Therefore, do not expect that I am in the least bit surprised that 'you' remain standing among the 'many' unbelievers . . .


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Hi Eots:

ya that same empty hole for the most part was already there..what are the odds

The empty hole was created by a test strip mine operation owned by PBS Coal Company (link) and is locally known as the "Diamond T. Mine" that was abandoned in 1996 (info). The Inside-Job Terrorists (DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA Clowns) launched a Raytheon Missile (added for Global Guardian Wargame Exercises = story) into the empty hole and told the Stupid Sheeple that a 100-Ton Jetliner crashed there. :0)

[ame=""]This Lady Saw The Missile Just Before It Crashed[/ame]

What morons . . .


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Hi Goatboy:

Given that you have no good explanation for this, and the fact that you are getting pissy over the question, leads me to believe that you have no explanation for it. Its a MASSIVE hole in your story that you seem more than happy to ignore.

Bullony!!! The Goatboy and a vast majority of these registered USMB members and readers 'will' remain standing in the stench of their willful ignorance no matter how many times I show you 'the' 911Truth. I washed my hands of this absolute STUPIDITY on April 20, 2009 at exactly 3:30 PM (my warning post), or about three days before anyone here ever heard of the Swine Flu. Do we recognize the date? That's right! This is the anniversary of the 1994 U.S. Geological Survey Picture showing the same EMPTY HOLE:

The Picture Again

Yes. Americans really 'are' this STUPID. Hey! Goatboy! Guess who is headed for the lake of fire along with 'all liars' and 'murderers'??? Any clues? First in line are the 'cowards,' and then . . .

"(A)But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in (B)the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the (C)second death." Revelation 21:8.
Therefore, do not expect that I am in the least bit surprised that 'you' remain standing among the 'many' unbelievers . . .



Dude, you still havent explained why they would waste their time with faking a plane crash in an empty field. The government would not need this incident in order to keep it all sevret, therefore you still havent answered this very simple question.... Why would they bother faking that crash? What purpose did it serve?

I would think this would be the first thing you nail down before going into any other details. Its surprising to me that you dont have an answer to this question, and since you dont have the answer, what makes you believe in this stuff to in the first place? If you are going to theorize on this conspiracy, you need to at least make sure it makes sense, otherwise why believe it in something that doesnt make sense?

You are trying to convince us that there is a connection between this crash and your conspiracy about who masterminded 9/11, but wheres the connection? It seems totally random and unrelated to the overall goal, if you are to assume it went down the way you claim.
Hi Goatboy:

Dude, you still havent explained why they would waste their time with faking a plane crash in an empty field.

Stop wasting our time! Bush and Rove and Cheney and Rumsfeld DUPED YOU :)confused:). Right? Their plan worked. Deal with it . . .

Even you acknowledge the EMPTY HOLE, but then think asking me questions is going to make the DUPE :)cuckoo:) any smarter. I can show you the pictures of the EMPTY HOLE . . .


. . . but the rest is up to you . . .


Dude, you still havent explained why they would waste their time with faking a plane crash in an empty field. The government would not need this incident in order to keep it all sevret, therefore you still havent answered this very simple question.... Why would they bother faking that crash? What purpose did it serve?

I would think this would be the first thing you nail down before going into any other details. Its surprising to me that you dont have an answer to this question, and since you dont have the answer, what makes you believe in this stuff to in the first place? If you are going to theorize on this conspiracy, you need to at least make sure it makes sense, otherwise why believe it in something that doesnt make sense?

You are trying to convince us that there is a connection between this crash and your conspiracy about who masterminded 9/11, but wheres the connection? It seems totally random and unrelated to the overall goal, if you are to assume it went down the way you claim.

I've made this point a number of times before.

I have come around to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, the government shot down the plane over PA. Of course, if they did, that would invalidate the conspiracists' theories. Why shoot down a plane? Why not let it hit it purported target?

A tad leap of logic there.
Terral reminds me of some CIA experiments where they made people repeat the same things over and over until they believed it. Repetition of the same story is a common disinformation technique widely used to implant false information. Has anyone counted how many times he's posted that material in this thread alone?
flight 77, a Boeing 757

When considering the Law of Conservation of Matter.

Why then only one circular hole was made in the wall of the pentagon?
are you talking about the lone exit hole?
it is said that was caused by the front landing gear
and a Boeing 757 is mostly light weight aluminum that wouldn't take much punishment at all
i believe that a Boeing 747 lost a huge section of its shell midflight a few years ago without hitting anything

Yes I am referring to the exit hole. The exit hole is circular.

According to this image of the exit hole, how could landing gear make that exact circular cut?

Furthermore, what from the landing gear was responsible for the burn markings on the outside of the building above the exit hole?

Also, I would like for you to link me to where it states the landing gear made that, very fine, circular cut on exit. I would greatly appreciate it.

To add, look at the image of the pentagon frontal damage. Those vertical cuts look very precisely made, on both sides. The cut on the left is flush through the entire building. Obviously, that does NOT look like impact damage from a 757 commercial jet airliner.

What do you think?

What was capable of making that cut?
When considering the Law of Conservation of Matter.

Why then only one circular hole was made in the wall of the pentagon?
are you talking about the lone exit hole?
it is said that was caused by the front landing gear
and a Boeing 757 is mostly light weight aluminum that wouldn't take much punishment at all
i believe that a Boeing 747 lost a huge section of its shell midflight a few years ago without hitting anything

Yes I am referring to the exit hole. The exit hole is circular.

According to this image of the exit hole, how could landing gear make that exact circular cut?

Furthermore, what from the landing gear was responsible for the burn markings on the outside of the building above the exit hole?

Also, I would like for you to link me to where it states the landing gear made that, very fine, circular cut on exit. I would greatly appreciate it.

To add, look at the image of the pentagon frontal damage. Those vertical cuts look very precisely made, on both sides. The cut on the left is flush through the entire building. Obviously, that does NOT look like impact damage from a 757 commercial jet airliner.

What do you think?

What was capable of making that cut?

THAT landing gear

and all it takes to make a circular hole is a blunt force impact in the center of it
Hi Toro and Godboy:

Dude, you still havent explained why they would waste their time with faking a plane crash in an empty field. The government would not need this incident in order to keep it all sevret . . .

I've made this point a number of times before.

I have come around to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, the government shot down the plane over PA . . .

You guys are 'talking' when you need to be showing us how an empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Godboy wanted to say that the 100-ton Jetliner was already removed from the EMPTY HOLE. Now he has some more STUPIDITY that someone is supposed to answer :)cuckoo:), OR this EMPTY HOLE equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. :0)


Terral is supposed to answer your STUPID (idiotic) questions about why the Govt would do this or that :)cuckoo:), OR this EMPTY HOLE equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. No sir. We are looking at EMPTY HOLES for the Flight 93 Case 'and' the Pentagon Case all day long whether you goofballs want to ever wake up or not. The Govt is LYING and you guys are DUPES :)confused:). Period . . .



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Hi Toro and Godboy:

Dude, you still havent explained why they would waste their time with faking a plane crash in an empty field. The government would not need this incident in order to keep it all sevret . . .

I've made this point a number of times before.

I have come around to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, the government shot down the plane over PA . . .

You guys are 'talking' when you need to be showing us how an empty hole . . .

. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Godboy wanted to say that the 100-ton Jetliner was already removed from the EMPTY HOLE. Now he has some more STUPIDITY that someone is supposed to answer :)cuckoo:), OR this EMPTY HOLE equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. :0)

Terral is supposed to answer your STUPID (idiotic) questions about why the Govt would do this or that :)cuckoo:), OR this EMPTY HOLE equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. No sir. We are looking at EMPTY HOLES for the Flight 93 Case 'and' the Pentagon Case all day long whether you goofballs want to ever wake up or not. The Govt is LYING and you guys are DUPES :)confused:). Period . . .


yeah, terral, everyone that doesn't believe your bullshit is a bush dupe
seriously, seek out professional help NOW
Hi Toro and Godboy:

I've made this point a number of times before.

I have come around to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, the government shot down the plane over PA . . .

You guys are 'talking' when you need to be showing us how an empty hole . . .

. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Godboy wanted to say that the 100-ton Jetliner was already removed from the EMPTY HOLE. Now he has some more STUPIDITY that someone is supposed to answer :)cuckoo:), OR this EMPTY HOLE equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. :0)

Terral is supposed to answer your STUPID (idiotic) questions about why the Govt would do this or that :)cuckoo:), OR this EMPTY HOLE equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. No sir. We are looking at EMPTY HOLES for the Flight 93 Case 'and' the Pentagon Case all day long whether you goofballs want to ever wake up or not. The Govt is LYING and you guys are DUPES :)confused:). Period . . .


yeah, terral, everyone that doesn't believe your bullshit is a bush dupe
seriously, seek out professional help NOW

He cant seek professional help, because it would take a doctor about 5 minutes to realize he needs to be institutionalized, and they dont let people in the loony bin research conspiracy crap on the internet, and his tin foil hat would be considered contraband.

The dude believes in lizard people for fucks sake. I couldnt believe ANYONE would take that thread seriously.
You know what, I actually think 9/11 could have been an inside job.

I mean, why not? Tyrants have been doing shit like this for centuries... take the Gulf of Tonkin for an example.

Of course I'm not entirely sure... could have been the damn terrorists. I'm just not sure.
Hi Toro and Godboy:

You guys are 'talking' when you need to be showing us how an empty hole . . .

. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Godboy wanted to say that the 100-ton Jetliner was already removed from the EMPTY HOLE. Now he has some more STUPIDITY that someone is supposed to answer :)cuckoo:), OR this EMPTY HOLE equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. :0)

Terral is supposed to answer your STUPID (idiotic) questions about why the Govt would do this or that :)cuckoo:), OR this EMPTY HOLE equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. No sir. We are looking at EMPTY HOLES for the Flight 93 Case 'and' the Pentagon Case all day long whether you goofballs want to ever wake up or not. The Govt is LYING and you guys are DUPES :)confused:). Period . . .


yeah, terral, everyone that doesn't believe your bullshit is a bush dupe
seriously, seek out professional help NOW

He cant seek professional help, because it would take a doctor about 5 minutes to realize he needs to be institutionalized, and they dont let people in the loony bin research conspiracy crap on the internet, and his tin foil hat would be considered contraband.

The dude believes in lizard people for fucks sake. I couldnt believe ANYONE would take that thread seriously.

anyone that believes the bible or the book of the dead knows there are tales of giants that breed with humans ie..lizard just seems odd to you because you dont study ancient history.but that is another issue..honestly I think you need some professional help ...heres a good doctor for you...don't be afraid make the call

Herbert J. Hoffman, MA, PhD – Former Chief Mental Health Coordinator and Director of Manpower Development and Training, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. Retired Clinical Psychologist. In his 40-year career, Dr. Hoffman held several academic and senior professional positions, including; Lecturer (Psychology), Boston University. Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Assistant Professor of Research, Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare, Brandeis University. Founder and Faculty Member, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology. Executive Director, Brookline (MA) Mental Health Association. Veteran, U.S. Army. Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have been following the 9/11 "story" for over 7 years. The most significant impediment for citizens even considering that the U.S. government is in some way complicit is the unwillingness to entertain that possibility. The fact that the government and the 9/11 Commission Report could not/would not address certain questions raised by the Jersey Girls, scientists, pilots etc., questions which would seem to have easily available factual responses, strongly suggests "cover up."

I refer to such items as: release of the Pentagon and other videos of the Pentagon crash; explanation of the debris scatter at the PA "crash" site; explanation of how these obviously "hijacked" airliners were not intercepted in a timely fashion -- especially the one in DC; a more evidence-based, scientific explanation of the fall of the twin towers and Building 7.

The failure to produce this information/evidence, along with much more, can only lead to one conclusion: THERE IS A COVER UP. There is much data to strongly suggest who and what are being protected and shielded by this cover up. Hopefully a sufficient number of citizens will shed their denial and demand answers and explanations from our nations leaders."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
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yeah, terral, everyone that doesn't believe your bullshit is a bush dupe
seriously, seek out professional help NOW

He cant seek professional help, because it would take a doctor about 5 minutes to realize he needs to be institutionalized, and they dont let people in the loony bin research conspiracy crap on the internet, and his tin foil hat would be considered contraband.

The dude believes in lizard people for fucks sake. I couldnt believe ANYONE would take that thread seriously.

anyone that believes the bible or the book of the dead knows there are tales of giants that breed with humans ie..lizard just seems odd to you because you dont study ancient history.but that is another issue..honestly I think you need some professional help ...heres a good doctor for you...don't be afraid make the call

Herbert J. Hoffman, MA, PhD – Former Chief Mental Health Coordinator and Director of Manpower Development and Training, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. Retired Clinical Psychologist. In his 40-year career, Dr. Hoffman held several academic and senior professional positions, including; Lecturer (Psychology), Boston University. Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Assistant Professor of Research, Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare, Brandeis University. Founder and Faculty Member, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology. Executive Director, Brookline (MA) Mental Health Association. Veteran, U.S. Army. Statement in support of Medical Professionals petition for Reinvestigation of 9/11:

"I have been following the 9/11 "story" for over 7 years. The most significant impediment for citizens even considering that the U.S. government is in some way complicit is the unwillingness to entertain that possibility. The fact that the government and the 9/11 Commission Report could not/would not address certain questions raised by the Jersey Girls, scientists, pilots etc., questions which would seem to have easily available factual responses, strongly suggests "cover up."

I refer to such items as: release of the Pentagon and other videos of the Pentagon crash; explanation of the debris scatter at the PA "crash" site; explanation of how these obviously "hijacked" airliners were not intercepted in a timely fashion -- especially the one in DC; a more evidence-based, scientific explanation of the fall of the twin towers and Building 7.

The failure to produce this information/evidence, along with much more, can only lead to one conclusion: THERE IS A COVER UP. There is much data to strongly suggest who and what are being protected and shielded by this cover up. Hopefully a sufficient number of citizens will shed their denial and demand answers and explanations from our nations leaders."

Member: Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"As medical professionals, we are trained in science and logical reasoning. We are appalled by the lack of scientific rigor and the substantial omissions and blatant distortions in the official account of 9/11 as embodied in the 9/11 Commission Report and related government documents. We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11."

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Show me where in the bible it talks about lizard people please. I dont want anything that talks about giants breeding with humans, i said lizard people. You will show me something from the bible that uses either "lizard people, lizard men, reptillian people, etc.", not giants. Provide this info or expose yourself as the liar we all know you are. This is what you fuck wads do... you twist the words of other people in an effort to further your own dishonest agendas.
yeah, terral, everyone that doesn't believe your bullshit is a bush dupe
seriously, seek out professional help NOW

He cant seek professional help, because it would take a doctor about 5 minutes to realize he needs to be institutionalized, and they dont let people in the loony bin research conspiracy crap on the internet, and his tin foil hat would be considered contraband.

The dude believes in lizard people for fucks sake. I couldnt believe ANYONE would take that thread seriously.

anyone that believes the bible or the book of the dead knows there are tales of giants that breed with humans ie..lizard just seems odd to you because you dont study ancient history.but that is another issue..honestly I think you need some professional help ...heres a good doctor for you...don't be afraid make the call
you actually believe that?
Lets just see what Terral had to say about lizard people. He seems to have taken a sci fi/pseudo religious position on it. This is some seriously crazy shit, and it shows that if you think for a moment Terral might be a credible person to consider in 9/11 discussions, you really dont understand what kind of crazy he truelly is. This is word for word from his own post....

The Reptilian races are 'terrestrial' and have been around for millions of years and have no plans for overtaking anybody. They are waiting for the anticipated "prophet" (Acts 3:22-23), who represents the incarnation of this entire universe (your father Adam), just like everybody else (Iranian, Jewish, Indian, Christian). Adam gave the Reptilian races their instructions NOT to interfere with the bearded races (sons of Noah = Eve = 'you are gods'), even before Eve was taken from his side (Gen. 2:7-17).

The Reptilian races run around in their spaceships looking for any evidence of the Messiah's return like 'he' (Adam) predicted thousands of years ago. Their technology is FAR advanced when compared to human technology today 'and' the aliens could have already enslaved everyone in this world a thousand times over IF that were there true intentions. No sir. The aliens remain in 'observer mode,' because they fear the rod of their father Adam; which you guys would not recognize if he came to this USMB Board to say "Boooo!"

I rest my case. Nothing he ever says should be taken seriously.
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