This Is What Happened When Maine Forced Welfare Recipients To Work


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Other states should employ Maine's model of success.

California would be a good start


Maine finally took a bold step forward in welfare reform and it’s paying huge dividends.

Last year Maine passed a measure that would require recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, otherwise known as SNAP, to complete a certain number of work, volunteer, or job-training hours before being eligible for assistance.

Main Governor Paul LaPage passed the measure last year and the resulting drop in food-stamp enrollees has been dramatic.

At the close of 2014 approximately 12,000 individuals were enrolled in the state assistance program. Keep in mind that these individuals are adults who aren’t disabled and who don’t have children at home and who are claiming the food-stamp benefits because of a lack of financial resources.

After forcing these individuals to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month, the numbers showed a significant drop from 12,000 enrollees to just over 2,500.

Republicans in the state are calling it a major victory, while Democrats are infuriated and are calling for special measures to roll back some of the strict requirements.

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Other states should employ Maine's model of success.

California would be a good start


Maine finally took a bold step forward in welfare reform and it’s paying huge dividends.

Last year Maine passed a measure that would require recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, otherwise known as SNAP, to complete a certain number of work, volunteer, or job-training hours before being eligible for assistance.

Main Governor Paul LaPage passed the measure last year and the resulting drop in food-stamp enrollees has been dramatic.

At the close of 2014 approximately 12,000 individuals were enrolled in the state assistance program. Keep in mind that these individuals are adults who aren’t disabled and who don’t have children at home and who are claiming the food-stamp benefits because of a lack of financial resources.

After forcing these individuals to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month, the numbers showed a significant drop from 12,000 enrollees to just over 2,500.

Republicans in the state are calling it a major victory, while Democrats are infuriated and are calling for special measures to roll back some of the strict requirements.

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How many chose to live in the streets?
The majority of them most likely jumped into their cars and drove a couple of hours down to the People's Republic of Massachusetts.

Where they will be greeted with open arms and every liberal Democrat freebee program under the sun. ..... :cool:
There have been a couple of threads on this already. Given that liberals are not opposed to programs that make unemployed citizens into employed citizens.....hired by the government....I suspect that our nutters are erroneously claiming a victory of some kind. I'm not confident that. LePaige could lead the state toward a common sense program that benefits all.

I'll look into what happened in Maine.
There have been a couple of threads on this already. Given that liberals are not opposed to programs that make unemployed citizens into employed citizens.....hired by the government....I suspect that our nutters are erroneously claiming a victory of some kind. I'm not confident that. LePaige could lead the state toward a common sense program that benefits all.

I'll look into what happened in Maine.

The phrase 'common sense' is applied to loosely by the left. We see it everywhere to try to justify their collective hate on America

I checked.

Nutters here are suggesting that this move in Maine got shiftless, lazy people to go out and get a job.....or to volunteer or get job training. They are claiming a victory......that they have finally found a way to make those lazy fuckers pull up those bootstraps!

You fuckers are making it seem like people have voluntarily stopped receiving the assistance because they saw the writing on the wall and got off their lazy asses. In reality.....they were told to fuck off.

Where is the evidence that the 9500 people in question are all working, volunteering or training? Without that...your PRIMARY ECONOMIC PHILOSOPHY that claims that welfare CAUSES DEPENDENCY fails miserably.
Lapaige is the most evil man that has ever stood on this Earth as far as I am concerned, he takes from the poorest here and gives it to the richest here..... he is the Devil incarnate in ALL that he does.
I checked.

Nutters here are suggesting that this move in Maine got shiftless, lazy people to go out and get a job.....or to volunteer or get job training. They are claiming a victory......that they have finally found a way to make those lazy fuckers pull up those bootstraps!

You fuckers are making it seem like people have voluntarily stopped receiving the assistance because they saw the writing on the wall and got off their lazy asses. In reality.....they were told to fuck off.

Where is the evidence that the 9500 people in question are all working, volunteering or training? Without that...your PRIMARY ECONOMIC PHILOSOPHY that claims that welfare CAUSES DEPENDENCY fails miserably.

Yes, yes, yes. They were told to fuck off. Better late then never.

"You want money, how about getting a job?"
"I can't find a job."
"I'll get you a job, on Monday we're gonna pick trash on side of the road, on Wednesday we're gonna clean the riverbank, and on Friday we're gonna dig some holes then fill them up. Tuesday and Thursday are off. Then you're starting next Monday???"
"... Uhm..."
I checked.

Nutters here are suggesting that this move in Maine got shiftless, lazy people to go out and get a job.....or to volunteer or get job training. They are claiming a victory......that they have finally found a way to make those lazy fuckers pull up those bootstraps!

You fuckers are making it seem like people have voluntarily stopped receiving the assistance because they saw the writing on the wall and got off their lazy asses. In reality.....they were told to fuck off.

Where is the evidence that the 9500 people in question are all working, volunteering or training? Without that...your PRIMARY ECONOMIC PHILOSOPHY that claims that welfare CAUSES DEPENDENCY fails miserably.

Yes, yes, yes. They were told to fuck off. Better late then never.

"You want money, how about getting a job?"
"I can't find a job."
"I'll get you a job, on Monday we're gonna pick trash on side of the road, on Wednesday we're gonna clean the riverbank, and on Friday we're gonna dig some holes then fill them up. Tuesday and Thursday are off. Then you're starting next Monday???"
"... Uhm..."
I'd do it, just for the exercise..If my neck becomes injured with the three plates with a T fused to my spine from crushed vertebrates,, if injured and I become a quadriplegic, Is it okay to get welfare then??
There have been a couple of threads on this already. Given that liberals are not opposed to programs that make unemployed citizens into employed citizens.....hired by the government....I suspect that our nutters are erroneously claiming a victory of some kind. I'm not confident that. LePaige could lead the state toward a common sense program that benefits all.

I'll look into what happened in Maine.

It's not supposed to benefit all. Just like the program in Wisconsin..... it's designed to benefit tax payers by reducing the number if freeloaders in the state.
Hello, knock knock. Welfare reform under Bill Clinton make actual work a requirement if you want to receive welfare. And then it was Obama that relaxed the rules so welfare recipients could go to school so they could get off welfare forever.
What is it with these Republicans. Trying to take credit for something Democrats did three presidents ago? Remember when they attempted to take credit for taking out Bin Laden? What do Republicans do besides destroy, bully and take credit for what others have done? And America keeps falling for it. Come on people, get you nose out of Kardashian's butt and find out what is actually going on. Don't fall for what these ignoramuses keep spouting.
Hello, knock knock. Welfare reform under Bill Clinton make actual work a requirement if you want to receive welfare. And then it was Obama that relaxed the rules so welfare recipients could go to school so they could get off welfare forever.
What is it with these Republicans. Trying to take credit for something Democrats did three presidents ago? Remember when they attempted to take credit for taking out Bin Laden? What do Republicans do besides destroy, bully and take credit for what others have done? And America keeps falling for it. Come on people, get you nose out of Kardashian's butt and find out what is actually going on. Don't fall for what these ignoramuses keep spouting.

Gawd, you're an idiot
Hello, knock knock. Welfare reform under Bill Clinton make actual work a requirement if you want to receive welfare. And then it was Obama that relaxed the rules so welfare recipients could go to school so they could get off welfare forever.
What is it with these Republicans. Trying to take credit for something Democrats did three presidents ago? Remember when they attempted to take credit for taking out Bin Laden? What do Republicans do besides destroy, bully and take credit for what others have done? And America keeps falling for it. Come on people, get you nose out of Kardashian's butt and find out what is actually going on. Don't fall for what these ignoramuses keep spouting.

Gawd, you're an idiot
I know he gives credit to Clinton for doing something similar, then gives Obama credit for doing away with it. What the heck?
Hello, knock knock. Welfare reform under Bill Clinton make actual work a requirement if you want to receive welfare. And then it was Obama that relaxed the rules so welfare recipients could go to school so they could get off welfare forever.
What is it with these Republicans. Trying to take credit for something Democrats did three presidents ago? Remember when they attempted to take credit for taking out Bin Laden? What do Republicans do besides destroy, bully and take credit for what others have done? And America keeps falling for it. Come on people, get you nose out of Kardashian's butt and find out what is actually going on. Don't fall for what these ignoramuses keep spouting.

Gawd, you're an idiot
I know he gives credit to Clinton for doing something similar, then gives Obama credit for doing away with it. What the heck?
Now you made yourself look kinda tarded and foolish for sure.

From the OP:

After forcing these individuals to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month

And who asked for the requirements to be relaxed so people could get an education? Republican governors. Yep, they ask Obama for something and when he supports them, they attack him. Fucking turds.

Is Obama gutting welfare reform - The Washington Post

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney says that Obama wants to "strip the established work requirements" from the bill, and John Boehner calls the move "a partisan disgrace."

One man's gutting is, of course, another man's tweaking, but in this case, the Obama administration is not removing the bill's work requirements at all. He's changing them to allow states more flexibility. But the principle that welfare programs must require recipients to move toward employment isn't going anywhere.

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama s plan for welfare reform They just send you your check. PolitiFact


What does all that mean?

"If you can do a better job connecting people to work, we would consider waiving certain parts of the performance measures and use alternate measures," is how Liz Schott, a senior fellow at the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, translated the memo’s point. (The center supports the plan.)


See what I mean. I like to bitch slap as much as the next guy. But I save it for those who insist on determined ignorance.

Notice how I prove what I say? Can you see that? Notice these Republicans don't? Now, I'm not saying they are all dirty liars. But there are so many, it only seems that way.

OK tards, prove me wrong. Go ahead. I'm waiting.
Mizzouri is passing laws to limit the time of help and to make work or looking for work or training as a part of getting welfare........

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