This Is What Is Wrong With Politics These Days.......The Left Has Turned Us Into Enemies

Hell. If I'm gonna be called a Russian troll, racist, bigot, white nationalist, white supremacist, homophobe, xenophobe, and insurgent, I might as well live up to it.

I'm not gonna waste my time tying to convince someone who isn't going to believe me anyway, so fuck 'em.
You noted no doubt all the sweating going onfrom the attendees? And The Cardinal sitting next to Hilliary. I believe he was holding her hand for support under the table to keep her addition to her that she didn't go apeshit at the dinner. Truth burns.
moonbat said:
You stupid fucks can't get along with each other in yer own party and you want to claim "it's all because of the opposition". :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You are in control of you not someone else and your problems are all your own....Deal with it in yer usual manner by denying your own actions.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You pricks are not peace makers or nice, nor are you real Christians nor are you saints but imps that cause problems and then cry about it... :itsok:

there it is.
Trump did not stand up to anything, he was part of it all the way. He was just one more actor playing his role

Riddle me this my little the end of 2019 in the heart of the impeachment all those people that you think hate each other came together to pass a whole slew of bills spending more money and fucking with the retirement system...and each bill was signed without any comment or criticism by Trump.

How can people that hate each other so very much do that?

It is all an act, WWE style hate. and you people eat it up like it is real.
Riiiiiight.....People in there just playing a kayfabe role are the impetus for fomenting violent goon squads, burning and sacking cities across the nation.....A prop who is going to do your bidding anyway always motivates such a massive election fraud scenario, with cheating in the tens of millions column.....uh-huh.

I had all sorts of problems with Trump's stupid spending and other stupid policy decisions, and said so to the sound of echos in an empty room....But that's not the issue here.....The ruling class doesn't hate Trump, as much as they detest the hoi polloi in flyover country, who elected him.....Trump is just a totem and you are the enemy, and you're too fucking obtuse and full of yourself to recognize the fact.
You know the majority of women are opposed to abortion, right?

Leftist MEN fanatically promote abortion. Abortion let them escape responsibility for their actions.
Americans' Self-Identified Position on Abortion, 2021
With respect to the abortion issue, would you consider yourself to be pro-choice or pro-life?
"Pro-choice""Pro-life"No opinion^Number of
Age I
18 to 2956395131
30 to 4950455266
50 to 6448466263
65 and older39583345

18 to 29, 56% of women are pro-choice, 39% are pro-life
30 to 49, it's 50% and 45%

Even in the 50 to 64 range, it's 48% pro-choice and 46% pro-life

Riiiiiight.....People in there just playing a kayfabe role are the impetus for fomenting violent goon squads, burning and sacking cities across the nation.....A prop who is going to do your bidding anyway always motivates such a massive election fraud scenario, with cheating in the tens of millions column.....uh-huh.

Correct. They want us fighting each other so they can do whatever they want and nobody will stop them.

Even the whole stolen election thing is part of it. It is basically insane to think that tens of millions of fake votes got counted, but you are so programed to never question your masters that you go along with it even though there is no logic to it at all.

A divided populous is far easier to control.
Americans' Self-Identified Position on Abortion, 2021
With respect to the abortion issue, would you consider yourself to be pro-choice or pro-life?
"Pro-choice""Pro-life"No opinion^Number of
Age I
18 to 2956395131
30 to 4950455266
50 to 6448466263
65 and older39583345

18 to 29, 56% of women are pro-choice, 39% are pro-life
30 to 49, it's 50% and 45%

Even in the 50 to 64 range, it's 48% pro-choice and 46% pro-life


Here is an example of the last time Trump has been able to talk to Hillary before she hatched the Russian Collusion scam.
Note the fact that Trump can still be in the same room with these people....and not have them walk out.
But I think this is the last time he was allowed to be in the same room with these people.

Everything has changed since then.
Now they are mortal enemies.....and the fact is Hillary made it happen......with the help of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama.
And Biden was in on it too....but only had a small part in it.

But this is Trump telling jokes about Hillary.....and it's classic:

It's a con-spiracy. :eusa_whistle:
Hardly. The reason you melted down, and continue to melt down is that Trump is an outsider, not part of the ruling caste. You ran to protect your lords and masters.
Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and even Hitler were all outsiders at one time.

I think people that fall in love with their candidates media narrative should maybe take a step back and reflect.

Don't worry, I'm not talking specifically about you, I'm using you as an example of what not to become.
This speech was after the debate where he said he would put her in jail.
The thing they really hated about Trump is he didn't put up with their lies and he didn't pull punches.
Yeah, well he didn't put anyone in jail either.....He had as many failures to deliver on promises as any successes the fanboys want to point out.

Point being that fake lolbertarians like Golfing Gomer can't see past their own personal hatred of the man, to notice that what happend to him was predicted by Harry Browne in 1996....Politically, he's still a moderate democrat...But the irrationally violent reaction to him belies that there's something far deeper at play.
Here is an example of the last time Trump has been able to talk to Hillary before she hatched the Russian Collusion scam.
Note the fact that Trump can still be in the same room with these people....and not have them walk out.
But I think this is the last time he was allowed to be in the same room with these people.

Everything has changed since then.
Now they are mortal enemies.....and the fact is Hillary made it happen......with the help of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama.
And Biden was in on it too....but only had a small part in it.

But this is Trump telling jokes about Hillary.....and it's classic:

It's all about the Global DemNazi Fascist World Order. The New Nazis are just as Zealous as the Old Nazis. They are just slightly different. The New Nazis are Globalists, and The Old Nazis tried to dominate The World with Nationalism. The New Nazis have a wider appeal with slogans of "we are all in this together" and various messages of "unity". "Do it for your co-worker" is the one that makes me gage the most.

Anyone that opposes the New Nazis are disease ridden vermin and must be destroyed. You and I are no longer persons, and we are no longer to have independent thought and dissenting opinion. It is Global Unity or nothing for these people.

It was the same as at The Tower of Babel, when The People were unified under Nimrod in Opposition to God. Because of their Unity, God saw that there was "nothing impossible for them to do". Because of their wicked imaginations, there was no depth of EVIL they were not willing to sink to in order to accomplish their purpose.

God therefore, confused their language in order to break up their unity. The Bible talks about a time again in the End Times when mankind will try to unify again and be led by a latter day Nimrod, whom The Bible calls AntiChrist.

What you see going on around you is not Political, it is Spiritual, and as we approach The End the days will be all the more perilous, and people's hearts will was more and more wicked, until The End comes as a flood, and ultimate Judgement, a cleaning of house so to speak and then Restoration by The Ultimate Judge, and Our Creator for those who endured, and who held fast to Faith.
Well, you are half right. They have turned us into mortal enemies, but the "they" is the duopoly not just the left. They have been working towards this since 1992, they have to ensure that we will never vote for anyone but them ever again.

The other place you are wrong is your view that those in DC really hate each other. They do not, it is all an act, it is WWE style hate. It is a performance they put on for the masses so we will keep fighting each other.
92? Lee Atwater was doing this shit in the early 80’s.
This from the "people" whose main goal is "owning the libs"

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