This is what life under democrat rule looks like

But you refuse to consider the reasons for the behavior other than the color of their skin.

Blacks are far more likely to get arrested for the same crimes that Whites get a pass on.

For the same crimes a Black man will get more time than a White man

Blacks get paid less for the same jobs than White people

Schools in minority neighborhoods are grossly underfunded and poorly run.

These are actual facts

No, those are not facts, those are half-truths.

First off it seems you don't personally know any police officers. I do. Police don't like to arrest anybody. While it may look like a cool thing when they do it on television, arresting a suspect means they may fight with the officer and an injury or death could occur. They have to make out a shitload of paper work. Then they have to attend court in case the judge has any questions in the case. It's not fun and games by any stretch of the imagination.

Now if you're going to give an officer a hard time while he's trying to give you a break, of course it's more likely you're going to get arrested.

And as I explained to you before, sentencing includes a lot more than just the charge. If we both get arrested for having 3oz of coke and I have a criminal record of using dope and you don't, it's likely I'll get a prison sentence and you'll get time served, a suspended sentence or probation if it's your first offense with the law. If I fight with the cop while being placed in custody, guess what? A judge will really look down at that as well. If I disrespect a judges court by attending in a tee shirt and ripped up jeans on top of it, it's likely the judge will throw the book at me.

Blacks do not get paid less than whites for doing the same job. It's been against the law for the last couple of generations.
Generally they don't have the education level or skills for the job and their work ethic tends to suck so they don't see raises in the jobs they do have.

You hit the nail on the head.

Employers do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the employer the most green are his favorite employees regardless of their race.
You hit the nail on the head.

Employers do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the employer the most green are his favorite employees regardless of their race.
Not many people know this, but Indian immigrants are the most successful of Americans, even surpassing whites and "Asians"

If we were the racist country some would have us believe, this wouldn't be true
Not many people know this, but Indian immigrants are the most successful of Americans, even surpassing whites and "Asians"

If we were the racist country some would have us believe, this wouldn't be true

I couldn't agree more. The guy that owns the beverage store I frequent is from India. Came here with nothing but a few bucks in his pockets, worked night and day until he had enough money to open up his own beverage store. Upon that success he bought a building with several apartments in it. About ten years ago he bought a hotel about 40 miles from Cleveland. His wife (that used to help him run the beverage store) left to run that hotel. They are both exhausted, but bust their asses every single day.

No reason why any American (regardless of race) can't do the same thing. If people are going to use what their father, grandfather, great grandfather had to suffer through to justify their failures, they will be failures no matter what they do.
I don’t generalize and stereotype people like that. Anybody that does is an idiot… all individuals are different. Depends on the person and on the thing they are performing
you have done exactly that in your earlier posts.............................blacks get arrested more often than whites, etc. that is a generalization, dude.
you have done exactly that in your earlier posts.............................blacks get arrested more often than whites, etc. that is a generalization, dude.
I never said anything like that, you have me confused with somebody else.
said by a racist democrat. LOL
The Creator of all things is a racist, because He likes variety in His garden. He is not pleased withe a garden of mishmash.
George Wallace remains correct about the Dems and the Reps. Both parties are a bunch of greedy bullies.
The Creator of all things is a racist, because He likes variety in His garden. He is not pleased withe a garden of mishmash.
George Wallace remains correct about the Dems and the Reps. Both parties are a bunch of greedy bullies.
true, but our system is still the best in the history of the world, why destroy it?

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