This is what the board rightwingers are happy about with the EU

Rightwing party's gaining seats in the EU parliament

The European Parliament is set to usher in its first fully-fledged neo-Nazis members, from Germany and Greece.

EU parliament to usher in neo-Nazis | SBS News

Anyone surprised?

"The leader of Germany's Jewish community on Monday denounced gains made by the party and other far-right groups in the EU-wide elections and urged democratic forces to block their path and defend European values.

Dieter Graumann, the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said the extremist parties performed "shockingly well", as feared.

With almost all ballots counted in Greece, the neo-Nazi "Golden Dawn" party is claiming over nine per cent of the vote, which would net it three seats in the 751-member parliament."
Rightwing party's gaining seats in the EU parliament

The European Parliament is set to usher in its first fully-fledged neo-Nazis members, from Germany and Greece.

EU parliament to usher in neo-Nazis | SBS News

Anyone surprised?

No, I'm not surprised. I go to the UK every year - have been doing so for 10+ years. Spend about 10 days there. Have made many friends along the way. We've wandered up to Scotland - and every place in between. This September, we'll be taking a boat over to Ireland. I can't even begin to explain how pissed off native Brits are that their government has bent over backwards for Islamic filth from around the globe. Everywhere you turn - some camel-jockey piece of shit is driving a cab, running a store, pumping your gas. They're everywhere. The UK government lets them in by the millions! You should see a flight arriving at Heathrow. Dear God, these people in black veils - you wonder who they're going to blow up! And the Liberal government is also into everyone's wallets. Taxes through the roof - free benefits of course, for illegal Islamic pricks. No one can carry a gun - there are cameras everywhere, gas is 8/gallon. My British friends are at wits end. Their once beloved England is turning into Iran II.

Fuckin A-right - the people have had enough. OUT goes the leftists...
Rightwing party's gaining seats in the EU parliament

The European Parliament is set to usher in its first fully-fledged neo-Nazis members, from Germany and Greece.

EU parliament to usher in neo-Nazis | SBS News

Anyone surprised?

"The leader of Germany's Jewish community on Monday denounced gains made by the party and other far-right groups in the EU-wide elections and urged democratic forces to block their path and defend European values.

Dieter Graumann, the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said the extremist parties performed "shockingly well", as feared.

With almost all ballots counted in Greece, the neo-Nazi "Golden Dawn" party is claiming over nine per cent of the vote, which would net it three seats in the 751-member parliament."

A recent change in German electoral laws, scrapping all minimum thresholds, paved the way for the rise of the NPD, which has 6000 members.

Focus on your link.

Why did Germany change its laws?

WTH does this have to do with anything going on the USA?

german acronym

stands for ..............................................

wait for it.............................................
wait for it...................................................


fascism sprung out of left-wing ideology sweeping across europe starting in the 19th century

libs are losers who lie to themselves
All the 'western' countries, (if you are clever enough to know what that means) which are currently part of the EU are moving towards an 'anti-EU' stance. They want their countries back. Within a decade the only members of the EU will be half a dozen southern european countries neither Putin nor 'the West' gives a shit about. AKA no natural resources rather more expense and trouble than they are worth. The 'euro' will be worthless.
"You want Greece?" "No thanks you can have her." "No that's OK. I insist. You can have her".
Rightwing party's gaining seats in the EU parliament

The European Parliament is set to usher in its first fully-fledged neo-Nazis members, from Germany and Greece.

EU parliament to usher in neo-Nazis | SBS News

Anyone surprised?

"The leader of Germany's Jewish community on Monday denounced gains made by the party and other far-right groups in the EU-wide elections and urged democratic forces to block their path and defend European values.

Dieter Graumann, the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said the extremist parties performed "shockingly well", as feared.

With almost all ballots counted in Greece, the neo-Nazi "Golden Dawn" party is claiming over nine per cent of the vote, which would net it three seats in the 751-member parliament."


Complete and total takeover by the Nazis.
All the 'western' countries, (if you are clever enough to know what that means) which are currently part of the EU are moving towards an 'anti-EU' stance. They want their countries back. Within a decade the only members of the EU will be half a dozen southern european countries neither Putin nor 'the West' gives a shit about. AKA no natural resources rather more expense and trouble than they are worth. The 'euro' will be worthless.
"You want Greece?" "No thanks you can have her." "No that's OK. I insist. You can have her".

Seems OP hasn't had much experience traveling to Europe.
Perhaps he should get out of the trailer park more often.
Hopefully Israel will send in Mossad agents to take this rightwing filth out
Hopefully Israel will send in Mossad agents to take this rightwing filth out

The victory for the NPD has been put down to a recent reform to German electoral law - ending a ban on parties that fail to get 3% of the popular vote taking seats in the European Parliament. The party won around 1% of the vote.

"We say Europe is the continent of white people and it should remain that way," Udo Voigt, the party's lead candidate" told Reuters.
Rightwing party's gaining seats in the EU parliament

The European Parliament is set to usher in its first fully-fledged neo-Nazis members, from Germany and Greece.

EU parliament to usher in neo-Nazis | SBS News

Anyone surprised?

"The leader of Germany's Jewish community on Monday denounced gains made by the party and other far-right groups in the EU-wide elections and urged democratic forces to block their path and defend European values.

Dieter Graumann, the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said the extremist parties performed "shockingly well", as feared.

With almost all ballots counted in Greece, the neo-Nazi "Golden Dawn" party is claiming over nine per cent of the vote, which would net it three seats in the 751-member parliament."


Complete and total takeover by the Nazis.
Isn't there about 751 political parties in Greece? LOL
Isn't 'The Golden Dawn' a chineses restaurant in Athens? LOL
Who gives a shit if a few nut-jobs who dream of blowing Adolph are in the parliament.
When are the elections held? Every second Monday afternoon?
Rightwing party's gaining seats in the EU parliament

The European Parliament is set to usher in its first fully-fledged neo-Nazis members, from Germany and Greece.

EU parliament to usher in neo-Nazis | SBS News

Anyone surprised?

No, I'm not surprised. I go to the UK every year - have been doing so for 10+ years. Spend about 10 days there. Have made many friends along the way. We've wandered up to Scotland - and every place in between. This September, we'll be taking a boat over to Ireland. I can't even begin to explain how pissed off native Brits are that their government has bent over backwards for Islamic filth from around the globe. Everywhere you turn - some camel-jockey piece of shit is driving a cab, running a store, pumping your gas. They're everywhere. The UK government lets them in by the millions! You should see a flight arriving at Heathrow. Dear God, these people in black veils - you wonder who they're going to blow up! And the Liberal government is also into everyone's wallets. Taxes through the roof - free benefits of course, for illegal Islamic pricks. No one can carry a gun - there are cameras everywhere, gas is 8/gallon. My British friends are at wits end. Their once beloved England is turning into Iran II.

Fuckin A-right - the people have had enough. OUT goes the leftists...
I'm a British jew and you are talking through your arse. We have a Conservative PM heading a coalition with the liberals. Only 9% of the electorate voted UKIP, only 33% of those eligible voted.
I like the majority love living in multicultural Great Britain.
I like the majority love living in multicultural Great Britain.

You're just like the Left-turds in the U.S.
Fucking delusional.
You probably favor same sex marriage, legalization of pot, are anti-war, and love protecting spotted owls. Yeah - you're the "average" Brit.


You're a Liberal sissy-boy.
Fascinating though it is to see Hitler-apologist fruitcakes elected in Poland, and goose-stepping fascists doing well in both Hungary and Greece, Now turn your turn your gaze to Germany -

And our own homegrown christofacists cheer
Fascinating though it is to see Hitler-apologist fruitcakes elected in Poland, and goose-stepping fascists doing well in both Hungary and Greece, Now turn your turn your gaze to Germany -

And our own homegrown christofacists cheer

Truly a sock....
Fascinating though it is to see Hitler-apologist fruitcakes elected in Poland, and goose-stepping fascists doing well in both Hungary and Greece, Now turn your turn your gaze to Germany -

And our own homegrown christofacists cheer

more comical hilarity from the "by any means necessary" crowd of left-wing losers
left-wing nutjobs cheered when Soviet tanks rolled into Eastern European countries; stood by silently when Russians crushed the uprising in Hungary in the 1950's
cheered the Soviet Bloc states and their "free healthcare" in places like EAST GERMANY; which had the LARGEST SECRET POLICE FORCE the world had every seen

you're simply an idiot guno

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