This is what the board rightwingers are happy about with the EU

Fascinating though it is to see Hitler-apologist fruitcakes elected in Poland, and goose-stepping fascists doing well in both Hungary and Greece, Now turn your turn your gaze to Germany -

And our own homegrown christofacists cheer

Truly a sock....

Prove it.

And BTW, this is the title of the OP:

This is what the board rightwingers are happy about with the EU

Know how to concentrate at all?
The rightwingers in America are strutting around goose stepping with pride as to what has happening in the EU , Praying that it happens here.. Now they can wear their brown shirts with Pride!

And quote their hero:

"Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction."


They are disgusting, especially one day after Memorial day when the United States fought these vermin , they are cheering what happened
Fascinating though it is to see Hitler-apologist fruitcakes elected in Poland, and goose-stepping fascists doing well in both Hungary and Greece, Now turn your turn your gaze to Germany -

And our own homegrown christofacists cheer

Truly a sock....

Prove it.

And BTW, this is the title of the OP:

This is what the board rightwingers are happy about with the EU

Know how to concentrate at all?

SURE it's the title of the OP nutjob. it's also yet another boring liberal false choice; the lastest bit of intellectual dishonesty.

of course you idiots on the Left cant prove that "rightwingers are happy about" neo-fascim in the EU. many of us are happy for self-determination of the peoples there

as usual you left-wing fascist-wannabes are ignoring the real point here; it was the shift to the far-left in europe that set in motion the events happening these days; the pendulum is swinging back; sometimes it swings to far back

leave it to the failed Left to try wo whitewash their role in anything going badly

german acronym

stands for ..............................................

wait for it.............................................
wait for it...................................................


fascism sprung out of left-wing ideology sweeping across europe starting in the 19th century

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Some BASIC education for you, why do rightwing loons have so much trouble with word definitions? Home "skooled" ?

Now wipe that drool off your brown shirt
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you moron guno

a lifelong SOCIAILIST, UNION MEMBER and member of the Italian Communist Party invented modern fascism

must be a coincidence

you're simply a joke
It's hard not the be sympathetic to parties that want to keep the Gunos out of their country.
The left really hates elections. If only there was some way to stop elections here and everywhere in the world, how much better it would be with appointees by the Central Committee and no one having a vote.
you're the kind of loser that whines that Hitler only called his Party the National SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY to fool people; because you're too stupid to realize how stupid you look saying Germans ran out and stuffed people into ovens because they ONLY THOUGHT they were doing it in the name of Socialism and their SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY
then the "progressive" set wants to "stay the course"

idiots and hypoocrites
Nazis were Socialist Let wingers.

It's good to see people of Europe reasserting their sovereignty and getting away from the Progressive New World Order

german acronym

stands for ..............................................

wait for it.............................................
wait for it...................................................


fascism sprung out of left-wing ideology sweeping across europe starting in the 19th century

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Some BASIC education for you, why do rightwing loons have so much trouble with word definitions? Home "skooled" ?

Now wipe that drool off your brown shirt

To the uneducated pinheads in the right wing

Minus the word "Socialism" they have practically nothing in common. National Socialism proclaims that one group is vastly superior to all others and should use any and all means to better itself at the expense of others. They are complete polar opposites.
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Rightwing party's gaining seats in the EU parliament

The European Parliament is set to usher in its first fully-fledged neo-Nazis members, from Germany and Greece.

EU parliament to usher in neo-Nazis | SBS News

Anyone surprised?

Pick one, any one.

People may have noticed that I haven't written anything about the EU election yet, because I generally wait until the final cavasses are out.

But it would help Americans to know that the EU elections (known in Germany as "Europawahl") are essentially base elections. Think of mid-term primary elections in the USA with pretty poor turnout, where only the hardest core of the base comes out, and you essentially have the turnout for the Europawahl, because it's something that is just too far away from "home" for most folks.

Germans definitely vote in high numbers in their national parliamentary and provincial elections, but it's hard to get people to come out and vote for Europawahl.

So, before anyone on any side tries to make a big judgement here, either on the Left or on the Right, you should wait until the final canvasses are in and also remember that the turnout here is comparatively very low for European standards.
People may have noticed that I haven't written anything about the EU election yet, because I generally wait until the final cavasses are out.

But it would help Americans to know that the EU elections (known in Germany as "Europawahl") are essentially base elections. Think of mid-term primary elections in the USA with pretty poor turnout, where only the hardest core of the base comes out, and you essentially have the turnout for the Europawahl, because it's something that is just too far away from "home" for most folks.

Germans definitely vote in high numbers in their national parliamentary and provincial elections, but it's hard to get people to come out and vote for Europawahl.

So, before anyone on any side tries to make a big judgement here, either on the Left or on the Right, you should wait until the final canvasses are in and also remember that the turnout here is comparatively very low for European standards.

Another question is why does germany allow these groups
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german acronym

stands for ..............................................

wait for it.............................................
wait for it...................................................


fascism sprung out of left-wing ideology sweeping across europe starting in the 19th century

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Just like People's Republic of China is really a Republic, right?
People may have noticed that I haven't written anything about the EU election yet, because I generally wait until the final cavasses are out.

But it would help Americans to know that the EU elections (known in Germany as "Europawahl") are essentially base elections. Think of mid-term primary elections in the USA with pretty poor turnout, where only the hardest core of the base comes out, and you essentially have the turnout for the Europawahl, because it's something that is just too far away from "home" for most folks.

Germans definitely vote in high numbers in their national parliamentary and provincial elections, but it's hard to get people to come out and vote for Europawahl.

So, before anyone on any side tries to make a big judgement here, either on the Left or on the Right, you should wait until the final canvasses are in and also remember that the turnout here is comparatively very low for European standards.
We've all been breathlessly anticipating your pearls of wisdom and amazing grasp of the obvious on this issue.


german acronym

stands for ..............................................

wait for it.............................................
wait for it...................................................


fascism sprung out of left-wing ideology sweeping across europe starting in the 19th century

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Just like People's Republic of China is really a Republic, right?

nobody is china is deluding themselves they are anything but under a communist regime

it is American left-wing nutjobs acting as apologists for fascism that undeniably sprung from left-wing ideology

you're making my point for me.
your point is that left-wingers will use any term in the book to mask their true identity?
or maybe you're saying china is actually right-wing too?
People may have noticed that I haven't written anything about the EU election yet, because I generally wait until the final cavasses are out.

But it would help Americans to know that the EU elections (known in Germany as "Europawahl") are essentially base elections. Think of mid-term primary elections in the USA with pretty poor turnout, where only the hardest core of the base comes out, and you essentially have the turnout for the Europawahl, because it's something that is just too far away from "home" for most folks.

Germans definitely vote in high numbers in their national parliamentary and provincial elections, but it's hard to get people to come out and vote for Europawahl.

So, before anyone on any side tries to make a big judgement here, either on the Left or on the Right, you should wait until the final canvasses are in and also remember that the turnout here is comparatively very low for European standards.

Another question is why does germany allow these groups

Germany should go back to it's Socialist ways and eradicate its disagreeable people

And you say the Nazi weren't Socalists
Guno is the left's latest voice on USMB. Just what's needed - another blathering idiot.
And a sock I'll bet too...

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