This is what the board rightwingers are happy about with the EU

"Fascist" is a label, and like all labels it is intended to end discussion without cogent thought. Trot out "Nazi," "Hitler," or "Fascist," and you don't have to deal with the messy details of a continent being overrun by cultural vermin from countries whose values and customs are totally contrary to the prevailing cultures in Western Europe.

When I was growing up, we were taught that the perfect metaphor for American's culture was a "mosaic," where people could proudly retain their ethnic identities, but never forget WHY THEY CAME HERE - specifically, that the U.S. offered a much better life - at least potentially - than the country they just left. Here in Pittsburgh, we had thriving Polish, Italian, German, Slovak, and Irish neighborhoods (each with their own ethnic churches and parochial schools), as well as thriving "Negro" and Jewish neighborhoods. But you better believe that they all considered themselves "Americans " (the compulsory military draft had a lot to do with this). "Melting Pot," was a derogatory descriptor, indicating that these wonderful cultures were simply abandoned into the mish-mash of "American," characterized by "I Love Lucy" and other such rot.

But this is NOT what's going on in Europe now. You have hordes of people who are coming in and trying to set up little enclaves of religious/ethnic purity, where the people can ignore or mock the prevailing culture, knowing that the national governments (changing subjects slightly here) NEED foreign-born workers to immigrate, to fund the pensions of European-born workers who have failed to reproduce sufficiently to sustain themselves. These immigrants see themselves Muslims first, ethnic Iranians (or whatever) second, and Europeans only reluctantly, by force of circumstances.

Clearly a form of "Fascism" is something that would be attractive to much of the native-born community, which sees itself besieged and potentially overwhelmed by outsiders who conpicuously take advantage of the social safety net, while reproducing like rabbits.

I was happy to grow up in a multi-cultural society (married an Italian immigrant, in fact), but today, in Germany, France, or England? Maybe I wouldn't be as "happy" with how things are going. Right winger? You bet your ass.
People may have noticed that I haven't written anything about the EU election yet, because I generally wait until the final cavasses are out.

But it would help Americans to know that the EU elections (known in Germany as "Europawahl") are essentially base elections. Think of mid-term primary elections in the USA with pretty poor turnout, where only the hardest core of the base comes out, and you essentially have the turnout for the Europawahl, because it's something that is just too far away from "home" for most folks.

Germans definitely vote in high numbers in their national parliamentary and provincial elections, but it's hard to get people to come out and vote for Europawahl.

So, before anyone on any side tries to make a big judgement here, either on the Left or on the Right, you should wait until the final canvasses are in and also remember that the turnout here is comparatively very low for European standards.

Another question is why does germany allow these groups

NAZI groups are strictly "verboten" according the German Constitution, which is modeled after our own.

But Right-Wing groups are not.

They are not one and the same.
People may have noticed that I haven't written anything about the EU election yet, because I generally wait until the final cavasses are out.

But it would help Americans to know that the EU elections (known in Germany as "Europawahl") are essentially base elections. Think of mid-term primary elections in the USA with pretty poor turnout, where only the hardest core of the base comes out, and you essentially have the turnout for the Europawahl, because it's something that is just too far away from "home" for most folks.

Germans definitely vote in high numbers in their national parliamentary and provincial elections, but it's hard to get people to come out and vote for Europawahl.

So, before anyone on any side tries to make a big judgement here, either on the Left or on the Right, you should wait until the final canvasses are in and also remember that the turnout here is comparatively very low for European standards.

Another question is why does germany allow these groups

NAZI groups are strictly "verboten" according the German Constitution, which is modeled after our own.

But Right-Wing groups are not.

They are not one and the same.

Yes, Nazi are Left Wing which means All Power to the Government.

Right wing supports individual liberty and personal freedom
Another question is why does germany allow these groups

NAZI groups are strictly "verboten" according the German Constitution, which is modeled after our own.

But Right-Wing groups are not.

They are not one and the same.

Yes, Nazi are Left Wing which means All Power to the Government.

Right wing supports individual liberty and personal freedom

No. Absolutely wrong. NAZIS were and still are Right-Wing. EXTREME Right-Wing.

Get your history straight.
NAZI groups are strictly "verboten" according the German Constitution, which is modeled after our own.

But Right-Wing groups are not.

They are not one and the same.

Yes, Nazi are Left Wing which means All Power to the Government.

Right wing supports individual liberty and personal freedom

No. Absolutely wrong. NAZIS were and still are Right-Wing. EXTREME Right-Wing.

Get your history straight.

yes leftard; they only called themselves THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY to mess with the heads of left-wing nutjobs in America

and HOW ELSE could they get millions of people to rush out and stuff people into ovens but to "pretend" they were doing it in the name of their beloved SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY?
People may have noticed that I haven't written anything about the EU election yet, because I generally wait until the final cavasses are out.

But it would help Americans to know that the EU elections (known in Germany as "Europawahl") are essentially base elections. Think of mid-term primary elections in the USA with pretty poor turnout, where only the hardest core of the base comes out, and you essentially have the turnout for the Europawahl, because it's something that is just too far away from "home" for most folks.

Germans definitely vote in high numbers in their national parliamentary and provincial elections, but it's hard to get people to come out and vote for Europawahl.

So, before anyone on any side tries to make a big judgement here, either on the Left or on the Right, you should wait until the final canvasses are in and also remember that the turnout here is comparatively very low for European standards.
exactly the same in the UK, you can understand the American right wing nutters clutching at straws after two terms of the fantastic Obama, the fact that they are staring down the barrels of a two term Hillary is driving them even more barmy.
Schadenfreude is such a sweet dish hot or cold.
I like the majority love living in multicultural Great Britain.

You're just like the Left-turds in the U.S.
Fucking delusional.
You probably favor same sex marriage, legalization of pot, are anti-war, and love protecting spotted owls. Yeah - you're the "average" Brit.


You're a Liberal sissy-boy.
dont get upset your testicles will drop in their own good time.
Rightwing party's gaining seats in the EU parliament

The European Parliament is set to usher in its first fully-fledged neo-Nazis members, from Germany and Greece.

EU parliament to usher in neo-Nazis | SBS News

Anyone surprised?

No, I'm not surprised. I go to the UK every year - have been doing so for 10+ years. Spend about 10 days there. Have made many friends along the way. We've wandered up to Scotland - and every place in between. This September, we'll be taking a boat over to Ireland. I can't even begin to explain how pissed off native Brits are that their government has bent over backwards for Islamic filth from around the globe. Everywhere you turn - some camel-jockey piece of shit is driving a cab, running a store, pumping your gas. They're everywhere. The UK government lets them in by the millions! You should see a flight arriving at Heathrow. Dear God, these people in black veils - you wonder who they're going to blow up! And the Liberal government is also into everyone's wallets. Taxes through the roof - free benefits of course, for illegal Islamic pricks. No one can carry a gun - there are cameras everywhere, gas is 8/gallon. My British friends are at wits end. Their once beloved England is turning into Iran II.

Fuckin A-right - the people have had enough. OUT goes the leftists...

Thanks for the warning that you are coming to Ireland.
If it preserves western civilization. What is so wrong with it? The leftist went to flood our cultures with people that hate us and want to destroy what we have built.

Why shouldn't we be angry?

german acronym

stands for ..............................................

wait for it.............................................
wait for it...................................................


fascism sprung out of left-wing ideology sweeping across europe starting in the 19th century

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Just like People's Republic of China is really a Republic, right?
The Nazi's also rounded up and murdered (or worked to death) all democratic socialists, communists, and social democrats in government. Nazis are neither true 'fascists' of the Mussolini variety, nor state 'communists', but instead a mix of the two with occult religion and genocidal xenophobia added in.

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