This is what the left has become

The Regressive Left doesn't like having the light shined on it. Too bad.

They've taken a great party and wrecked it. They are illiberal.

That hurts you cupcake?

Liberals are by and large pussys ya know

You are a Piece of Trump Pussy craving to be grabbed by that Orange Anus ...:badgrin:

What does that even mean sweet heart?

No thanks I don't swing that way but thanks for asking I am flattered

There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.

Ironic coming from the guy who started a thread this morning crying over Obama stealing his lunch money.
College money bitch. Get your facts straight & stop lying.

If you went to school you'd know what a figure of speech was.

The college kids don't ....
There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.

Ironic coming from the guy who started a thread this morning crying over Obama stealing his lunch money.
College money bitch. Get your facts straight & stop lying.

If you went to school you'd know what a figure of speech was.
I have 2 years of college. 2 trade school degrees & a votech degree.

I'm good, but thanks for proving my theory that liberals are judgemental pricks
There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.

Ironic coming from the guy who started a thread this morning crying over Obama stealing his lunch money.
College money bitch. Get your facts straight & stop lying.

If you went to school you'd know what a figure of speech was.
I have 2 years of college. 2 trade school degrees & a votech degree.

I'm good, but thanks for proving my theory that liberals are judgemental pricks

I never needed a college degree.


Ironic coming from the guy who started a thread this morning crying over Obama stealing his lunch money.
College money bitch. Get your facts straight & stop lying.

If you went to school you'd know what a figure of speech was.
I have 2 years of college. 2 trade school degrees & a votech degree.

I'm good, but thanks for proving my theory that liberals are judgemental pricks

I never needed a college degree.

I thought I did.

We had to submit fictitious business proposals to our lending banks as part of our final in our second year. They swooned over mine so I dropped out & started my first business.

College is overrated
So this morning on the front page we have this thread, viciously broadbrushing liberals as some sort of haters for whatever was said on twitter,

and elsewhere you have a thread where the RWnuts are zealously championing and defending their own rights of their own versions of hate speech.

I think I'll have a coffee! lol
Easy up on the whiskey in the coffee though. Leftists are haters and highly intolerant, it's about as apparent as it can be. While not all of you LWnuts will take your temper tantrums to the streets, the rest of you support it. The leftist recognizes no authority but their own and has no use any longer for the democratic process.

I thought free speech was essential to the democratic process.
Who said it wasn't. But if you are protesting said democracy it means you have no use for it, like I said. Jesus, you must be drunk 24/7.
There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.
I'm good, but thanks for proving my theory that liberals are judgemental pricks

you sad ...Pussy you..bad bad snowflakes picking on you..Sad...weak..Bimbo
If you want to sling insults I have two tips for you...

1. Don't talk like a 13 year old boy.
2. Learn the English language.

Yup he sucks at it an embarrassment to liberals world wide, that's why they banned him from the democrat underground

There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.

Ironic coming from the guy who started a thread this morning crying over Obama stealing his lunch money.
College money bitch. Get your facts straight & stop lying.

If you went to school you'd know what a figure of speech was.
I have 2 years of college. 2 trade school degrees & a votech degree.

I'm good, but thanks for proving my theory that liberals are judgemental pricks

Calling liberals judgmental pricks is being judgmental on your part.
There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

Go back and read the OP and tell us what this thread is about.

Ironic coming from the guy who started a thread this morning crying over Obama stealing his lunch money.
College money bitch. Get your facts straight & stop lying.

If you went to school you'd know what a figure of speech was.
I have 2 years of college. 2 trade school degrees & a votech degree.

I'm good, but thanks for proving my theory that liberals are judgemental pricks

Calling liberals judgmental pricks is being judgmental on your part.
True but unlike you jackasses I can admit to being one
The solution is simple. Take industrial size cans of mace and spray anyone wearing a mask as they are a threat to your safety and are only wearing a mask because they intend to commit crimes. Alternative is to pistol while them or smash them in the face with the butt of your rifle.
There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

Go back and read the OP and tell us what this thread is about.
Go back and read your own words since you can't remember from one minute to the next.
Ironic coming from the guy who started a thread this morning crying over Obama stealing his lunch money.
College money bitch. Get your facts straight & stop lying.

If you went to school you'd know what a figure of speech was.
I have 2 years of college. 2 trade school degrees & a votech degree.

I'm good, but thanks for proving my theory that liberals are judgemental pricks

Calling liberals judgmental pricks is being judgmental on your part.
True but unlike you jackasses I can admit to being one

Exactly that's the huge problem with liberals

There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

Go back and read the OP and tell us what this thread is about.
Go back and read your own words since you can't remember from one minute to the next.

Is the OP about people taking to the streets or not?

Yes. Or. No.

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