This is what the left has become

There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

Go back and read the OP and tell us what this thread is about.
Go back and read your own words since you can't remember from one minute to the next.

Is the OP about people taking to the streets or not?

Yes. Or. No.
You can't understand your own fucking words? Like I said, ease off the whiskey!
There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.
You assholes share the same personality, it's like talking to the same person no matter where or when.
you sad ...Pussy you..bad bad snowflakes picking on you..Sad...weak..Bimbo
If you want to sling insults I have two tips for you....

you whinny little bitch the Anus spend the whole 2016 campaign slinging insult yet you are still eager to suck him off
I have two tips for not tell your Superiors what to do

here is some English for you sweetbrier pudding pie..Fuck off you punked out Salad tossing Trump Trollop :321:
There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

It's not imaginary

We're not you
There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

It's not imaginary

We're not you

It's imaginary when you apply the actions of a couple people to millions of people.
you sad ...Pussy you..bad bad snowflakes picking on you..Sad...weak..Bimbo
If you want to sling insults I have two tips for you....

you whinny little bitch the Anus spend the whole 2016 campaign slinging insult yet you are still eager to suck him off
I have two tips for not tell your Superiors what to do

here is some English for you sweetbrier pudding pie..Fuck off you punked out Salad tossing Trump Trollop :321:

What happened to the huge fonts and color?

Your losing this fight
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

It's not imaginary

We're not you

It's imaginary when you apply the actions of a couple people to millions of people.

Again who won?
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

It's not imaginary

We're not you

It's imaginary when you apply the actions of a couple people to millions of people.
No, you dismiss the actions of millions for a few.
you sad ...Pussy you..bad bad snowflakes picking on you..Sad...weak..Bimbo
If you want to sling insults I have two tips for you....

you whinny little bitch the Anus spend the whole 2016 campaign slinging insult yet you are still eager to suck him off
I have two tips for not tell your Superiors what to do

here is some English for you sweetbrier pudding pie..Fuck off you punked out Salad tossing Trump Trollop :321:

What happened to the huge fonts and color?

Your losing this fight
Fuck off asshole you don't know Butkis or Butkus ..
you sad ...Pussy you..bad bad snowflakes picking on you..Sad...weak..Bimbo
If you want to sling insults I have two tips for you....

you whinny little bitch the Anus spend the whole 2016 campaign slinging insult yet you are still eager to suck him off
I have two tips for not tell your Superiors what to do

here is some English for you sweetbrier pudding pie..Fuck off you punked out Salad tossing Trump Trollop :321:

What happened to the huge fonts and color?

Your losing this fight
Fuck off asshole you don't know Butkis or Butkus ..

Who said I did?
Trump actually put out a 100-day “Contract with the American Voterduring the campaign outlining his early promises.:badgrin:

Obamacare Act
Fully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings
Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across
state lines and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms
will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are
over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want
to speed the approval of life-saving medications.

Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern
border with the full understanding that the country of
Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost
of such wall;

Clean Up Corruption in
Washington Act
Enacts new ethics reforms to drain the swamp and reduce
the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.
Trump actually put out a 100-day “Contract with the American Voterduring the campaign outlining his early promises.:badgrin:

Obamacare Act
Fully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings
Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across
state lines and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms
will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are
over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want
to speed the approval of life-saving medications.

Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern
border with the full understanding that the country of
Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost
of such wall;

Clean Up Corruption in
Washington Act
Enacts new ethics reforms to drain the swamp and reduce
the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.


Does that make you feel special and do you think shouting like a toddler gets you noticed?

Always excusing black supremacist lunatics while pretending to be "progressive".

That is the Democrat way.
WTF are you talking about? Your video shows right wing Trump supporters dressed in riot gear showing up with the intention of doing violence. These are Trump supporters starting a riot. They are non-college, right wing racists, who are too stupid to handle complex issues, so they fight.

That's not the Democrats. That's not the left. That is you fuckers!
All the reporting, even The Liberal Media states that these peaceful rallies are being disrupted by Liberals showing up dressed in black with masks on their faces. And if you look at the footage, a lot of them look to be (for lack of a better word) illegals.

Let me ask you this, why is it that Liberals side with Terrorists, and Illegals, and Violent Felons?

Why did Hillary Clinton and George Soros pay Millions to Fake Protestors to go to Trump Rallies and Riot, and Assault, and Bloody peaceful rally attendees?

They were caught red handed doing that. Three prominent leaders of The Democrat Party were fired for it. In fact, your party has become so UNETHICAL, that you are now on your 3rd party head. The previous two had to be fired for rigging a primary and stealing debate questions.

Are Conservatives attending these functions supposed to just let Lefty assault them and do NOTHING?

We know you don't like this country. We know you want Socialism. My advice to you is to move to a SOCIALIST COUNTRY. Try Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela. Russia is too Democratic for you. Maybe Turkey is more to your liking.

Good luck and don't let the door hit you in your FAT ASS on the way out of our country!
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