This is what the left has become

All the reporting, even The Liberal Media states that these peaceful rallies are being disrupted by Liberals showing up dressed in black with masks on their faces. And if you look at the footage, a lot of them look to be (for lack of a better word) illegals.
So you're saying liberals are showing up to fight other liberals? That is rich!

Let me ask you this, why is it that Liberals side with Terrorists, and Illegals, and Violent Felons?
Liberals don't. BTW, its your side funding al Qaeda in Syria, not ours. It's your side that committed violent felonies under the color of authority in Ferguson and Baltimore.

Why did Hillary Clinton and George Soros pay Millions to Fake Protestors to go to Trump Rallies and Riot, and Assault, and Bloody peaceful rally attendees?
They didn't. That's just the fake news you make up because you don't have the balls to take ownership over the things you do.

They were caught red handed doing that. Three prominent leaders of The Democrat Party were fired for it. In fact, your party has become so UNETHICAL, that you are now on your 3rd party head. The previous two had to be fired for rigging a primary and stealing debate questions.
I'm not a democrat, asshole.

Are Conservatives attending these functions supposed to just let Lefty assault them and do NOTHING?
These are pissed off conservatives showing up to address their grievances to government. Why would a lefty go to a right wing town hall? We're not like the bagger nation during the healthcare debates.

We know you don't like this country. We know you want Socialism. My advice to you is to move to a SOCIALIST COUNTRY. Try Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela. Russia is too Democratic for you. Maybe Turkey is more to your liking.
I'm not going anywhere. The only option you have, is to learn how to deal with me.

Good luck and don't let the door hit you in your FAT ASS on the way out of our country!
That door swings both ways, junior.

Now if you could be so bold as to fuck off!
My video was made by a crazy black supremacist bitch(who uses the same old bullshit as Democrats about how Trump voters somehow voted against their own interest by voting against the party that hates them) who knew as little about that event as you do.

ANTIFA attacked them, you dipshit.

They were in riot gear so they weren't killed by inbred savages throwing stones and using glass bottles.
That was your people showing up at a liberal event loaded for bear and intent on starting some shit. Don't blame others for the shit things you do.
My video was made by a crazy black supremacist bitch(who uses the same old bullshit as Democrats about how Trump voters somehow voted against their own interest by voting against the party that hates them) who knew as little about that event as you do.

ANTIFA attacked them, you dipshit.

They were in riot gear so they weren't killed by inbred savages throwing stones and using glass bottles.
That was your people showing up at a liberal event loaded for bear and intent on starting some shit. Don't blame others for the shit things you do.
Antifa showed up to their event, moron.

It was a "free speech" rally.
I remember the good old days when conservatives repeatedly insisted that you do not have the right not to be offended,

and would mock anyone who claimed otherwise.

Hmmm yeah, so? When have the stopped saying that? Only dumbass snowflakes claim they have a right not to be offended.
Always excusing black supremacist lunatics while pretending to be "progressive".

That is the Democrat way.
WTF are you talking about? Your video shows right wing Trump supporters dressed in riot gear showing up with the intention of doing violence. These are Trump supporters starting a riot. They are non-college, right wing racists, who are too stupid to handle complex issues, so they fight.

That's not the Democrats. That's not the left. That is you fuckers!

Do you have video of any of them throwing the first punch? They are wearing riot gear because they watched what happened to Trump supporters in previous demonstrations. There's no law against self defense.

Leftwing thugs hate it when their victims defend themselves.
So this morning on the front page we have this thread, viciously broadbrushing liberals as some sort of haters for whatever was said on twitter,

and elsewhere you have a thread where the RWnuts are zealously championing and defending their own rights of their own versions of hate speech.

I think I'll have a coffee! lol

Antifa showed up to their event, moron.

It was a "free speech" rally.
You can tell by those pictures they are right wing assholes who think now that Trump is President, it's okay to bust some heads, as long as your heart is in the right place.

The leftwing assholes threw the first punch, moron. Then they got what they deserved.

The woman you constantly see in the video getting punched was throwing bottles just before that happened.
Do you have video of any of them throwing the first punch? They are wearing riot gear because they watched what happened to Trump supporters in previous demonstrations. There's no law against self defense.

Leftwing thugs hate it when their victims defend themselves.
Wrong! They came dressed in riot gear with the intention of starting some shit. Normal people don't show up to political rally's dressed like SEAL Team 6.
Do you have video of any of them throwing the first punch? They are wearing riot gear because they watched what happened to Trump supporters in previous demonstrations. There's no law against self defense.

Leftwing thugs hate it when their victims defend themselves.
Wrong! They came dressed in riot gear with the intention of starting some shit. Normal people don't show up to political rally's dressed like SEAL Team 6.

It doesn't matter how they were dressed. All that matters is who threw the first punch, and the douche bag snowflakes get the blame.
The leftwing assholes threw the first punch, moron. Then they got what they deserved.

The woman you constantly see in the video getting punched was throwing bottles just before that happened.
The first punch was coming to the event with the intent of committing violence. And you people are violent. Just look at the way you talk to others at this very website. Collectively, all your posts say one thing............"prick!"

Maybe she threw the bottle because she got maced. Or maybe the woman remembers the start of the 6 day war and what happens when an armed group walks right up to you personal boundary. You don't get in someone's face, unless you intend to throw down.
Antifa showed up to their event, moron.

It was a "free speech" rally.
You can tell by those pictures they are right wing assholes who think now that Trump is President, it's okay to bust some heads, as long as your heart is in the right place.

The leftwing assholes threw the first punch, moron. Then the got what they deserved.

The woman you constantly see in the video getting punched was throwing bottles just before that happened.
That particular "woman" was also literally looking to kill people before going there.
LIFE COMES AT YOU FAST: Berkeley Antifa Chick Who Got Socked Said She Would “Bring Back 100 Nazi Scalps”
Never heard of Danny Bonaduce on the unPatriots. Tom Brady didn't show up either. It's like drumpf buys enough food for 200 every event and only 30 show up.

Sad. So sad. He's a sad orange clown.

Brady didn't show up for your dear leader in 2015 either. If you folks didn't have your hypocrisy you'd have nothing at all.

Brady has probably been to so many of these that he's bored with the whole thing.
It doesn't matter how they were dressed. All that matters is who threw the first punch, and the douche bag snowflakes get the blame.
You don't come dressed like that unless you're trying to make a statement.
So you really think that fucking Lauren Southern was going there to start a fight?

She was dressed exactly like that to protect herself after her previous encounters with Antifa in both the US and Canada(where she is from).
That particular "woman" was also literally looking to kill people before going there.
LIFE COMES AT YOU FAST: Berkeley Antifa Chick Who Got Socked Said She Would “Bring Back 100 Nazi Scalps”
What kind of dude comes up and punches a woman in the face then runs away? Are you defending that? You think it is okay to punch a woman? If I ever see a guy hitting a woman in the face with his fist, any guy, I guarantee you, I will not be kind, but I will be certain. You people are sicker than I thought.
So you really think that fucking Lauren Southern was going there to start a fight?

She was dressed exactly like that to protect herself after her previous encounters with Antifa in both the US and Canada(where she is from).
Your video shows a fucking asshole hitting a woman in the face with his fist! As far as I'm concerned, that is the ONLY issue here that needs retribution. That fucker needs to be found and have his ass beat into a coma.
That particular "woman" was also literally looking to kill people before going there.
LIFE COMES AT YOU FAST: Berkeley Antifa Chick Who Got Socked Said She Would “Bring Back 100 Nazi Scalps”
What kind of dude comes up and punches a woman in the face then runs away? Are you defending that? You think it is okay to punch a woman? If I ever see a guy hitting a woman in the face with his fist, any guy, I guarantee you, I will not be kind, but I will be certain. You people are sicker than I thought.
Do you not see her holding a fucking bottle and trying to choke him with her other hand?

What kind of fucking woman goes to a free speech rally to literally try to kill people?

Why is it that you think women can be extremely violent to men and men can't even subdue them with force?

YOU are sick, you stupid cuck.

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