This is what the left has become

Trump actually put out a 100-day “Contract with the American Voterduring the campaign outlining his early promises.:badgrin:

Obamacare Act
Fully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings
Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across
state lines and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms
will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are
over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want
to speed the approval of life-saving medications.

Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern
border with the full understanding that the country of
Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost
of such wall;

Clean Up Corruption in
Washington Act
Enacts new ethics reforms to drain the swamp and reduce
the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.


Does that make you feel special and do you think shouting like a toddler gets you noticed?


Betcha you do...

Ironic coming from the guy who started a thread this morning crying over Obama stealing his lunch money.
College money bitch. Get your facts straight & stop lying.

If you went to school you'd know what a figure of speech was.
I have 2 years of college. 2 trade school degrees & a votech degree.

I'm good, but thanks for proving my theory that liberals are judgemental pricks

I never needed a college degree.

I thought I did.

We had to submit fictitious business proposals to our lending banks as part of our final in our second year. They swooned over mine so I dropped out & started my first business.

College is overrated

That explains so much.
College money bitch. Get your facts straight & stop lying.

If you went to school you'd know what a figure of speech was.
I have 2 years of college. 2 trade school degrees & a votech degree.

I'm good, but thanks for proving my theory that liberals are judgemental pricks

I never needed a college degree.

I thought I did.

We had to submit fictitious business proposals to our lending banks as part of our final in our second year. They swooned over mine so I dropped out & started my first business.

College is overrated

That explains so much.

Then don't call me when you need something fixed do it yourself
Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

It's not imaginary

We're not you

It's imaginary when you apply the actions of a couple people to millions of people.
No, you dismiss the actions of millions for a few.

How many million tweets were there to Amendola?
There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

THAT is your party now. That is YOU.
There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

THAT is your party now. That is YOU.

Pretty bad when they'll even deny the Left EXISTS.

Holy crap.

Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

THAT is your party now. That is YOU.

Pretty bad when they'll even deny the Left EXISTS.

Holy crap.


How many liberals from USMB can you identify who posted derogatory tweets to Amendola?
There should be a separate forum for all these RW discussions about this imaginary 'left' that they obsess on.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

THAT is your party now. That is YOU.

That sounds like something you'd say.
Yeah brainchild. The lefties take to the streets to protest and it's the right with the overactive imagination.

Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

THAT is your party now. That is YOU.

That sounds like something you'd say.

I want to shamelessly use the past to extort money from other races to further my fascist goals while being called a "progressive"?

Most certainly not.
Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

THAT is your party now. That is YOU.

Pretty bad when they'll even deny the Left EXISTS.

Holy crap.


How many liberals from USMB can you identify who posted derogatory tweets to Amendola?

Stunned silence from Macaroni. Big surprise.
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

THAT is your party now. That is YOU.

Pretty bad when they'll even deny the Left EXISTS.

Holy crap.


How many liberals from USMB can you identify who posted derogatory tweets to Amendola?

Stunned silence from Macaroni. Big surprise.

That's because I'm still giggling.

I comment on your hilarious dishonesty, and your retort is an absolutely, ridiculously impossible question to answer.

You really are a hoot. Absolutely crazed. I don't know how you come up with this stuff.
Twitter is not a street. Do you have any idea what the topic of this thread is?
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

THAT is your party now. That is YOU.

That sounds like something you'd say.

I want to shamelessly use the past to extort money from other races to further my fascist goals while being called a "progressive"?

Most certainly not.

Why do you lie?
The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

THAT is your party now. That is YOU.

Pretty bad when they'll even deny the Left EXISTS.

Holy crap.


How many liberals from USMB can you identify who posted derogatory tweets to Amendola?

Stunned silence from Macaroni. Big surprise.

That's because I'm still giggling.

I comment on your hilarious dishonesty, and your retort is an absolutely, ridiculously impossible question to answer.

You really are a hoot. Absolutely crazed. I don't know how you come up with this stuff.

The OP claims the tweets represent 'the Left'. You agree. That makes you an idiot.

THAT is your party now. That is YOU.

Pretty bad when they'll even deny the Left EXISTS.

Holy crap.


How many liberals from USMB can you identify who posted derogatory tweets to Amendola?

Stunned silence from Macaroni. Big surprise.

That's because I'm still giggling.

I comment on your hilarious dishonesty, and your retort is an absolutely, ridiculously impossible question to answer.

You really are a hoot. Absolutely crazed. I don't know how you come up with this stuff.

The OP claims the tweets represent 'the Left'. You agree. That makes you an idiot.

Show me where I referenced the OP, you twisted, whacked out liar.

I'll wait here, giggling.
You brought up "the imaginary left" so you must be too drunk to remember just minutes ago.

The imaginary left is what you people talk about every day. It's your invention.

THAT is your party now. That is YOU.

That sounds like something you'd say.

I want to shamelessly use the past to extort money from other races to further my fascist goals while being called a "progressive"?

Most certainly not.

Why do you lie?

Why do YOU lie about me?

Pointless racial strife must be eliminated, not encouraged.
Always excusing black supremacist lunatics while pretending to be "progressive".

That is the Democrat way.
WTF are you talking about? Your video shows right wing Trump supporters dressed in riot gear showing up with the intention of doing violence. These are Trump supporters starting a riot. They are non-college, right wing racists, who are too stupid to handle complex issues, so they fight.

That's not the Democrats. That's not the left. That is you fuckers!
My video was made by a crazy black supremacist bitch(who uses the same old bullshit as Democrats about how Trump voters somehow voted against their own interest by voting against the party that hates them) who knew as little about that event as you do.

ANTIFA attacked them, you dipshit.

They were in riot gear so they weren't killed by inbred savages throwing stones and using glass bottles.
Pretty bad when they'll even deny the Left EXISTS.

Holy crap.


How many liberals from USMB can you identify who posted derogatory tweets to Amendola?

Stunned silence from Macaroni. Big surprise.
That's because I'm still giggling.

I comment on your hilarious dishonesty, and your retort is an absolutely, ridiculously impossible question to answer.

You really are a hoot. Absolutely crazed. I don't know how you come up with this stuff.

The OP claims the tweets represent 'the Left'. You agree. That makes you an idiot.
Show me where I referenced the OP, you twisted, whacked out liar.

I'll wait here, giggling.

Post 17.
How many liberals from USMB can you identify who posted derogatory tweets to Amendola?

Stunned silence from Macaroni. Big surprise.
That's because I'm still giggling.

I comment on your hilarious dishonesty, and your retort is an absolutely, ridiculously impossible question to answer.

You really are a hoot. Absolutely crazed. I don't know how you come up with this stuff.

The OP claims the tweets represent 'the Left'. You agree. That makes you an idiot.
Show me where I referenced the OP, you twisted, whacked out liar.

I'll wait here, giggling.

Post 17.
I have to admit, this is fascinating.

So you quote Post 88 and then claim to reference Post 17.

You really are quite the study. I wonder if you even realize how completely dishonest you are.

I'm guessing you're one of those people who go through life making up fantasies to deal with your reality.


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