This is what the left has become

Antifa showed up to their event, moron.

It was a "free speech" rally.
You can tell by those pictures they are right wing assholes who think now that Trump is President, it's okay to bust some heads, as long as your heart is in the right place.

Yeah, right, it's not the guys wearing hoods and masks. Their intentions were totally benign!
If the women wacked him over the head with her purse first, then it's not a crime. It's self defense.

I thought you snowflakes believed in equality between men and woman. You seem to be claiming there are special rules where women are concerned.
Fuck you, asshole. The video shows some dude walking up to her and punching her in the face. You can't claim self defense when you are the aggressor. He walked up to her. Now fuck off, asshole!
You watch only the part you want to watch. For the rest its "see no evil."
Have fun taking shots to the groin from women for the rest of your life.

Your levels of white knighthood are sickening, and that is coming from someone who firmly believes women need men to protect them from other men.
This country is really sick and you're living proof of that.
So Many Antifas, So Few Landfills

Leftism is the tumor that needs to be surgically removed. It is absurd, pathetic, and desperate for you to think that you can try to shame us into not fighting back. We will escalate the surgery until victory is achieved by any means necessary.
Wrong, douche bag. They had every right to come to the event. That wasn't a crime. Throwing the first punch is a crime, and the snowflakes are the ones guilty of that.
You're right. They had every right to come to the event and that was not a crime. But walking up to a woman and punching her in the face is a crime. It's called "assault and battery", dickhead. I bet you're one of those fuckers walking around thinking OJ was the victim and Nicole was the aggressor? That going over to her house late at night and slitting her throat from ear to ear was self defense?

She's on video throwing bottles, moron.
That's bullshit! The video shows her just standing there.

The snowflakes were the ones walking up to people's "personal space."
I'm not talking about the weather, moron. I do love these pithy little words you fuckers come up with every year. One of your jerkoff think tanks goes,
"Okay, last year was 'princess' and the year before was 'tin foil hat'. What should this year will be? How 'bout 'snowflake'? Good! Lets run with that. Tell the minions..."

Then just like clockwork, all you bots start mimicking the word in unison. Isn't that special? If nothing else, it proves you fuckers can't think for yourselves.

Did you actually watch the video?
Yeah I fuckin' watched the video. That's why I'm so pissed off. Seeing a woman getting punched in the face by some prick who walked up to her and then seeing inhuman pieces of shit like you defend him, just makes me want to go out find one of ya'll and......explain why that is wrong.

She's grabbing the guy who punched her by the neck before he gives her what she asked for.
That's not what the video shows. It shows her standing there when you walk up to her and hit her in the face
I might as well start acting you did it, since you think its okay to treat women that way.

I could watch that video over and over again.
Watch it one more time. Only this time, watch it rectally!
Steamboat Willie

A blowtorch will turn drifts of snowflakes into slush, and that will be your mob's new name.
So Many Antifas, So Few Landfills

Leftism is the tumor that needs to be surgically removed. It is absurd, pathetic, and desperate for you to think that you can try to shame us into not fighting back. We will escalate the surgery until victory is achieved by any means necessary.
You need to stop watching so many episodes of Walker, Texas Ranger.

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