This is What Virginia Dems Chose to Lead them

It was almost 30 years ago. Sounds like he's turned around quite a bit since those days.

In 1994, Scott was arrested on federal drug charges, and served seven years in prison. Later, he acknowledged his mistakes, and said that the experience motivated him, and showed him injustices of the legal system.[4] Following his release from prison, Scott took an entry-level position at KRA Corporation, where he eventually became senior vice president and relocated to Portsmouth, Virginia.

In 2015, Scott was admitted to the bar and opened his own firm, where he practices criminal defense, family law, and civil cases.

But he is black, thus he is not worthy of forgiveness from these people.
Maybe because it is the Christian thing to do. He made a mistake 28 years ago. He paid his debt to society and has since then worked hard to make up for his mistake.

Funny how you all had so much forgiveness for the drugie Rush Limbaugh but none for this guy...I wonder what the difference between them is

I am a Christian but many times it is hard to admit as I do not want to risk getting lumped in with the Christians that prove to be so hateful and spiteful.
It was almost 30 years ago. Sounds like he's turned around quite a bit since those days.

In 1994, Scott was arrested on federal drug charges, and served seven years in prison. Later, he acknowledged his mistakes, and said that the experience motivated him, and showed him injustices of the legal system.[4] Following his release from prison, Scott took an entry-level position at KRA Corporation, where he eventually became senior vice president and relocated to Portsmouth, Virginia.

In 2015, Scott was admitted to the bar and opened his own firm, where he practices criminal defense, family law, and civil cases.
Sorry, once a convict, always a convict....He just chose a different way to manipulate. I mean what better way to carry-on with the criminal mindset than to become both a lawyer and politician? I predict that he will go far in the dem ranks.
I am a Christian but many times it is hard to admit as I do not want to risk getting lumped in with the Christians that prove to be so hateful and spiteful.

I have long since stopped using the term to refer to myself. I am anti-abortion but would never call myself "pro-life" as then you are lumped in with the crazies.
Sorry, once a convict, always a convict...

and this is why so many people that make mistakes early in their life are fucked for the rest of their life. People like you that are filled with hate for them.
well hale...Scott may even run for Governor come next election. Virginia accomodates corrupt dem politicians.
gator said:
and this is why so many people that make mistakes early in their life are fucked for the rest of their life. People like you that are filled with hate for them.

everybody hates corrupt opportunist dem politicians and frankly your sides black dem pols don't have such a good track record.
and this is why so many people that make mistakes early in their life are fucked for the rest of their life. People like you that are filled with hate for them.
Hell Skippy, I get along fine with ex-cons.....I just never forget that they are ex-cons. ;)
Sorry, once a convict, always a convict....He just chose a different way to manipulate. I mean what better way to carry-on with the criminal mindset than to become both a lawyer and politician? I predict that he will go far in the dem ranks.

Once a fraud always a fraud?

In 1973, Trump was accused by the Justice Department of violations of the Fair Housing Act in the operation of 39 buildings. The Department said that black "testers" were sent to more than half a dozen buildings and were denied apartments, but a similar white tester would then be offered an apartment in the same building.[8] The government alleged that Trump's corporation quoted different rental terms and conditions to blacks and made false "no vacancy" statements to blacks for apartments they managed in Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island.[9]

He settled the case.

In late 1990, Trump was sued for $2 million by a business analyst for defamation, and Trump settled out of court.[

Anyway, the list is long.

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Once a fraud always a fraud?

In 1973, Trump was accused by the Justice Department of violations of the Fair Housing Act in the operation of 39 buildings. The Department said that black "testers" were sent to more than half a dozen buildings and were denied apartments, but a similar white tester would then be offered an apartment in the same building.[8] The government alleged that Trump's corporation quoted different rental terms and conditions to blacks and made false "no vacancy" statements to blacks for apartments they managed in Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island.[9]

He settled the case.

In late 1990, Trump was sued for $2 million by a business analyst for defamation, and Trump settled out of court.[

Anyway, the list is long.

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Was Trump convicted of a felony?

Meh, just goes to show when your ilk has nothing else left in the tank you fall back on the TDS.

Get some help.
Was Trump convicted of a felony?

Meh, just goes to show when your ilk has nothing else left in the tank you fall back on the TDS.

Get some help.

Sadly the rich get away with paying a settlement while the poor go to prison.
Sadly the rich get away with paying a settlement while the poor go to prison.
What, have you been living under a rock? It's always been that way and it will continue to be that way.

How else do you think those dem supporting billionaires have secretaries that pay in more in taxes than they do? I'll tell you why, their Uniparty lawyer buddies in congress have manipulated the tax code to hell and gone. The rich always find them a out.....Of course they have to pay their pound of flesh to the lawyers. See the light yet?
The person dumped lost the majority. That should be done anytime a leader loses the majority. We would be better off today if McConnell and Pelosi had that happen to them.
It wasn’t her fault they lost the majority. The wokeness in Virginia was so extreme and distasteful to voters that they turned a blue state red.

And really? There’s no better person to fill the role that an ex-con? He’s black, so all is forgiven. The most important thing to Dems is getting jobs filled with blacks.
It wasn’t her fault they lost the majority. The wokeness in Virginia was so extreme and distasteful to voters that they turned a blue state red.

And really? There’s no better person to fill the role that an ex-con? He’s black, so all is forgiven. The most important thing to Dems is getting jobs filled with blacks.
The most important thing for Democrats is to give jobs to those deserving regardless of their skin color.

Democrats have always been about diversity. They were with the Civil rights movement in the 1960s, and continue to be for Diversity, Human Rights, Children's rights, Women's Rights, Voting Rights.

Can anyone show me where in the past 60 years the Democrats have been against any of those and other rights?
Exactly what is like Clinton?
What crime did she commit to end up in prison?
Was she not investigated? What did they find which would have put her in prison?
Not HER. HIM. The poster said rich people pay settlements rather than go to jail, and Bill Clinton paid nearly $1 million to Paula Jones.

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