This Is Where Our Country Has Fallen to, the Joke of Trumpy Bear

Poor snowflake. Would you like a tissue?

Or perhaps an Obama Chia Pet?

Oh so you don't think it is sad that someone is charging $40 for a stuffed animal that has a flag in it, that they say you can use as a blanket?

Is it against flag etiquette to use one as a blanket?

A blanket that looks like a flag is not a flag, it's a blanket that looks like a flag.

A blanket that looks like a flag is not a flag, it's a blanket that looks like a flag.

LOL, trumpers are smart

My version of sad, is more along the lines of disappointed, as in the fact someone is trying to make money off of people with this over-priced, over-hyped, stuffed bear. Then to boot, it promotes the misuse of the American flag!
It's not an American flag, it's a blanket.
This isn't hard to figure out here folks.

What's going on is actually pretty simple, and it's all about marketing.

This company has a product and needs a way to best present it. So they create a commercial that people come away wondering if it's for real or if it's a joke.
Even the narrator sounds like someone you've heard on an SNL parody commercial.
What happens is people are left with questions, so they end up researching whether what they've seen is real or not.
Voila, the company gets all kinds of publicity and even news stories are written.
This is exactly what the intent was, and now people are talking about the product and thinking whether they should purchase one.
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It’s like a SNL parody commercial. $40 for a stuffed bear. What a rip off!
It's okay, the conned can afford, they have jobs. Do you know what a job is?

A job is what I had from the time I was 11 years old and had two paper routes, until I retired two years ago at the age of 66. During my younger years, I worked as a nanny, suckered tobacco, waited tables, and clerked in a dry cleaning plant. As an adult I was worked in banking, becoming one of the first female bank managers in Canada, and then went back to school and went into law, where I worked until I retired, starting at a very small firm in mid-town Toronto and ending up on Bay Street at one of the biggest firms in the city.

Now I have a small part time business, I use to supplement my pensions and to express my creativity, something I couldn’t do when I had a family to raise and support.

I can’t imagine your parents are proud that their asshole of a child is so condescending and rude.
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When I saw this commercial at first I thought it was a parody joke... I had to double check what channel I was on, and it wasn't Comedy Central, the commercial is real.

I thought it was put out by Liberals as a joke, too.
But the Trumpy Bear can't be true-to-life unless it has a Putin doll sitting on its face...
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Rip-off? Seriously?

Vermont Teddy Bears run from $50 - $109 online. Sounds like Trumpy Bear is a damn good deal.

It would appear that Spare_Change has ordered a dozen or so Trumpy Bears as Christmas gifts! :)
Ответственность лидеров:

Существует психологическая связь между «каннибалистскими» заявлениями лидеров и уровнем «сумасшедшего» насилия.

Пример 1: Связь между выступлениями Гитлера и массовым безумием немцев.

Пример 2: Соединение заявлений Трампа с массовыми расстрелами в Соединенных Штатах:

Аналог: феномен имитационных самоубийств.

Агрессивные декларации снижают внутренние удержания агрессии.
Сумасшедший старый Педдок продолжал спокойно ненавидеть сатанинские ночные крики рок-групп под окном. Но, уступив истерии, исходящей из высшей власти, он решил не церемониться.
Хорошо, что экипажи подводных лодок проходят глубокое психологическое тестирование.
Ответственность лидеров:

Существует психологическая связь между «каннибалистскими» заявлениями лидеров и уровнем «сумасшедшего» насилия.

Пример 1: Связь между выступлениями Гитлера и массовым безумием немцев.

Пример 2: Соединение заявлений Трампа с массовыми расстрелами в Соединенных Штатах:

Аналог: феномен имитационных самоубийств.

Агрессивные декларации снижают внутренние удержания агрессии.
Сумасшедший старый Педдок продолжал спокойно ненавидеть сатанинские ночные крики рок-групп под окном. Но, уступив истерии, исходящей из высшей власти, он решил не церемониться.
Хорошо, что экипажи подводных лодок проходят глубокое психологическое тестирование.
For those who don't recognize, this is an amateurish and childish rant about Trump and Hitler. Same stupid shit from the left ...

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