This Is Where Our Country Has Fallen to, the Joke of Trumpy Bear

I finally see this commercial that my wife has been laughing about. I was turned off by part about the flag being used as blanket. And I don't recall hearing "MADE IN AMERICA".
I finally see this commercial that my wife has been laughing about. I was turned off by part about the flag being used as blanket. And I don't recall hearing "MADE IN AMERICA".

Likely because the bears came from China - Kinda like Trump's ties and suits :)
Poor stupid snowflakes. They are desperately seeking anything against Trump.
I finally see this commercial that my wife has been laughing about. I was turned off by part about the flag being used as blanket. And I don't recall hearing "MADE IN AMERICA".

Likely because the bears came from China - Kinda like Trump's ties and suits :)
He bought 3 wives overseas but at least they were from different countries.
Poor stupid snowflakes. They are desperately seeking anything against Trump.

Other than being against disrespect for the flag and my suspicion it is from China, the Trump bear does nothing for me one way or other. I'm not sure if this product is suppose to satirize or flatter Trump, how do you see it?
Poor stupid snowflakes. They are desperately seeking anything against Trump.

Other than being against disrespect for the flag and my suspicion it is from China, the Trump bear does nothing for me one way or other. I'm not sure if this product is suppose to satirize or flatter Trump, how do you see it?

It’s not something I would buy, but I agree it could be read two ways. I think it leans towards flattery.
Ответственность лидеров:

Существует психологическая связь между «каннибалистскими» заявлениями лидеров и уровнем «сумасшедшего» насилия.

Пример 1: Связь между выступлениями Гитлера и массовым безумием немцев.

Пример 2: Соединение заявлений Трампа с массовыми расстрелами в Соединенных Штатах:

Аналог: феномен имитационных самоубийств.

Агрессивные декларации снижают внутренние удержания агрессии.
Сумасшедший старый Педдок продолжал спокойно ненавидеть сатанинские ночные крики рок-групп под окном. Но, уступив истерии, исходящей из высшей власти, он решил не церемониться.
Хорошо, что экипажи подводных лодок проходят глубокое психологическое тестирование.

I disagree
Poor stupid snowflakes. They are desperately seeking anything against Trump.

Other than being against disrespect for the flag and my suspicion it is from China, the Trump bear does nothing for me one way or other. I'm not sure if this product is suppose to satirize or flatter Trump, how do you see it?

Fun for the whole family
By the way, the name "Teddy" bear comes from Teddy Roosevelt our 26th president, so it's not like this is anything shockingly new.

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