This is why I hate Welfare , and other programs

That is a terrible situation and I don't have any answers myself, if we turn off welfare altogether we will just end up with shanty towns like they have in Jamaica and South Africa, and our crime rates will soar through the roof.

Or those on welfare could just get a job...

You know one of my best friends and certainly an older brother to me, was shot in his face and died because a relocated gangster brought his gang shit up here??

Of course his biological brother (my best friend or used to be my best friend) without his older brother went off and committed an armed robbery (which is brother would have forbid) at the age of 17 (1997) and then he was out for a year (2000) before he got popped for screwing a 15-year-old and got 16 years in prison for that, and he is still in prison and my best friend is now an institutionalized individual and he will never be the same..

You see how the dominoes fall??

Assholes like Clinton brought the ghetto to my friends and one is dead while the other has been in prison pretty much since he was 17 and now he is 32...

If his older brother was never murdered than my boy wouldn't be in prison right now.

Saying they should get a job is simple but I think you know alot of those guys on welfare are not interested in upgrading their station in life, if someone in the projects gets even a minimum wage job they could lose a part of their welfare check or even the whole thing depending on what state they reside in, and these guys know that. They know the rules in and out and how to skate, I don't think everyone on welfare is bad either and I am sure some need it but it does seem like the system is abused alot, I am also sorry to hear about what happened to your friends, that is a very sad, terrible situation and I can understand why you would have resentment towards your new neighbors.

I don't believe everyone on welfare is bad - those who abuse the program are.

Some use the program appropriately - as a temporary means to get by, but many use it as a lifeline...

I think the idea is fine but its being abused in massive numbers...

There should be some sort of a time limit one can collect welfare or public aid.

Taxpayers shouldn't be required to provide for generations of people.

Not to mention the politicians who use the program as a bribe for votes... "vote for me because I will fight for your right to live for free and I will make evil rich people foot the bill."

It's not right..

What is wrong with supporting ones self or family with blood, sweat and tears?? If someone wants more then can learn a skill that is in high demand...

I don't want more, I'm satisfied with what I have...
Not necessarily true. Section 8 pays up to $1400 a month in our town. That's more than what most landlords charge. We have welfare families living in condos at the beach. True story.

g5000 is correct lovebears. Our county planning board has tax records on line. All you have to do is enter the address of the property and the owner's name and address will pop up. Call the landlord. He will want to know.

We were about to evict one of our tenants who the neighbors suspected of dealing drugs. Fortunately, we told him that we would "let him out of his lease" if he left at the end of the month. He did. With his four kids and baby mamma. The place is still vacant, but the neighbors are happy. We will be more careful screening our next tenant.

Here in Illinois they pay per kid - I think it's 300 per month per kid.
We have a rental property in our neighborhood, apparently the owners decided to put it as a section 8.. There are at least 4 adults that live there. I dont know how many kids. So far since they have moved in break ins are up , the cops have been at their house numerous times, I have seen with my own eyes them smoking weed and selling it in their front yard. NO ONE WORKS. Why do they get these benefits when they are clearly breaking the law. I am sure they are not the only ones.. Our neighborhood was a safe one before they moved in. Oh and I have heard gun shots from that house as well. The cops are well aware of them since my neighbor is friends with them. Is there any way I can contact the people who does section 8 and investigate them
Call the FBI, they know how to take care of people like that. Tell them that you might think they are terrorist, then they’ll come at once. The military has the right to arrest potential terrorists if they’re suspected.

Problem solved

You really know nothing about the US criminal justice system, do you?
Hmm the same thing is happening in California I believe, I visited a friend of mine who lives in Los Angeles a few years ago and we visited some family friends of his down in Lancaster which is right outside the actual city of Los Angeles, evidently the city of LA closed down the Jordan Downs housing projects in Watts and relocated a bunch of the residents out there to Lancaster, so their crime rate has went through the roof. I guess people think that if you just move the projects out of the inner cities into the suburbs the residents will act better but so far I have yet to see that idea pan out, if anything they still act the same and violence just spreads out to other areas.

Well, this is the second round for the suburbs around me. Back in the 90's when Clinton pushed his welfare reform act, they did the same thing... That's when they started closing the projects down, then relocated them to the burbs. The crime rates in the targeted towns went through the roof. I'm talking mostly violent crime. Murders, rapes armed robberies, assaults ect...

That's why we have gangs here - they came with the welfare reform act...

They started knocking down projects in Chicago in 1993 or 1994 - almost 20 years ago. There are still projects tho.... I used to pass by half demolished projects every day and they stayed that way for a good 10 years... Most are down now and they had to drag the residents out kicking and screaming....

Now it appears they will be living across the street from me...

That is a terrible situation and I don't have any answers myself, if we turn off welfare altogether we will just end up with shanty towns like they have in Jamaica and South Africa, and our crime rates will soar through the roof.

It has nothing to do with welfare.

It has everything to do with the mentality of the people themselves.

Just because you are on welfare and in section 8 housing does not mean that you have to be a gangster. Nor does i mean you have to be a criminal selling drugs or a gun toting punk or robbing your neighbors. It does it mean that you have to trash the housing and neighborhood you are in.
I live in a good neighborhood.

I used too until these people moved in. No problems.. So who is the problem them these people who have cops , shooting guns, selling drugs

If you did live in a good neighborhood, there wouldn't be section 8 housing nearby.

This is the only house in the whole neighborhood and they just moved in.. They used to rent to military people now its section 8. This is the first family with section 8 in this house.
I live in a good neighborhood.

I used too until these people moved in. No problems.. So who is the problem them these people who have cops , shooting guns, selling drugs

If you did live in a good neighborhood, there wouldn't be section 8 housing nearby.

oh no? Think again. The idea is to move them into nicer neighborhoods. That way they cant be accused of keeping them in the hood.

We have had many many many propositions to build section 8 low cost housing projects here in city in upper middle class neighborhoods. Needless to say they have all been shouted down the second it leaked out what was being done.
There are no restrictions in my community either. There is for building multi-unit dwellings, but not for renting single family homes.

They over built luxury condos in Wildwood that owners can no longer afford. Many of them are renting to Section 8 just to pay their mortgages.
So you have shitty neighbors who happen to be on welfare. What are you proposing? Ending welfare for all because of these people?
So you have shitty neighbors who happen to be on welfare. What are you proposing? Ending welfare for all because of these people?
Welfare is meant to be used as a stepping stool but many times people are on it for years and years. There is at least 3 generations living in this house, no one works and they deal drugs, have shot guns and have police at their house multiply times . Dealing drugs should be a reason for them to get kicked out since its illegal. My own family (sister)has abused the system and I am not quiet about it!
In NJ, druggies and wife beaters can be kicked out.


The Section 8 Tenant-Based Program may deny assistance for an applicant or terminate assistance for a participant for any of the following grounds:

If the household violates any obligations under the Section 8 Tenant-Based Program.

If any member of the household has ever been evicted from public housing.

If a housing agency has ever terminated assistance under the certificate or voucher program for any member of the household.

If any member of the household commits drug-related criminal activity or violent criminal activity.

If any member of the household commits fraud, bribery or any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with any federal housing program.

Resources: Guide to the Section 8 Housing Program
So you have shitty neighbors who happen to be on welfare. What are you proposing? Ending welfare for all because of these people?

I would.....

The notion that most on welfare are good people is poppycock bullshit...

Maybe at one point in time welfare was used responsibly, however today its nothing more than a voter payoff..

I bet if those on welfare were banned from voting the program would change rather quickly..
So you have shitty neighbors who happen to be on welfare. What are you proposing? Ending welfare for all because of these people?
Welfare is meant to be used as a stepping stool but many times people are on it for years and years. There is at least 3 generations living in this house, no one works and they deal drugs, have shot guns and have police at their house multiply times . Dealing drugs should be a reason for them to get kicked out since its illegal. My own family (sister)has abused the system and I am not quiet about it!

Ok fine. I got that. So what do you want to see happen in regards to welfare because of this?
So you have shitty neighbors who happen to be on welfare. What are you proposing? Ending welfare for all because of these people?

I would.....

The notion that most on welfare are good people is poppycock bullshit...

Maybe at one point in time welfare was used responsibly, however today its nothing more than a voter payoff..

I bet if those on welfare were banned from voting the program would change rather quickly..

So what do you do about the people who are not abusing welfare and genuinely need it and are using it as it was intended?
So you have shitty neighbors who happen to be on welfare. What are you proposing? Ending welfare for all because of these people?

I would.....

The notion that most on welfare are good people is poppycock bullshit...

Maybe at one point in time welfare was used responsibly, however today its nothing more than a voter payoff..

I bet if those on welfare were banned from voting the program would change rather quickly..

So what do you do about the people who are not abusing welfare and genuinely need it and are using it as it was intended?

I'd totally reinvent the system...

Welfare is a state issue, however under the present program I would certainly recommend limitations as far as time one can be on the program and monetary limits.

I wouldn't allow a family to live on welfare forever.

If people refuse to work then they can die....

They'd learn sooner or later how to feed themselves.
So you have shitty neighbors who happen to be on welfare. What are you proposing? Ending welfare for all because of these people?
Welfare is meant to be used as a stepping stool but many times people are on it for years and years. There is at least 3 generations living in this house, no one works and they deal drugs, have shot guns and have police at their house multiply times . Dealing drugs should be a reason for them to get kicked out since its illegal. My own family (sister)has abused the system and I am not quiet about it!

Ok fine. I got that. So what do you want to see happen in regards to welfare because of this?

A time limit on how long you can be on it. Make them work. Do something for the country or city for the funds they get instead of sitting on their asses for free money to start

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