This is Why Pamela Geller is One of the Bravest Americans Around

You are a fascist. own up to it. And free speech means you can insult the faith, and the proper response is more speech by the faithful, not gunmen.
An unintentional insult to a faith equals more speech. In this case it equals someone knocking that hateful bitch flat on her ass.

Do you always advocate beating up women?

they are cowards. so they dump on the woman instead of the people who went and attacked her. sick and twisted and they would stomp out our freedoms of speech in a heartbeat if they could

Geller incited the attack. She wanted the attack to happen in some form or another.

So a woman wearing slutty clothes is inciting rape?
a defense that has never worked in a court of law.

But it works in the court of progressives when it comes to someone who insults a Muslim.
I think hero is a bit ridiculous. If I organize a hate Jesus rally will I be a hero too?

All gods are a fucking lie & exposing one while ignoring others makes you a hypocrite not a hero.

I'm a hero now right?

I do not think that PAM GELLER is on a "hate muhummad" jag-------she is attacking Islamic
terrorism and Islamic oppression which PROMINENTLY includes the trashing of -anything NON MUSLIM ----
It seems to me that lots of people are MISSING this very
obvious point. You jerks who accuse her of "hating" MUHUMMAD are a joke-------it would be like ----if someone mocks the GRAND WIZARD of the ku klux klan--------should be accused of HATING SOUTHERN
WHITES Pam Geller never met muhummad---neither have I. The people who wrote the Koran and
elaborated shariah law were DEPRAVED
And democrats have a long history of supporting slavery and Jim Crow laws.....

Would you mind pointing them out?

Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi?

Barack Obama?

Gee, whenever I heard someone criticizing the Civil Rights Act or Affirmative Action or social services for minorities these days, they have an R after their name.
By the 'logic' of the OP, the guy who immersed a crucifix in piss was a brave American hero.

Christians don't kill people for insulting them.
Not currently, but they certainly did in the past, happily and with the grace of God they believed. The Jews did so on direct orders from God. I wouldn't go there if I were you.

The Christian church, for the time being, has become secularized to where it's put God second behind the governments of men.

That's why the violence in defense of the religion has subsided in the Christian world.
By the 'logic' of the OP, the guy who immersed a crucifix in piss was a brave American hero.

Christians don't kill people for insulting them.
Not currently, but they certainly did in the past, happily and with the grace of God they believed. The Jews did so on direct orders from God. I wouldn't go there if I were you.

But is wasn't written in the bible as it is with the quran. Christian leaders used violence to gain land and power.
The jews were responding to physical attacks.
By the 'logic' of the OP, the guy who immersed a crucifix in piss was a brave American hero.

Christians don't kill people for insulting them.
Not currently, but they certainly did in the past, happily and with the grace of God they believed. The Jews did so on direct orders from God. I wouldn't go there if I were you.

The Christian church, for the time being, has become secularized to where it's put God second behind the governments of men.

That's why the violence in defense of the religion has subsided in the Christian world.
That's correct. When the Muslims are as liberal, and capitalistic, with their faith as the Christians this whole issue goes away expect for a few ultra-nutters, like Geller.
By the 'logic' of the OP, the guy who immersed a crucifix in piss was a brave American hero.

Christians don't kill people for insulting them.

Who decides what the beliefs of a religion can or cannot be?

Doesn't matter.
The person who did the piss Christ was never in danger, so can't be a hero.
True. The religious right complained and accepted the excuse of "freedom of speech" and moved on.

No one was in danger. No one planned a murder. And no one even remembers the guys name who did it.

But the cast majority of Christians are bad and the vast majority of Muslims are good.
Sad but true.
Demonizing Muslims is not a heroic act.

If you disagree, tell us this -

how many heroes do you count among those who demonize Christians, or Jews?

What's the above list at so far?


Hmmmmm....I wonder why that is?
And democrats have a long history of supporting slavery and Jim Crow laws.....

Would you mind pointing them out?

Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi?

Barack Obama?

He went back hundreds of years to say Christians killed tons of people, I went back saying democrats support slavery and Jim Crow.

Context, G5000, Context.
American Christians were indiscriminately killing negroes during the same period Democrats were supporting Jim Crow.

During my own lifetime!
many times, cartoonists from other countries make fun of our President.

Does that mean they are inciting an attack by the US?

When Muslims burn the American flag, are they inciting an attack?

How about when they burn an effigy of our Commander in Chief?

Why are others allowed to do it without being considered "inciting danger"....but when an American does it, it is hateful and unacceptable behavior?
By the 'logic' of the OP, the guy who immersed a crucifix in piss was a brave American hero.

Christians don't kill people for insulting them.
Not currently, but they certainly did in the past, happily and with the grace of God they believed. The Jews did so on direct orders from God. I wouldn't go there if I were you.

But is wasn't written in the bible as it is with the quran. Christian leaders used violence to gain land and power.
The jews were responding to physical attacks.
The Jews slaughtered men, women, children, slaves, infants, and livestock, on the direct orders of God.

And if the Christians had been a peaceful bunch there would be a lot more Muslims and Jews in the world today. They had no problem killing either.
many times, cartoonists from other countries make fun of our President.

Does that mean they are inciting an attack by the US?

When Muslims burn the American flag, are they inciting an attack?

How about when they burn an effigy of our Commander in Chief?

Why are others allowed to do it without being considered "inciting danger"....but when an American does it, it is hateful and unacceptable behavior?
What faith says you can't insult an elected official, or draw one? Oh right, none.
By the 'logic' of the OP, the guy who immersed a crucifix in piss was a brave American hero.

Christians don't kill people for insulting them.
Not currently, but they certainly did in the past, happily and with the grace of God they believed. The Jews did so on direct orders from God. I wouldn't go there if I were you.

The Christian church, for the time being, has become secularized to where it's put God second behind the governments of men.

That's why the violence in defense of the religion has subsided in the Christian world.
That's correct. When the Muslims are as liberal, and capitalistic, with their faith as the Christians this whole issue goes away expect for a few ultra-nutters, like Geller.

You might want to read up up Islam before making statements like that.
The quran would have to be changed for what you suggest.
many times, cartoonists from other countries make fun of our President.

Does that mean they are inciting an attack by the US?

When Muslims burn the American flag, are they inciting an attack?

How about when they burn an effigy of our Commander in Chief?

Why are others allowed to do it without being considered "inciting danger"....but when an American does it, it is hateful and unacceptable behavior?
Every one of those acts is intended to offend. And we have had a few people on this forum get their blood boiling over flag burnings.

As I just mentioned, it was in my own lifetime we had Christian extremists acting on their violent impulses. And they would still be doing it were it not for the federal government coming down swift and hard on that bullshit nowadays.
By the 'logic' of the OP, the guy who immersed a crucifix in piss was a brave American hero.

Christians don't kill people for insulting them.
Not currently, but they certainly did in the past, happily and with the grace of God they believed. The Jews did so on direct orders from God. I wouldn't go there if I were you.

But is wasn't written in the bible as it is with the quran. Christian leaders used violence to gain land and power.
The jews were responding to physical attacks.

for the record-----lots of people claim stuff in the bible that is not there
And democrats have a long history of supporting slavery and Jim Crow laws.....

Would you mind pointing them out?

Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi?

Barack Obama?

He went back hundreds of years to say Christians killed tons of people, I went back saying democrats support slavery and Jim Crow.

Context, G5000, Context.
American Christians were indiscriminately killing negroes during the same period Democrats were supporting Jim Crow.

During my own lifetime!

and that proves the idiocy of the point i was retorting.

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