This Is Why The Democrats Still Have Hope In Keeping The Senate


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama
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October 29, 2014
The GOP's Message Problem
By Carol Brown

Democrats are compassionate people who want to help others. Republicans are greedy rich people who care only about themselves. When I was a liberal, those were my impressions.

Having transitioned from left to right over the past seven years, those long-held beliefs changed dramatically. No thanks to the GOP. The party appears unable or unwilling to articulate a compelling message, which leaves one wondering what they stand for.

Thomas Sowell has addressed this problem many times. In August, he wrote:

One of the big differences between Democrats and Republicans is that we at least know what the Democrats stand for, whether we agree with it or not. But, for Republicans, we have to guess.

Last year he wrote:

You might think that the stakes are high enough for Republicans to put in some serious time trying to clarify their message.

As the great economist Alfred Marshall once said, facts do not speak for themselves. If we are waiting for the Republicans to do the speaking, the country is in big trouble.

Democrats, by contrast, are all talk. They could sell refrigerators to Eskimos before Republicans could sell them blankets.

The prior year Sowell wrote (here and here):

…the Republicans' greatest failure has been precisely their chronic failure to spell out their principles…. (snip)

…The net result is that articulate Democrats can get away with the biggest lies, without any serious rebuttal from most Republicans. (snip)

But so long as Republicans don't seem to feel any urgency about refuting the Democrats' claim that they just want to help the rich at the expense of the poor, they are courting defeat on election day. Why lose to a lie because you didn't bother to explain the truth?

So what’s the deal?

Is the GOP devoid of principles? Do they have principles but no interest in spelling them out in plain language? Do they think they’re doing a good job and there’s no need to address their messaging problem?

My guess is it’s a combination of all of the above. As far as I can tell, the GOP has become increasingly watered down over the years, straying further and further from values that once made the party strong. I mean, my goodness, they hardly even talk about national security any more -- an area where they once distinguished themselves.

I also think the power brokers in the party are suffering from a chronic case of arrogance. As a result, they’ve lost touch with how their message does or doesn’t resonate with people, or whether they even need to bother assessing if the message is getting through. Or more fundamentally, what the message is. Which circles back to: What are their principles?

So what are we left with? The predictable and rarely explained mantra of “lower taxes” and “smaller government.”

To say this message is inadequate would be inadequate.

First of all, these two talking points don’t resonate with millions of Americans, in part, because the GOP does not spell out how or why these ideas are right for America. They do not point out historical patterns that prove time and again that bigger government has never benefited the citizenry. Worse, how bigger government turns into tyranny.

Second, and more importantly, “lower taxes” and “smaller government” are not core principles. The core principle is freedom. And that is what we need to be talking about. Instead, the Republican Party rambles on incoherently while the Democrats put their values on full display -- touting all the ways they want to help people. Their misguided ideas typically go unchallenged by the GOP.

Read more: Articles The GOP s Message Problem
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It boils down to propaganda. It works. The left owns most popular media and the demonization of Republicans, conservatives, traditional values, etc. is constant and unrelenting. After so much exposure most people that aren't paying attention, which is most people, think is has to be true.

Your friend is typical of what I experience when talking to libs, they believe the sound bites and bumper stickers. Considering results and long term implications require effort and a little dedication to sort out. It's like the adult/child relationship. The child wants a cookie before dinner and the parent is mean for denying it. It's much easier to get the "they are mean" message out than it is to explain why a cookie before dinner is bad for you.
I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.
LOL. You mean you and your 'tard friends.
The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
The best thing that could happen to working class folks is an improving economy. Smearing the right is about all you dipshits have for a solution. But you thinking you can speak for all Americans is the height of stupidity.
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

like all of your questions, they are loaded .... you see mudpacker you can be a liberal/dem and not support gay marriage ... you can be a dem/liberal and not be for open boarders .... which by they way Mudpacker the only one that says we Dem/liberals are for open boarders are you repub-lie-cans .... I personally don't know of any Liberal/dem myself who are for open boarders ... but I sure you'll have someone some where .... its like that one illegal voter you talking about as if it is a major thing.... the problem you have is the majority of your post are based on one or two people who you have found or talked to or read about who aren't really waiting with baited breath for a debate with you ....
The OP has been talking politics with some guy for weeks.....but just learned last week that he voted for Obama twice?

Why does that sound like bullshit?

Dummies have a hard time making shit up.
I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.
LOL. You mean you and your 'tard friends.
The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
The best thing that could happen to working class folks is an improving economy. Smearing the right is about all you dipshits have for a solution. But you thinking you can speak for all Americans is the height of stupidity.

I took you off ignore for this one message and then you will be placed back on ignore.

Are you anti-union and support union busting policies?
Do you support RTW?

I don't see anything about lying in the above. No need to smear.

Don't bother getting back to me. You fail. Me and my 'tard friends? We vote and this is why you are fucking useless.
This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this. Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.[/QUOTE said:
whose not paying attention is you
1) why would republicans want the regulations taken of banking
2) why would republicans want to repeal Obama care
3) why would republicans want the regulation warren take off credit card holders
4) why would republicans want to deregulate the air pollution regulations
5)why would republicans want to deregulate the water pollution regulations
what you don't see and fail to see, so what if we leave our children a huge debt ..... its better then a poluted land and have every dime you make taken away from you by republicans deregulating some industry that my friend is why we say and use it as a general term the Republican Party is the party of the rich ... which they are and you can't see it becasue of the republican blinders you wear
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The OP has been talking politics with some guy for weeks.....but just learned last week that he voted for Obama twice?

Why does that sound like bullshit?

Dummies have a hard time making shit up.
I know, I know, its mud packer.... thats not peanut butter on his nose ... that him with his nose so far up the republicans back side, its hard for him to see
It boils down to propaganda. It works. The left owns most popular media and the demonization of Republicans, conservatives, traditional values, etc. is constant and unrelenting. After so much exposure most people that aren't paying attention, which is most people, think is has to be true.

Your friend is typical of what I experience when talking to libs, they believe the sound bites and bumper stickers. Considering results and long term implications require effort and a little dedication to sort out. It's like the adult/child relationship. The child wants a cookie before dinner and the parent is mean for denying it. It's much easier to get the "they are mean" message out than it is to explain why a cookie before dinner is bad for you.

A perfect example of this is in the NY Governor's race, where Astorino is being painted as this un-electable nutter, yet he has won two terms as Westchester county executive.
I took you off ignore for this one message and then you will be placed back on ignore.
Wow, you really know how to hurt someone. I'm not sure I can manage.
Are you anti-union and support union busting policies?
Do you support RTW?

I don't see anything about lying in the above. No need to smear.

Don't bother getting back to me. You fail. Me and my 'tard friends? We vote and this is why you are fucking useless.
I support freedom, join a union or not. It shouldn't be up to you and the 'tards.
like all of your questions, they are loaded .... you see mudpacker you can be a liberal/dem and not support gay marriage ... you can be a dem/liberal and not be for open boarders .... which by they way Mudpacker the only one that says we Dem/liberals are for open boarders are you repub-lie-cans .... I personally don't know of any Liberal/dem myself who are for open boarders ... but I sure you'll have someone some where .... its like that one illegal voter you talking about as if it is a major thing.... the problem you have is the majority of your post are based on one or two people who you have found or talked to or read about who aren't really waiting with baited breath for a debate with you ....[/QUOTE]
boarders.., like: a person who pays to live and have daily meals at another person's house or at a school.

at which liberdummy skool [sic] did you get a basic education ? :lmao: ... :lmao:
I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Let me ask you a serious question ... first of all, I a liberal .... my question to you and I'm thinking you're a dem ... if you're a independent I apologise for calling you a Dem ... my question is: "do you support open borders???
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I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Let me ask you a serious question ... first of all, I a liberal .... my question to you and I'm thinking you're a dem ... if you're a independent I apologise for calling you a Dem ... my question is: "do you support open boarders???

I'm an independent. I am a liberal.

I do not support open borders.
The OP has been talking politics with some guy for weeks.....but just learned last week that he voted for Obama twice?

Why does that sound like bullshit?

Dummies have a hard time making shit up.
Let me ask you a serious question ... first of all, I a liberal .... my question to you and I believe you told me you're a independent ... my question is: "do you support open borders???
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I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Let me ask you a serious question ... first of all, I a liberal .... my question to you and I'm thinking you're a dem ... if you're a independent I apologise for calling you a Dem ... my question is: "do you support open boarders???

I'm an independent. I am a liberal.

I do not support open borders.
WhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ???? Mudwhistler said we dems support open borders ... how could that be??? could it be mudwhistler doesn't have a clue about what we believe could that be it
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

Stay away from Austin.

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