This Is Why The Democrats Still Have Hope In Keeping The Senate

I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Two points of propaganda are listed right here. And not so little amount of whining about the GOP.

Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.
Your premise is that the only way to address the foreign policy changes for Central America is through free market policies. Your premise is false. However, you and many on the left here have been told over and over what some of the current thinking on controlling illegal immigration is from the moderates and the conservatives. You simply disagree.

However, your disagreement does not equate to the majority of the right on this board not willing to discuss or pursue policy change.

Much like your first point, your second is flat our wrong on premise and fact. The conservatives and most of the GOP do back th working class in this country. Simply because they do so in a manner and promote policy that YOU disagree with does not equate to them being against the working class.

The bottom line is this. This is your opinion. There is nothing to refute because you have not provided any adequate level of objective statements that need to be refuted.

You disagreeing with the other side does not mean your position is valid, sound, or even correct.

And yet, you still did not address why it is that it was false.
English a second language for you?

I don't refute false premises. I ignore them. Until you say something that provides tangible proof that the GOP does not discuss, nor want to discuss the immigration issue, there is nothing to refute.

That IS addressing your false assertions.

You saying it's false does not make it so. Good bye.
I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Two points of propaganda are listed right here. And not so little amount of whining about the GOP.

Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.

Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by the The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.


Excuse me???

Did you say Democrats don't support unions? The Dems get most of their money from unions. The takeover of GM and Chrysler was simply a bailout to union pensions. SEIU's president worked in the Obama Administration.
like all of your questions, they are loaded .... you see mudpacker you can be a liberal/dem and not support gay marriage ... you can be a dem/liberal and not be for open boarders .... which by they way Mudpacker the only one that says we Dem/liberals are for open boarders are you repub-lie-cans .... I personally don't know of any Liberal/dem myself who are for open boarders ... but I sure you'll have someone some where .... its like that one illegal voter you talking about as if it is a major thing.... the problem you have is the majority of your post are based on one or two people who you have found or talked to or read about who aren't really waiting with baited breath for a debate with you ....

obama is letting them pour in through the southern border and rumor has it that he's planning on a massive eo amnesty after the elections, he's already done a dream act eo. You going to say with a straight face that the most powerful D in the party would poo poo open borders? Yeah, right.
*snipped so what I bolded and am responding to shows*

what you don't see and fail to see, so what if we leave our children a huge debt ..... its better then a poluted land and have every dime you make taken away from you by republicans deregulating some industry that my friend is why we say and use it as a general term the Republican Party is the party of the rich ... which they are and you can't see it becasue of the republican blinders you wear

STFU and stop parroting bullshit talking points.

"President Obama is fighting a losing battle against the super rich in this country, and many of his moves have actually made made the super rich the super richer."

President Obama Admits The Rich Are Getting Richer Under His Watch
I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Two points of propaganda are listed right here. And not so little amount of whining about the GOP.

Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.

Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.

So are you saying that providing food products from the US is hurting these countries?

I've heard some really lame excuses, but that one is a real winner.

I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Two points of propaganda are listed right here. And not so little amount of whining about the GOP.

Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.

Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by the The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.


Excuse me???

Did you say Democrats don't support unions? The Dems get most of their money from unions. The takeover of GM and Chrysler was simply a bailout to union pensions. SEIU's president worked in the Obama Administration.

Obama to unions See you later -
Team Obama 8217 s Union Busting Alumni FDL News Desk
In Leaked Docs Honeywell Cites Obama Ties As Key to Anti-Union Strategy - Working In These Times

Do not listen to what he says, watch what he does.
I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Two points of propaganda are listed right here. And not so little amount of whining about the GOP.

Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.

Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.

So are you saying that providing food products from the US is hurting these countries?

I've heard some really lame excuses, but that one is a real winner.



Nope. I'm telling you that the implementation of the Chicago School (free market) has been a failure and yet is still supported here and without question.
Two points of propaganda are listed right here. And not so little amount of whining about the GOP.

Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.

Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by the The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.


Excuse me???

Did you say Democrats don't support unions? The Dems get most of their money from unions. The takeover of GM and Chrysler was simply a bailout to union pensions. SEIU's president worked in the Obama Administration.

Obama to unions See you later -
Team Obama 8217 s Union Busting Alumni FDL News Desk
In Leaked Docs Honeywell Cites Obama Ties As Key to Anti-Union Strategy - Working In These Times

Do not listen to what he says, watch what he does.

Look at the list of top donors to Democrats

All unions.
Pretty sad ain't it? About six years ago the democrat party was on top of the world and now "they still have hope". What a difference a incompetent fool in the White House makes.
Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.

Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by the The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.


Excuse me???

Did you say Democrats don't support unions? The Dems get most of their money from unions. The takeover of GM and Chrysler was simply a bailout to union pensions. SEIU's president worked in the Obama Administration.

Obama to unions See you later -
Team Obama 8217 s Union Busting Alumni FDL News Desk
In Leaked Docs Honeywell Cites Obama Ties As Key to Anti-Union Strategy - Working In These Times

Do not listen to what he says, watch what he does.

Look at the list of top donors to Democrats

All unions.

Then came the fed upness of the shit. The democrats took the unions for granted. Then they began to attack the public education system. That's why I said, you have places in Ohio where it's a make no mistake this is a union party.

The Republicans have always been jealous of union support of democrats. But, for the last couple of decades the Democrats have just taken their money. So far it has been a lesser of two evils game.
Two points of propaganda are listed right here. And not so little amount of whining about the GOP.

Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.

Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.

So are you saying that providing food products from the US is hurting these countries?

I've heard some really lame excuses, but that one is a real winner.



Nope. I'm telling you that the implementation of the Chicago School (free market) has been a failure and yet is still supported here and without question.

A failure to who?

Are you saying that having choices is bad?

I'm trying to understand your rationale.

The reason people are poor in 3rd world countries is because their governments are based on policies designed to help the people in power. It's not evil for the United States to sell their products there. If there was no demand they wouldn't do it.
Last edited:
October 29, 2014
The GOP's Message Problem
By Carol Brown

I've said it time and time again on this forum. Nobody has a clue what the GOP is about.

Even worse, the GOP takes its lead from the Democratic Party these days. That's their whole message: "Whatever the Democrats want to do, we will oppose it."

Mitch McConnell openly admits he is not going to tell anyone what the GOP agenda is if they win the Senate.

That is not leadership, that is cowardice.

You are supposed to vote GOP without knowing what they will do!

That is insanity, and yet the brainless rubes line up to do it.

And every time you ask one of the minions what the GOP will do to reform health care if ObamaCare is repealed, they drool on their bib overalls. They have no idea what the GOP will do!

The American people want a plan, and they will vote for a bad plan over no plan.
Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by the The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.


Excuse me???

Did you say Democrats don't support unions? The Dems get most of their money from unions. The takeover of GM and Chrysler was simply a bailout to union pensions. SEIU's president worked in the Obama Administration.

Obama to unions See you later -
Team Obama 8217 s Union Busting Alumni FDL News Desk
In Leaked Docs Honeywell Cites Obama Ties As Key to Anti-Union Strategy - Working In These Times

Do not listen to what he says, watch what he does.

Look at the list of top donors to Democrats

All unions.

Then came the fed upness of the shit. The democrats took the unions for granted. Then they began to attack the public education system. That's why I said, you have places in Ohio where it's a make no mistake this is a union party.

The Republicans have always been jealous of union support of democrats. But, for the last couple of decades the Democrats have just taken their money. So far it has been a lesser of two evils game.

A warped perspective for sure.

Unions in America have gone Communist.

There's nothing to be jealous of.
Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.

Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.

So are you saying that providing food products from the US is hurting these countries?

I've heard some really lame excuses, but that one is a real winner.



Nope. I'm telling you that the implementation of the Chicago School (free market) has been a failure and yet is still supported here and without question.

A failure to who?

Are you saying that having choices is bad?

I'm trying to understand your rationale.

The reason people are poor in 3rd world countries is because their governments are based on polities designed to help the people in power. It's not evil for the United States to sell their products there. If there was no demand they wouldn't do it.

If it was all about choice then the US wouldn't have needed to send in the CIA for a regime change, eh?
October 29, 2014
The GOP's Message Problem
By Carol Brown

I've said it time and time again on this forum. Nobody has a clue what the GOP is about.

Even worse, the GOP takes its lead from the Democratic Party these days. That's their whole message: "Whatever the Democrats want to do, we will oppose it."

Mitch McConnell openly admits he is not going to tell anyone what the GOP agenda is if they win the Senate.

That is not leadership, that is cowardice.

You are supposed to vote GOP without knowing what they will do!

That is insanity, and yet the brainless rubes line up to do it.

And every time you ask one of the minions what the GOP will do to reform health care if ObamaCare is repealed, they drool on their bib overalls. They have no idea what the GOP will do!

The American people want a plan, and they will vote for a bad plan over no plan.

Presenting a plan in the past has only given lying liberals a target to aim at.

Besides, they have presented plans. They just don't eat up a massive portion of the economy to implement, like Obamacare does.

But what is the real problem? 30 million people don't have insurance? Why does it take $1.2 trillion to get a program going that doesn't even address that?
Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by the The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.


Excuse me???

Did you say Democrats don't support unions? The Dems get most of their money from unions. The takeover of GM and Chrysler was simply a bailout to union pensions. SEIU's president worked in the Obama Administration.

Obama to unions See you later -
Team Obama 8217 s Union Busting Alumni FDL News Desk
In Leaked Docs Honeywell Cites Obama Ties As Key to Anti-Union Strategy - Working In These Times

Do not listen to what he says, watch what he does.

Look at the list of top donors to Democrats

All unions.

Then came the fed upness of the shit. The democrats took the unions for granted. Then they began to attack the public education system. That's why I said, you have places in Ohio where it's a make no mistake this is a union party.

The Republicans have always been jealous of union support of democrats. But, for the last couple of decades the Democrats have just taken their money. So far it has been a lesser of two evils game.

A warped perspective for sure.

Unions in America have gone Communist.

There's nothing to be jealous of.

Sure there is. Republicans dislike unions supporting democrats.

Republicans have spent a great deal of time spreading smear campaigns to obtain their goals. The Repbublicans support laws and actions for union busting.

Here's the problem: The Republicans have devoted so much energy to both denying the underlying issues resulting in attacking what's left of the middle class and the working class that they are running out of people to appeal to.
Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.

So are you saying that providing food products from the US is hurting these countries?

I've heard some really lame excuses, but that one is a real winner.



Nope. I'm telling you that the implementation of the Chicago School (free market) has been a failure and yet is still supported here and without question.

A failure to who?

Are you saying that having choices is bad?

I'm trying to understand your rationale.

The reason people are poor in 3rd world countries is because their governments are based on polities designed to help the people in power. It's not evil for the United States to sell their products there. If there was no demand they wouldn't do it.

If it was all about choice then the US wouldn't have needed to send in the CIA for a regime change, eh?

I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Let me ask you a serious question ... first of all, I a liberal .... my question to you and I'm thinking you're a dem ... if you're a independent I apologise for calling you a Dem ... my question is: "do you support open boarders???

I'm an independent. I am a liberal.

I do not support open borders.

As someone in the same category, I've learned that it's the proverbial exercise in futility to try to assert your actual position on an issue with the typical USMB RWnut whose modus operandi is to pre-assign you with positions,

based simply on the fact you're a self-described liberal.

Excuse me???

Did you say Democrats don't support unions? The Dems get most of their money from unions. The takeover of GM and Chrysler was simply a bailout to union pensions. SEIU's president worked in the Obama Administration.

Obama to unions See you later -
Team Obama 8217 s Union Busting Alumni FDL News Desk
In Leaked Docs Honeywell Cites Obama Ties As Key to Anti-Union Strategy - Working In These Times

Do not listen to what he says, watch what he does.

Look at the list of top donors to Democrats

All unions.

Then came the fed upness of the shit. The democrats took the unions for granted. Then they began to attack the public education system. That's why I said, you have places in Ohio where it's a make no mistake this is a union party.

The Republicans have always been jealous of union support of democrats. But, for the last couple of decades the Democrats have just taken their money. So far it has been a lesser of two evils game.

A warped perspective for sure.

Unions in America have gone Communist.

There's nothing to be jealous of.

Sure there is. Republicans dislike unions supporting democrats.

Republicans have spent a great deal of time spreading smear campaigns to obtain their goals. The unions support laws and actions for union busting.

Here's the problem: The Republicans have devoted so much energy to both denying the underlying issues resulting in attacking what's left of the middle class and the working class that they are running out of people to appeal to.

Nope, Democrats have shown us that the only thing they're good at is causing hate and division. They can't do anything right. They have to bring in New voters from these countries to swing elections because of the polarization of the electorate.
I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Let me ask you a serious question ... first of all, I a liberal .... my question to you and I'm thinking you're a dem ... if you're a independent I apologise for calling you a Dem ... my question is: "do you support open boarders???

I'm an independent. I am a liberal.

I do not support open borders.

As someone in the same category, I've learned that it's the proverbial exercise in futility to try to assert your actual position on an issue with the typical USMB RWnut whose modus operandi is to pre-assign you with positions,

based simply on the fact you're a self-described liberal.

Yet you support a party that does. The way you justify this is by either ignoring the truth or making excuses why it's not that big of a deal. Either that or you buy every cock and bull excuse the Democrats' propaganda machines pump out.

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