This Is Why The Democrats Still Have Hope In Keeping The Senate

I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

The thing is, Obama didn't open the borders and doesn't have an open border policy.

Those people are coming here because of a law the bush boy signed. Obama can't do much about that law. It's congress who can change it and it's congress that refuses to change it. boehner can write the new law today if he wanted to. The problem is he doesn't want to. He wants to keep the problem going so the republicans can lie and whine about the law.

Reality is that it was the bush boy who opened our borders. With is guest worker program. We saw record numbers of mexicans coming over the border in the bush boy years using that law. Once they got here, they violated the law when they didn't return to Mexico. The bush boy didn't do much to send them back. His record of deporting undocumented people is terrible.

More reality is that Obama has done the exact opposite. Obama has set new records of numbers of people being deported. There's even a controversy about how he's sending undocumented parents back but putting their American citizen children in foster care. Something that I've never heard of being done before.

He's also increased border patrols and enforcement.

What you're doing is whining about what the bush boy did but putting it all on Obama while ignoring what Obama has been doing for the last nearly 6 years.

Obama Administration's Aggressive Deportation Record Does Little To Sway GOP Trust

Deportations by Obama administration set record | Dallas Morning News

High rate of deportations continue under Obama despite Latino disapproval | Pew Research Center
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I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

The thing is, Obama didn't open the borders and doesn't have an open border policy.

Those people are coming here because of a law the bush boy signed. Obama can't do much about that law. It's congress who can change it and it's congress that refuses to change it. boehner can write the new law today if he wanted to. The problem is he doesn't want to. He wants to keep the problem going so the republicans can lie and whine about the law.

Reality is that it was the bush boy who opened our borders. Which is guest worker program. We saw record numbers of mexicans coming over the border in the bush boy years using that law. Once they got here, they violated the law when they didn't return to Mexico. The bush boy didn't do much to send them back. His record of deporting undocumented people is terrible.

More reality is that Obama has done the exact opposite. Obama has set new records of numbers of people being deported. There's even a controversy about how he's sending undocumented parents back but putting their American citizen children in foster care. Something that I've never heard of being done before.

He's also increased border patrols and enforcement.

What you're doing is whining about what the bush boy did but putting it all on Obama while ignoring what Obama has been doing for the last nearly 6 years.

Obama Administration's Aggressive Deportation Record Does Little To Sway GOP Trust

Deportations by Obama administration set record | Dallas Morning News

High rate of deportations continue under Obama despite Latino disapproval | Pew Research Center

Obama pulled everyone back from the border 50 miles.
Most of the stories of Obama increasing deportations is nonsense. They're using a new program of catch and release. They capture them, give em a court date and let them go. Over 70% of them never show up for their hearings.

Here's why Obama was able to claim he increased deportations:

Crash course: Immigration lingo

Defining deportations is not as easy as it sounds.

In federal government lingo, official judicial or administrative orders to leave the country are called "removals," and they can happen right at the border or anywhere else on American soil. A removal is what most people would consider a deportation.

But for people caught illegally crossing the border and simply turned around, there’s another term: "return."

Unlike removals, a return does not bar someone from legally entering the country someday, though that is hard for most because they do not have a family or employment connection necessary to get in line for citizenship, said David Martin, a University of Virginia School of Law professor. Martin also worked as Immigration and Naturalization Service general counsel in the Clinton administration and as DHS deputy general counsel from 2009-10 under Obama.

The Border Patrol primarily handles voluntary returns to Mexico, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, equipped with immigration judges and detention center beds, generally handles removals.

Over the past several administrations, the Department of Homeland Security has shifted its immigration focus to undocumented immigrants who commit crimes or are caught at the border. The idea is to get them out, and keep them out. The shift picked up in the George W. Bush administration and intensified under Obama’s watch.

Whereas many immigrants previously caught at the border simply were bused back to Mexico, they now are returned with official deportation orders, prosecuted, or moved to different parts of the border so they cannot reconnect with their smuggler, Martin said.

In short, these people previously would have been classified as a "return," but the policy has been to put them through removal proceedings. As such, they are classified as a "removal."

Lou Dobbs Obama administration manipulated deportation data PunditFact
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It boils down to propaganda. It works. The left owns most popular media and the demonization of Republicans, conservatives, traditional values, etc. is constant and unrelenting. After so much exposure most people that aren't paying attention, which is most people, think is has to be true.

Your friend is typical of what I experience when talking to libs, they believe the sound bites and bumper stickers. Considering results and long term implications require effort and a little dedication to sort out. It's like the adult/child relationship. The child wants a cookie before dinner and the parent is mean for denying it. It's much easier to get the "they are mean" message out than it is to explain why a cookie before dinner is bad for you.
Democrats want to feel they are compassionate and caring. They express this by supporting policies that demonize successful people and lionize failures.
That pretty much explains the entire appeal of Democrats. And most people fall for it.

So I hate myself?

I'm successful at my chosen career.
Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.

So are you saying that providing food products from the US is hurting these countries?

I've heard some really lame excuses, but that one is a real winner.



Nope. I'm telling you that the implementation of the Chicago School (free market) has been a failure and yet is still supported here and without question.

A failure to who?

Are you saying that having choices is bad?

I'm trying to understand your rationale.

The reason people are poor in 3rd world countries is because their governments are based on polities designed to help the people in power. It's not evil for the United States to sell their products there. If there was no demand they wouldn't do it.

If it was all about choice then the US wouldn't have needed to send in the CIA for a regime change, eh?


Are you really not aware of US foreign policy in Central and South America?
It boils down to propaganda. It works. The left owns most popular media and the demonization of Republicans, conservatives, traditional values, etc. is constant and unrelenting. After so much exposure most people that aren't paying attention, which is most people, think is has to be true.

Your friend is typical of what I experience when talking to libs, they believe the sound bites and bumper stickers. Considering results and long term implications require effort and a little dedication to sort out. It's like the adult/child relationship. The child wants a cookie before dinner and the parent is mean for denying it. It's much easier to get the "they are mean" message out than it is to explain why a cookie before dinner is bad for you.
Democrats want to feel they are compassionate and caring. They express this by supporting policies that demonize successful people and lionize failures.
That pretty much explains the entire appeal of Democrats. And most people fall for it.

So I hate myself?

I'm successful at my chosen career.
I dont know that "stripper" is much of a career but suit yourself.

You just show that you can't reply to my post with honesty or logic. Because your whole premise isn't based on logic, honesty or reality.

Do you know who Annie Liebowitz is? If not look her up. I am the Annie Liebowitz of the west part of America only without the fame.

Ask mudwhistle about my work. I've shared some of my work with him.

I'm probably much more successful at my chosen career than you are. Which is why you have to personally attack me for posting the truth.
Two points of propaganda are listed right here. And not so little amount of whining about the GOP.

Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.
Your premise is that the only way to address the foreign policy changes for Central America is through free market policies. Your premise is false. However, you and many on the left here have been told over and over what some of the current thinking on controlling illegal immigration is from the moderates and the conservatives. You simply disagree.

However, your disagreement does not equate to the majority of the right on this board not willing to discuss or pursue policy change.

Much like your first point, your second is flat our wrong on premise and fact. The conservatives and most of the GOP do back th working class in this country. Simply because they do so in a manner and promote policy that YOU disagree with does not equate to them being against the working class.

The bottom line is this. This is your opinion. There is nothing to refute because you have not provided any adequate level of objective statements that need to be refuted.

You disagreeing with the other side does not mean your position is valid, sound, or even correct.

And yet, you still did not address why it is that it was false.
English a second language for you?

I don't refute false premises. I ignore them. Until you say something that provides tangible proof that the GOP does not discuss, nor want to discuss the immigration issue, there is nothing to refute.

That IS addressing your false assertions.

You saying it's false does not make it so. Good bye.
Of course it does. As much as you claiming that it is true.

That is how opinions work.

Now, the ball is up to you to prove your claim. Should be simple.

You can provide evidence that every single conservative and the GOP do not want to discuss or do anything about foreign policy with regard to Central America. If you blame all of them, then you have proof that ALL of them do this.

What does NOT count is you posting policy debates or legislation that you disagree with and then use that as proof that there is no interest in the discussion.

The same criteria applies to the notion that all the GOP and all conservatives are against the working class. You cannot post legislation that is designed to improve job and economic growth THAT YOU DISAGREE with as proof that they are against the working class.

Simply doing something different than you would does NOT qualify as anti-working class.

Understand how the ground rules for providing evidence to you claims work? Otherwise, they are, as I said; propaganda.
It boils down to propaganda. It works. The left owns most popular media and the demonization of Republicans, conservatives, traditional values, etc. is constant and unrelenting. After so much exposure most people that aren't paying attention, which is most people, think is has to be true.

Your friend is typical of what I experience when talking to libs, they believe the sound bites and bumper stickers. Considering results and long term implications require effort and a little dedication to sort out. It's like the adult/child relationship. The child wants a cookie before dinner and the parent is mean for denying it. It's much easier to get the "they are mean" message out than it is to explain why a cookie before dinner is bad for you.
Democrats want to feel they are compassionate and caring. They express this by supporting policies that demonize successful people and lionize failures.
That pretty much explains the entire appeal of Democrats. And most people fall for it.

So I hate myself?

I'm successful at my chosen career.
I dont know that "stripper" is much of a career but suit yourself.

You just show that you can't reply to my post with honesty or logic. Because your whole premise isn't based on logic, honesty or reality.

Do you know who Annie Liebowitz is? If not look her up. I am the Annie Liebowitz of the west part of America only without the fame.

Ask mudwhistle about my work. I've shared some of my work with him.

I'm probably much more successful at my chosen career than you are. Which is why you have to personally attack me for posting the truth.
I haven't exactly seen much honesty from you, so your claim that you are more successful at your career is just another one of those opinions everyone has. Kind of like assholes, and the resemblance to you is becoming remarkable.
Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.
Your premise is that the only way to address the foreign policy changes for Central America is through free market policies. Your premise is false. However, you and many on the left here have been told over and over what some of the current thinking on controlling illegal immigration is from the moderates and the conservatives. You simply disagree.

However, your disagreement does not equate to the majority of the right on this board not willing to discuss or pursue policy change.

Much like your first point, your second is flat our wrong on premise and fact. The conservatives and most of the GOP do back th working class in this country. Simply because they do so in a manner and promote policy that YOU disagree with does not equate to them being against the working class.

The bottom line is this. This is your opinion. There is nothing to refute because you have not provided any adequate level of objective statements that need to be refuted.

You disagreeing with the other side does not mean your position is valid, sound, or even correct.

And yet, you still did not address why it is that it was false.
English a second language for you?

I don't refute false premises. I ignore them. Until you say something that provides tangible proof that the GOP does not discuss, nor want to discuss the immigration issue, there is nothing to refute.

That IS addressing your false assertions.

You saying it's false does not make it so. Good bye.
Of course it does. As much as you claiming that it is true.

That is how opinions work.

Now, the ball is up to you to prove your claim. Should be simple.

You can provide evidence that every single conservative and the GOP do not want to discuss or do anything about foreign policy with regard to Central America. If you blame all of them, then you have proof that ALL of them do this.

What does NOT count is you posting policy debates or legislation that you disagree with and then use that as proof that there is no interest in the discussion.

The same criteria applies to the notion that all the GOP and all conservatives are against the working class. You cannot post legislation that is designed to improve job and economic growth THAT YOU DISAGREE with as proof that they are against the working class.

Simply doing something different than you would does NOT qualify as anti-working class.

Understand how the ground rules for providing evidence to you claims work? Otherwise, they are, as I said; propaganda.
I see your first mistake. Go back and read what I actually wrote. Try again.
Your premise is that the only way to address the foreign policy changes for Central America is through free market policies. Your premise is false. However, you and many on the left here have been told over and over what some of the current thinking on controlling illegal immigration is from the moderates and the conservatives. You simply disagree.

However, your disagreement does not equate to the majority of the right on this board not willing to discuss or pursue policy change.

Much like your first point, your second is flat our wrong on premise and fact. The conservatives and most of the GOP do back th working class in this country. Simply because they do so in a manner and promote policy that YOU disagree with does not equate to them being against the working class.

The bottom line is this. This is your opinion. There is nothing to refute because you have not provided any adequate level of objective statements that need to be refuted.

You disagreeing with the other side does not mean your position is valid, sound, or even correct.

And yet, you still did not address why it is that it was false.
English a second language for you?

I don't refute false premises. I ignore them. Until you say something that provides tangible proof that the GOP does not discuss, nor want to discuss the immigration issue, there is nothing to refute.

That IS addressing your false assertions.

You saying it's false does not make it so. Good bye.
Of course it does. As much as you claiming that it is true.

That is how opinions work.

Now, the ball is up to you to prove your claim. Should be simple.

You can provide evidence that every single conservative and the GOP do not want to discuss or do anything about foreign policy with regard to Central America. If you blame all of them, then you have proof that ALL of them do this.

What does NOT count is you posting policy debates or legislation that you disagree with and then use that as proof that there is no interest in the discussion.

The same criteria applies to the notion that all the GOP and all conservatives are against the working class. You cannot post legislation that is designed to improve job and economic growth THAT YOU DISAGREE with as proof that they are against the working class.

Simply doing something different than you would does NOT qualify as anti-working class.

Understand how the ground rules for providing evidence to you claims work? Otherwise, they are, as I said; propaganda.
I see your first mistake. Go back and read what I actually wrote. Try again.
So you quit....good on you. You were going to lose anyway.

Have a nice day.
And yet, you still did not address why it is that it was false.
English a second language for you?

I don't refute false premises. I ignore them. Until you say something that provides tangible proof that the GOP does not discuss, nor want to discuss the immigration issue, there is nothing to refute.

That IS addressing your false assertions.

You saying it's false does not make it so. Good bye.
Of course it does. As much as you claiming that it is true.

That is how opinions work.

Now, the ball is up to you to prove your claim. Should be simple.

You can provide evidence that every single conservative and the GOP do not want to discuss or do anything about foreign policy with regard to Central America. If you blame all of them, then you have proof that ALL of them do this.

What does NOT count is you posting policy debates or legislation that you disagree with and then use that as proof that there is no interest in the discussion.

The same criteria applies to the notion that all the GOP and all conservatives are against the working class. You cannot post legislation that is designed to improve job and economic growth THAT YOU DISAGREE with as proof that they are against the working class.

Simply doing something different than you would does NOT qualify as anti-working class.

Understand how the ground rules for providing evidence to you claims work? Otherwise, they are, as I said; propaganda.
I see your first mistake. Go back and read what I actually wrote. Try again.
So you quit....good on you. You were going to lose anyway.

Have a nice day.

You didn't have a case and you just realized where you fucked up.
What I'm seeing is a lot of misunderstanding going on.

We don't understand each other's positions or we don't know all of the facts.

The only thing we know for sure is what we experienced ourselves, and that can't be proved. The rest we get through filters.
The funny part is, the GOP may win the Senate this year, but they'll be blocked from doing anything for 2 years,

and in 2016,

The GOP has to defend about 25 Senate seats to the Democrats' 10.
What I'm seeing is a lot of misunderstanding going on.

We don't understand each other's positions or we don't know all of the facts.

The only thing we know for sure is what we experienced ourselves, and that can't be proved. The rest we get through filters.

That's funny.

If you and I talk/debate or Peach (either) and I or any number of right wing folks or even left wing folks we don't have near as many misunderstandings going on (even when a topic starts with broad generalizations).

So, the real question is, why is that? Because this is not where we were at 15-20 years ago.

I firmly believe that the answer to that is because it is media driven. They frame the debates to protect their own interests.

The people that I have on ignore currently are people who are out to make sure that no actual conversation occurs. That is their objective.

Those filters can be discarded. There are facts available. We don't have to agree with everything.
It boils down to propaganda. It works. The left owns most popular media and the demonization of Republicans, conservatives, traditional values, etc. is constant and unrelenting. After so much exposure most people that aren't paying attention, which is most people, think is has to be true.

Your friend is typical of what I experience when talking to libs, they believe the sound bites and bumper stickers. Considering results and long term implications require effort and a little dedication to sort out. It's like the adult/child relationship. The child wants a cookie before dinner and the parent is mean for denying it. It's much easier to get the "they are mean" message out than it is to explain why a cookie before dinner is bad for you.
Democrats want to feel they are compassionate and caring. They express this by supporting policies that demonize successful people and lionize failures.
That pretty much explains the entire appeal of Democrats. And most people fall for it.

So I hate myself?

I'm successful at my chosen career.
I dont know that "stripper" is much of a career but suit yourself.

You just show that you can't reply to my post with honesty or logic. Because your whole premise isn't based on logic, honesty or reality.

Do you know who Annie Liebowitz is? If not look her up. I am the Annie Liebowitz of the west part of America only without the fame.

Ask mudwhistle about my work. I've shared some of my work with him.

I'm probably much more successful at my chosen career than you are. Which is why you have to personally attack me for posting the truth.
Thats why no one knows who you are.
I personally couldn't give a shit whether you're successful at anything or not. You're a dismal failure at debate and your values are based on pure emotion without consideration for fact or logic. That much is proven.
English a second language for you?

I don't refute false premises. I ignore them. Until you say something that provides tangible proof that the GOP does not discuss, nor want to discuss the immigration issue, there is nothing to refute.

That IS addressing your false assertions.

You saying it's false does not make it so. Good bye.
Of course it does. As much as you claiming that it is true.

That is how opinions work.

Now, the ball is up to you to prove your claim. Should be simple.

You can provide evidence that every single conservative and the GOP do not want to discuss or do anything about foreign policy with regard to Central America. If you blame all of them, then you have proof that ALL of them do this.

What does NOT count is you posting policy debates or legislation that you disagree with and then use that as proof that there is no interest in the discussion.

The same criteria applies to the notion that all the GOP and all conservatives are against the working class. You cannot post legislation that is designed to improve job and economic growth THAT YOU DISAGREE with as proof that they are against the working class.

Simply doing something different than you would does NOT qualify as anti-working class.

Understand how the ground rules for providing evidence to you claims work? Otherwise, they are, as I said; propaganda.
I see your first mistake. Go back and read what I actually wrote. Try again.
So you quit....good on you. You were going to lose anyway.

Have a nice day.

You didn't have a case and you just realized where you fucked up.
No it appears you have no case and are fine with making sweeping generalizations based on bumper sticker slogans and media driven characterizations.
It boils down to propaganda. It works. The left owns most popular media and the demonization of Republicans, conservatives, traditional values, etc. is constant and unrelenting. After so much exposure most people that aren't paying attention, which is most people, think is has to be true.

Your friend is typical of what I experience when talking to libs, they believe the sound bites and bumper stickers. Considering results and long term implications require effort and a little dedication to sort out. It's like the adult/child relationship. The child wants a cookie before dinner and the parent is mean for denying it. It's much easier to get the "they are mean" message out than it is to explain why a cookie before dinner is bad for you.
Democrats want to feel they are compassionate and caring. They express this by supporting policies that demonize successful people and lionize failures.
That pretty much explains the entire appeal of Democrats. And most people fall for it.

So I hate myself?

I'm successful at my chosen career.
I dont know that "stripper" is much of a career but suit yourself.

You just show that you can't reply to my post with honesty or logic. Because your whole premise isn't based on logic, honesty or reality.

Do you know who Annie Liebowitz is? If not look her up. I am the Annie Liebowitz of the west part of America only without the fame.

Ask mudwhistle about my work. I've shared some of my work with him.

I'm probably much more successful at my chosen career than you are. Which is why you have to personally attack me for posting the truth.
Thats why no one knows who you are.
I personally couldn't give a shit whether you're successful at anything or not. You're a dismal failure at debate and your values are based on pure emotion without consideration for fact or logic. That much is proven.

Way to try to win her over.
Democrats want to feel they are compassionate and caring. They express this by supporting policies that demonize successful people and lionize failures.
That pretty much explains the entire appeal of Democrats. And most people fall for it.

So I hate myself?

I'm successful at my chosen career.
I dont know that "stripper" is much of a career but suit yourself.

You just show that you can't reply to my post with honesty or logic. Because your whole premise isn't based on logic, honesty or reality.

Do you know who Annie Liebowitz is? If not look her up. I am the Annie Liebowitz of the west part of America only without the fame.

Ask mudwhistle about my work. I've shared some of my work with him.

I'm probably much more successful at my chosen career than you are. Which is why you have to personally attack me for posting the truth.
Thats why no one knows who you are.
I personally couldn't give a shit whether you're successful at anything or not. You're a dismal failure at debate and your values are based on pure emotion without consideration for fact or logic. That much is proven.

Way to try to win her over.
Clearly not going to happen. You cannot argue with someone who has a small knowledge base to begin with, dismisses facts, and argues purely from emotion and slogans,
So that leaves insults and ridicule.
It boils down to propaganda. It works. The left owns most popular media and the demonization of Republicans, conservatives, traditional values, etc. is constant and unrelenting. After so much exposure most people that aren't paying attention, which is most people, think is has to be true.

Your friend is typical of what I experience when talking to libs, they believe the sound bites and bumper stickers. Considering results and long term implications require effort and a little dedication to sort out. It's like the adult/child relationship. The child wants a cookie before dinner and the parent is mean for denying it. It's much easier to get the "they are mean" message out than it is to explain why a cookie before dinner is bad for you.
Democrats want to feel they are compassionate and caring. They express this by supporting policies that demonize successful people and lionize failures.
That pretty much explains the entire appeal of Democrats. And most people fall for it.

So I hate myself?

I'm successful at my chosen career.
I dont know that "stripper" is much of a career but suit yourself.

You just show that you can't reply to my post with honesty or logic. Because your whole premise isn't based on logic, honesty or reality.

Do you know who Annie Liebowitz is? If not look her up. I am the Annie Liebowitz of the west part of America only without the fame.

Ask mudwhistle about my work. I've shared some of my work with him.

I'm probably much more successful at my chosen career than you are. Which is why you have to personally attack me for posting the truth.
Thats why no one knows who you are.
I personally couldn't give a shit whether you're successful at anything or not. You're a dismal failure at debate and your values are based on pure emotion without consideration for fact or logic. That much is proven.

There's a very good reason why I'm not famous. I don't want to be.

I got a taste of it once and value my privacy more. I don't like people following me to my hotel room begging me to photograph them and make them famous. I got tired of people calling me all hours of the day.

I don't need fame. That's not why I do my job. I do it because I love doing it.

I never attacked you. In fact it was you who attacked me and called me names. It seems you aren't comfortable with a successful liberal such as myself.

My posts aren't a dismal failure. In fact I've been complemented by republicans for my posts in private messages. No not by Mudwhistle.

If you consider not being mean, rude, personally attacking people, lying and not dealing with reality is a failure, I guess my posts are failures but yours aren't.
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

You have it so backwards. It is the Republicans who are suckering poor and middle class voters into voting against their own best financial interests because of social/stupid wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

The fact is, economically, if you are not rich you should not be voting GOP. Even if you own a small business, they aren't helping you. When they say they give small business tax breaks they mean small business' with 200 employees, not 2 or 3.

The GOP have fucked the poor and middle class since Reagan and especially since 2000. It's why Bush had to steal/win the 2000 elections. They needed to appoint Alito and Roberts so they could pass Citizens United. They needed to be President so they could lie us into Iraq. They needed to win so they could pass their tax breaks to the rich.

And now 90% of the $ is in the hands of the rich and the rest of us have 10%. It use to be 75/25% split. The rich are doing GREAT! Mission accomplished!

Any middle class or poor American voting Republican needs to remind themselves over and over again tonight if they are a worker bee then the GOP don't care about me.
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

I don't agree with your pie. Polls have consistently shown, that the single largest ideology group, is conservatives.
Polling generally shows conservatives at about 40% libs around 25% and the rest moderate.

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