This Is Why The Democrats Still Have Hope In Keeping The Senate

The rich now own/control our government. The only thing we have is our vote and I'm not even sure about that after 2000 and 2004 elections. I believe they purposely bankrupted our nation so they could destroy unions, lower wages, ship jobs overseas, gouge us at the pumps, renig on pensions, cut benefits.

The net worth of the Koch brothers is less than 5% of the net worth of George Soros, but the democrats and their controlled media harp about the Koch brothers constantly, whilst utterly silent regarding the owner of the democratic party, who has Obama on a leash - why is that?

The biggest drop in private sector Unions occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

The greatest period of off-shoring of American manufacturing occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

You have been trained to have a vicious conditioned response against Sarah Palin - yet you mindlessly bleat that Republicans have a "war on women," why is that?

The only time I have ever seen the U.S. Government directly merge with corporations is when Obama used tax payer funds to buy GM and give it to the UAW, and when Obama's fascist care mandated the IRS force at gunpoint all Americans to buy the product of favored corporations - such as Blue Cross - which has the owner of Obama and the democratic party, George Soros as a majority shareholder - but you have no problem with these - why is that?

This Jew told Bush what his middle east policy should be. Hell, Bush didn't lie us into Iraq, he did! And now he's backing Jeb?

Sheldon Adelson plans VIP dinner for Jeb Bush at GOP gathering in Vegas - The Washington Post

This has nothing to do with the thread and evades the questions that I posed.
George Soros compared to ALEC, Citizens United and guys like the Koch Brothers? Pahleez.

Again, the net worth of the Koch brothers is less than 5% of the net worth of George Soros, owner of the democratic party.

Bottom line brother. It was the GOP who pushed Citizens United through. Everyone knows that was a bad idea. A very bad idea. Why instead of taking the $ out of politics would you allow more $ in and less transparency?

You don't even know what Citizens United is.

Your handlers told you you are against it - but you haven't a hint of a clue what the case involved or why it is the most important ruling supporting civil rights since Brown V. BoE.

Nothing you are saying makes any sense. You are a walking contradiction. You guys love to point to George Soros when you have groups like ALEC writing legislation and getting their GOP politicians to put them into law.

You spew mindless talking points from the hate sites.

Normally I would say that you should point to specific legislation to debate, but honestly - you're not sane, so why bother?

I've known what Citizens United is since before they passed it. And actually it is about 99% of Republican voters who say HUH when I ask them if they know what Citizens United is.

Now you are going to try to spin it into a good thing? Now its the most important civil rights decision since brown v BOE? Wow! The fact that they want to make corporations people and money is free speech?

Now basically a terrorist can come start a company in America and lobby/fund our politicians and they can do it in complete secrecy? No one can ask where the money came from? You like that?
The rich now own/control our government. The only thing we have is our vote and I'm not even sure about that after 2000 and 2004 elections. I believe they purposely bankrupted our nation so they could destroy unions, lower wages, ship jobs overseas, gouge us at the pumps, renig on pensions, cut benefits.

The net worth of the Koch brothers is less than 5% of the net worth of George Soros, but the democrats and their controlled media harp about the Koch brothers constantly, whilst utterly silent regarding the owner of the democratic party, who has Obama on a leash - why is that?

The biggest drop in private sector Unions occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

The greatest period of off-shoring of American manufacturing occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

You have been trained to have a vicious conditioned response against Sarah Palin - yet you mindlessly bleat that Republicans have a "war on women," why is that?

The only time I have ever seen the U.S. Government directly merge with corporations is when Obama used tax payer funds to buy GM and give it to the UAW, and when Obama's fascist care mandated the IRS force at gunpoint all Americans to buy the product of favored corporations - such as Blue Cross - which has the owner of Obama and the democratic party, George Soros as a majority shareholder - but you have no problem with these - why is that?

This Jew told Bush what his middle east policy should be. Hell, Bush didn't lie us into Iraq, he did! And now he's backing Jeb?

Sheldon Adelson plans VIP dinner for Jeb Bush at GOP gathering in Vegas - The Washington Post

This has nothing to do with the thread and evades the questions that I posed.

Well this thread is bullshit. Some guy in texas said illegals are voting? OMG! Someone call the National Guard!
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

So, we're supposed to lend any credence to this tale about what a fellow worker told you?
The Right is off and running, making up shit to see what sticks.
The rich now own/control our government. The only thing we have is our vote and I'm not even sure about that after 2000 and 2004 elections. I believe they purposely bankrupted our nation so they could destroy unions, lower wages, ship jobs overseas, gouge us at the pumps, renig on pensions, cut benefits.

The net worth of the Koch brothers is less than 5% of the net worth of George Soros, but the democrats and their controlled media harp about the Koch brothers constantly, whilst utterly silent regarding the owner of the democratic party, who has Obama on a leash - why is that?

The biggest drop in private sector Unions occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

The greatest period of off-shoring of American manufacturing occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

You have been trained to have a vicious conditioned response against Sarah Palin - yet you mindlessly bleat that Republicans have a "war on women," why is that?

The only time I have ever seen the U.S. Government directly merge with corporations is when Obama used tax payer funds to buy GM and give it to the UAW, and when Obama's fascist care mandated the IRS force at gunpoint all Americans to buy the product of favored corporations - such as Blue Cross - which has the owner of Obama and the democratic party, George Soros as a majority shareholder - but you have no problem with these - why is that?

NAFTA wasn't nearly as bad as it was when Clinton signed it as it was after GW Bush and Tom Delay made changes. You would have to ignore everything the GOP did from 2000-2006 to say something so stupid. I bet you more jobs were going overseas when Bush was leaving office. Don't forget one huge reason companies were leaving was that gas was over $4 a gallon. You guys credit Bush for low gas prices but that was only after the global recession he created.

The corporations own our government. They did with Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush & even now that Obama is in office. The reason Obama and Carter didn't get enough done is because they refused to go along. Clinton triangulated way too much with the GOP.

And anyways, don't forget it was the great recession bush created that made the shit hit the fan. And they used it to force their tax breaks and bad policies on us.
I've known what Citizens United is since before they passed it.

The fuck you do.

And actually it is about 99% of Republican voters who say HUH when I ask them if they know what Citizens United is.

You know that the hate sites tell you that you're against it - but you have no idea at all what the case was about.

Now you are going to try to spin it into a good thing? Now its the most important civil rights decision since brown v BOE? Wow! The fact that they want to make corporations people and money is free speech?

Freedom of speech is a good thing - you're masters tell you it isn't - that any speech opposed by the party should be outlawed, but freedom of speech is good thing.

Oh, and Citizens United did not make coroporations "people," as I said - you have NO fucking idea what he case was about.

Now basically a terrorist can come start a company in America and lobby/fund our politicians and they can do it in complete secrecy? No one can ask where the money came from? You like that?

What the fuck are you babbling about?

You are entirely ignorant and spewing shit from the hate sites.
I've known what Citizens United is since before they passed it.

The fuck you do.

And actually it is about 99% of Republican voters who say HUH when I ask them if they know what Citizens United is.

You know that the hate sites tell you that you're against it - but you have no idea at all what the case was about.

Now you are going to try to spin it into a good thing? Now its the most important civil rights decision since brown v BOE? Wow! The fact that they want to make corporations people and money is free speech?

Freedom of speech is a good thing - you're masters tell you it isn't - that any speech opposed by the party should be outlawed, but freedom of speech is good thing.

Oh, and Citizens United did not make coroporations "people," as I said - you have NO fucking idea what he case was about.

Now basically a terrorist can come start a company in America and lobby/fund our politicians and they can do it in complete secrecy? No one can ask where the money came from? You like that?

What the fuck are you babbling about?

You are entirely ignorant and spewing shit from the hate sites.

The rich have been trying to get something like Citizens United passed for over 100 years. It is not good for democracy stupid. One person 1 vote. No one persons should have more influence because they have more money.

ESPECIALLY after the last 14 years. Are you fucking stupid? The rich went from having 75% of all the $/wealth to 90%.

You stupid assholes are just handing over our country to the rich. That's fascism dummy!
I've known what Citizens United is since before they passed it.

The fuck you do.

And actually it is about 99% of Republican voters who say HUH when I ask them if they know what Citizens United is.

You know that the hate sites tell you that you're against it - but you have no idea at all what the case was about.

Now you are going to try to spin it into a good thing? Now its the most important civil rights decision since brown v BOE? Wow! The fact that they want to make corporations people and money is free speech?

Freedom of speech is a good thing - you're masters tell you it isn't - that any speech opposed by the party should be outlawed, but freedom of speech is good thing.

Oh, and Citizens United did not make coroporations "people," as I said - you have NO fucking idea what he case was about.

Now basically a terrorist can come start a company in America and lobby/fund our politicians and they can do it in complete secrecy? No one can ask where the money came from? You like that?

What the fuck are you babbling about?

You are entirely ignorant and spewing shit from the hate sites.

Why has it taken you guys so many years to start defending Citizens United. Until now, all we've heard was deafening silence when we brought it up. The rich now fund out politicians so they aren't worried about making you happy. They have to make their donors happy. And since it costs 3 billion to win, who gives a fuck about your $5 donation.

New Poll Americans Think The Supreme Court Is Political Closed Off And Got Citizens United Wrong

I'm looking forward to you defending Citizens United. It will show people you guys can defend anything.
Look how you guys defended NAFTA. You lied and said it would create jobs. Even Clinton repeated that lie. Maybe it would have in the 90's but not after Bush and Tom Delay got a hold of our government. NAFTA was designed to fuck the American worker and Citizens United was a power grab by the rich who for centuries have been trying to pass something that grants corporations the rights of citizens and money is free speech. And you don't even have to say where you got the money. Could have come from ISIS for all we know.
NAFTA wasn't nearly as bad as it was when Clinton signed it as it was after GW Bush and Tom Delay made changes. You would have to ignore everything the GOP did from 2000-2006 to say something so stupid. I bet you more jobs were going overseas when Bush was leaving office. Don't forget one huge reason companies were leaving was that gas was over $4 a gallon. You guys credit Bush for low gas prices but that was only after the global recession he created.

The corporations own our government. They did with Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush & even now that Obama is in office. The reason Obama and Carter didn't get enough done is because they refused to go along. Clinton triangulated way too much with the GOP.

And anyways, don't forget it was the great recession bush created that made the shit hit the fan. And they used it to force their tax breaks and bad policies on us.

The problem you have Silly Bonobo, is that you have no actual knowledge at all. You spew slogans that your masters at the hate sites have trained you to spew, but you have zero grasp of any facts.

Changes to NAFTA by Tom Delay?

And what exactly were these changes?

You won't answer, you will spew some other idiotic hating point. Why? because it's a pile of bullshit with no basis in reality - you toss it out in hopes you won't be challenged - and if you are you'll just spew some other complete bullshit to distract from it.
NAFTA wasn't nearly as bad as it was when Clinton signed it as it was after GW Bush and Tom Delay made changes. You would have to ignore everything the GOP did from 2000-2006 to say something so stupid. I bet you more jobs were going overseas when Bush was leaving office. Don't forget one huge reason companies were leaving was that gas was over $4 a gallon. You guys credit Bush for low gas prices but that was only after the global recession he created.

The corporations own our government. They did with Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush & even now that Obama is in office. The reason Obama and Carter didn't get enough done is because they refused to go along. Clinton triangulated way too much with the GOP.

And anyways, don't forget it was the great recession bush created that made the shit hit the fan. And they used it to force their tax breaks and bad policies on us.

The problem you have Silly Bonobo, is that you have no actual knowledge at all. You spew slogans that your masters at the hate sites have trained you to spew, but you have zero grasp of any facts.

Changes to NAFTA by Tom Delay?

And what exactly were these changes?

You won't answer, you will spew some other idiotic hating point. Why? because it's a pile of bullshit with no basis in reality - you toss it out in hopes you won't be challenged - and if you are you'll just spew some other complete bullshit to distract from it.

Listen schmuck. I followed politics closer than anyone from HW Bush to Obama 2010. I'm over it. I only came here to politics because tomorrow is an election day.

I have forgotten more about politics than you will ever know. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Let me give you two great examples. The Bush/Tom Delay government wanted to let Mexican truck drivers drive into the USA to bust the trucking industry. They turned their back on companies hiring illegals. They passed tax breaks to companies moving jobs overseas and I specifically remember them trying to sneak in more Chinese tires than they should to bust the American tire industry.

If you don't know by now, good luck tomorrow voting for whoever you are going to vote for. I don't have the time or energy to go show you how the GOP fucked us from 2000-2006. All you are proving is what short memories Americans have. We should have never voted in GW after HW and now you guys are going to vote for Jeb? Wow!
Why has it taken you guys so many years to start defending Citizens United.

Defending Citizens United to one like you is like defending B V BoE to a Klansman with a second grade education.

You don't grasp the law, you don't grasp the principles involved, You are an ignorant bigot acting as a trained monkey, flinging shit with no grasp of what is going on around you.

Until now, all we've heard was deafening silence when we brought it up. The rich now fund out politicians so they aren't worried about making you happy. They have to make their donors happy. And since it costs 3 billion to win, who gives a fuck about your $5 donation.

You know only what you are trained to recite by DailyKOS and the other hate sites.

New Poll Americans Think The Supreme Court Is Political Closed Off And Got Citizens United Wrong

I'm looking forward to you defending Citizens United. It will show people you guys can defend anything.

You have no fucking clue what Citizens United is.

The hate sites told you it declared Corporations to be people - it said nothing at all on the subject. Corporations were said to have the rights of individuals in 1886, under the SCOTUS ruling of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad. The reason for that decision is that IF the corporation were taxed as an individual, then rights accrued, a matter of unintended consequence.

Citizens United involved a movie, and the attempt of the democratic party to censor that movie. IF the party can prohibit political speech that it opposes, then the 1st Amendment is null and void.

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Listen schmuck. I followed politics closer than anyone from HW Bush to Obama 2010. I'm over it. I only came here to politics because tomorrow is an election day.

I have forgotten more about politics than you will ever know. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Let me give you two great examples. The Bush/Tom Delay government wanted to let Mexican truck drivers drive into the USA to bust the trucking industry.

That is a complete and utter lie.

The Mexican trucks were part of the ORIGINAL NAFTA pushed by Bill Clinton - Bush had nothing to do with it.

The FIRST Mexican truck to enter the USA came under your little tin god Obama;

With little fanfare, a white tractor-trailer with Mexican license plates entered the courtyard of the Atlas Copco facility in Garland, Texas on Saturday afternoon to unload a Mexico-manufactured metal structure for drilling oil wells.

The delivery marked the first time that a truck from Mexico reached the U.S. interior under the 17-year-old trade agreement, which was supposed to give trucks from the neighboring countries access to highways on both sides of the border. The Obama administration signed an agreement with Mexico to end the long dispute over the NAFTA provision in July that also removes $2 billion in duties on American goods.}

Nearly 20 Years After NAFTA First Mexican Truck Arrives In U.S. Interior

Again, you are utterly and completely ignorant, and simply make shit up to support your bigoted notions.

They turned their back on companies hiring illegals. They passed tax breaks to companies moving jobs overseas and I specifically remember them trying to sneak in more Chinese tires than they should to bust the American tire industry.

If you don't know by now, good luck tomorrow voting for whoever you are going to vote for. I don't have the time or energy to go show you how the GOP fucked us from 2000-2006. All you are proving is what short memories Americans have. We should have never voted in GW after HW and now you guys are going to vote for Jeb? Wow!

What I know is that you have never posted anything even approaching factual.

You are utterly ignorant and full of shit.
NAFTA wasn't nearly as bad as it was when Clinton signed it as it was after GW Bush and Tom Delay made changes. You would have to ignore everything the GOP did from 2000-2006 to say something so stupid. I bet you more jobs were going overseas when Bush was leaving office. Don't forget one huge reason companies were leaving was that gas was over $4 a gallon. You guys credit Bush for low gas prices but that was only after the global recession he created.

The corporations own our government. They did with Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush & even now that Obama is in office. The reason Obama and Carter didn't get enough done is because they refused to go along. Clinton triangulated way too much with the GOP.

And anyways, don't forget it was the great recession bush created that made the shit hit the fan. And they used it to force their tax breaks and bad policies on us.

The problem you have Silly Bonobo, is that you have no actual knowledge at all. You spew slogans that your masters at the hate sites have trained you to spew, but you have zero grasp of any facts.

Changes to NAFTA by Tom Delay?

And what exactly were these changes?

You won't answer, you will spew some other idiotic hating point. Why? because it's a pile of bullshit with no basis in reality - you toss it out in hopes you won't be challenged - and if you are you'll just spew some other complete bullshit to distract from it.

You know whats funny idiot? When I watch Democrats campaign, they repeat exactly what I am saying. But when I watch Republicans campaigning I don't hear them repeat the nonsense you guys spew because they'd get laughed off the stage.
Why has it taken you guys so many years to start defending Citizens United.

Defending Citizens United to one like you is like defending B V BoE to a Klansman with a second grade education.

You don't grasp the law, you don't grasp the principles involved, You are an ignorant bigot acting as a trained monkey, flinging shit with no grasp of what is going on around you.

Until now, all we've heard was deafening silence when we brought it up. The rich now fund out politicians so they aren't worried about making you happy. They have to make their donors happy. And since it costs 3 billion to win, who gives a fuck about your $5 donation.

You know only what you are trained to recite by DailyKOS and the other hate sites.

New Poll Americans Think The Supreme Court Is Political Closed Off And Got Citizens United Wrong

I'm looking forward to you defending Citizens United. It will show people you guys can defend anything.

You have no fucking clue what Citizens United is.

The hate sites told you it declared Corporations to be people - it said nothing at all on the subject. Corporations were said to have the rights of individuals in 1886, under the SCOTUS ruling of Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad. The reason for that decision is that IF the corporation were taxed as an individual, then rights accrued, a matter of unintended consequence.

Citizens United involved a movie, and the attempt of the democratic party to censor that movie. IF the party can prohibit political speech that it opposes, then the 1st Amendment is null and void.

Dear Congressman Cardenas: Congratulations on your recent victory. I'm glad I voted for you. In light of the outrageous amounts of private (really, corporate) money that is going into political campaigns these days, and considering the dangerous implications this has for democracy in America, I think it's imperative that we enact legislation that would have the effect of repealing the terrible U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010). As you know, the effect of that case allowed right-wing oligarchs such as Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers, among many others, to effectively buy elections without fear. I would urge you to spearhead the attack on CITIZENS UNITED by sponsoring and forcefully advocating the passage of legislation that would provide for PUBLIC FINANCING ONLY for all political campaigns. The companion legislation to this would be a movement to amend the 14th Amendment of the U.S. and California Constitutions to insert the word "natural" immediately preceding every instance of the word "person." THAT would do away with the objection that corporations are "people," a pernicious doctrine that has been responsible for countless evil in our country. - See more at: Repealing CITIZENS UNITED Thom Hartmann - News info from the 1 progressive radio show
Sealybooboo, you've never heard a Republican speak, no one is buying it. And is there a conspiracy theory that you don't believe?

In our nation, finance has a hold on almost every single part of our lives – from the day we're born, until we take our last breath. Capitalism and the quest for larger profits have taken hold of our healthcare, our education, our homes, our communication, and even our government. Today, most babies are born in for-profit hospitals, and their medical claims are paid by for-profit insurance. As children grow, many go to for-profit charter schools or private schools, and our public education system continues to crumble. Young adults are forced to deal with for-profit lenders to go to college at for-profit universities, and everything from their backpack to their first home will generate a profit for someone on Wall Street.

Throughout our lives, we are forced into paying huge monopolies for access to phones and internet and communication, and all that data is turned over to for-profit corporations who spy on us for our government. Even the vast majority of our elected leaders answer first to corporate lobbyists, and second to the American people. Corporate power has a strangle hold on the entire American existence, and it has turned our entire lives into a profit-making venture.

There is a place for profit in our world, and a reason for corporations, but we must shift the power back to actual people. Without us, corporations would have no production to make their goods, and no customers from which to make a profit. Business should be here to serve American needs, not control us and commercialize everything that we do. We must regain our power by declaring that corporations are not people and money is not speech. Only then can we stop the cycle of putting profit before people. - See more at: Corporations control our lives... Thom Hartmann - News info from the 1 progressive radio show
Listen schmuck. I followed politics closer than anyone from HW Bush to Obama 2010. I'm over it. I only came here to politics because tomorrow is an election day.

I have forgotten more about politics than you will ever know. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Let me give you two great examples. The Bush/Tom Delay government wanted to let Mexican truck drivers drive into the USA to bust the trucking industry.

That is a complete and utter lie.

The Mexican trucks were part of the ORIGINAL NAFTA pushed by Bill Clinton - Bush had nothing to do with it.

The FIRST Mexican truck to enter the USA came under your little tin god Obama;

With little fanfare, a white tractor-trailer with Mexican license plates entered the courtyard of the Atlas Copco facility in Garland, Texas on Saturday afternoon to unload a Mexico-manufactured metal structure for drilling oil wells.

The delivery marked the first time that a truck from Mexico reached the U.S. interior under the 17-year-old trade agreement, which was supposed to give trucks from the neighboring countries access to highways on both sides of the border. The Obama administration signed an agreement with Mexico to end the long dispute over the NAFTA provision in July that also removes $2 billion in duties on American goods.}

Nearly 20 Years After NAFTA First Mexican Truck Arrives In U.S. Interior

Again, you are utterly and completely ignorant, and simply make shit up to support your bigoted notions.

They turned their back on companies hiring illegals. They passed tax breaks to companies moving jobs overseas and I specifically remember them trying to sneak in more Chinese tires than they should to bust the American tire industry.

If you don't know by now, good luck tomorrow voting for whoever you are going to vote for. I don't have the time or energy to go show you how the GOP fucked us from 2000-2006. All you are proving is what short memories Americans have. We should have never voted in GW after HW and now you guys are going to vote for Jeb? Wow!

What I know is that you have never posted anything even approaching factual.

You are utterly ignorant and full of shit.

You are either a big fat liar or incredibly stupid. Don't vote tomorrow.
Sealybooboo, you've never heard a Republican speak, no one is buying it. And is there a conspiracy theory that you don't believe?

I listened to Romney lie this weekend and try to claim that this election is a referendum on Obama. That's wishful thinking. Hopefully tomorrow he's as wrong as he was in 2012. All depends on voter turn out.
Listen schmuck. I followed politics closer than anyone from HW Bush to Obama 2010. I'm over it. I only came here to politics because tomorrow is an election day.

I have forgotten more about politics than you will ever know. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Let me give you two great examples. The Bush/Tom Delay government wanted to let Mexican truck drivers drive into the USA to bust the trucking industry.

That is a complete and utter lie.

The Mexican trucks were part of the ORIGINAL NAFTA pushed by Bill Clinton - Bush had nothing to do with it.

The FIRST Mexican truck to enter the USA came under your little tin god Obama;

With little fanfare, a white tractor-trailer with Mexican license plates entered the courtyard of the Atlas Copco facility in Garland, Texas on Saturday afternoon to unload a Mexico-manufactured metal structure for drilling oil wells.

The delivery marked the first time that a truck from Mexico reached the U.S. interior under the 17-year-old trade agreement, which was supposed to give trucks from the neighboring countries access to highways on both sides of the border. The Obama administration signed an agreement with Mexico to end the long dispute over the NAFTA provision in July that also removes $2 billion in duties on American goods.}

Nearly 20 Years After NAFTA First Mexican Truck Arrives In U.S. Interior

Again, you are utterly and completely ignorant, and simply make shit up to support your bigoted notions.

They turned their back on companies hiring illegals. They passed tax breaks to companies moving jobs overseas and I specifically remember them trying to sneak in more Chinese tires than they should to bust the American tire industry.

If you don't know by now, good luck tomorrow voting for whoever you are going to vote for. I don't have the time or energy to go show you how the GOP fucked us from 2000-2006. All you are proving is what short memories Americans have. We should have never voted in GW after HW and now you guys are going to vote for Jeb? Wow!

What I know is that you have never posted anything even approaching factual.

You are utterly ignorant and full of shit.

On fucking labor day? LABOR DAY?

Labor Day Message to Congress Stop Bush s Illegal Plan to Open the Border
February 2007. A pilot program. In other words, never been done before.

A Bush administration plan to allow 100 Mexican trucking companies to haul freight deeper into the United States than previously allowed drew an angry reaction Friday from labor leaders, safety advocates and members of Congress. The administration plan, announced Thursday, would have United States inspectors oversee Mexican trucking companies that carry cargo across the border. The pilot project will let Mexican truck companies travel throughout the United States.

Clinton signed NAFTA? Sure. But what did Bush and the Tom Delay run government in 2000 do to NAFTA? Did they change it? They sure fucking did.

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