This Is Why The Democrats Still Have Hope In Keeping The Senate

So I hate myself?

I'm successful at my chosen career.
I dont know that "stripper" is much of a career but suit yourself.

You just show that you can't reply to my post with honesty or logic. Because your whole premise isn't based on logic, honesty or reality.

Do you know who Annie Liebowitz is? If not look her up. I am the Annie Liebowitz of the west part of America only without the fame.

Ask mudwhistle about my work. I've shared some of my work with him.

I'm probably much more successful at my chosen career than you are. Which is why you have to personally attack me for posting the truth.
Thats why no one knows who you are.
I personally couldn't give a shit whether you're successful at anything or not. You're a dismal failure at debate and your values are based on pure emotion without consideration for fact or logic. That much is proven.

Way to try to win her over.
Clearly not going to happen. You cannot argue with someone who has a small knowledge base to begin with, dismisses facts, and argues purely from emotion and slogans,
So that leaves insults and ridicule.

I'm often amazed at how much right wingers are able to blow off and ignore in order to maintain their positions.
Democrats want to feel they are compassionate and caring. They express this by supporting policies that demonize successful people and lionize failures.
That pretty much explains the entire appeal of Democrats. And most people fall for it.

So I hate myself?

I'm successful at my chosen career.
I dont know that "stripper" is much of a career but suit yourself.

You just show that you can't reply to my post with honesty or logic. Because your whole premise isn't based on logic, honesty or reality.

Do you know who Annie Liebowitz is? If not look her up. I am the Annie Liebowitz of the west part of America only without the fame.

Ask mudwhistle about my work. I've shared some of my work with him.

I'm probably much more successful at my chosen career than you are. Which is why you have to personally attack me for posting the truth.
Thats why no one knows who you are.
I personally couldn't give a shit whether you're successful at anything or not. You're a dismal failure at debate and your values are based on pure emotion without consideration for fact or logic. That much is proven.

There's a very good reason why I'm not famous. I don't want to be.

I got a taste of it once and value my privacy more. I don't like people following me to my hotel room begging me to photograph them and make them famous. I got tired of people calling me all hours of the day.

I don't need fame. That's not why I do my job. I do it because I love doing it.

I never attacked you. In fact it was you who attacked me and called me names. It seems you aren't comfortable with a successful liberal such as myself.

My posts aren't a dismal failure. In fact I've been complemented by republicans for my posts in private messages. No not by Mudwhistle.

If you consider not being mean, rude, personally attacking people, lying and not dealing with reality is a failure, I guess my posts are failures but yours aren't.
I'm not sure what I wrote to give the impression I gave a shit. This is a debate forum, not an encounter group.
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

You have it so backwards. It is the Republicans who are suckering poor and middle class voters into voting against their own best financial interests because of social/stupid wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

The fact is, economically, if you are not rich you should not be voting GOP. Even if you own a small business, they aren't helping you. When they say they give small business tax breaks they mean small business' with 200 employees, not 2 or 3.

The GOP have fucked the poor and middle class since Reagan and especially since 2000. It's why Bush had to steal/win the 2000 elections. They needed to appoint Alito and Roberts so they could pass Citizens United. They needed to be President so they could lie us into Iraq. They needed to win so they could pass their tax breaks to the rich.

And now 90% of the $ is in the hands of the rich and the rest of us have 10%. It use to be 75/25% split. The rich are doing GREAT! Mission accomplished!

Any middle class or poor American voting Republican needs to remind themselves over and over again tonight if they are a worker bee then the GOP don't care about me.

You've got it all ass-backwards.

Democrats create issues only with the intent of demonizing Republicans. They don't give us reasons to vote Democrat. Just reasons not to vote Republican.
So I hate myself?

I'm successful at my chosen career.
I dont know that "stripper" is much of a career but suit yourself.

You just show that you can't reply to my post with honesty or logic. Because your whole premise isn't based on logic, honesty or reality.

Do you know who Annie Liebowitz is? If not look her up. I am the Annie Liebowitz of the west part of America only without the fame.

Ask mudwhistle about my work. I've shared some of my work with him.

I'm probably much more successful at my chosen career than you are. Which is why you have to personally attack me for posting the truth.
Thats why no one knows who you are.
I personally couldn't give a shit whether you're successful at anything or not. You're a dismal failure at debate and your values are based on pure emotion without consideration for fact or logic. That much is proven.

There's a very good reason why I'm not famous. I don't want to be.

I got a taste of it once and value my privacy more. I don't like people following me to my hotel room begging me to photograph them and make them famous. I got tired of people calling me all hours of the day.

I don't need fame. That's not why I do my job. I do it because I love doing it.

I never attacked you. In fact it was you who attacked me and called me names. It seems you aren't comfortable with a successful liberal such as myself.

My posts aren't a dismal failure. In fact I've been complemented by republicans for my posts in private messages. No not by Mudwhistle.

If you consider not being mean, rude, personally attacking people, lying and not dealing with reality is a failure, I guess my posts are failures but yours aren't.
I'm not sure what I wrote to give the impression I gave a shit. This is a debate forum, not an encounter group.

It wasn't me who presumed to know what millions of perfect strangers thing or do or feel .

That was you.

I was pointing out that you're wrong.

Then you personally attacked me.

What does that say about you?
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

I don't agree with your pie. Polls have consistently shown, that the single largest ideology group, is conservatives.
Polling generally shows conservatives at about 40% libs around 25% and the rest moderate.

Great point. I often wonder why we don't have a radio personality to rival Rush but this makes sense. If only 25% of the population wants to listen to a left wing radio show it won't be profitable. Rush would be an easier sell if 40% of us consider ourselves "conservative".

One reason people don't call themselves "liberals" is because the cons have made it a dirty word. Try Progressive. And I bet a lot of moderates, if they studied the issues, would lean slightly left. And that would force the GOP to move from the far right to the center and that would benefit us all.

If/when poor and middle class people stopped voting GOP they would maybe one day start representing us again economically but they are betting they don't need to. Look at how they are responsible for low wages yet somehow people believe they would do a better job at raising wages. Never realizing Republicans hate paying workers higher wages. They think the CEO should get all the profits. The workers deserve minimum. What do we pay the Chinese? That much. We are worth that much.
I dont know that "stripper" is much of a career but suit yourself.

You just show that you can't reply to my post with honesty or logic. Because your whole premise isn't based on logic, honesty or reality.

Do you know who Annie Liebowitz is? If not look her up. I am the Annie Liebowitz of the west part of America only without the fame.

Ask mudwhistle about my work. I've shared some of my work with him.

I'm probably much more successful at my chosen career than you are. Which is why you have to personally attack me for posting the truth.
Thats why no one knows who you are.
I personally couldn't give a shit whether you're successful at anything or not. You're a dismal failure at debate and your values are based on pure emotion without consideration for fact or logic. That much is proven.

There's a very good reason why I'm not famous. I don't want to be.

I got a taste of it once and value my privacy more. I don't like people following me to my hotel room begging me to photograph them and make them famous. I got tired of people calling me all hours of the day.

I don't need fame. That's not why I do my job. I do it because I love doing it.

I never attacked you. In fact it was you who attacked me and called me names. It seems you aren't comfortable with a successful liberal such as myself.

My posts aren't a dismal failure. In fact I've been complemented by republicans for my posts in private messages. No not by Mudwhistle.

If you consider not being mean, rude, personally attacking people, lying and not dealing with reality is a failure, I guess my posts are failures but yours aren't.
I'm not sure what I wrote to give the impression I gave a shit. This is a debate forum, not an encounter group.

It wasn't me who presumed to know what millions of perfect strangers thing or do or feel .

That was you.

I was pointing out that you're wrong.

Then you personally attacked me.

What does that say about you?
As you recall you were the one who personalized it and got your panties in a wad. Dont blame me if your attempt to argue based on your resume fell flat. It actually pretty well supports my view that "personal stories" and anecdotes drive much of what passes for liberal thinking.
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

You have it so backwards. It is the Republicans who are suckering poor and middle class voters into voting against their own best financial interests because of social/stupid wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

The fact is, economically, if you are not rich you should not be voting GOP. Even if you own a small business, they aren't helping you. When they say they give small business tax breaks they mean small business' with 200 employees, not 2 or 3.

The GOP have fucked the poor and middle class since Reagan and especially since 2000. It's why Bush had to steal/win the 2000 elections. They needed to appoint Alito and Roberts so they could pass Citizens United. They needed to be President so they could lie us into Iraq. They needed to win so they could pass their tax breaks to the rich.

And now 90% of the $ is in the hands of the rich and the rest of us have 10%. It use to be 75/25% split. The rich are doing GREAT! Mission accomplished!

Any middle class or poor American voting Republican needs to remind themselves over and over again tonight if they are a worker bee then the GOP don't care about me.

You've got it all ass-backwards.

Democrats create issues only with the intent of demonizing Republicans. They don't give us reasons to vote Democrat. Just reasons not to vote Republican.

I, unlike you, didn't have my head up GW's ass from 2000-2006. You would have had to had your head up the GOP's ass to believe what you just said. I know exactly what ruined our middle class. It wasn't unions. It wasn't ss and medicare. It was the rich took over our government starting with Reagan and they really fucked things up after the 2000 coup and I would suggest they let 9-11 happen so they could have another Viet Nam in Iraq and they sure made out. Haloburton Chaney and Bush Shell Oil sure robbed us.

And then on the way out, if you didn't think they could fuck us anymore, they pulled TARP on us.

And they had you blaming Pelosi, Carter, Obama, Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae. You blamed ANYBODY and EVERYBODY except the party that did it on purpose.
The rich now own/control our government. The only thing we have is our vote and I'm not even sure about that after 2000 and 2004 elections. I believe they purposely bankrupted our nation so they could destroy unions, lower wages, ship jobs overseas, gouge us at the pumps, renig on pensions, cut benefits.
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

You have it so backwards. It is the Republicans who are suckering poor and middle class voters into voting against their own best financial interests because of social/stupid wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

The fact is, economically, if you are not rich you should not be voting GOP. Even if you own a small business, they aren't helping you. When they say they give small business tax breaks they mean small business' with 200 employees, not 2 or 3.

The GOP have fucked the poor and middle class since Reagan and especially since 2000. It's why Bush had to steal/win the 2000 elections. They needed to appoint Alito and Roberts so they could pass Citizens United. They needed to be President so they could lie us into Iraq. They needed to win so they could pass their tax breaks to the rich.

And now 90% of the $ is in the hands of the rich and the rest of us have 10%. It use to be 75/25% split. The rich are doing GREAT! Mission accomplished!

Any middle class or poor American voting Republican needs to remind themselves over and over again tonight if they are a worker bee then the GOP don't care about me.

You've got it all ass-backwards.

Democrats create issues only with the intent of demonizing Republicans. They don't give us reasons to vote Democrat. Just reasons not to vote Republican.

I, unlike you, didn't have my head up GW's ass from 2000-2006. You would have had to had your head up the GOP's ass to believe what you just said. I know exactly what ruined our middle class. It wasn't unions. It wasn't ss and medicare. It was the rich took over our government starting with Reagan and they really fucked things up after the 2000 coup and I would suggest they let 9-11 happen so they could have another Viet Nam in Iraq and they sure made out. Haloburton Chaney and Bush Shell Oil sure robbed us.

And then on the way out, if you didn't think they could fuck us anymore, they pulled TARP on us.

And they had you blaming Pelosi, Carter, Obama, Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae. You blamed ANYBODY and EVERYBODY except the party that did it on purpose.

Dude, wtf are you smoking? Put it down. It's rotting your brain. How did the rich take over the gov't under Reagan? You know Reagan had to deal with a Democrat Congress, right?
What coup? There was no recount that showed Gore winning Florida. NEver was.
You think people here let 9/11 happen?
I can't believe the level of willful stupidity, ignorance, and conspiracy theory floating through your posts.
The rich now own/control our government. The only thing we have is our vote and I'm not even sure about that after 2000 and 2004 elections. I believe they purposely bankrupted our nation so they could destroy unions, lower wages, ship jobs overseas, gouge us at the pumps, renig on pensions, cut benefits.
The rich account for maybe 5% of the population. How do they control anything? Gas prices are down. Is that somehow gouging people to charge less?
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

You have it so backwards. It is the Republicans who are suckering poor and middle class voters into voting against their own best financial interests because of social/stupid wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

The fact is, economically, if you are not rich you should not be voting GOP. Even if you own a small business, they aren't helping you. When they say they give small business tax breaks they mean small business' with 200 employees, not 2 or 3.

The GOP have fucked the poor and middle class since Reagan and especially since 2000. It's why Bush had to steal/win the 2000 elections. They needed to appoint Alito and Roberts so they could pass Citizens United. They needed to be President so they could lie us into Iraq. They needed to win so they could pass their tax breaks to the rich.

And now 90% of the $ is in the hands of the rich and the rest of us have 10%. It use to be 75/25% split. The rich are doing GREAT! Mission accomplished!

Any middle class or poor American voting Republican needs to remind themselves over and over again tonight if they are a worker bee then the GOP don't care about me.

You've got it all ass-backwards.

Democrats create issues only with the intent of demonizing Republicans. They don't give us reasons to vote Democrat. Just reasons not to vote Republican.

I, unlike you, didn't have my head up GW's ass from 2000-2006. You would have had to had your head up the GOP's ass to believe what you just said. I know exactly what ruined our middle class. It wasn't unions. It wasn't ss and medicare. It was the rich took over our government starting with Reagan and they really fucked things up after the 2000 coup and I would suggest they let 9-11 happen so they could have another Viet Nam in Iraq and they sure made out. Haloburton Chaney and Bush Shell Oil sure robbed us.

And then on the way out, if you didn't think they could fuck us anymore, they pulled TARP on us.

And they had you blaming Pelosi, Carter, Obama, Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae. You blamed ANYBODY and EVERYBODY except the party that did it on purpose.

Dude, wtf are you smoking? Put it down. It's rotting your brain. How did the rich take over the gov't under Reagan? You know Reagan had to deal with a Democrat Congress, right?
What coup? There was no recount that showed Gore winning Florida. NEver was.
You think people here let 9/11 happen?
I can't believe the level of willful stupidity, ignorance, and conspiracy theory floating through your posts.

You funny Americans can believe that Putin would poison people but you don't believe Chaney sent the Anthrax? Who got it? The two Senators that were apposing the Patriot Act Tom Dashel & Patrick Leahy? Who else was mailed anthrax? A Enquirer/TMZ reporter who was going to expose them for lying us into Iraq?

Did you forget the FBI agent flew to Crawford Texas and warned Bush about the terrorists flying planes into buildings and Bush said, "you covered your ass now get out of here".

Without 9-11 the GOP would have never been able to pass their extreme agenda. You think a few thousand people would stop them? They killed more American soldiers lying us into Iraq for oil. And what a fuck up that was.

That was the biggest military blunder in world history. Not USA history, WORLD history.
They loved it becoming a quagmire. War for profit. You never want war to end if you own a military company. In fact you would love a terrorist attack here in America because then we would spend even more on military spending. Didn't Eisenhower warn us about the Great Military Industrial Complex?
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

You have it so backwards. It is the Republicans who are suckering poor and middle class voters into voting against their own best financial interests because of social/stupid wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

The fact is, economically, if you are not rich you should not be voting GOP. Even if you own a small business, they aren't helping you. When they say they give small business tax breaks they mean small business' with 200 employees, not 2 or 3.

The GOP have fucked the poor and middle class since Reagan and especially since 2000. It's why Bush had to steal/win the 2000 elections. They needed to appoint Alito and Roberts so they could pass Citizens United. They needed to be President so they could lie us into Iraq. They needed to win so they could pass their tax breaks to the rich.

And now 90% of the $ is in the hands of the rich and the rest of us have 10%. It use to be 75/25% split. The rich are doing GREAT! Mission accomplished!

Any middle class or poor American voting Republican needs to remind themselves over and over again tonight if they are a worker bee then the GOP don't care about me.

You've got it all ass-backwards.

Democrats create issues only with the intent of demonizing Republicans. They don't give us reasons to vote Democrat. Just reasons not to vote Republican.

I, unlike you, didn't have my head up GW's ass from 2000-2006. You would have had to had your head up the GOP's ass to believe what you just said. I know exactly what ruined our middle class. It wasn't unions. It wasn't ss and medicare. It was the rich took over our government starting with Reagan and they really fucked things up after the 2000 coup and I would suggest they let 9-11 happen so they could have another Viet Nam in Iraq and they sure made out. Haloburton Chaney and Bush Shell Oil sure robbed us.

And then on the way out, if you didn't think they could fuck us anymore, they pulled TARP on us.

And they had you blaming Pelosi, Carter, Obama, Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae. You blamed ANYBODY and EVERYBODY except the party that did it on purpose.

Dude, wtf are you smoking? Put it down. It's rotting your brain. How did the rich take over the gov't under Reagan? You know Reagan had to deal with a Democrat Congress, right?
What coup? There was no recount that showed Gore winning Florida. NEver was.
You think people here let 9/11 happen?
I can't believe the level of willful stupidity, ignorance, and conspiracy theory floating through your posts.

You funny Americans can believe that Putin would poison people but you don't believe Chaney sent the Anthrax? Who got it? The two Senators that were apposing the Patriot Act Tom Dashel & Patrick Leahy? Who else was mailed anthrax? A Enquirer/TMZ reporter who was going to expose them for lying us into Iraq?

Did you forget the FBI agent flew to Crawford Texas and warned Bush about the terrorists flying planes into buildings and Bush said, "you covered your ass now get out of here".

Without 9-11 the GOP would have never been able to pass their extreme agenda. You think a few thousand people would stop them? They killed more American soldiers lying us into Iraq for oil. And what a fuck up that was.

That was the biggest military blunder in world history. Not USA history, WORLD history.

Is there a button to rate a post "Batshit Crazy"? If not there ought to be.
You have it so backwards. It is the Republicans who are suckering poor and middle class voters into voting against their own best financial interests because of social/stupid wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

The fact is, economically, if you are not rich you should not be voting GOP. Even if you own a small business, they aren't helping you. When they say they give small business tax breaks they mean small business' with 200 employees, not 2 or 3.

The GOP have fucked the poor and middle class since Reagan and especially since 2000. It's why Bush had to steal/win the 2000 elections. They needed to appoint Alito and Roberts so they could pass Citizens United. They needed to be President so they could lie us into Iraq. They needed to win so they could pass their tax breaks to the rich.

And now 90% of the $ is in the hands of the rich and the rest of us have 10%. It use to be 75/25% split. The rich are doing GREAT! Mission accomplished!

Any middle class or poor American voting Republican needs to remind themselves over and over again tonight if they are a worker bee then the GOP don't care about me.

You've got it all ass-backwards.

Democrats create issues only with the intent of demonizing Republicans. They don't give us reasons to vote Democrat. Just reasons not to vote Republican.

I, unlike you, didn't have my head up GW's ass from 2000-2006. You would have had to had your head up the GOP's ass to believe what you just said. I know exactly what ruined our middle class. It wasn't unions. It wasn't ss and medicare. It was the rich took over our government starting with Reagan and they really fucked things up after the 2000 coup and I would suggest they let 9-11 happen so they could have another Viet Nam in Iraq and they sure made out. Haloburton Chaney and Bush Shell Oil sure robbed us.

And then on the way out, if you didn't think they could fuck us anymore, they pulled TARP on us.

And they had you blaming Pelosi, Carter, Obama, Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae. You blamed ANYBODY and EVERYBODY except the party that did it on purpose.
Dude, wtf are you smoking? Put it down. It's rotting your brain. How did the rich take over the gov't under Reagan? You know Reagan had to deal with a Democrat Congress, right?
What coup? There was no recount that showed Gore winning Florida. NEver was.
You think people here let 9/11 happen?
I can't believe the level of willful stupidity, ignorance, and conspiracy theory floating through your posts.

You funny Americans can believe that Putin would poison people but you don't believe Chaney sent the Anthrax? Who got it? The two Senators that were apposing the Patriot Act Tom Dashel & Patrick Leahy? Who else was mailed anthrax? A Enquirer/TMZ reporter who was going to expose them for lying us into Iraq?

Did you forget the FBI agent flew to Crawford Texas and warned Bush about the terrorists flying planes into buildings and Bush said, "you covered your ass now get out of here".

Without 9-11 the GOP would have never been able to pass their extreme agenda. You think a few thousand people would stop them? They killed more American soldiers lying us into Iraq for oil. And what a fuck up that was.

That was the biggest military blunder in world history. Not USA history, WORLD history.
Is there a button to rate a post "Batshit Crazy"? If not there ought to be.

Nothing new. Straight out of the Nazi playbook. Just history repeating itself.
I was talking to a co-worker last week. He's from Texas. I don't remember how the subject came up but I asked him who he voted for president in the last two elections. He said Obama. We have been discussing different topics over the past few weeks. One of them was the administration bringing in tens of thousands of illegals from Central America. He mentioned that some church was the sponsor in San Antonio of several thousand that were staying in a compound out at the Air Force base.

I asked him who he thought gave them the permission to use an Air Force base. He shook his head. I then reminded him that the President is the Commander In Chief, and that nothing of such a large scale happens in the military without the knowledge of the president. He said I was making this all up.

Well, last week when I asked him who he voted for he said Obama, and I asked him which party he belonged to, and he said Democrat. I asked him if he supported open borders and same-sex marriage, but then he just tried to dismiss all that because according to him, Republicans only support the rich.

This wasn't first time I heard what seemed like a fairly informed person mention this.

Let's face it. There are still Democrats out there that refuse to pay attention. They'll looking for an excuse not to vote Republican and the Democrats always supply them with one. They don't care that the Dems have policies they don't agree with. The only issue that matters to them is that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. It's total hogwash.

What the Democrats have going for them is tradition. Most of America has always been Democrat. Even in the South there are still generations of Democrats who still hold their noses and vote Democrat regardless of the fact that the Democratic Party doesn't stand for anything they hold dear. Most of them feel that Obama fooled a lot of people into voting for him, but they still refuse to vote for anyone the Republicans produce, because all it takes is one false claim by the Democrats and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The racists in the South that liberals have been saying drifted to the Republican party are still voting Democrat, because their Daddy voted Democrat, and their Grand Daddy voted Democrat. This is why the Dems still have hope. They may lose Independents for one election cycle, but they can count on a strong immovable base to always vote for them come Hell or high water. This is why even though Obama has lost massive support, his approvals still never dip into the low 30s. Most traditional Democrats can't believe all of the evidence against him. They think it's all being made up for political purposes.

This is what it's like talking to a Democrat:


Clueless Voters Explain Why They Voted for Obama

You have it so backwards. It is the Republicans who are suckering poor and middle class voters into voting against their own best financial interests because of social/stupid wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

The fact is, economically, if you are not rich you should not be voting GOP. Even if you own a small business, they aren't helping you. When they say they give small business tax breaks they mean small business' with 200 employees, not 2 or 3.

The GOP have fucked the poor and middle class since Reagan and especially since 2000. It's why Bush had to steal/win the 2000 elections. They needed to appoint Alito and Roberts so they could pass Citizens United. They needed to be President so they could lie us into Iraq. They needed to win so they could pass their tax breaks to the rich.

And now 90% of the $ is in the hands of the rich and the rest of us have 10%. It use to be 75/25% split. The rich are doing GREAT! Mission accomplished!

Any middle class or poor American voting Republican needs to remind themselves over and over again tonight if they are a worker bee then the GOP don't care about me.

You've got it all ass-backwards.

Democrats create issues only with the intent of demonizing Republicans. They don't give us reasons to vote Democrat. Just reasons not to vote Republican.

I, unlike you, didn't have my head up GW's ass from 2000-2006. You would have had to had your head up the GOP's ass to believe what you just said. I know exactly what ruined our middle class. It wasn't unions. It wasn't ss and medicare. It was the rich took over our government starting with Reagan and they really fucked things up after the 2000 coup and I would suggest they let 9-11 happen so they could have another Viet Nam in Iraq and they sure made out. Haloburton Chaney and Bush Shell Oil sure robbed us.

And then on the way out, if you didn't think they could fuck us anymore, they pulled TARP on us.

And they had you blaming Pelosi, Carter, Obama, Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae. You blamed ANYBODY and EVERYBODY except the party that did it on purpose.

Dude, wtf are you smoking? Put it down. It's rotting your brain. How did the rich take over the gov't under Reagan? You know Reagan had to deal with a Democrat Congress, right?
What coup? There was no recount that showed Gore winning Florida. NEver was.
You think people here let 9/11 happen?
I can't believe the level of willful stupidity, ignorance, and conspiracy theory floating through your posts.

You funny Americans can believe that Putin would poison people but you don't believe Chaney sent the Anthrax? Who got it? The two Senators that were apposing the Patriot Act Tom Dashel & Patrick Leahy? Who else was mailed anthrax? A Enquirer/TMZ reporter who was going to expose them for lying us into Iraq?

Did you forget the FBI agent flew to Crawford Texas and warned Bush about the terrorists flying planes into buildings and Bush said, "you covered your ass now get out of here".

Without 9-11 the GOP would have never been able to pass their extreme agenda. You think a few thousand people would stop them? They killed more American soldiers lying us into Iraq for oil. And what a fuck up that was.

That was the biggest military blunder in world history. Not USA history, WORLD history.

The rich now own/control our government. The only thing we have is our vote and I'm not even sure about that after 2000 and 2004 elections. I believe they purposely bankrupted our nation so they could destroy unions, lower wages, ship jobs overseas, gouge us at the pumps, renig on pensions, cut benefits.

The net worth of the Koch brothers is less than 5% of the net worth of George Soros, but the democrats and their controlled media harp about the Koch brothers constantly, whilst utterly silent regarding the owner of the democratic party, who has Obama on a leash - why is that?

The biggest drop in private sector Unions occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

The greatest period of off-shoring of American manufacturing occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

You have been trained to have a vicious conditioned response against Sarah Palin - yet you mindlessly bleat that Republicans have a "war on women," why is that?

The only time I have ever seen the U.S. Government directly merge with corporations is when Obama used tax payer funds to buy GM and give it to the UAW, and when Obama's fascist care mandated the IRS force at gunpoint all Americans to buy the product of favored corporations - such as Blue Cross - which has the owner of Obama and the democratic party, George Soros as a majority shareholder - but you have no problem with these - why is that?
You funny Americans can believe that Putin would poison people but you don't believe Chaney sent the Anthrax? Who got it? The two Senators that were apposing the Patriot Act Tom Dashel & Patrick Leahy? Who else was mailed anthrax? A Enquirer/TMZ reporter who was going to expose them for lying us into Iraq?

Did you forget the FBI agent flew to Crawford Texas and warned Bush about the terrorists flying planes into buildings and Bush said, "you covered your ass now get out of here".

Without 9-11 the GOP would have never been able to pass their extreme agenda. You think a few thousand people would stop them? They killed more American soldiers lying us into Iraq for oil. And what a fuck up that was.

That was the biggest military blunder in world history. Not USA history, WORLD history.

Well okay then...

The rich now own/control our government. The only thing we have is our vote and I'm not even sure about that after 2000 and 2004 elections. I believe they purposely bankrupted our nation so they could destroy unions, lower wages, ship jobs overseas, gouge us at the pumps, renig on pensions, cut benefits.

The net worth of the Koch brothers is less than 5% of the net worth of George Soros, but the democrats and their controlled media harp about the Koch brothers constantly, whilst utterly silent regarding the owner of the democratic party, who has Obama on a leash - why is that?

The biggest drop in private sector Unions occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

The greatest period of off-shoring of American manufacturing occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

You have been trained to have a vicious conditioned response against Sarah Palin - yet you mindlessly bleat that Republicans have a "war on women," why is that?

The only time I have ever seen the U.S. Government directly merge with corporations is when Obama used tax payer funds to buy GM and give it to the UAW, and when Obama's fascist care mandated the IRS force at gunpoint all Americans to buy the product of favored corporations - such as Blue Cross - which has the owner of Obama and the democratic party, George Soros as a majority shareholder - but you have no problem with these - why is that?

George Soros compared to ALEC, Citizens United and guys like the Koch Brothers? Pahleez.

Bottom line brother. It was the GOP who pushed Citizens United through. Everyone knows that was a bad idea. A very bad idea. Why instead of taking the $ out of politics would you allow more $ in and less transparency?

Nothing you are saying makes any sense. You are a walking contradiction. You guys love to point to George Soros when you have groups like ALEC writing legislation and getting their GOP politicians to put them into law.
The rich now own/control our government. The only thing we have is our vote and I'm not even sure about that after 2000 and 2004 elections. I believe they purposely bankrupted our nation so they could destroy unions, lower wages, ship jobs overseas, gouge us at the pumps, renig on pensions, cut benefits.

The net worth of the Koch brothers is less than 5% of the net worth of George Soros, but the democrats and their controlled media harp about the Koch brothers constantly, whilst utterly silent regarding the owner of the democratic party, who has Obama on a leash - why is that?

The biggest drop in private sector Unions occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

The greatest period of off-shoring of American manufacturing occurred in the 1990's - the Clinton years, yet your masters have trained you to rap at Republicans - why is that?

You have been trained to have a vicious conditioned response against Sarah Palin - yet you mindlessly bleat that Republicans have a "war on women," why is that?

The only time I have ever seen the U.S. Government directly merge with corporations is when Obama used tax payer funds to buy GM and give it to the UAW, and when Obama's fascist care mandated the IRS force at gunpoint all Americans to buy the product of favored corporations - such as Blue Cross - which has the owner of Obama and the democratic party, George Soros as a majority shareholder - but you have no problem with these - why is that?

This Jew told Bush what his middle east policy should be. Hell, Bush didn't lie us into Iraq, he did! And now he's backing Jeb?

Sheldon Adelson plans VIP dinner for Jeb Bush at GOP gathering in Vegas - The Washington Post
George Soros compared to ALEC, Citizens United and guys like the Koch Brothers? Pahleez.

Again, the net worth of the Koch brothers is less than 5% of the net worth of George Soros, owner of the democratic party.

Bottom line brother. It was the GOP who pushed Citizens United through. Everyone knows that was a bad idea. A very bad idea. Why instead of taking the $ out of politics would you allow more $ in and less transparency?

You don't even know what Citizens United is.

Your handlers told you you are against it - but you haven't a hint of a clue what the case involved or why it is the most important ruling supporting civil rights since Brown V. BoE.

Nothing you are saying makes any sense. You are a walking contradiction. You guys love to point to George Soros when you have groups like ALEC writing legislation and getting their GOP politicians to put them into law.

You spew mindless talking points from the hate sites.

Normally I would say that you should point to specific legislation to debate, but honestly - you're not sane, so why bother?

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