This Is Why The Democrats Still Have Hope In Keeping The Senate

February 2007. A pilot program. In other words, never been done before.

A Bush administration plan to allow 100 Mexican trucking companies to haul freight deeper into the United States than previously allowed drew an angry reaction Friday from labor leaders, safety advocates and members of Congress. The administration plan, announced Thursday, would have United States inspectors oversee Mexican trucking companies that carry cargo across the border. The pilot project will let Mexican truck companies travel throughout the United States.

Clinton signed NAFTA? Sure. But what did Bush and the Tom Delay run government in 2000 do to NAFTA? Did they change it? They sure fucking did.


All you have shown is that Bush tried to IMPLEMENT NAFTA.
I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Two points of propaganda are listed right here. And not so little amount of whining about the GOP.

Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.

Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by the The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.


Excuse me???

Did you say Democrats don't support unions? The Dems get most of their money from unions. The takeover of GM and Chrysler was simply a bailout to union pensions. SEIU's president worked in the Obama Administration.
do you every do any research at all???? why do you say strupid shit all the time with you stone cold facts that are based on nothing.... according ti the IRS union donations are about 10% of the total dollar amount given to the dems... where they shine is they tend to vote for dems more then republicans ... that would voting against their views if they voted republican ... stop making generalities about what you think dems do or get unless you have hard facts which by the way you haven't so far...
I would like to point something out. Right now, your entire message consists of whining about the Democrats. That's why nobody votes Republican.

The majority of the right wing on this board doesn't want to

  1. alter or even address foreign policy changes that lead to many of the Central American folks coming across the border. That would require making changes and addressing the free market policies and that won't happen.
  2. back working class Americans.
The right wing, as the Democrats, have consisted of a bunch of gold tooth smiling folks that are focused on a message. Like if you can figure out a way to pitch it correctly then people will come running.

That is the failure of both parties.
Two points of propaganda are listed right here. And not so little amount of whining about the GOP.

Right now that's just you commenting. You have not bothered to adequately address what it is that you see as propaganda.

Okay, blaming our policies for all of these people coming here from Central America is nonsense. The excuse is that we were so evil that we deported the guys that became drug cartels and are now subjecting Central Americans to hardships. Well, that's just an excuse. A poor one no doubt.

The reason many deportees turned to drug trafficking is because of the lack of jobs provided in their home countries. Who's fault is that? The local governments. Not ours.

Backing working class Americans? Is raising excise taxes, cutting education, and punishing businesses a Republican policy? No, all of them are Democrat policies.

Right to work is a republican policy, no? Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans support unions. The democrats simply pay lip service. Hence, union political parties are stepping up locally in places like Ohio. So, where is Faux privatization of public education? Yep, that seems to be a Democrat/Republican gang as both parties have their hands in the kitties for that. No?

That punishment of the small businesses..........came from the banksters. The big ones and not the small ones. The big ones nailed the smaller banks as well. Remember all of the lobbying done by the The United States Chamber of Commerce?

Our foreign policy has not changed in a good hundred years. If you haven't been paying attention Obama also supports those policies.

US-Funded Think Tank Sways New Government -

El Salvador -- New Internationalist

Achieving food security, and more specifically food sovereignty, is the number one priority for the communities that Voices’ serves in the Bajo Lempa region of Jiquilisco, Usulután. The Bajo Lempa has some of the richest, most productive land in El Salvador, yet agricultural and economic policies have made it almost impossible for small farmers to even feed their families. Free trade agreements allow large, subsidized farms in the U.S. access to Salvadoran markets, and local farmers simply can’t compete. Grocery stores and markets in urban areas are full of grains and processed food from the U.S.

Supporters of globalization might argue that grocery stores in San Salvador or Zacatecoluca full of Welches Grape Juice and Pancake syrup is a positive development. But many in the Bajo Lempa argue that it ruins the local economy and is replacing their culture of food. The community of Amando Lopez has recognized this as an important issue and for their community assemblies requires participants to bring their own cups and bowls and instead of serving cookies and cokes for refreshments they serve traditional tomalies, fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, hot chocolate or other locally produced snacks. But even organized communities like Amando Lopez struggle to achieve food security.
Popular Struggle for Food Security in El Salvador Voices on the Border

That is just El Salvador, that ain't the half of it and that doesn't even touch the gangs. We are not even fully dealing with the IMF at this point.

So, when you say excuses that leads me to wonder if you are aware and are brushing off the above as if it is not relative or what the deal is.


Excuse me???

Did you say Democrats don't support unions? The Dems get most of their money from unions. The takeover of GM and Chrysler was simply a bailout to union pensions. SEIU's president worked in the Obama Administration.
in case you forgot the bail out was bush's doings not obamas he just made it have some sort of pay back with interest

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