This is why the elites are such a joke


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

A leader of one of the school teacher unions was posting how it was not safe for teachers to go back to work while bragging about taking a vacation in the Caribbean. But we see this continually from hypocritical Progressives like Obama who vacationed in Hawaii with his husband as well.

At what point does the American people rise up against these rich fat cat Progressives?

With rigged voting, how can they fight back?

A leader of one of the school teacher unions was posting how it was not safe for teachers to go back to work while bragging about taking a vacation in the Caribbean. But we see this continually from hypocritical Progressives like Obama who vacationed in Hawaii with his husband as well.

At what point does the American people rise up against these rich fat cat Progressives?

With rigged voting, how can they fight back?

DiBlasio still hasn't even really commented on his Dancing in empty Times Square video.

They just don't care anymore, and they know nothing will happen to them if they are hypocrites.

A leader of one of the school teacher unions was posting how it was not safe for teachers to go back to work while bragging about taking a vacation in the Caribbean. But we see this continually from hypocritical Progressives like Obama who vacationed in Hawaii with his husband as well.

At what point does the American people rise up against these rich fat cat Progressives?

With rigged voting, how can they fight back?
So school teachers are elites? Lol ever seen their paycheck? Your hilarious! Must be tough to have the iq of a rock. More from the tin hat brigade to follow I am sure

A leader of one of the school teacher unions was posting how it was not safe for teachers to go back to work while bragging about taking a vacation in the Caribbean. But we see this continually from hypocritical Progressives like Obama who vacationed in Hawaii with his husband as well.

At what point does the American people rise up against these rich fat cat Progressives?

With rigged voting, how can they fight back?
So school teachers are elites? Lol ever seen their paycheck? Your hilarious! Must be tough to have the iq of a rock. More from the tin hat brigade to follow I am sure
Learn to read.

It was a big wig in the unions

Most rich folk are dead headed Progressive democrats.

A leader of one of the school teacher unions was posting how it was not safe for teachers to go back to work while bragging about taking a vacation in the Caribbean. But we see this continually from hypocritical Progressives like Obama who vacationed in Hawaii with his husband as well.

At what point does the American people rise up against these rich fat cat Progressives?

With rigged voting, how can they fight back?
So school teachers are elites? Lol ever seen their paycheck? Your hilarious! Must be tough to have the iq of a rock. More from the tin hat brigade to follow I am sure
Learn to read.

It was a big wig in the unions

Most rich folk are dead headed Progressive democrats.
Ya, she's an elite! Lol just what kinda paycheck she get for being in the union. Hilarious mean while your orange god is the epitome of the swamp and pampered elites. Sits on a gold toilet. Hillarious!

A leader of one of the school teacher unions was posting how it was not safe for teachers to go back to work while bragging about taking a vacation in the Caribbean. But we see this continually from hypocritical Progressives like Obama who vacationed in Hawaii with his husband as well.

At what point does the American people rise up against these rich fat cat Progressives?

With rigged voting, how can they fight back?
So school teachers are elites? Lol ever seen their paycheck? Your hilarious! Must be tough to have the iq of a rock. More from the tin hat brigade to follow I am sure
Learn to read.

It was a big wig in the unions

Most rich folk are dead headed Progressive democrats.
Ya, she's an elite! Lol just what kinda paycheck she get for being in the union. Hilarious mean while your orange god is the epitome of the swamp and pampered elites. Sits on a gold toilet. Hillarious!
She can afford a nice vacation in paradise, and being a Progressive probably does not pay taxes like she should either.

Not to mention all the dirty money under the table working for the union. Most of what she makes probably is never reported.

You know, like Al Sharpton and Charley Rangel.

A leader of one of the school teacher unions was posting how it was not safe for teachers to go back to work while bragging about taking a vacation in the Caribbean. But we see this continually from hypocritical Progressives like Obama who vacationed in Hawaii with his husband as well.

At what point does the American people rise up against these rich fat cat Progressives?

With rigged voting, how can they fight back?
So school teachers are elites? Lol ever seen their paycheck? Your hilarious! Must be tough to have the iq of a rock. More from the tin hat brigade to follow I am sure
Learn to read.

It was a big wig in the unions

Most rich folk are dead headed Progressive democrats.
Ya, she's an elite! Lol just what kinda paycheck she get for being in the union. Hilarious mean while your orange god is the epitome of the swamp and pampered elites. Sits on a gold toilet. Hillarious!
She can afford a nice vacation in paradise, and being a Progressive probably does not pay taxes like she should either.

Not to mention all the dirty money under the table working for the union. Most of what she makes probably is never reported.

You know, like Al Sharpton and Charley Rangel.
Lol hilarious, ya affording a vacation makes her elite and sitting on gold toilets does not. Typical repug logic hilarious. Do you not get tired of being laughed at? Listen up yall according to today's conservative you should not be able to go on vacation. We should all be toiling for their orange god. He needs more golden toilet s. Hilarious!
rich fat cat Progressives?

Damn those rich school teachers!
Corrupt hypocrites.
Didn't you know you were an elite and corrupt? Lol. You must be sitting around on golden toilets according to good ole Votto.

I didn't know! Someone should have told me sooner. I would have stopped making a mess of that thing!
Hilarious isn't? I guess he must not have believed you were to elite he seems to have abandoned his own thread! Lol
Union labor built this closed. Dimwits stand against better wages and benefits. Nooooooo I don't want a raise.

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