This is why the left wants to control comedians...they bring out the truth...."Woke" leftists and racists...are the same.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Why does the left want to control comedy....? Because comedians can often expose the truth about things in a way that catches the attention.....think about the jokes about harvey weinstein before he was arrested.....they often look at the human condition, and speak the truth about it....

Here we have a deep truth pointed out by a comedian.....

What is that truth.....that "woke" leftists are no different from racists...they are, in fact I keep pointing out here on U.S.messageboard.....

Watch the video in the will see the racism of the left in a new way...

Why does the left want to control comedy....? Because comedians can often expose the truth about things in a way that catches the attention.....think about the jokes about harvey weinstein before he was arrested.....they often look at the human condition, and speak the truth about it....

Here we have a deep truth pointed out by a comedian.....

What is that truth.....that "woke" leftists are no different from racists...they are, in fact I keep pointing out here on U.S.messageboard.....

Watch the video in the will see the racism of the left in a new way...

It’s so funny how the actual racists like calling Democrat’s racists.

Why does the left want to control comedy....? Because comedians can often expose the truth about things in a way that catches the attention.....think about the jokes about harvey weinstein before he was arrested.....they often look at the human condition, and speak the truth about it....

Here we have a deep truth pointed out by a comedian.....

What is that truth.....that "woke" leftists are no different from racists...they are, in fact I keep pointing out here on U.S.messageboard.....

Watch the video in the will see the racism of the left in a new way...

It’s so funny how the actual racists like calling Democrat’s racists.


The bottom line is, if Trump had rubbed shoulders with someone from the KKK who spouts off hateful racist things, or any other person in the GOP for that matter, that would be the end of them.

However, people like Maxine Waters can rub shoulders with someone like Louis Farrakhan who calls white people white devils and Jews vermin like Hitler used to do and keeps getting elected anyway.

The double standard is bone chilling.
Why does the left want to control comedy....? Because comedians can often expose the truth about things in a way that catches the attention.....think about the jokes about harvey weinstein before he was arrested.....they often look at the human condition, and speak the truth about it....

Here we have a deep truth pointed out by a comedian.....

What is that truth.....that "woke" leftists are no different from racists...they are, in fact I keep pointing out here on U.S.messageboard.....

Watch the video in the will see the racism of the left in a new way...

The truth is, the video is just not that funny.
The sad truth is that Conservatives just don’t understand comedy. They tend to be too literal.

Conservatives enjoy a man slipping on a banana peel or pie in the face. Concepts like satire, laughing at yourself or sarcasm go right by them
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Comedy is tough these days with all the people who seem to have lost the ability to laugh at themselves and take a joke. That's not a left or right thing, that's everyone with a phone and a Twitter account.
Why does the left want to control comedy....? Because comedians can often expose the truth about things in a way that catches the attention.....think about the jokes about harvey weinstein before he was arrested.....they often look at the human condition, and speak the truth about it....

Here we have a deep truth pointed out by a comedian.....

What is that truth.....that "woke" leftists are no different from racists...they are, in fact I keep pointing out here on U.S.messageboard.....

Watch the video in the will see the racism of the left in a new way...

It’s so funny how the actual racists like calling Democrat’s racists.


/——/ No, that’s just your projection. democRATs are the only true racists today.
Why does the left want to control comedy....? Because comedians can often expose the truth about things in a way that catches the attention.....think about the jokes about harvey weinstein before he was arrested.....they often look at the human condition, and speak the truth about it....

Here we have a deep truth pointed out by a comedian.....

What is that truth.....that "woke" leftists are no different from racists...they are, in fact I keep pointing out here on U.S.messageboard.....

Watch the video in the will see the racism of the left in a new way...

The left do not control comedy, most people in show business are of that persuasion.
Why does the left want to control comedy....? Because comedians can often expose the truth about things in a way that catches the attention.....think about the jokes about harvey weinstein before he was arrested.....they often look at the human condition, and speak the truth about it....

Here we have a deep truth pointed out by a comedian.....

Here's the thing. All the comedians who are whining about being "Censored", were the ones who weren't funny to start with.
The sad truth is that Conservatives just don’t understand comedy. They tend to be too literal.

Conservatives enjoy a man slipping on a banana peel or pie in the face. Concepts like satire or sarcasm go right by them

/——/ Nice projection, it was democRATs who couldn’t take a joke when Trump asked Russia to find Hildabeast's emails. And it’s Libs who drove comedians off college campuses because they say jokes are hurtful. You dolt.
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The sad truth is that Conservatives just don’t understand comedy. They tend to be too literal.

Conservatives enjoy a man slipping on a banana peel or pie in the face. Concepts like satire or sarcasm go right by them

/——/ Nice projection, it was democRATs who couldn’t take a joke when Trump asked Russia to find her emails. And it’s Libs who drove comedians off college campuses because they say jokes are hurtful. You dolt.

Typical Trump response to a blunder
I was just joking
/——/ Nice projection, it was democRATs who couldn’t take a joke when Trump asked Russia to find her emails. And it’s Libs who drove comedians off college campuses because they say jokes are hurtful. You dolt.

Actually, it was more like, Comedians don't really make any money playing colleges... that's why they don't play colleges.

Also, a lot of their jokes just aren't funny.
Why does the left want to control comedy....? Because comedians can often expose the truth about things in a way that catches the attention.....think about the jokes about harvey weinstein before he was arrested.....they often look at the human condition, and speak the truth about it....

Here we have a deep truth pointed out by a comedian.....

What is that truth.....that "woke" leftists are no different from racists...they are, in fact I keep pointing out here on U.S.messageboard.....

Watch the video in the will see the racism of the left in a new way...

Comedians are dinging the right at this moment cause it went crazy. It is not the right any more. It went nuts. Bring the party back to where reagon had it and the comedians will let off. Worship a guy that tells you to put cleaner in your veins, draft dodges the vietnam war and then dengrates a real war hero and the jokes are going to start flying.
NEWSFLASH: Liberals control comedy because conservatives aren’t fucking funny. You need an IQ to be funny and the only comedians on the right that are successful play dumb as shit guys on the stage “you know you’re a red neck when”. Those guys are fake righties anyway. Kind of like Trump just commercializing.

Shit Trump is the funniest righty comedian today and you elected him President for that trait.
Conservatives suck at comedy....and the comics who were already washed up to begin with know they can get more traction with appeasing whiny ass conservatives than they can with just being funny.....

There is a reason why most of the best comics in history were not conservative -- because they understand that punching down is not as funny as punching up....
Why does the left want to control comedy....? Because comedians can often expose the truth about things in a way that catches the attention.....think about the jokes about harvey weinstein before he was arrested.....they often look at the human condition, and speak the truth about it....

Here we have a deep truth pointed out by a comedian.....

What is that truth.....that "woke" leftists are no different from racists...they are, in fact I keep pointing out here on U.S.messageboard.....

Watch the video in the will see the racism of the left in a new way...

oh bullshit.

the left wants to control everything, not just comedians.

Conservatives suck at comedy....and the comics who were already washed up to begin with know they can get more traction with appeasing whiny ass conservatives than they can with just being funny.....

There is a reason why most of the best comics in history were not conservative -- because they understand that punching down is not as funny as punching up....

There is a reason why most of the best comics in history were not conservative --


Bob Hope was a Liberal?

Jack Benny was a Liberal?

Bill Cosby was a Liberal?

Jay Leno is a Liberal?

George Burns was a Liberal?

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