This is why the left wants to control comedians...they bring out the truth...."Woke" leftists and racists...are the same.....

So are you. The only difference is, your self-righteous fakery isn't made public. Be we know you are, and you know you are.

That's the only difference between anyone in the public failing, and you.

Naw, here's the thing, I don't tell anyone else how to live. I think it might be bad that you are a racist douchenoodle, but you do you, man!

The problem with Cosby is he was telling people with a lot less than he had how they should live, and then we found out he wasn't living anywhere near the standard.
So are you. The only difference is, your self-righteous fakery isn't made public. Be we know you are, and you know you are.

That's the only difference between anyone in the public failing, and you.

Naw, here's the thing, I don't tell anyone else how to live. I think it might be bad that you are a racist douchenoodle, but you do you, man!

The problem with Cosby is he was telling people with a lot less than he had how they should live, and then we found out he wasn't living anywhere near the standard.

You just did. This post you made, you telling other people how to live.

Like you calling me racists. If you have problem with how I live, why does that matter to you? So what if I'm racists, if you don't tell people how to live?

You are doing right now, what you complained about Cosby doing. You are acting self-righteous, while being a hypocrite in the process.

You proved my point. Case and point, in one post. I rest my case.
Like you calling me racists. If you have problem with how I live, why does that matter to you? So what if I'm racists, if you don't tell people how to live?

Well, if it were up to me, we'd send racists to reeducation camps to get their heads straight, but never mind.

There's really no excuse for being a racist.
Like you calling me racists. If you have problem with how I live, why does that matter to you? So what if I'm racists, if you don't tell people how to live?

Well, if it were up to me, we'd send racists to reeducation camps to get their heads straight, but never mind.

There's really no excuse for being a racist.

And why is your opinion of how other people should, or should not think, more right or wrong than any other?

Isn't it just your opinion of how you think others should act? Then why can't I force you to follow my opinion of how others should act?
Why does the left want to control comedy....? Because comedians can often expose the truth about things in a way that catches the attention.....think about the jokes about harvey weinstein before he was arrested.....they often look at the human condition, and speak the truth about it....

Here we have a deep truth pointed out by a comedian.....

What is that truth.....that "woke" leftists are no different from racists...they are, in fact I keep pointing out here on U.S.messageboard.....

Watch the video in the will see the racism of the left in a new way...

It’s so funny how the actual racists like calling Democrat’s racists.


Democrats are the actual racists.
Like you calling me racists. If you have problem with how I live, why does that matter to you? So what if I'm racists, if you don't tell people how to live?

Well, if it were up to me, we'd send racists to reeducation camps to get their heads straight, but never mind.

There's really no excuse for being a racist.
So you want to control what other people think, feel, and believe, and you think that other guy is the problem?

So you want to control what other people think, feel, and believe, and you think that other guy is the problem?

Yes, racists really are the problem. If the GOP didn't have racism to get stupid people like you to throw away the American Dream, we'd all be better off.
So you want to control what other people think, feel, and believe, and you think that other guy is the problem?

Yes, racists really are the problem. If the GOP didn't have racism to get stupid people like you to throw away the American Dream, we'd all be better off.
Yeah...... no, I don't think so.

You and reality aren't real close, are ya'll?
Really? And whose standard of right and wrong, are you using?

Anyone with a lick of sense.

Yeah...... no, I don't think so.

That's the problem, you aren't capable of thinking.

I have a lick of sense, and I say that Homosexuals can't get married, because marriage is between a man and a women.

How do you, with your nonsense, get to tell which people have a "Lick of sense" and which don't? Because they agree with you? Since when did your inconsequential opinion of what made sense, define what makes sense for the other 8 billion people on this planet?

Nothing. You don't get to decide who is capable of thinking. No one cares what your opinion is. It's just you trying to force your personal views of what is right and wrong on others, while claiming no one should be able to force their view of what is right and wrong on others.

In short, you are incompetent.
I have a lick of sense, and I say that Homosexuals can't get married, because marriage is between a man and a women.

Which proves you don't have a lick of sense. Frankly, every argument you make against gay marriage is "God says it's bad" or "I think it's icky".

But here's the thing.. in 2004, George W. Stupid got all you dumb Christian Rednecks to give him a second term because he promised you that he'd ban gay marriage. Which he PROMPTLY forgot about the minute the election was over. So you guys ended up getting another recession that wiped most of you out, and gay marriage ended up happening anyway.

The sad thing is, you still don't realize you've been had, son!

Nothing. You don't get to decide who is capable of thinking. No one cares what your opinion is. It's just you trying to force your personal views of what is right and wrong on others, while claiming no one should be able to force their view of what is right and wrong on others.

Uh, no, guy. It's just that you don't have a lick of sense, and you all thought Bill Cosby was the Bee's Knees when he was telling you how shiftless all the other negroes were. Until he got caught doing something far worse.
I have a lick of sense, and I say that Homosexuals can't get married, because marriage is between a man and a women.

Which proves you don't have a lick of sense. Frankly, every argument you make against gay marriage is "God says it's bad" or "I think it's icky".

But here's the thing.. in 2004, George W. Stupid got all you dumb Christian Rednecks to give him a second term because he promised you that he'd ban gay marriage. Which he PROMPTLY forgot about the minute the election was over. So you guys ended up getting another recession that wiped most of you out, and gay marriage ended up happening anyway.

The sad thing is, you still don't realize you've been had, son!

Nothing. You don't get to decide who is capable of thinking. No one cares what your opinion is. It's just you trying to force your personal views of what is right and wrong on others, while claiming no one should be able to force their view of what is right and wrong on others.

Uh, no, guy. It's just that you don't have a lick of sense, and you all thought Bill Cosby was the Bee's Knees when he was telling you how shiftless all the other negroes were. Until he got caught doing something far worse.

Which proves you don't have a lick of sense. Frankly, every argument you make against gay marriage is "God says it's bad" or "I think it's icky".

No it doesn't. You have the right to be wrong, but you are still wrong. You are just projecting on me, your view of right and wrong.

Did I say I gave a crap about your views of right and wrong? No, and neither did anyone else.

Why can't I enforce my views of right and wrong on you?

Uh, no, guy. It's just that you don't have a lick of sense, and you all thought Bill Cosby was the Bee's Knees when he was telling you how shiftless all the other negroes were. Until he got caught doing something far worse.

Two wrongs doesn't make a right. Cosby doing something, doesn't change other people doing something.

As for far worse?.... are you kidding?

353 Black men were killed in Chicago over the past 365 days. Nearly all, by other black men.

That's just one year. One single year. In one single city.

Really? Cosby did far worse? Far worse than what? You add up everything that Cosby supposedly did in his entire life, and it doesn't add up to one year in Chicago.

Not even close. See this is why your opinion of right and wrong, is so ridiculously ignorant. No one should listen to what you think about morals when you are this foolish in what you say.

You just made my whole point.
No it doesn't. You have the right to be wrong, but you are still wrong. You are just projecting on me, your view of right and wrong.

Again, it seems to be more about your sexual insecurities than anything to do with right or wrong. There are gay folks out there. they have no effect on my life because I don't swing that way.

But you homophobes obsess about it.... which is telling. They say that most hard core homophobes are latent homosexuals.

353 Black men were killed in Chicago over the past 365 days. Nearly all, by other black men.

That's just one year. One single year. In one single city.

Really? Cosby did far worse? Far worse than what? You add up everything that Cosby supposedly did in his entire life, and it doesn't add up to one year in Chicago.

Cosby wasn't complaining about homicides. He was complaining about kids who didn't pull up their pants.

And, yes, raping a woman who trusted you after you drugged her is pretty bad.

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