This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Funny Trump is garnering more votes than Romney did and is doing it against more competition.....oooops

Funny how your wrong.

Over 11,000,000 Republicans will NOT Vote for in the General Election.

Over 19,000,000 Republicans will Vote for Hillary.

That translates to 30,000,000 Republicans NOT Voting for Der Trumpenfuhrer.

Over 13,000,000 Latino-Americans have registered to Vote, and they will NOT be voting Der Dummy.

Keep believing the lies you're told.
Karl "Turd Blossom" Rove used an unsecure, off site R.N.C. Server his emails....of which over 5,000,000 were deleted, including classified, secure Republican howls over that at all.

No evidence of criminal conduct by former Secretary of State Clinton has been uncovered. No evidence of criminal wrongdoing has been uncovered after Seven (07) investigation into events of Benghazi..."Nothing New was ucovered", Congressman Trey Gowdy.

All the Cons have is conjecture, contention, innuendo and second and third hand along with supposition. There is not a single shred of verifiable evidence after the Congressional Investigations.

After over 20+Years in Washington, D.C. After the Whitewater Investigation, after Monica Lewinsky, after Travel Gate there is nothing left....nothing.

Republicans are shit in their pants afraid of Hillary Clinton. The only Republican that can defeat Clinton is Kasich and he has zero chance of getting the Nomination.

With Donald Trump as the Nominee, Dems will win. With Trump as the Nominee, down ticket races will suffer. Republican are defending 25-Open Senate Seats and the Dems only need is five for the Majority.

1/3 of Republicans will not vote Trump, that based 2012 results would to something like 11,000,000 voters that will not show up at the polls on Election Day. That kind of loss cannot be sustained by the Republican Party if the Party wants to remain a viable Political Organization.

Over 13,000,000 newly registered Latino-Americans will vote in the upcoming election. 2,000,000 more than the number of the Republicans who will NOT vote for Trump. Do the math.

Trump will destroy the Republican Party

Now, as a Dem I'm loving it, but for the life of me I don't see why the Cons are doing this to themselves.
It's a con circular firing squad a beautiful thing to behold

your fantasy is interesting, stupid, but interesting. Trump won every demographic in the primaries.

Hillary gets angry blacks, radical muslims, welfare cheats, wallstreeters who have bribed her, and lesbians.

Real americans hate the Clintons, as does most of the democrat leadership. They cannot be trusted, they are proven liars, they are corrupt.
You left out white women and mexicans ,, spanish speaking people

women and Hispanics will split evenly between Trump and hilly. After the debates Trump will have an edge with both, because deep down people just do not like Hillary Clinton.

I wonder which latinos support Trump... the drug dealers, the criminals, or the rapists?

Probably the Latino's who do his housekeeping, do his yard work and clean his swimming pool
It's a con circular firing squad a beautiful thing to behold

your fantasy is interesting, stupid, but interesting. Trump won every demographic in the primaries.

Hillary gets angry blacks, radical muslims, welfare cheats, wallstreeters who have bribed her, and lesbians.

Real americans hate the Clintons, as does most of the democrat leadership. They cannot be trusted, they are proven liars, they are corrupt.
You left out white women and mexicans ,, spanish speaking people

women and Hispanics will split evenly between Trump and hilly. After the debates Trump will have an edge with both, because deep down people just do not like Hillary Clinton.

I wonder which latinos support Trump... the drug dealers, the criminals, or the rapists?

Probably the Latino's who do his housekeeping, do his yard work and clean his swimming pool

Don't forget all the Hispanics Trump hires to trim his golf courses

Hispanics LOVE Trump, just ask him
your fantasy is interesting, stupid, but interesting. Trump won every demographic in the primaries.

Hillary gets angry blacks, radical muslims, welfare cheats, wallstreeters who have bribed her, and lesbians.

Real americans hate the Clintons, as does most of the democrat leadership. They cannot be trusted, they are proven liars, they are corrupt.
You left out white women and mexicans ,, spanish speaking people

women and Hispanics will split evenly between Trump and hilly. After the debates Trump will have an edge with both, because deep down people just do not like Hillary Clinton.

I wonder which latinos support Trump... the drug dealers, the criminals, or the rapists?

Probably the Latino's who do his housekeeping, do his yard work and clean his swimming pool

Don't forget all the Hispanics Trump hires to trim his golf courses

Hispanics LOVE Trump, just ask him
And the many he had evicted from his buildings so he could get more rent or sell condos there
I went to a Latino Trump rally. It was a lot of fun! They had a pinata that they were hitting with a stick. The odd thing was that the pinata looked just like Trump, and they ended up setting fire to it!
I went to a Latino Trump rally. It was a lot of fun! They had a pinata that they were hitting with a stick. The odd thing was that the pinata looked just like Trump, and they ended up setting fire to it!
And Hillary is playing the womans card Thats all she's got?? Trump is a dufus And I insult dufuses
64 Trump v Clinton polls. Trump has led in 5. And none since February.

What a slaughter it's going to be.

Trump v Clinton.png
If Trump's foreign policy speech is an example of how he will present himself in the general election, Clinton will annihilate him. The guys blather was full of factual inaccuracies and hyperbole.
If Trump's foreign policy speech is an example of how he will present himself in the general election, Clinton will annihilate him. The guys blather was full of factual inaccuracies and hyperbole.

Hillary can actually discuss foreign policy

I can't wait for the debate
The number of Women Voters who support Der Dummy is slowly sinking in the West.

Donald Trump’s Problems With Women Voters Are Worse Than You Think.

Women comprise 1/2 of the population of the United States, and less than 30% of Women Voters support Der Trumpenfuhrer.

Der Dummy accused Hillary Clinton of "Playing The Woman Card". How exactly is being born a Woman, "Playing The Woman Card"?

Women in the workplace earn $.79 every dollar as Men doing the same job make.

Pay Equity & Discrimination — IWPR.

Yet, the Republican Party continues to oppose pay equity.

Republicans claim to support the Right To Life, but oppose the Right of a Mother or a Father to have paid parental leave to allow Parents who have just had a baby and need to stay home to take of that baby. Right To Life, without Quality Life means nothing.

Republicans claim to oppose axes, have no problem taxing Feminine Hygiene Products as a luxury item.

The "Little Blue Pill", Men use for Erectile Dysfunction is covered by Medicare, while Republicans continue to force Women to undergo medically unnecessary and totally invasive procedures for an abortion, while at the same time demanding that "The Government Should Not Decide Health Care."....except for Women.

Women, by huge numbers do not support the Republican Party and/or Trump.

Keep lying to your RePugs. Your party will be as dead as the Dodo Bird with Der Donald as your Nominee
64 Trump v Clinton polls. Trump has led in 5. And none since February.

What a slaughter it's going to be.

View attachment 73190

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls.

Hillary Clinton beats Der Donald by 8.5 Percentage Points.

Hillary Clinton beat Cruz by 3.0 Percentage Points.

Kasich beat Clinton by 8.0 Percentage Points.

Please note: I am also Real Clear Politics.

Your graph is way off.

The graph has Hillary leading Trump by 8.5%.
Last edited:
If Trump's foreign policy speech is an example of how he will present himself in the general election, Clinton will annihilate him. The guys blather was full of factual inaccuracies and hyperbole.

Hillary can actually discuss foreign policy

I can't wait for the debate

me too. the debates will be the total destruction of the hildebeast. Trump wont pull his punches and will call her out on her lies, corruption, and incompetence.

Hillary's foreign policy has resulted in American deaths and the takeover of Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq by radical muslim elements. She is a complete failure in foreign policy, and lets not forget "we landed under sniper fire" a complete lie as the tapes of that landing prove.
your fantasy is interesting, stupid, but interesting. Trump won every demographic in the primaries.

Hillary gets angry blacks, radical muslims, welfare cheats, wallstreeters who have bribed her, and lesbians.

Real americans hate the Clintons, as does most of the democrat leadership. They cannot be trusted, they are proven liars, they are corrupt.
You left out white women and mexicans ,, spanish speaking people

women and Hispanics will split evenly between Trump and hilly. After the debates Trump will have an edge with both, because deep down people just do not like Hillary Clinton.

I wonder which latinos support Trump... the drug dealers, the criminals, or the rapists?

Probably the Latino's who do his housekeeping, do his yard work and clean his swimming pool

Don't forget all the Hispanics Trump hires to trim his golf courses

Hispanics LOVE Trump, just ask him

Trump won every demographic in his sweep of the northeast, including Hispanics. Hispanics are not as dumb as you dems think they are.
64 Trump v Clinton polls. Trump has led in 5. And none since February.

What a slaughter it's going to be.

View attachment 73190

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls.

Hillary Clinton beats Der Donald by 8.5 Percentage Points.

Hillary Clinton beat Cruz by 3.0 Percentage Points.

Kasich beat Clinton by 8.0 Percentage Points.

Please note: I am also Real Clear Politics.

Your graph is way off.

The graph has Hillary leading Trump by 8.5%.

my vote will cancel yours so you might as well stay home with the Bernie supporters.

BTW, Bernie democrats HATE Hillary. Do you understand that?
64 Trump v Clinton polls. Trump has led in 5. And none since February.

What a slaughter it's going to be.

View attachment 73190

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls.

Hillary Clinton beats Der Donald by 8.5 Percentage Points.

Hillary Clinton beat Cruz by 3.0 Percentage Points.

Kasich beat Clinton by 8.0 Percentage Points.

Please note: I am also Real Clear Politics.

Your graph is way off.

The graph has Hillary leading Trump by 8.5%.

my vote will cancel yours so you might as well stay home with the Bernie supporters.

BTW, Bernie democrats HATE Hillary. Do you understand that?

According to polls - not what you wish for - Republicans who didn't vote for Trump are more unhappy with their candidate than Democrats who didn't vote for Hillary.
Having a lead of 8.5 or 3 coming from a lead of more than 20 has got to rattle someone's cage.

Hilly is too old. Her issues are misplaced. She wants to run on white privilege? How about the creaky women's rights?

She's old and not holding her age well.

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