This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

we had that for the last 7 years, the hildebeast would be even more vile and nasty than obozo.
Moreso I only wish ... I so want to see your repub friends go crazy for another 8 years

so beating the other party is more important to you than saving the country? amazingly stupid.
Isnt it the same for you? Or are you proud of your stupidity of voting Trump?
is he the GOP candidate?
No but he was the last repub mistake AND NOW you want to give america even worse with a political moron trump?
he was? How do you figure? anyone from the left would have tore this country apart. Just got done watching seven and half years of that already. Can't have anymore.
wow, you don't think that is happening now? WTF do you think this entire Trump movement is about? WOW. I can't believe the stupid I read.
It is the establishment keeping the status quo using idiots like you.
so who are you voting for? I'm not sure who the establishment gave me, but I'm voting trump. Anti-establishment. It's a big word.
Yea you keep telling yourself that Trump is not of the establishment....He needs retards like you. Me? I am going to find someone who fits my Conservative Principles. I am a constitutionalist not a cult member.
yeah cause that worked out so well after sixteen of them were defeated. yep you got the votes there bubba.
You do know the only reason your racist New York liberal fraud won was because there was 17 candidates right??? Far MORE people voted against him then for him. That didn't change just because orange skin gives you a chubby.
Trump wins you leave this forum. Anyone else wins I leave this forum. WELL?
Yeah, that's what they said last year when he was just talking about running. He beat out 16 qualified opponents he "couldn't" beat. He has drastically increased the number of Republican voters while fewer are voting Democrat. Just keep telling yourself that HILLARY IS NOT A CROOK!

When did I say Hillary was not a crook. In fact, when did I ever say I wanted her to be president. Oh yeah, I didn't. See, just because you're easily herded into believing you have only two choices at election time doesn't mean all of us are.

Regarding Trump, the numbers don't lie. You cannot win a national election when every single demographic except for older white men have a negative view of you.
You claimed the same thing about his chances of becoming the nominee right?

You're dealing with a completely different electorate now and every demographic in this country except older white men have a negative view of him. You don't win elections with numbers like those.
Do you really believe every voter who turned out and voted for Trump in the primaries are "older white men"?
99.99% of those who turned out WILL go to the polls and vote for Trump in November pal.
Trump wins you leave this forum. Hillary wins I leave this forum.
I wouldn't want you to leave After the women the latinos the black folk kick trumps butt i want to rank on you for at least 6 months
Yeah, that's what they said last year when he was just talking about running. He beat out 16 qualified opponents he "couldn't" beat. He has drastically increased the number of Republican voters while fewer are voting Democrat. Just keep telling yourself that HILLARY IS NOT A CROOK!

When did I say Hillary was not a crook. In fact, when did I ever say I wanted her to be president. Oh yeah, I didn't. See, just because you're easily herded into believing you have only two choices at election time doesn't mean all of us are.

Regarding Trump, the numbers don't lie. You cannot win a national election when every single demographic except for older white men have a negative view of you.
You claimed the same thing about his chances of becoming the nominee right?

You're dealing with a completely different electorate now and every demographic in this country except older white men have a negative view of him. You don't win elections with numbers like those.
Do you really believe every voter who turned out and voted for Trump in the primaries are "older white men"?
99.99% of those who turned out WILL go to the polls and vote for Trump in November pal.
Trump wins you leave this forum. Hillary wins I leave this forum.
I wouldn't want you to leave After the women the latinos the black folk kick trumps butt i want to rank on you for at least 6 months
THEN you'll be free to leave, a beaten man
If Hillary is not your candidate, and the race is Trump v Clinton, who are you voting for? or are you staying home?

I'll be voting for Jill Stein .. who has zero chance of winning .. about the same chance of winning as Bernie Sanders.
EXCELLENT!! We can all use all the wasted Dem votes as we can get.
Every non-vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump.
It must really suck to have a DEM candidate without any chance of winning as your only choice.
Maybe you need to rethink things.

Maybe you need to educate yourself. Jill Stein is not a democrat, nor am I.

While you're worried about democrats and how they vote, perhaps you need to worry about whether republicans will support your reality show host for president. :0)
Never heard of the bitch. Go ahead and vote for her. Every non-Hillary vote is a vote for Trump.
I can guarantee 99.99% of the people who voted for Trump in the primaries WILL turn out and vote for him in the general.
Meanwhile the lying bitch Hillary can't even close the deal with the DEMs.
How fucking embarrassing must it to lose INDIANA!!!!! for Christ sake! to a fucking 74 year old nut bar Socialist.
The longer Sanders hangs on........which will be all the way to the convention, the less his supporters are likely to switch their vote to Hillary.

Who cares whom you've never heard of? That's meaningless .. AND, you can't guarantee shit.

Ever heard of 'crossover voting?' A strategy to select the weakest candidate for the opposing party.

There are lots of democrats and Hillary supporters who are voting for Trump in the primaries to make sure that he is the nominee that Hillary will face .. thus ensuring her election as president.

Enjoy the illusion .. while you have it. :0)

your dreams are affecting your reality. none of that is happening or will happen.
You want to vote against a lying criminal by supporting a lying criminal who has funded the criminal you are against??? That is just full retard right there...

what criminal acts has Trump committed? We all can list Hillary's, they are common knowledge.

you made a claim that Trump is a criminal, what specifically has he done that is illegal?
Bribery, Fraud, Possible rape, and many many more we will find as this election progresses.

I am quite sure that the dem slander machine will come up with all kinds of accusations and lies to make him look bad.

the problem is that Hillary's crimes are already documented, and are being investigated by the FBI as we speak.

the 17 other GOP candidates tried to smear Trump and he responded by demolishing each of them. He will demolish Hillary if she tries the mud slinging road.
and hill will kill him if they talk substance


"We landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"ah aint no ways tarred" her negro accent
"I always tried to tell the truth"
"arf arf arf" her dog impression
"I always admired Margaret Sanger" Margaret Sanger "negroes are human weeds that must be destroyed"

yeah, lots of substance there.
wait till they talk about other countries ,their leaders, thei problems
If Hillary is not your candidate, and the race is Trump v Clinton, who are you voting for? or are you staying home?

I'll be voting for Jill Stein .. who has zero chance of winning .. about the same chance of winning as Bernie Sanders.
EXCELLENT!! We can all use all the wasted Dem votes as we can get.
Every non-vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump.
It must really suck to have a DEM candidate without any chance of winning as your only choice.
Maybe you need to rethink things.

Maybe you need to educate yourself. Jill Stein is not a democrat, nor am I.

While you're worried about democrats and how they vote, perhaps you need to worry about whether republicans will support your reality show host for president. :0)
Never heard of the bitch. Go ahead and vote for her. Every non-Hillary vote is a vote for Trump.
I can guarantee 99.99% of the people who voted for Trump in the primaries WILL turn out and vote for him in the general.
Meanwhile the lying bitch Hillary can't even close the deal with the DEMs.
How fucking embarrassing must it to lose INDIANA!!!!! for Christ sake! to a fucking 74 year old nut bar Socialist.
The longer Sanders hangs on........which will be all the way to the convention, the less his supporters are likely to switch their vote to Hillary.

Who cares whom you've never heard of? That's meaningless .. AND, you can't guarantee shit.

Ever heard of 'crossover voting?' A strategy to select the weakest candidate for the opposing party.

There are lots of democrats and Hillary supporters who are voting for Trump in the primaries to make sure that he is the nominee that Hillary will face .. thus ensuring her election as president.

Enjoy the illusion .. while you have it. :0)
Trump wins you leave this forum forever. Hillary wins I leave this forum forever.
A senior Trump campaign source said Wednesday that the campaign's early favorites for vice president are now New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio.

Portman's challenger, Ted Strickland, was quick to pounce (via email):

“It’s no surprise that Donald Trump wants Senator Portman to be his Vice President because on many issues Trump and Portman share the same toxic agenda: both oppose a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions, higher wages for for working people, and have a record of pushing the agenda of the wealthy and well-connected at Ohio’s expense. And by refusing to do his job and consider the Supreme Court nominee, Portman has also made it clear that he’s happy to let Trump reshape the Supreme court for generations. On the other hand, Portman’s status as the ultimate Washington insider and his unabashed, decades-long support for job-killing trade deals may disqualify him from this position in Trump’s view. Only time will tell.”
It is the establishment keeping the status quo using idiots like you.
so who are you voting for? I'm not sure who the establishment gave me, but I'm voting trump. Anti-establishment. It's a big word.
Yea you keep telling yourself that Trump is not of the establishment....He needs retards like you. Me? I am going to find someone who fits my Conservative Principles. I am a constitutionalist not a cult member.
yeah cause that worked out so well after sixteen of them were defeated. yep you got the votes there bubba.
You do know the only reason your racist New York liberal fraud won was because there was 17 candidates right??? Far MORE people voted against him then for him. That didn't change just because orange skin gives you a chubby.
well he played the game and came out on top. Why do I care how we got here other than he got more votes than all of the others.
He got lucky there were so many idiots like you and redfish.
You want to vote against a lying criminal by supporting a lying criminal who has funded the criminal you are against??? That is just full retard right there...

what criminal acts has Trump committed? We all can list Hillary's, they are common knowledge.

you made a claim that Trump is a criminal, what specifically has he done that is illegal?
Bribery, Fraud, Possible rape, and many many more we will find as this election progresses.

I am quite sure that the dem slander machine will come up with all kinds of accusations and lies to make him look bad.

the problem is that Hillary's crimes are already documented, and are being investigated by the FBI as we speak.

the 17 other GOP candidates tried to smear Trump and he responded by demolishing each of them. He will demolish Hillary if she tries the mud slinging road.
and hill will kill him if they talk substance


"We landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"ah aint no ways tarred" her negro accent
"I always tried to tell the truth"
"arf arf arf" her dog impression
"I always admired Margaret Sanger" Margaret Sanger "negroes are human weeds that must be destroyed"

yeah, lots of substance there.
So you think a liar is going to expose a liar???? Still believe in Santa as well?
It is the establishment keeping the status quo using idiots like you.
so who are you voting for? I'm not sure who the establishment gave me, but I'm voting trump. Anti-establishment. It's a big word.
Yea you keep telling yourself that Trump is not of the establishment....He needs retards like you. Me? I am going to find someone who fits my Conservative Principles. I am a constitutionalist not a cult member.
yeah cause that worked out so well after sixteen of them were defeated. yep you got the votes there bubba.
You do know the only reason your racist New York liberal fraud won was because there was 17 candidates right??? Far MORE people voted against him then for him. That didn't change just because orange skin gives you a chubby.
Trump wins you leave this forum. Anyone else wins I leave this forum. WELL?
Why? I dont make deals with retards.
Not one Senate Republican up for reelection this November has openly, unreservedly endorsed Trump, a stunning situation for a party's nominee.
what criminal acts has Trump committed? We all can list Hillary's, they are common knowledge.

you made a claim that Trump is a criminal, what specifically has he done that is illegal?
Bribery, Fraud, Possible rape, and many many more we will find as this election progresses.

I am quite sure that the dem slander machine will come up with all kinds of accusations and lies to make him look bad.

the problem is that Hillary's crimes are already documented, and are being investigated by the FBI as we speak.

the 17 other GOP candidates tried to smear Trump and he responded by demolishing each of them. He will demolish Hillary if she tries the mud slinging road.
and hill will kill him if they talk substance


"We landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"ah aint no ways tarred" her negro accent
"I always tried to tell the truth"
"arf arf arf" her dog impression
"I always admired Margaret Sanger" Margaret Sanger "negroes are human weeds that must be destroyed"

yeah, lots of substance there.
So you think a liar is going to expose a liar???? Still believe in Santa as well?

Trump does not need to expose her, she has already been exposed, all he needs to do is remind people about her lies and corruption.
Today in Pandering...Trump makes a commercial for his business part of running for President ...
Bribery, Fraud, Possible rape, and many many more we will find as this election progresses.

I am quite sure that the dem slander machine will come up with all kinds of accusations and lies to make him look bad.

the problem is that Hillary's crimes are already documented, and are being investigated by the FBI as we speak.

the 17 other GOP candidates tried to smear Trump and he responded by demolishing each of them. He will demolish Hillary if she tries the mud slinging road.
and hill will kill him if they talk substance


"We landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"ah aint no ways tarred" her negro accent
"I always tried to tell the truth"
"arf arf arf" her dog impression
"I always admired Margaret Sanger" Margaret Sanger "negroes are human weeds that must be destroyed"

yeah, lots of substance there.
So you think a liar is going to expose a liar???? Still believe in Santa as well?

Trump does not need to expose her, she has already been exposed, all he needs to do is remind people about her lies and corruption.
Tell me genius what makes you think any of the incredibly stupid shit Trump has said in just the last 6 month wont adversely affect him? Not everyone is hip to a ego with a comb over who says completely asinine things. I mean he already has the racist vote and the moron vote.....How many more morons and racists can there be? I guess we will see. I do know he will NEVER get my vote. I am a conservative not a regressive anti free speech authoritarian who supports killing babies.
Bernie Sanders has zero chance of getting the democratic nomination .. and I'm a socialist.

Voting my conscience is not 'throwing my vote away.'

Hillary Clinton is the next president irrespective of how I vote.

While I completely agree that voting your conscience is not "throwing your vote away" (and admire you for that), I do have to ask why you would bother voting at all if you've determined it to be a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton is the next president? Why waste your time going up there and standing lines? Just so you can get out of work?
Because there might be a third party candidate that does fit with your principles more. I think the conservatives need to leave the republican party and form their own. It is clear that the party went out of its way to harm and obstruct the conservative running and that shows us there is no place for constitutional conservatism in the GOP. It is time to bury the republican party. We need a party that is pro constitution and pro America.
We already did's called the Tea Party. We're slowly transforming the disgusting Republican Party.
what criminal acts has Trump committed? We all can list Hillary's, they are common knowledge.

you made a claim that Trump is a criminal, what specifically has he done that is illegal?
Bribery, Fraud, Possible rape, and many many more we will find as this election progresses.

I am quite sure that the dem slander machine will come up with all kinds of accusations and lies to make him look bad.

the problem is that Hillary's crimes are already documented, and are being investigated by the FBI as we speak.

the 17 other GOP candidates tried to smear Trump and he responded by demolishing each of them. He will demolish Hillary if she tries the mud slinging road.
and hill will kill him if they talk substance


"We landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"ah aint no ways tarred" her negro accent
"I always tried to tell the truth"
"arf arf arf" her dog impression
"I always admired Margaret Sanger" Margaret Sanger "negroes are human weeds that must be destroyed"

yeah, lots of substance there.
wait till they talk about other countries ,their leaders, thei problems
can't wait.
I am quite sure that the dem slander machine will come up with all kinds of accusations and lies to make him look bad.

the problem is that Hillary's crimes are already documented, and are being investigated by the FBI as we speak.

the 17 other GOP candidates tried to smear Trump and he responded by demolishing each of them. He will demolish Hillary if she tries the mud slinging road.
and hill will kill him if they talk substance


"We landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"ah aint no ways tarred" her negro accent
"I always tried to tell the truth"
"arf arf arf" her dog impression
"I always admired Margaret Sanger" Margaret Sanger "negroes are human weeds that must be destroyed"

yeah, lots of substance there.
So you think a liar is going to expose a liar???? Still believe in Santa as well?

Trump does not need to expose her, she has already been exposed, all he needs to do is remind people about her lies and corruption.
Tell me genius what makes you think any of the incredibly stupid shit Trump has said in just the last 6 month wont adversely affect him? Not everyone is hip to a ego with a comb over who says completely asinine things. I mean he already has the racist vote and the moron vote.....How many more morons and racists can there be? I guess we will see. I do know he will NEVER get my vote. I am a conservative not a regressive anti free speech authoritarian who supports killing babies.
so I ask you that very same question. Why hasn't it affected him? Why did he beat out big money? Wait, what was that?
McCain on tape: Trump damages my reelection hopes
Source: Politico

'If Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket,' the senator says in a recording obtained by POLITICO, 'this may be the race of my life.'

Publicly, John McCain insists Donald Trump will have a negligible effect on his campaign for reelection. But behind closed doors at a fundraiser in Arizona last month, the Republican senator and two-time presidential hopeful offered a far more dire assessment to his supporters.
“If Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket, here in Arizona, with over 30 percent of the vote being the Hispanic vote, no doubt that this may be the race of my life,” McCain said, according to a recording of the event obtained by POLITICO. “If you listen or watch Hispanic media in the state and in the country, you will see that it is all anti-Trump. The Hispanic community is roused and angry in a way that I've never seen in 30 years.”

Read more: McCain on tape: Trump damages my reelection hopes
I am quite sure that the dem slander machine will come up with all kinds of accusations and lies to make him look bad.

the problem is that Hillary's crimes are already documented, and are being investigated by the FBI as we speak.

the 17 other GOP candidates tried to smear Trump and he responded by demolishing each of them. He will demolish Hillary if she tries the mud slinging road.
and hill will kill him if they talk substance


"We landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"ah aint no ways tarred" her negro accent
"I always tried to tell the truth"
"arf arf arf" her dog impression
"I always admired Margaret Sanger" Margaret Sanger "negroes are human weeds that must be destroyed"

yeah, lots of substance there.
So you think a liar is going to expose a liar???? Still believe in Santa as well?

Trump does not need to expose her, she has already been exposed, all he needs to do is remind people about her lies and corruption.
Tell me genius what makes you think any of the incredibly stupid shit Trump has said in just the last 6 month wont adversely affect him? Not everyone is hip to a ego with a comb over who says completely asinine things. I mean he already has the racist vote and the moron vote.....How many more morons and racists can there be? I guess we will see. I do know he will NEVER get my vote. I am a conservative not a regressive anti free speech authoritarian who supports killing babies.
Who gives a fuck what you do?
Obviously no one on this forum. Why don't you go play with yourself?
Trump will be the next President.
Then I'll put you on permanent Ignore.
That's for me the same as you leaving this forum forever.

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