This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

While I completely agree that voting your conscience is not "throwing your vote away" (and admire you for that), I do have to ask why you would bother voting at all if you've determined it to be a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton is the next president? Why waste your time going up there and standing lines? Just so you can get out of work?
Because there might be a third party candidate that does fit with your principles more. I think the conservatives need to leave the republican party and form their own. It is clear that the party went out of its way to harm and obstruct the conservative running and that shows us there is no place for constitutional conservatism in the GOP. It is time to bury the republican party. We need a party that is pro constitution and pro America.
We already did's called the Tea Party. We're slowly transforming the disgusting Republican Party.

Frankly, the Republican Party was much more sane before the Tea Party came along.

Now, none of the republican candidates are even electable.

I guess you missed the elections of 2014.
How about the election of 2010 when Obama admitted he got one of the worst ass-kickings in U.S. history? Since Obama took office and his extremism formed the rise of the Tea Party, the House has been turned over to conservatives, the Senate has been turned over to conservatives, and even hard-core left-wing states like Wisconsin and Michigan have been turned over to conservatives.

Literally the only thing liberals have left are a few extreme states and cities (like New York City, California, etc.) and the White House.
and with all that you say repubs have they did ,,,,shit ? Pardon my french
While I completely agree that voting your conscience is not "throwing your vote away" (and admire you for that), I do have to ask why you would bother voting at all if you've determined it to be a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton is the next president? Why waste your time going up there and standing lines? Just so you can get out of work?
Because there might be a third party candidate that does fit with your principles more. I think the conservatives need to leave the republican party and form their own. It is clear that the party went out of its way to harm and obstruct the conservative running and that shows us there is no place for constitutional conservatism in the GOP. It is time to bury the republican party. We need a party that is pro constitution and pro America.
We already did's called the Tea Party. We're slowly transforming the disgusting Republican Party.

Frankly, the Republican Party was much more sane before the Tea Party came along.

Now, none of the republican candidates are even electable.

I guess you missed the elections of 2014.
How about the election of 2010 when Obama admitted he got one of the worst ass-kickings in U.S. history? Since Obama took office and his extremism formed the rise of the Tea Party, the House has been turned over to conservatives, the Senate has been turned over to conservatives, and even hard-core left-wing states like Wisconsin and Michigan have been turned over to conservatives.

Literally the only thing liberals have left are a few extreme states and cities (like New York City, California, etc.) and the White House.

:0) Not sure what you've been smoking, but it must be good .. got you talking out of your head.

Obama got his ass kicked because of his right-wing invented health care plan, his betrayal on his campaign promises, and his warmongering.

In case you haven't noticed democrats / liberals are in the drivers seat .. and all republicans have to offer is reality-show hosts for president. :0) Get real dude.

.. and your Tea Party constitutionalism won't work in an evolving America.
Bernie Sanders has zero chance of getting the democratic nomination .. and I'm a socialist.

Voting my conscience is not 'throwing my vote away.'

Hillary Clinton is the next president irrespective of how I vote.

While I completely agree that voting your conscience is not "throwing your vote away" (and admire you for that), I do have to ask why you would bother voting at all if you've determined it to be a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton is the next president? Why waste your time going up there and standing lines? Just so you can get out of work?
Because there might be a third party candidate that does fit with your principles more. I think the conservatives need to leave the republican party and form their own. It is clear that the party went out of its way to harm and obstruct the conservative running and that shows us there is no place for constitutional conservatism in the GOP. It is time to bury the republican party. We need a party that is pro constitution and pro America.
We already did's called the Tea Party. We're slowly transforming the disgusting Republican Party.
it is done nothing to transform

"We landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"ah aint no ways tarred" her negro accent
"I always tried to tell the truth"
"arf arf arf" her dog impression
"I always admired Margaret Sanger" Margaret Sanger "negroes are human weeds that must be destroyed"

yeah, lots of substance there.


Well done (as always) RF. I love when facts and quotes are posted. No matter how much liberals want to close their eyes and pretend like they don't exist, they do.
what criminal acts has Trump committed? We all can list Hillary's, they are common knowledge.

you made a claim that Trump is a criminal, what specifically has he done that is illegal?
Bribery, Fraud, Possible rape, and many many more we will find as this election progresses.
cheating on the taxes he refuses to show the ones audited 13 straight years??

people who make what he makes get audited every year. If he was cheating, we would know about it. You can be sure that the Obama IRS would have already put that out.

How about the records from the Clinton foundation? what she gave in exchange for 250K speaking fees to wall street tycoons--------------and the transcripts of those speeches?????? where are they????
Unless I got it wrong candidates are supposed to show their taxes but not any speeches they gave What makes repubs think they have any right to those speeches??
you know what a foundation is right?
I for one don't know the laws relevant to foundations
and hill will kill him if they talk substance


"We landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"ah aint no ways tarred" her negro accent
"I always tried to tell the truth"
"arf arf arf" her dog impression
"I always admired Margaret Sanger" Margaret Sanger "negroes are human weeds that must be destroyed"

yeah, lots of substance there.
So you think a liar is going to expose a liar???? Still believe in Santa as well?

Trump does not need to expose her, she has already been exposed, all he needs to do is remind people about her lies and corruption.
Tell me genius what makes you think any of the incredibly stupid shit Trump has said in just the last 6 month wont adversely affect him? Not everyone is hip to a ego with a comb over who says completely asinine things. I mean he already has the racist vote and the moron vote.....How many more morons and racists can there be? I guess we will see. I do know he will NEVER get my vote. I am a conservative not a regressive anti free speech authoritarian who supports killing babies.
Who gives a fuck what you do?
Obviously no one on this forum. Why don't you go play with yourself?
Trump will be the next President.
Then I'll put you on permanent Ignore.
That's for me the same as you leaving this forum forever.
Please put me on ignore quickly before you learn something !!!!
Because there might be a third party candidate that does fit with your principles more. I think the conservatives need to leave the republican party and form their own. It is clear that the party went out of its way to harm and obstruct the conservative running and that shows us there is no place for constitutional conservatism in the GOP. It is time to bury the republican party. We need a party that is pro constitution and pro America.
We already did's called the Tea Party. We're slowly transforming the disgusting Republican Party.

Frankly, the Republican Party was much more sane before the Tea Party came along.

Now, none of the republican candidates are even electable.

I guess you missed the elections of 2014.
How about the election of 2010 when Obama admitted he got one of the worst ass-kickings in U.S. history? Since Obama took office and his extremism formed the rise of the Tea Party, the House has been turned over to conservatives, the Senate has been turned over to conservatives, and even hard-core left-wing states like Wisconsin and Michigan have been turned over to conservatives.

Literally the only thing liberals have left are a few extreme states and cities (like New York City, California, etc.) and the White House.

:0) Not sure what you've been smoking, but it must be good .. got you talking out of your head.

Obama got his ass kicked because of his right-wing invented health care plan, his betrayal on his campaign promises, and his warmongering.

In case you haven't noticed democrats / liberals are in the drivers seat .. and all republicans have to offer is reality-show hosts for president. :0) Get real dude.

.. and your Tea Party constitutionalism won't work in an evolving America.
and you're scared of that reality tv host.
Bribery, Fraud, Possible rape, and many many more we will find as this election progresses.
cheating on the taxes he refuses to show the ones audited 13 straight years??

people who make what he makes get audited every year. If he was cheating, we would know about it. You can be sure that the Obama IRS would have already put that out.

How about the records from the Clinton foundation? what she gave in exchange for 250K speaking fees to wall street tycoons--------------and the transcripts of those speeches?????? where are they????
Unless I got it wrong candidates are supposed to show their taxes but not any speeches they gave What makes repubs think they have any right to those speeches??
you know what a foundation is right?
I for one don't know the laws relevant to foundations
then you should before you ask those types of questions.
So you think a liar is going to expose a liar???? Still believe in Santa as well?

Trump does not need to expose her, she has already been exposed, all he needs to do is remind people about her lies and corruption.
Tell me genius what makes you think any of the incredibly stupid shit Trump has said in just the last 6 month wont adversely affect him? Not everyone is hip to a ego with a comb over who says completely asinine things. I mean he already has the racist vote and the moron vote.....How many more morons and racists can there be? I guess we will see. I do know he will NEVER get my vote. I am a conservative not a regressive anti free speech authoritarian who supports killing babies.
Who gives a fuck what you do?
Obviously no one on this forum. Why don't you go play with yourself?
Trump will be the next President.
Then I'll put you on permanent Ignore.
That's for me the same as you leaving this forum forever.

And when Trump is the next President he is going to smash America in the face with liberal policy. You're all excited because he claims he's going to shut down the border, but he's already on audio with New York Times telling them he has no plans to do that at all, and that he's just giving people like you an erection. I don't know whether to laugh or cry over the fact that you actually believe what Trump is telling you.

Psst.....just Google him. One time. He's a life-long Democrat supporter. A die-hard liberal.
past means nothing, Reagan was a democrat.
Then 20 years a republican before he ran fr president unlike Trump who just recently became a republican. Lets also not forget that the democrats of the 50's have nothing in common with the democrats of now. So kindly go fuck off
:0) Not sure what you've been smoking, but it must be good .. got you talking out of your head.

Obama got his ass kicked because of his right-wing invented health care plan, his betrayal on his campaign promises, and his warmongering.

In case you haven't noticed democrats / liberals are in the drivers seat .. and all republicans have to offer is reality-show hosts for president. :0) Get real dude.

.. and your Tea Party constitutionalism won't work in an evolving America.

No matter how hard you wish something were true, that still won't make it true. Dumbocrats haven't been in the driver seat since 2009. Once 2010 hit, state legislatures, governorships, mayors, city councils, and of course the House (and then later, the Senate) were turned over to conservatives.

It was the biggest ass-kicking in U.S. political history and even Obama acknowledged as much. Now, I'm sorry if the truth bothers you.'s still the truth. You still have to live with it. Maybe some talking with a therapist could help you deal with these issues though? Maybe they can help you learn to deal with realities which you find uncomfortable or inconvenient?
Trump does not need to expose her, she has already been exposed, all he needs to do is remind people about her lies and corruption.
Tell me genius what makes you think any of the incredibly stupid shit Trump has said in just the last 6 month wont adversely affect him? Not everyone is hip to a ego with a comb over who says completely asinine things. I mean he already has the racist vote and the moron vote.....How many more morons and racists can there be? I guess we will see. I do know he will NEVER get my vote. I am a conservative not a regressive anti free speech authoritarian who supports killing babies.
Who gives a fuck what you do?
Obviously no one on this forum. Why don't you go play with yourself?
Trump will be the next President.
Then I'll put you on permanent Ignore.
That's for me the same as you leaving this forum forever.

And when Trump is the next President he is going to smash America in the face with liberal policy. You're all excited because he claims he's going to shut down the border, but he's already on audio with New York Times telling them he has no plans to do that at all, and that he's just giving people like you an erection. I don't know whether to laugh or cry over the fact that you actually believe what Trump is telling you.

Psst.....just Google him. One time. He's a life-long Democrat supporter. A die-hard liberal.
past means nothing, Reagan was a democrat.
Then 20 years a republican before he ran fr president unlike Trump who just recently became a republican. Lets also not forget that the democrats of the 50's have nothing in common with the democrats of now. So kindly go fuck off
I like it when I'm WINNING!!!!
So you think a liar is going to expose a liar???? Still believe in Santa as well?

Trump does not need to expose her, she has already been exposed, all he needs to do is remind people about her lies and corruption.
Tell me genius what makes you think any of the incredibly stupid shit Trump has said in just the last 6 month wont adversely affect him? Not everyone is hip to a ego with a comb over who says completely asinine things. I mean he already has the racist vote and the moron vote.....How many more morons and racists can there be? I guess we will see. I do know he will NEVER get my vote. I am a conservative not a regressive anti free speech authoritarian who supports killing babies.
so I ask you that very same question. Why hasn't it affected him? Why did he beat out big money? Wait, what was that?
he didnt.
To many words for you? He didn't. All he had to do was wait. The only states he won were ones where democrats got to vote and NONE of them democrats will vote for him in November.
Tell me genius what makes you think any of the incredibly stupid shit Trump has said in just the last 6 month wont adversely affect him? Not everyone is hip to a ego with a comb over who says completely asinine things. I mean he already has the racist vote and the moron vote.....How many more morons and racists can there be? I guess we will see. I do know he will NEVER get my vote. I am a conservative not a regressive anti free speech authoritarian who supports killing babies.
Who gives a fuck what you do?
Obviously no one on this forum. Why don't you go play with yourself?
Trump will be the next President.
Then I'll put you on permanent Ignore.
That's for me the same as you leaving this forum forever.

And when Trump is the next President he is going to smash America in the face with liberal policy. You're all excited because he claims he's going to shut down the border, but he's already on audio with New York Times telling them he has no plans to do that at all, and that he's just giving people like you an erection. I don't know whether to laugh or cry over the fact that you actually believe what Trump is telling you.

Psst.....just Google him. One time. He's a life-long Democrat supporter. A die-hard liberal.
past means nothing, Reagan was a democrat.
Then 20 years a republican before he ran fr president unlike Trump who just recently became a republican. Lets also not forget that the democrats of the 50's have nothing in common with the democrats of now. So kindly go fuck off
I like it when I'm WINNING!!!!
well when you actually start winning then talk to me.
Then 20 years a republican before he ran fr president unlike Trump who just recently became a republican. Lets also not forget that the democrats of the 50's have nothing in common with the democrats of now. So kindly go fuck off

The entire party has been hijacked by socialists/communists/marxists/fascists/etc. Obama is a self-admitted marxist and Bernie Sanders is running as an admitted socialist. In the 1950's, the Democrats would have run those people out of town (probably put them in prison). Today, the party has become so radicalized (and so lazy) that people like that are worshipped and elected to represent them.
Trump does not need to expose her, she has already been exposed, all he needs to do is remind people about her lies and corruption.
Tell me genius what makes you think any of the incredibly stupid shit Trump has said in just the last 6 month wont adversely affect him? Not everyone is hip to a ego with a comb over who says completely asinine things. I mean he already has the racist vote and the moron vote.....How many more morons and racists can there be? I guess we will see. I do know he will NEVER get my vote. I am a conservative not a regressive anti free speech authoritarian who supports killing babies.
Who gives a fuck what you do?
Obviously no one on this forum. Why don't you go play with yourself?
Trump will be the next President.
Then I'll put you on permanent Ignore.
That's for me the same as you leaving this forum forever.

And when Trump is the next President he is going to smash America in the face with liberal policy. You're all excited because he claims he's going to shut down the border, but he's already on audio with New York Times telling them he has no plans to do that at all, and that he's just giving people like you an erection. I don't know whether to laugh or cry over the fact that you actually believe what Trump is telling you.

Psst.....just Google him. One time. He's a life-long Democrat supporter. A die-hard liberal.

bottom line------------------he will be 1000% better than Clinton. that's all that matters.
Oh I don't disagree with you at all on that. I'm simply saying "call a spade, a spade". Trump is a life-long Democrat. Anyone pretending like he is a conservative is a tool. Hillary is a nightmare. Her own husband can't stand her. Her own party can't stand her. And Trump is an exponentially better option. Frankly, I'm hoping that Bernie Sanders beats her in the primary so we don't have to watch her have melt down after melt down in debates and listen to that shrill voice.

I don't care if Trump is a far right conservative, such a person will never be elected president. Trump is an America-first person, and that is all I want in a president.

liberals hate this country, they hate free speech, they hate gun rights, and kowtow to criminals and illegals, screw liberals, they have done all the damage they should be allowed to od
Trump does not need to expose her, she has already been exposed, all he needs to do is remind people about her lies and corruption.
Tell me genius what makes you think any of the incredibly stupid shit Trump has said in just the last 6 month wont adversely affect him? Not everyone is hip to a ego with a comb over who says completely asinine things. I mean he already has the racist vote and the moron vote.....How many more morons and racists can there be? I guess we will see. I do know he will NEVER get my vote. I am a conservative not a regressive anti free speech authoritarian who supports killing babies.
so I ask you that very same question. Why hasn't it affected him? Why did he beat out big money? Wait, what was that?
he didnt.
To many words for you? He didn't. All he had to do was wait. The only states he won were ones where democrats got to vote and NONE of them democrats will vote for him in November.
Too funny. Jeb Bush alone outspent his asse by plenty of millions of dollars, not to rule out all that PAC money as well. Wow, uneducated, better watch out Trump will get your vote.
Then 20 years a republican before he ran fr president unlike Trump who just recently became a republican. Lets also not forget that the democrats of the 50's have nothing in common with the democrats of now. So kindly go fuck off

The entire party has been hijacked by socialists/communists/marxists/fascists/etc. Obama is a self-admitted marxist and Bernie Sanders is running as an admitted socialist. In the 1950's, the Democrats would have run those people out of town (probably put them in prison). Today, the party has become so radicalized (and so lazy) that people like that are worshipped and elected to represent them.

exactly, Kennedy would be a republican today. He was as far from today's democrats as anyone could possibly be.

what democrat today would say "as not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" ? That is contrary to everything todays dems believe.
Tell me genius what makes you think any of the incredibly stupid shit Trump has said in just the last 6 month wont adversely affect him? Not everyone is hip to a ego with a comb over who says completely asinine things. I mean he already has the racist vote and the moron vote.....How many more morons and racists can there be? I guess we will see. I do know he will NEVER get my vote. I am a conservative not a regressive anti free speech authoritarian who supports killing babies.
Who gives a fuck what you do?
Obviously no one on this forum. Why don't you go play with yourself?
Trump will be the next President.
Then I'll put you on permanent Ignore.
That's for me the same as you leaving this forum forever.

And when Trump is the next President he is going to smash America in the face with liberal policy. You're all excited because he claims he's going to shut down the border, but he's already on audio with New York Times telling them he has no plans to do that at all, and that he's just giving people like you an erection. I don't know whether to laugh or cry over the fact that you actually believe what Trump is telling you.

Psst.....just Google him. One time. He's a life-long Democrat supporter. A die-hard liberal.

bottom line------------------he will be 1000% better than Clinton. that's all that matters.
Oh I don't disagree with you at all on that. I'm simply saying "call a spade, a spade". Trump is a life-long Democrat. Anyone pretending like he is a conservative is a tool. Hillary is a nightmare. Her own husband can't stand her. Her own party can't stand her. And Trump is an exponentially better option. Frankly, I'm hoping that Bernie Sanders beats her in the primary so we don't have to watch her have melt down after melt down in debates and listen to that shrill voice.

I don't care if Trump is a far right conservative, such a person will never be elected president. Trump is an America-first person, and that is all I want in a president.

liberals hate this country, they hate free speech, they hate gun rights, and kowtow to criminals and illegals, screw liberals, they have done all the damage they should be allowed to od
Libutrds hate anyone having an opposing view. PERIOD.
:0) Not sure what you've been smoking, but it must be good .. got you talking out of your head.

Obama got his ass kicked because of his right-wing invented health care plan, his betrayal on his campaign promises, and his warmongering.

In case you haven't noticed democrats / liberals are in the drivers seat .. and all republicans have to offer is reality-show hosts for president. :0) Get real dude.

.. and your Tea Party constitutionalism won't work in an evolving America.

No matter how hard you wish something were true, that still won't make it true. Dumbocrats haven't been in the driver seat since 2009. Once 2010 hit, state legislatures, governorships, mayors, city councils, and of course the House (and then later, the Senate) were turned over to conservatives.

It was the biggest ass-kicking in U.S. political history and even Obama acknowledged as much. Now, I'm sorry if the truth bothers you.'s still the truth. You still have to live with it. Maybe some talking with a therapist could help you deal with these issues though? Maybe they can help you learn to deal with realities which you find uncomfortable or inconvenient?
think the ass kicking you repubs get in nov will break all records ,,now even the house is in play
I don't care if Trump is a far right conservative, such a person will never be elected president. Trump is an America-first person, and that is all I want in a president.

liberals hate this country, they hate free speech, they hate gun rights, and kowtow to criminals and illegals, screw liberals, they have done all the damage they should be allowed to od're right.....and you're wrong. The "far right" is compromised of Sovereign Citizens and Anarchists. And you are correct - those people will never get elected. But a true constitutional conservative like Ted Cruz or Rand Paul would easily get elected if the Republican Party would stop trying to submarine their efforts because they refuse to play ball and bow to the nonsense Washington politics that John Boehner used to do.

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