This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Funny......Hispanics would be voting against their own best interests. The flood of illegals is driving wages down in states like Texas and California. Instead of Hispanics becoming Americans, they are suspected illegals, primarily because Obama is bringing so many of them into the country.

Who suffers the most from Illegal Immigration?


Voting for Hillary will only worsen this situation.

I believe most of them, the ones who were born here, are smart enough to figure this out for themselves.

Where do you get the idea that Hispanics support illegal immigration?

Supposedly they are opposing Trump in record numbers.

What policies are they opposing?

Gee, I don't know, maybe the fact he called them rapists, murderers, and drug dealers?

He actually pointed out that a lot of illegals are escaping criminals in their own country. It is what people do when they are wanted by the police. They go into other countries and crime does increase whenever illegals move in. He actually didn't call hispanics rapist. The exact word was 'illegals'. Why are you assuming that the hispanic Americans who are already here and citizens are illegals? When you think of the word American do you automatically think of someone who is white? What type of racist crap is that Don't Jerk Me Off Bro?
Unbelievable that liberals can't get past their ideological differences and admit that the border needs to be closed for the security of our country.

Its amazing they can't abandon their lust for power in order to do something that every other country does which is to regulate the flow of people within its borders.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
I believe Trump could lose the general election on the same scale Mondale did to Reagan.
I would say it is more likely Cankles gets blown out in the general...pun intended.

the demographics say otherwise... angry old white men do not a majority make ..

assholes good grammer do not make
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
I believe Trump could lose the general election on the same scale Mondale did to Reagan.
I would say it is more likely Cankles gets blown out in the general...pun intended.

the demographics say otherwise... angry old white men do not a majority make ..

assholes good grammer do not make

and you would know how?

you're an idiot.
So you are saying he wont win because he isn't a corporatist and he supports American jobs? LMAO
Says ALOT about our voting base... Maybe we should go back to land owners voting because you people are fuckin morons.
"that guy is blunt and he cares about Americans. RUN!!"
Im not saying you should vote for the clown but my gawd man..

Trump isn't a corporatist?!

If he cares about American jobs so much why is he importing so many immigrants legal and otherwise to work for him?
You are a liar! And you know it.
The one and only time Trump has ever been remotely involved with employing any 'illegals' was years ago when a subcontractor working on a Trump construction site was caught using illegal labor. When Trump found out he terminated the contractor's employment on the job site.
You are so fucked up with hate you don't think straight.
For decades Trump has had to work with labor unions. He never would have been able to accomplish this extremely tricky relationship with labor unions if he had ever hired any 'illegals'.
Get you head out of your asshole!

Hate has nothing to do with anything I do. I don't hate trump. I just don't want despotism in our government. I like constitutionalism.

But you've essentially conceded the argument when you call me a liar and without me citing anything you need to excuse trump doing what your saying I'm lying about.
So you are saying he wont win because he isn't a corporatist and he supports American jobs? LMAO
Says ALOT about our voting base... Maybe we should go back to land owners voting because you people are fuckin morons.
"that guy is blunt and he cares about Americans. RUN!!"
Im not saying you should vote for the clown but my gawd man..

Trump isn't a corporatist?!

If he cares about American jobs so much why is he importing so many immigrants legal and otherwise to work for him?
You are a liar! And you know it.
The one and only time Trump has ever been remotely involved with employing any 'illegals' was years ago when a subcontractor working on a Trump construction site was caught using illegal labor. When Trump found out he terminated the contractor's employment on the job site.
You are so fucked up with hate you don't think straight.
For decades Trump has had to work with labor unions. He never would have been able to accomplish this extremely tricky relationship with labor unions if he had ever hired any 'illegals'.
Get you head out of your asshole!

Hate has nothing to do with anything I do. I don't hate trump. I just don't want despotism in our government. I like constitutionalism.

But you've essentially conceded the argument when you call me a liar and without me citing anything you need to excuse trump doing what your saying I'm lying about.

dannydumbass puts everyone on ignore then calls them liars ... pay no attention to that idget.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
Don't worry. After he wins the GOP nomination, Trump will inform America he is pro-choice right up to the ninth month of pregnancy, that he will repeal Obamacare and replace it with Medicare For All, that he will raise the federal minimum wage to 25 dollars, and that he is planning on adopting 43 Muslims from Syria.

And he will tell us this in Spanish.
to the OP. US elections do not swing on the Hispanic vote. the OP is a false premise.
Florida, Texas, Arizona California Arizona swing on the Hispanic vote.

Those states decide the election
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters

The Hispanic, Black, Liberal Female, Gay Community, Liberal Male and those voting for Gary Johnson.

I still believe Trump could lose Texas this November and I know you will call me a idiot just like others have but Texas minorities are the majority in the State and if he loses over 80% of them while also not getting the Liberal White voter in Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio, well he is screwed...
Trump has alienated the Bush and Cruz camps in Texas. Add in the loss of the Hispanic and women's vote and Texas can come into play

That doesn't matter. Trump will counter this by putting new York and jersey in play.

And if when that fantasy doesn't work bill will be annoyed that his extracirriculars will be back in public spotlight

Uhh. Bernie Sanders got a quarter million more votes than Trump in NY and Hillary blew his doors off.
If I were Trump, I would use that in a Debate against Hillary. . . "It's the economy stupid." :badgrin:
Hillary would love to run on the economy and remind voters what a republican economy looks like

IF Trump is the nominee, Hillary will be running (for her life) on her character, or lack thereof. Hilarious that Dems are dancing in the streets over Trump's perceived flip flopping, has Hillary ever met an issue she hasn't supported both sides on?
WTF is wrong with RW's ?

apparenty, they don't believe Trumps unfavorable ratings, and their magic wand will get him elected ...
WTF is wrong with RW's ?

apparenty, they don't believe Trumps unfavorable ratings, and their magic wand will get him elected ...

I'd rather have someone I disliked in the white house, than an out and out liar and criminal.

And personally, I believe Kasich will be on the ticket in one form or the other, which would totally change the dynamic.
Unbelievable that liberals can't get past their ideological differences and admit that the border needs to be closed for the security of our country.
We know the border needs to be more secure...a Wall across the entire border is unfeasible and cost prohibitive and a waste of all of our tax dollars in regions of the border where there is no population concentrations on either side and mountains and desserts making it more likely that the illegals trying to come in through these barren areas are more likely to die, than to make it to the fence. We are fine with putting fences and walls where the population of those crossing is high, and security mans them so they can stop those illegals trying to cross.

We are not for open borders and immigrants coming in illegally.

We believe the employers who hire illegals are the ones that are the true problem, and are why most illegals if not all illegals, that traverse the border come here. We believe if laws were passed with some grit to them with penalties and jail time high, this would stop the flow of illegals coming down to a trickle....get to the ROOT of the problem and not just try to deal with symptoms, with money we don't have to spare....

The Republican Party went against Ronald Reagan's proposals on amnesty back in the 1980's where Reagan had strong penalties for American businesses and the people who run them was the right way to approach this and not have to go through another Amnesty of illegals again.

The Republican Party was lobbied by the Chamber of commerce and the Small Business association to DROP the harsh penalties for employers that hired illegals in Reagan's proposal for Amnesty and they were 'watered down' and THIS IS WHY we are in this predicament today...deja vu... BECAUSE the Republicans had the penalties for employers who hire illegals diminished and meaningless.

Democrats only want amnesty for these children of illegals and other various groups of law abiding citizens (other than crossing the border or over staying their visas to work here) because congress has NOT APPROPRIATED enough funds to deport all of them, in fact they have appropriated so little to do this that it would take near 20-30 years at the funding rate to deport those here illegally. This is why, with the limited amount of funds, they are concentrating on removing the criminals, felons, gang members, drug dealers first and have them as a priority.

Democrats understand the rule of law, which states that every single one of those here illegally, GETS THEIR DAY IN COURT, before they can be deported....that costs money, money we do not have and has never been appropriated.

The reason we accept amnesty for the rest of the law abiding and young children, especially the young children who were born here's parents, where the children are the family will not be spit apart, which is inhumane....under any circumstance.

We also accept amnesty as Reagan did, because if you made them legal, then there would be no incentive for employers to hire them....over Americans....all the taxes would have to be paid by the employers and all the laws like minimum wage laws would have to be followed and all the other laws for legal American citizens and legal immigrants would have to be followed....the incentive to hire illegals over Americans would be eliminated and those initially here illegally would have the means to demand more money and could easily walk off a job that is under paying them, making WAGES GO UP for all Americans and a level competitive playing field instead of all balls in the illegal's court.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
I believe Trump could lose the general election on the same scale Mondale did to Reagan.
I would say it is more likely Cankles gets blown out in the general...pun intended.
In this crazy election year I won't rule anything out but we saw her southern firewall hold against Sanders and minority voters come out big for her I don't see that changing in the general.

Does that change if her opponent is a minority?
If I were Trump, I would use that in a Debate against Hillary. . . "It's the economy stupid." :badgrin:
Hillary would love to run on the economy and remind voters what a republican economy looks like

IF Trump is the nominee, Hillary will be running (for her life) on her character, or lack thereof. Hilarious that Dems are dancing in the streets over Trump's perceived flip flopping, has Hillary ever met an issue she hasn't supported both sides on?
Hilary's character vastly exceeds Trumps

Ask his ex wives
WTF is wrong with RW's ?

apparenty, they don't believe Trumps unfavorable ratings, and their magic wand will get him elected ...

I'd rather have someone I disliked in the white house, than an out and out liar and criminal.

And personally, I believe Kasich will be on the ticket in one form or the other, which would totally change the dynamic.

don't give me that liar/criminal bullshit ..... yawnnnnnnnnn

Kasich should be the nominee based on policy ... screw Trump/Cruz .... but hey, all the old white boys want to beat the establishment, so they lose again.
If I were Trump, I would use that in a Debate against Hillary. . . "It's the economy stupid." :badgrin:
Hillary would love to run on the economy and remind voters what a republican economy looks like

IF Trump is the nominee, Hillary will be running (for her life) on her character, or lack thereof. Hilarious that Dems are dancing in the streets over Trump's perceived flip flopping, has Hillary ever met an issue she hasn't supported both sides on?
Hilary's character vastly exceeds Trumps

Ask his ex wives

No it doesn't , ask VInce Foster.
WTF is wrong with RW's ?

apparenty, they don't believe Trumps unfavorable ratings, and their magic wand will get him elected ...

I'd rather have someone I disliked in the white house, than an out and out liar and criminal.

And personally, I believe Kasich will be on the ticket in one form or the other, which would totally change the dynamic.

don't give me that liar/criminal bullshit ..... yawnnnnnnnnn

Kasich should be the nominee based on policy ... screw Trump/Cruz .... but hey, all the old white boys want to beat the establishment, so they lose again.

How sad that the woman is a KNOWN liar and is facing multiple FBI investigations and all you can do is yawn

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