This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Who said it wasn't? (though hiring illegal actually is illegal)

Your straw man aside, it shows where his values are. He claims to be for American jobs and yet when he had the opportunity to hire Americans, he didn't.

And yet somehow we are supposed to believe he is suddenly offended when other businesses do what he did? You seriously think he is going to fight other businessmen for running a business?

You do realize his trade war policy is going to cost Americans jobs, right?
It's the point, not a strawman. You threw that out there to dismiss the point you can't otherwise address. It makes no sense for a business to pay more for workers, especially when they are unionized like most of the upper east coast. They would need to pay two or three times the amount for labor alone. He didn't get rich being stupid. He wasn't a politician seeking approval. As far as jobs, how's it going now????

Actually, yes it was a straw man. You argued and said it wasn't illegal. Something I wasn't arguing. Setting up a non argument to destroy it is the very definition of a straw man.

And yes job suck right now. It would be nice if the government wasn't falsifying numbers so we could get an accurate look at how bad it was.

But how is electing a big government Republican going to fix the problems by a big government Democrat? We need someone who is going to limit government influence in the private sector, not screw it up more.

Reduced the supply of labor and the price ie wages will rise.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, and demand will increase and price for labor, ie wages will rise.

Manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. Sorry.

Germany has TWICE the rate of manufacturing employment we do.

They don't have cheap labor.

There is no reason that we can't significantly increase the number of manufacturing jobs we have now.

I note you don't disagree that reducing supply will increase price.
Maybe we can get German companies to open manufacturing facilities in America. American companies only like the American market, they could give a fuck about the American people.
Maybe we can get German companies to open manufacturing facilities in America. American companies only like the American market, they could give a fuck about the American people.
That made no sense. But VW is here, Tennessee I believe. I'm sure there are others. Many US products are sold overseas too.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
Funny......Hispanics would be voting against their own best interests. The flood of illegals is driving wages down in states like Texas and California. Instead of Hispanics becoming Americans, they are suspected illegals, primarily because Obama is bringing so many of them into the country.

Who suffers the most from Illegal Immigration?


Voting for Hillary will only worsen this situation.

I believe most of them, the ones who were born here, are smart enough to figure this out for themselves.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
You know Cruz is in the same boat right? Or are you hoping that there are countless uninformed, dumb rube hispanics that will vote Cruz?

Why do you think I would support Cruz?

I'm voting for Gary Johnson.
Funny......Hispanics would be voting against their own best interests. The flood of illegals is driving wages down in states like Texas and California. Instead of Hispanics becoming Americans, they are suspected illegals, primarily because Obama is bringing so many of them into the country.

Who suffers the most from Illegal Immigration?


Voting for Hillary will only worsen this situation.

I believe most of them, the ones who were born here, are smart enough to figure this out for themselves.

Where do you get the idea that Hispanics support illegal immigration?
Now if Hillary and her supporters can get over the fact that they are hemorrhaging votes from everyone else. . . . . :lmao:

And you base on what evidence other than the opinion piece of one individual?
Maybe we can get German companies to open manufacturing facilities in America. American companies only like the American market, they could give a fuck about the American people.
That made no sense. But VW is here, Tennessee I believe. I'm sure there are others. Many US products are sold overseas too.
American companies want to sell things to Americans but they don't want to provide the American people with jobs.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
Funny......Hispanics would be voting against their own best interests. The flood of illegals is driving wages down in states like Texas and California. Instead of Hispanics becoming Americans, they are suspected illegals, primarily because Obama is bringing so many of them into the country.

Who suffers the most from Illegal Immigration?


Voting for Hillary will only worsen this situation.

I believe most of them, the ones who were born here, are smart enough to figure this out for themselves.

Well, I'm afraid you are underestimating the power of Propaganda/Race Baiting, and Identity Politics.

BUT we don't need to WIN hispanics, just lose them by a reasonable amount.

If we can run up the White Vote.
Funny......Hispanics would be voting against their own best interests. The flood of illegals is driving wages down in states like Texas and California. Instead of Hispanics becoming Americans, they are suspected illegals, primarily because Obama is bringing so many of them into the country.

Who suffers the most from Illegal Immigration?


Voting for Hillary will only worsen this situation.

I believe most of them, the ones who were born here, are smart enough to figure this out for themselves.

Where do you get the idea that Hispanics support illegal immigration?

Supposedly they are opposing Trump in record numbers.

What policies are they opposing?

Are they against bringing back manufacturing jobs?

Are they offended by the possibility of reducing the inflow of Muslims?

Are they upset by the though of reducing Stem Job Work Visa, that mostly go to Asians?

Or is it Trump's strong anti-illegal immigration stance?
Maybe we can get German companies to open manufacturing facilities in America. American companies only like the American market, they could give a fuck about the American people.
That made no sense. But VW is here, Tennessee I believe. I'm sure there are others. Many US products are sold overseas too.
American companies want to sell things to Americans but they don't want to provide the American people with jobs.
That's a broad statement. Most companies are fairly small. Some of the mega corps do outsource but wages and taxes are sky high here. Take Apple, they employ a great deal here and have their products made overseas. Now what happens if they make them here and the price increase drops sales to a fraction? Who does that help?
Funny......Hispanics would be voting against their own best interests. The flood of illegals is driving wages down in states like Texas and California. Instead of Hispanics becoming Americans, they are suspected illegals, primarily because Obama is bringing so many of them into the country.

Who suffers the most from Illegal Immigration?


Voting for Hillary will only worsen this situation.

I believe most of them, the ones who were born here, are smart enough to figure this out for themselves.

Where do you get the idea that Hispanics support illegal immigration?

Supposedly they are opposing Trump in record numbers.

What policies are they opposing?

Gee, I don't know, maybe the fact he called them rapists, murderers, and drug dealers?
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
Let's see now...ever since Trump declared, the MSM has been wrong about him. They said over and over he would fizzle out or quit, but he hasn't.

If it comes down to Trump v Cankles, Trump should win big. There is no worst candidate for POTUS than Mrs. BJ...but in the Age of Ignorance (aka Liberalism), a disgusting lying corrupt opportunist can win the WH...See Obama.

This is basically what the election will come down to. . .

Folks in this election aren't voting for anyone.

They are voting AGAINST someone.

Who are more people going to vote against? Hillary or Trump?

I think there are more negatives out there against Hillary. Most of the obtuse milleniallials with no sense of history that have only the media to think for them could probably be more swayed by the media. But the rest of the nation knows that Trump is just your regular run of the mill corrupt business man.

If it is a choice between a corrupt mafia dealing business man, or a corrupt two timing lying career politician, when the economy has been compromised, I believe I know which way the public will swing. Hillary is running on the current record of the political party that currently is in office.

This is the same government that wants to convince small business, now the backbone of the economy, that, "You didn't build that." How smart is that for Hillary when essentially this statement is what got her husband elected. . .

Though the government releases all sorts of statements and statistics telling us how good things are, folks just don't feel it. Prices go up, wages go down, and who in government or at the FED gives a shit?

So what if this administration has allegedly added "more jobs" since some administration long ago. . . . Does it matter if they are all part time jobs at big box stores and coffee houses paying min. wage with no benefits? You can't raise families and send kids to college with those wages. And even if you could, once your kids get out of school, what sort of future do they have to look forward to? :dunno:
I'm going to be clear. I'm not a Trump fan. I think he's about the worst candidate I've seen in my lifetime. He's unqualified and frankly insane. He's playing to some of the absolute worst elements of the American public.

That said, don't underestimate him in the general. This post shows why. Hillary in any other year would be considered one of the weakest candidates the DNC could put up for the general. The general election is going to come down to who voters dislike least. I'm not confident Hillary wins that.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
I believe Trump could lose the general election on the same scale Mondale did to Reagan.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
Let's see now...ever since Trump declared, the MSM has been wrong about him. They said over and over he would fizzle out or quit, but he hasn't.

If it comes down to Trump v Cankles, Trump should win big. There is no worst candidate for POTUS than Mrs. BJ...but in the Age of Ignorance (aka Liberalism), a disgusting lying corrupt opportunist can win the WH...See Obama.

This is basically what the election will come down to. . .

Folks in this election aren't voting for anyone.

They are voting AGAINST someone.

Who are more people going to vote against? Hillary or Trump?

I think there are more negatives out there against Hillary. Most of the obtuse milleniallials with no sense of history that have only the media to think for them could probably be more swayed by the media. But the rest of the nation knows that Trump is just your regular run of the mill corrupt business man.

If it is a choice between a corrupt mafia dealing business man, or a corrupt two timing lying career politician, when the economy has been compromised, I believe I know which way the public will swing. Hillary is running on the current record of the political party that currently is in office.

This is the same government that wants to convince small business, now the backbone of the economy, that, "You didn't build that." How smart is that for Hillary when essentially this statement is what got her husband elected. . .

Though the government releases all sorts of statements and statistics telling us how good things are, folks just don't feel it. Prices go up, wages go down, and who in government or at the FED gives a shit?

So what if this administration has allegedly added "more jobs" since some administration long ago. . . . Does it matter if they are all part time jobs at big box stores and coffee houses paying min. wage with no benefits? You can't raise families and send kids to college with those wages. And even if you could, once your kids get out of school, what sort of future do they have to look forward to? :dunno:
I'm going to be clear. I'm not a Trump fan. I think he's about the worst candidate I've seen in my lifetime. He's unqualified and frankly insane. He's playing to some of the absolute worst elements of the American public.

That said, don't underestimate him in the general. This post shows why. Hillary in any other year would be considered one of the weakest candidates the DNC could put up for the general. The general election is going to come down to who voters dislike least. I'm not confident Hillary wins that.
I agree.

Trump is bad, Hillary is far worse. So, once again we vote for the lesser of two evils.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
I believe Trump could lose the general election on the same scale Mondale did to Reagan.
I would say it is more likely Cankles gets blown out in the general...pun intended.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
I believe Trump could lose the general election on the same scale Mondale did to Reagan.
I would say it is more likely Cankles gets blown out in the general...pun intended.
In this crazy election year I won't rule anything out but we saw her southern firewall hold against Sanders and minority voters come out big for her I don't see that changing in the general.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
I believe Trump could lose the general election on the same scale Mondale did to Reagan.
I would say it is more likely Cankles gets blown out in the general...pun intended.

the demographics say otherwise... angry old white men do not a majority make ..

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