This is Why Trump Won in 2016

And will win again in 2020. Tards never learn.

Trump won the electoral college by 78,000 votes out of 130 million cast, in an election where 3 million votes were lost by the will of the people, and over 1 million votes were denied.

Trump didn’t win anything.

Who's the president of The United States?

Who's the president of The United States?
Why Trump "Won"

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

"Politicians may be too timid to explore the subject, but a new book from, of all places, Oxford University Press promises to be incendiary.

"'“Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President—What We Don’t, Can’t, and Do Know,' by Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a professor of communications at the University of Pennsylvania, dares to ask—and even attempts to answer—whether Russian meddling had a decisive impact in 2016.

"Jamieson offers a forensic analysis of the available evidence and concludes that Russia very likely delivered Trump’s victory."

Jamieson has spent the last 40 years studying political ads, debates, and speeches; she has supporters among Democrats and Republicans.

"She continued, 'I’m not arguing that Russians pulled the voting levers. I’m arguing that they persuaded enough people to either vote a certain way or not vote at all.'

"The effect of such manipulations could be momentous in an election as close as the 2016 race, in which Clinton got nearly 2.9 million more votes than Trump, and Trump won the Electoral College only because some eighty thousand votes went his way in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania."

Hahaha Still russia, russia, russia, russia. No, they didn't determine the election. I know it hurts but the hillary lost and trump won and russian didn't determine the outcome.
Hahaha Still russia, russia, russia, russia. No, they didn't determine the election. I know it hurts but the hillary lost and trump won and russian didn't determine the outcome.
Russian meddling (with a big assist from Facebook) did affect voter perceptions of Clinton, especially in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio:

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

"Then, in July, Mueller indicted twelve Russian intelligence officers for hacking into the computers of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign.

"The indictment maintained that the Russian government had executed a sprawling and sustained cyberattack on at least three hundred people connected to the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign, infiltrating their computers and implanting malware that, in some instances, enabled spies to covertly monitor their keystrokes.

"As the Times reported, the Russians had leaked stolen files 'in stages,' a tactic 'that wreaked havoc on the Democratic Party throughout much of the election season.'"

"Strikingly, the July indictment showed that Russian hackers’ first attempt to infiltrate the computer servers in Clinton’s personal offices had taken place on July 27, 2016, the same day that Trump had declared, 'Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the thirty thousand e-mails that are missing,' adding, 'I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.'"
Yes, Russia helped, but Comey gave Trump the biggest boost just before the vote.
And will win again in 2020. Tards never learn.

Trump won the electoral college by 78,000 votes out of 130 million cast, in an election where 3 million votes were lost by the will of the people, and over 1 million votes were denied.

Trump didn’t win anything.

Who's the president of The United States?

Who's the president of The United States?

What's the name of the President of The United States?
Why Trump "Won"

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

"Politicians may be too timid to explore the subject, but a new book from, of all places, Oxford University Press promises to be incendiary.

"'“Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President—What We Don’t, Can’t, and Do Know,' by Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a professor of communications at the University of Pennsylvania, dares to ask—and even attempts to answer—whether Russian meddling had a decisive impact in 2016.

"Jamieson offers a forensic analysis of the available evidence and concludes that Russia very likely delivered Trump’s victory."

Jamieson has spent the last 40 years studying political ads, debates, and speeches; she has supporters among Democrats and Republicans.

"She continued, 'I’m not arguing that Russians pulled the voting levers. I’m arguing that they persuaded enough people to either vote a certain way or not vote at all.'

"The effect of such manipulations could be momentous in an election as close as the 2016 race, in which Clinton got nearly 2.9 million more votes than Trump, and Trump won the Electoral College only because some eighty thousand votes went his way in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania."

Hahaha Still russia, russia, russia, russia. No, they didn't determine the election. I know it hurts but the hillary lost and trump won and russian didn't determine the outcome.
Hahaha Still russia, russia, russia, russia. No, they didn't determine the election. I know it hurts but the hillary lost and trump won and russian didn't determine the outcome.
Russian meddling (with a big assist from Facebook) did affect voter perceptions of Clinton, especially in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio:

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

"Then, in July, Mueller indicted twelve Russian intelligence officers for hacking into the computers of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign.

"The indictment maintained that the Russian government had executed a sprawling and sustained cyberattack on at least three hundred people connected to the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign, infiltrating their computers and implanting malware that, in some instances, enabled spies to covertly monitor their keystrokes.

"As the Times reported, the Russians had leaked stolen files 'in stages,' a tactic 'that wreaked havoc on the Democratic Party throughout much of the election season.'"

"Strikingly, the July indictment showed that Russian hackers’ first attempt to infiltrate the computer servers in Clinton’s personal offices had taken place on July 27, 2016, the same day that Trump had declared, 'Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the thirty thousand e-mails that are missing,' adding, 'I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.'"
Yes, Russia helped, but Comey gave Trump the biggest boost just before the vote.
Your link:
"Christie: Comey was 'single biggest factor' in giving Trump momentum before election"

Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein are all lifelong Republicans with a keen understanding of whose interests they serve:

“Rod is a Survivor” - The Moscow Project

"David Ignatius reported Rosenstein may have 'blocked' the Mueller investigation from looking into Trump’s finances, preventing a real counter-intelligence investigation into the President.

  • Ignatius reported that 'One government source speculates that Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, blocked any attempt to compel disclosure of the bank’s Trump file records to avoid getting himself or Mueller fired.'
  • Trump set a red line around his finances. Ignatius explains, 'Trump was enraged by a December 2017 report that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III had subpoenaed the bank’s records about its dealings with Trump.'
  • "'The red line apparently held.' Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow told Reuters: 'No [Deutsche Bank] subpoena has been issued or received.'"
If it turns out Mueller never subpoenaed Trump's financials, his entire investigation is a white-wash.
And will win again in 2020. Tards never learn.

Trump won the electoral college by 78,000 votes out of 130 million cast, in an election where 3 million votes were lost by the will of the people, and over 1 million votes were denied.

Trump didn’t win anything.

Who's the president of The United States?

Who's the president of The United States?

What's the name of the President of The United States?

What's the name of the President of The United States?

What Trump's John Baron Deception Says About our Truth-less President

How many lies has what's-his-name told today?
And will win again in 2020. Tards never learn.

Trump won the electoral college by 78,000 votes out of 130 million cast, in an election where 3 million votes were lost by the will of the people, and over 1 million votes were denied.

Trump didn’t win anything.

Who's the president of The United States?

Who's the president of The United States?

What's the name of the President of The United States?

What's the name of the President of The United States?

What Trump's John Baron Deception Says About our Truth-less President

How many lies has what's-his-name told today?

Say it, bitchboy, say it!

Who's the president of the US?
Everyone was against Trump, the GOP never-Trumpers, the MSM, Hollywood, the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, the Clinton machine and their hoards of democrats in their urban plantations...and then something wonderful happened...

Trump won the electoral college by 78,000 votes out of 130 million cast, in an election where 3 million votes were lost by the will of the people, and over 1 million votes were denied.

Trump didn’t win anything.

Who's the president of The United States?
Who's the president of The United States?

What's the name of the President of The United States?
What's the name of the President of The United States?

What Trump's John Baron Deception Says About our Truth-less President

How many lies has what's-his-name told today?

Say it, bitchboy, say it!

Who's the president of the US?
Say it, bitchboy, say it!

Who's the president of the US?
Yo Momma, Comrade
Who's the president of The United States?
Who's the president of The United States?

What's the name of the President of The United States?
What's the name of the President of The United States?

What Trump's John Baron Deception Says About our Truth-less President

How many lies has what's-his-name told today?

Say it, bitchboy, say it!

Who's the president of the US?
Say it, bitchboy, say it!

Who's the president of the US?
Yo Momma, Comrade

You can't do it. It's Donald John Trump. :)

I could report that as family attack, but I won't.
if television is our best reason to live, we're not really living. TV is Trump's best reason to live!

rejoice in the purpose God gives you!
And will win again in 2020. Tards never learn.

Trump won the electoral college by 78,000 votes out of 130 million cast, in an election where 3 million votes were lost by the will of the people, and over 1 million votes were denied.

Trump didn’t win anything.

Who's the president of The United States?

Who's the president of The United States?

What's the name of the President of The United States?

What's the name of the President of The United States?

What Trump's John Baron Deception Says About our Truth-less President

How many lies has what's-his-name told today?

And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
Trump won the electoral college by 78,000 votes out of 130 million cast, in an election where 3 million votes were lost by the will of the people, and over 1 million votes were denied.

Trump didn’t win anything.

Who's the president of The United States?
Who's the president of The United States?

What's the name of the President of The United States?
What's the name of the President of The United States?

What Trump's John Baron Deception Says About our Truth-less President

How many lies has what's-his-name told today?

And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
I can't understand why anyone who isn't among the richest ten percent of Americans would vote for Trump or Obama, but Trump takes lying to a whole new level; he always has.

"Trump used the pseudonym 'John Barron' (sometimes 'John Baron') throughout the 1980s, with its earliest known usage in 1980 and its last acknowledgment in 1990.

"According to The Washington Post, the name was a 'go-to alias when [Trump] was under scrutiny, in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it.'[4]

"Barron would be introduced as a spokesperson for Trump.[5]

"The pseudonym first appeared within a June 6, 1980 New York Times article about Trump's decision to destroy two sculptures he had promised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 'Barron', describing himself as 'a Trump Organization vice president', acted as the spokesperson for Trump for three days in that case.[6]

"Trump continued to pose as 'Barron' on occasion for the rest of the decade.

"In 1983 'Barron' told the press that Trump had decided not to purchase the Cleveland Indians.[7]"

Pseudonyms of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Who's the president of The United States?
Who's the president of The United States?

What's the name of the President of The United States?
What's the name of the President of The United States?

What Trump's John Baron Deception Says About our Truth-less President

How many lies has what's-his-name told today?

And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
I can't understand why anyone who isn't among the richest ten percent of Americans would vote for Trump or Obama, but Trump takes lying to a whole new level; he always has.

"Trump used the pseudonym 'John Barron' (sometimes 'John Baron') throughout the 1980s, with its earliest known usage in 1980 and its last acknowledgment in 1990.

"According to The Washington Post, the name was a 'go-to alias when [Trump] was under scrutiny, in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it.'[4]

"Barron would be introduced as a spokesperson for Trump.[5]

"The pseudonym first appeared within a June 6, 1980 New York Times article about Trump's decision to destroy two sculptures he had promised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 'Barron', describing himself as 'a Trump Organization vice president', acted as the spokesperson for Trump for three days in that case.[6]

"Trump continued to pose as 'Barron' on occasion for the rest of the decade.

"In 1983 'Barron' told the press that Trump had decided not to purchase the Cleveland Indians.[7]"

Pseudonyms of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Yeahbut; What's the real name of the president of the United States?
And will win again in 2020. Tards never learn.

Trumpsters will never learn. 2020 is not 2016. In 2016, voters thought that both candidates were dishonest and untrustworthy. Trump only narrowly won in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Democrats flip these 3 states and it is all over. The coalition that elected Trump is smashed. Suburban voters and well educated voters went heavily Democrat in 2018.

Trump made 2018 about illegals and the results were not good for Republicans. Loss of the House and smaller gains in the Senate than expected including a Democrat pickup in Arizona.

The only problem is that you and your party of loones are running on pure bullshit while Trump will be running on actual results. Last time he didn't have the results just promise but he still kicked your asses. Can you imagine how it's gonna be with his record to run on next time? Here's a clue, it won't be pretty for you clowns and you'll all be bawling your eyes out again. I can hardly wait.


What's the name of the President of The United States?
What's the name of the President of The United States?

What Trump's John Baron Deception Says About our Truth-less President

How many lies has what's-his-name told today?

And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
I can't understand why anyone who isn't among the richest ten percent of Americans would vote for Trump or Obama, but Trump takes lying to a whole new level; he always has.

"Trump used the pseudonym 'John Barron' (sometimes 'John Baron') throughout the 1980s, with its earliest known usage in 1980 and its last acknowledgment in 1990.

"According to The Washington Post, the name was a 'go-to alias when [Trump] was under scrutiny, in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it.'[4]

"Barron would be introduced as a spokesperson for Trump.[5]

"The pseudonym first appeared within a June 6, 1980 New York Times article about Trump's decision to destroy two sculptures he had promised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 'Barron', describing himself as 'a Trump Organization vice president', acted as the spokesperson for Trump for three days in that case.[6]

"Trump continued to pose as 'Barron' on occasion for the rest of the decade.

"In 1983 'Barron' told the press that Trump had decided not to purchase the Cleveland Indians.[7]"

Pseudonyms of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Yeahbut; What's the real name of the president of the United States?
What's the name of the President of The United States?
What's the name of the President of The United States?

What Trump's John Baron Deception Says About our Truth-less President

How many lies has what's-his-name told today?

And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
I can't understand why anyone who isn't among the richest ten percent of Americans would vote for Trump or Obama, but Trump takes lying to a whole new level; he always has.

"Trump used the pseudonym 'John Barron' (sometimes 'John Baron') throughout the 1980s, with its earliest known usage in 1980 and its last acknowledgment in 1990.

"According to The Washington Post, the name was a 'go-to alias when [Trump] was under scrutiny, in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it.'[4]

"Barron would be introduced as a spokesperson for Trump.[5]

"The pseudonym first appeared within a June 6, 1980 New York Times article about Trump's decision to destroy two sculptures he had promised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 'Barron', describing himself as 'a Trump Organization vice president', acted as the spokesperson for Trump for three days in that case.[6]

"Trump continued to pose as 'Barron' on occasion for the rest of the decade.

"In 1983 'Barron' told the press that Trump had decided not to purchase the Cleveland Indians.[7]"

Pseudonyms of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Yeahbut; What's the real name of the president of the United States?

Ever wonder why Jim Jones, Charles Manson and Heavens Gate all got going in California? Could it perhaps have anything to do with the rich population of overly gullible and stupid people in this state? Los Angeles is certainly no exception, maybe it's even worse.
Trump is going to win at least 280 electoral votes. That's my prediction as long as the country doesn't fall into recession (then, all bets are off and we're screwed).
What's the name of the President of The United States?
What's the name of the President of The United States?

What Trump's John Baron Deception Says About our Truth-less President

How many lies has what's-his-name told today?

And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
I can't understand why anyone who isn't among the richest ten percent of Americans would vote for Trump or Obama, but Trump takes lying to a whole new level; he always has.

"Trump used the pseudonym 'John Barron' (sometimes 'John Baron') throughout the 1980s, with its earliest known usage in 1980 and its last acknowledgment in 1990.

"According to The Washington Post, the name was a 'go-to alias when [Trump] was under scrutiny, in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it.'[4]

"Barron would be introduced as a spokesperson for Trump.[5]

"The pseudonym first appeared within a June 6, 1980 New York Times article about Trump's decision to destroy two sculptures he had promised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 'Barron', describing himself as 'a Trump Organization vice president', acted as the spokesperson for Trump for three days in that case.[6]

"Trump continued to pose as 'Barron' on occasion for the rest of the decade.

"In 1983 'Barron' told the press that Trump had decided not to purchase the Cleveland Indians.[7]"

Pseudonyms of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Yeahbut; What's the real name of the president of the United States?

A ridiculous demonizing meme is not the correct answer.

Who's the president? Say it bitchboy!

And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
And yet O told huge huge lies and NARY a peep. Your credibility is blown, gp.
I can't understand why anyone who isn't among the richest ten percent of Americans would vote for Trump or Obama, but Trump takes lying to a whole new level; he always has.

"Trump used the pseudonym 'John Barron' (sometimes 'John Baron') throughout the 1980s, with its earliest known usage in 1980 and its last acknowledgment in 1990.

"According to The Washington Post, the name was a 'go-to alias when [Trump] was under scrutiny, in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it.'[4]

"Barron would be introduced as a spokesperson for Trump.[5]

"The pseudonym first appeared within a June 6, 1980 New York Times article about Trump's decision to destroy two sculptures he had promised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 'Barron', describing himself as 'a Trump Organization vice president', acted as the spokesperson for Trump for three days in that case.[6]

"Trump continued to pose as 'Barron' on occasion for the rest of the decade.

"In 1983 'Barron' told the press that Trump had decided not to purchase the Cleveland Indians.[7]"

Pseudonyms of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Yeahbut; What's the real name of the president of the United States?

A ridiculous demonizing meme is not the correct answer.

Who's the president? Say it bitchboy!
A ridiculous demonizing meme is not the correct answer.

Who's the president? Say it bitchboy!

Happy, Troll?

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