This is why universal background checks are stupid...and aimed at normal gun owners


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes...this article points out why universal background checks are stupid and how they are only aimed at normal gun owners with the intent of catching normal gun owners in felony traps for clerical errors....

How Everytown’s background check law impedes firearms safety training and self-defense

However, the Bloomberg laws create a very different definition. For example, the Washington state law says that “ ‘Transfer’ means the intended delivery of a firearm to another person without consideration of payment or promise of payment including, but not limited to, gifts and loans.” Rev. Code Wash. § 9.41.010(25).

In other words, it applies to sharing a gun while target shooting on one’s own property, or to lending a gun to a neighbor for a weekend hunting trip.

Under the Bloomberg system, transfers may take place only at a gun store. The transfer must be conducted exactly as if the retailer were selling a firearm out of her inventory. So the transferee (the neighbor borrowing the hunting gun) must fill out ATF Form 4473; the retailer must contact the FBI or its state counterpart for a background check on the transferee; and then, the retailer must take custody of the gun and record the acquisition in her Acquisition and Disposition book. Finally, the retailer hands the gun to the transferee and records the disposition in her Acquisition and Disposition book. A few days later, after the hunting trip is over, the process must be repeated for the neighbor to return the gun to the owner; this time, the owner will be the “transferee,” who will fill out Form 4473 and undergo the background check.

ow many non gun owning people who here Universal Background checks think that this is what they mean...or intend....and it gets worse...
and the anti gun extremists need dead people to push their anti gun agenda...that is why Universal Background Checks are created to make firearm training much more difficult to get.....

Safety training

Sensible firearms policy should encourage, not impede, safety instruction. The Bloomberg laws do just the opposite. They do so by making ordinary safety training impossible unless it takes place at a corporate target range. (The federal S. 374 allows transfers “at a shooting range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in firearms.”)

A target range is usually necessary for the component of some safety courses that includes “live fire” — in which students fire guns at a range under the supervision of an instructor. However, even the courses that have live fire also have an extensive classroom component. Some introductory courses are classroom-only. In the classroom, dozens of firearms transfers will take place. Many students may not yet own a firearm; even if a student does own a firearm, many instructors choose to allow only their own personal firearms in the classroom, as the instructor may want to teach particular facts about particular types of firearms. The instructor also wants to use firearms that he or she is certain are in good working order. In any classroom setting, functional ammunition is absolutely forbidden.

anti gunners cannot be trusted....they will do everything they can to attack the right to own, carry, sell or buy guns legally , and make it legally dangerous to normal people...while not caring about actual criminals..
And the real point to Universal Background limit access to guns and gun training to normal people...

Under the Bloomberg laws, the above activities are allowed only if they take place at a firing range owned by a corporation. Pre-Bloomberg, these classes had been commonly offered in office buildings, churches, schools, and homes. Limiting the classes to target ranges makes the classes much more inconvenient. Target ranges are often located on the outskirts of town, not where most people live. In rural areas, there may be many places where shooting is lawful and safe, but the nearest corporate-owned shooting range may be far away. The likely result will be fewer people taking safety classes.

Anti gun extremists fight gun safety training wherever it happens...they don't want guns handled safely...they need dead and injured people to push their agenda...why else would they make it harder to learn how to use a gun safely?

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