This is why we have gun crime, democrats fight longer sentences for gun criminals. Why?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A republican governor is trying to increase the prison sentences for actual gun criminals, criminals who actually use guns in crime, rather than innocent, law abiding gun owners who make clerical errors. Democrats are fighting him.....

Maryland governor proposes "truth in sentencing" rules for gun crimes - Hot Air

What Governor Hogan is focusing on is the relatively light sentences that persons convicted of gun crimes receive, many of whom do no time in jail at all. And those who are sentenced to prison frequently wind up doing only a small fraction of the time. The Governor is asking for some “truth in sentencing” which will ensure that criminals know that the city is serious and that they will pay a steep price for their crimes. (Baltimore Sun)


The majority of the murders involve gang members as both the perpetrator and the victim. And on average, these shooting victims have themselves been arrested ten times previously. How on Earth do criminals have that many contacts with the legal system and not wind up being taken off the battlefield?


Getting the Democrat controlled municipal government of Baltimore to go along with the plan will be tough enough. But now Hogan is going to be dealing with a recalcitrant Attorney General (also a Democrat) who will apparently be trying to undermine the reforms. This all reeks of politics and none of it is doing a thing to help the citizens of Baltimore who are essentially living in a war zone.
We all know the answer. Dems aren't interested in the least about keeping the peace and having a stable society. They have to do whatever they can to undermine law and order. They want hardened violent criminals on the streets, it helps their Agenda. Holding people personally responsible for their actions goes against everything progressives stand for. That's why they are pro-abortion-on-demand, pro-illegal immigration, and against prison time for criminals.
Why do you people wish to arm the insane?

We don't.. We want those who are violent and dangerous—whether due to insanity or just to being willfully violent and dangerous—to be removed from free society. Yours is the side that wants them free to commit acts of violence and destruction.
Why do you people wish to arm the insane?

We don't.. We want those who are violent and dangerous—whether due to insanity or just to being willfully violent and dangerous—to be removed from free society. Yours is the side that wants them free to commit acts of violence and destruction.

Yep. Violent criminals should be removed permanently, and at minimal cost to society.

I mean, it's not like they are owed any particular consideration.
A republican governor is trying to increase the prison sentences for actual gun criminals, criminals who actually use guns in crime, rather than innocent, law abiding gun owners who make clerical errors. Democrats are fighting him.....

Again, we lock up 2 million people in this country and we have another 7 million on probation and parole.

If arresting people and imprisoning them was an answer, we'd be there by now.
A republican governor is trying to increase the prison sentences for actual gun criminals, criminals who actually use guns in crime, rather than innocent, law abiding gun owners who make clerical errors. Democrats are fighting him.....

Again, we lock up 2 million people in this country and we have another 7 million on probation and parole.

If arresting people and imprisoning them was an answer, we'd be there by now.

Indeed. Shoot the violent ones in the head on conviction, release those convicted of victimless crimes to community service.

That would leave room for the upcoming purge of Democrats from government. :laugh:
Indeed. Shoot the violent ones in the head on conviction, release those convicted of victimless crimes to community service.

That would leave room for the upcoming purge of Democrats from government.
ah, guy, bad news. Trump has already blown your last shot.
A republican governor is trying to increase the prison sentences for actual gun criminals, criminals who actually use guns in crime, rather than innocent, law abiding gun owners who make clerical errors. Democrats are fighting him.....

Again, we lock up 2 million people in this country and we have another 7 million on probation and parole.

If arresting people and imprisoning them was an answer, we'd be there by now.

Letting violent gun criminals out in less that 3 years isn't locking these people up. If you let them back out, it doesn't matter how many you put in jail.
A republican governor is trying to increase the prison sentences for actual gun criminals, criminals who actually use guns in crime, rather than innocent, law abiding gun owners who make clerical errors. Democrats are fighting him.....

Again, we lock up 2 million people in this country and we have another 7 million on probation and parole.

If arresting people and imprisoning them was an answer, we'd be there by now.

What's your answer pussyboy, sit around the campfire, bake cookies, and sing songs with criminals?
Letting violent gun criminals out in less that 3 years isn't locking these people up. If you let them back out, it doesn't matter how many you put in jail.

Well, if you let them out in three years with no job prospects and no attempt to train them for life after jail, yeah, they'll probably go back.

But the system is designed for that. Sorry you don't get that. The Prison INdustrial Complex is playing you, son! They need short sentences so they can get more work out of these people. A lifer isn't going to work very hard in prison industries, but a guy who hopes to get out in three will.
What's your answer pussyboy, sit around the campfire, bake cookies, and sing songs with criminals?

My answer is actually pretty simple. We do what the europeans and Japanese do.

1) Don't let average citizens have guns to start with.
2) Only put them in jail if they really need to be there.
3) When you put them in jail, make sure you are actually reforming them, not just throwing them out long enough to come right back and still be a cog in the Prison Industrial Machine.
What's your answer pussyboy, sit around the campfire, bake cookies, and sing songs with criminals?

My answer is actually pretty simple. We do what the europeans and Japanese do.

1) Don't let average citizens have guns to start with.
2) Only put them in jail if they really need to be there.
3) When you put them in jail, make sure you are actually reforming them, not just throwing them out long enough to come right back and still be a cog in the Prison Industrial Machine.

How many yakuza have been rehabilitated? Oh yeah. None.
How many yakuza have been rehabilitated? Oh yeah. None.

How many Yakuza are there?

Probably not as many as we have Mafia and Russian Mob and Jamacian Posses and MS-13 in this country.

Japan has 600 homicides a year. We have well over 16,000. Which country is getting this right?

If guns and jails made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the Industrialized world, not the highest.
How many yakuza have been rehabilitated? Oh yeah. None.

How many Yakuza are there?

Probably not as many as we have Mafia and Russian Mob and Jamacian Posses and MS-13 in this country.

Japan has 600 homicides a year. We have well over 16,000. Which country is getting this right?

If guns and jails made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the Industrialized world, not the highest.

Eighty thousand or so. And they possess over 100,000 guns according to the Japanese police. All of them illegal, of course. I wonder how the most strictly policed island ever, got that many illegal guns:eusa_whistle:
Eighty thousand or so. And they possess over 100,000 guns according to the Japanese police. All of them illegal, of course. I wonder how the most strictly policed island ever, got that many illegal guns

1) Source.
2) So 80,000 guns, and yet Japan has only a handful of homicides with guns a year.

How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Japan has one of the lowest rates of gun crime in the world. In 2014 there were just six gun deaths, compared to 33,599 in the US. What is the secret?

If you want to buy a gun in Japan you need patience and determination. You have to attend an all-day class, take a written exam and pass a shooting-range test with a mark of at least 95%.

There are also mental health and drugs tests. Your criminal record is checked and police look for links to extremist groups. Then they check your relatives too - and even your work colleagues. And as well as having the power to deny gun licences, police also have sweeping powers to search and seize weapons.

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