This is why we support Trump, he fights: Trump to begin massive outreach to Black Voters.

This is why we support Trump.....unlike the spineless...gutless, cowardly, weak, moronic, establishment republicans...and I could go on.....Trump is taking the fight to the enemy, the left wing, socialist, democrat asshats......

On Nov. 8, Trump will make his case to Black Americans on why they should vote for him....instead of the democrats who have ignored them, abused them, and turned their communities into hell holes.......... may commence peeing your pants now....

Nolte: Trump Launches Campaign to Attract Black Voters

President Trump’s re-election campaign will launch its ‘Black Voices for Trump’ coalition in Atlanta on Friday November 8, which again proves he’s really bad at being a racist.
“Black Americans have never had a better champion than President Trump,” said Katrina Pierson, Senior Advisor at Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. “The Black Voices for Trump coalition will be a national effort to mobilize and empower Black Americans who support President Trump to help get the message of ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’ into communities across America.”

The press release adds, “Under President Trump, unemployment for African Americans has reached historic lows and nearly 1.4 million new jobs have been added for African Americans. Black Americans strong support for President Trump will ensure a second term for the President.”



THIS is why I support Trump.

My entire adult life, I have been waiting for the Party of Lincoln to be the real Party of Lincoln, and make a serious, focused, and yes — risky effort to attract the black vote.

John McCain didn’t have the courage to do this. Mitt Romney gave it one try before he ran away scared and crying.

Not Trump, though. Despite the best efforts of the fake media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) to smear him as racist, to mock his every attempt to reach out to blacks, to turn every black person who does support Trump into a “Crazy Uncle Tom,” Trump will not be intimidated.

And he shouldn’t be… And not just because some pollsters show him making inroads with groups the cowardly, establishment GOP have ignored for decades.

To begin with, unlike our first black president, Trump actually has a record of accomplishment to run on, a record that has directly benefited black Americans: record-low unemployment, rising wages, job creation, and the long overdue criminal justice reform that Obama couldn’t get through congress.
Job creation?
He's created fewer jobs than Obama.
Knees news didn't tell you?
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how this "outreach" takes shape.

The current message is, "Trump hasn't screwed up the clear downward trajectory of the black unemployment rate he inherited from Obama, all those white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists who support him don't count, and he was just kidding when he said he didn't know who David Duke was".

He'll probably need to spruce that up a bit.

Make it a little snappier, maybe.

The white supremacists, all dozens of them, don't count. REally, who gives a fuck about them? Totally irrelevant.

Mac's definition of white supremacist is extremely broad.

Japan is a nation of Japanese nationalists according to Mac.

As is every other non-white nation.

Which is fine, only when it is a WHITE nation being white, then we have a problem.

Mac is a full blown racist. White genocide supporting maniac. The other day he bragged about how non-extremist he is for wanting to exterminate white children, while we are extremists for wanting to securing the existence of our children.

I think it's more of a severe case of political correctness with him than anything else.

Whatever the cause, like-minded people building a country and defending it seems completely new and foreign to him. It has nothing to do with being a white supremacists or any other boogeyman terms he has come up with. It is simply common sense.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how this "outreach" takes shape.

The current message is, "Trump hasn't screwed up the clear downward trajectory of the black unemployment rate he inherited from Obama, all those white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists who support him don't count, and he was just kidding when he said he didn't know who David Duke was".

He'll probably need to spruce that up a bit.

Make it a little snappier, maybe.

The white supremacists, all dozens of them, don't count. REally, who gives a fuck about them? Totally irrelevant.

Mac's definition of white supremacist is extremely broad.

Japan is a nation of Japanese nationalists according to Mac.

As is every other non-white nation.

Which is fine, only when it is a WHITE nation being white, then we have a problem.

Mac is a full blown racist. White genocide supporting maniac. The other day he bragged about how non-extremist he is for wanting to exterminate white children, while we are extremists for wanting to secure the existence of our children.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that I said that.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how this "outreach" takes shape.

The current message is, "Trump hasn't screwed up the clear downward trajectory of the black unemployment rate he inherited from Obama, all those white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists who support him don't count, and he was just kidding when he said he didn't know who David Duke was".

He'll probably need to spruce that up a bit.

Make it a little snappier, maybe.

The white supremacists, all dozens of them, don't count. REally, who gives a fuck about them? Totally irrelevant.

Mac's definition of white supremacist is extremely broad.

Japan is a nation of Japanese nationalists according to Mac.

As is every other non-white nation.

Which is fine, only when it is a WHITE nation being white, then we have a problem.

Mac is a full blown racist. White genocide supporting maniac. The other day he bragged about how non-extremist he is for wanting to exterminate white children, while we are extremists for wanting to secure the existence of our children.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that I said that.

You presented that quote of mine multiple times in horror, didn't you? White people defending their children, absolute terror!
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how this "outreach" takes shape.

The current message is, "Trump hasn't screwed up the clear downward trajectory of the black unemployment rate he inherited from Obama, all those white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists who support him don't count, and he was just kidding when he said he didn't know who David Duke was".

He'll probably need to spruce that up a bit.

Make it a little snappier, maybe.

The white supremacists, all dozens of them, don't count. REally, who gives a fuck about them? Totally irrelevant.

Mac's definition of white supremacist is extremely broad.

Japan is a nation of Japanese nationalists according to Mac.

As is every other non-white nation.

Which is fine, only when it is a WHITE nation being white, then we have a problem.

Mac is a full blown racist. White genocide supporting maniac. The other day he bragged about how non-extremist he is for wanting to exterminate white children, while we are extremists for wanting to secure the existence of our children.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that I said that.

You presented that quote of mine multiple times in horror, didn't you? White people defending their children, absolute terror!
I believe that you believe that. You don't need to keep trying.
The white supremacists, all dozens of them, don't count. REally, who gives a fuck about them? Totally irrelevant.

Mac's definition of white supremacist is extremely broad.

Japan is a nation of Japanese nationalists according to Mac.

As is every other non-white nation.

Which is fine, only when it is a WHITE nation being white, then we have a problem.

Mac is a full blown racist. White genocide supporting maniac. The other day he bragged about how non-extremist he is for wanting to exterminate white children, while we are extremists for wanting to secure the existence of our children.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that I said that.

You presented that quote of mine multiple times in horror, didn't you? White people defending their children, absolute terror!
I believe that you believe that. You don't need to keep trying.

It hardly takes a lot of belief, when that is exactly what you did, multiple times. Do you deny that?
Mac's definition of white supremacist is extremely broad.

Japan is a nation of Japanese nationalists according to Mac.

As is every other non-white nation.

Which is fine, only when it is a WHITE nation being white, then we have a problem.

Mac is a full blown racist. White genocide supporting maniac. The other day he bragged about how non-extremist he is for wanting to exterminate white children, while we are extremists for wanting to secure the existence of our children.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that I said that.

You presented that quote of mine multiple times in horror, didn't you? White people defending their children, absolute terror!
I believe that you believe that. You don't need to keep trying.

It hardly takes a lot of belief, when that is exactly what you did, multiple times. Do you deny that?
You said I "bragged" about "how non-extremist" I am "for wanting to exterminate white children".

Your words.

I believe that you believe that. I believe you. That's happening in your mind, right now.

Be responsible for your words. I can't help you.
Japan is a nation of Japanese nationalists according to Mac.

As is every other non-white nation.

Which is fine, only when it is a WHITE nation being white, then we have a problem.

Mac is a full blown racist. White genocide supporting maniac. The other day he bragged about how non-extremist he is for wanting to exterminate white children, while we are extremists for wanting to secure the existence of our children.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that I said that.

You presented that quote of mine multiple times in horror, didn't you? White people defending their children, absolute terror!
I believe that you believe that. You don't need to keep trying.

It hardly takes a lot of belief, when that is exactly what you did, multiple times. Do you deny that?
You said I "bragged" about "how non-extremist" I am "for wanting to exterminate white children".

Your words.

I believe that you believe that. I believe you. That's happening in your mind, right now.

Be responsible for your words. I can't help you.

Cut the crap Mac. Is me wanting to secure the existence and future for my white children a problem or not?

If not, don't quote me again.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that I said that.

You presented that quote of mine multiple times in horror, didn't you? White people defending their children, absolute terror!
I believe that you believe that. You don't need to keep trying.

It hardly takes a lot of belief, when that is exactly what you did, multiple times. Do you deny that?
You said I "bragged" about "how non-extremist" I am "for wanting to exterminate white children".

Your words.

I believe that you believe that. I believe you. That's happening in your mind, right now.

Be responsible for your words. I can't help you.

Cut the crap Mac. Is me wanting to secure the existence and future for my white children a problem or not?

If not, don't quote me again.
I'll quote you as I please. Your words are very helpful to me. I notice you don't have the balls to quote me, because you instead choose to lie about my words.

I have no problem with you wanting to secure the existence and future for your white children. None.

I'm glad you're willing to say that stuff. I truly, honestly am, because it's important that people see it.

You're welcome.
Last edited:
"Generally" is not always a d even one occurrence where such groping is not welcome is sexual aasault.

And there are about 20 women making such a complaint.

But as always, your unbreakable and undying man love for trump is noted.

Your desire to go through a tape of locker room talk, and hold the person to his words, as though it is a formal policy position,

is noted and denied. Try to be less of an non human troll.

The ability of liberals to gin up, and pretend to believe obviously false accusations of sexual misconduct has been made clear. Sorry, such accusations have no weight what so ever.
Trying to frame an admission of sexual assault as "locker room talk" fails you.

Your pretense of not knowing what the word "let" means, fails you.
Liar. I know what "let" means. But unlike you, I also know what it means when it's the assailant claiming his victims "let" him assault them.

The woman he actually mentioned hitting on, when questioned, did not even realize that he had been interested.

Your pretense that he is some sort of brute, is fucking nonsense.
I like how you point out one woman while ignoring all the rest. :lmao:
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how this "outreach" takes shape.

The current message is, "Trump hasn't screwed up the clear downward trajectory of the black unemployment rate he inherited from Obama, all those white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists who support him don't count, and he was just kidding when he said he didn't know who David Duke was".

He'll probably need to spruce that up a bit.

Make it a little snappier, maybe.

The white supremacists, all dozens of them, don't count. REally, who gives a fuck about them? Totally irrelevant.

Mac's definition of white supremacist is extremely broad.

Japan is a nation of Japanese nationalists according to Mac.

As is every other non-white nation.

Which is fine, only when it is a WHITE nation being white, then we have a problem.

Mac is a full blown racist. White genocide supporting maniac. The other day he bragged about how non-extremist he is for wanting to exterminate white children, while we are extremists for wanting to secure the existence of our children.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that I said that.

You presented that quote of mine multiple times in horror, didn't you? White people defending their children, absolute terror!

He's quoted me as well in his list of horrible people.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how this "outreach" takes shape.

The current message is, "Trump hasn't screwed up the clear downward trajectory of the black unemployment rate he inherited from Obama, all those white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists who support him don't count, and he was just kidding when he said he didn't know who David Duke was".

He'll probably need to spruce that up a bit.

Make it a little snappier, maybe.

The white supremacists, all dozens of them, don't count. REally, who gives a fuck about them? Totally irrelevant.

Trump cares about them. They are one of the most active parts of his base.

Only a lying asshole would claim any of that.
Your desire to go through a tape of locker room talk, and hold the person to his words, as though it is a formal policy position,

is noted and denied. Try to be less of an non human troll.

The ability of liberals to gin up, and pretend to believe obviously false accusations of sexual misconduct has been made clear. Sorry, such accusations have no weight what so ever.
Trying to frame an admission of sexual assault as "locker room talk" fails you.

Your pretense of not knowing what the word "let" means, fails you.
Liar. I know what "let" means. But unlike you, I also know what it means when it's the assailant claiming his victims "let" him assault them.

The woman he actually mentioned hitting on, when questioned, did not even realize that he had been interested.

Your pretense that he is some sort of brute, is fucking nonsense.
I like how you point out one woman while ignoring all the rest. :lmao:

Ignoring the shit you lefties throw against the wall, is just common sense.
Where does it say those baseball terms equate to making a pass? One if those terms is "home run," meaning sexual intercourse. How rightarded are you to think fucking is making a pass? :cuckoo:

To go from one "base" to the next, requires an action by the male. THe woman either allows it, or not.

THat action, is the making of the pass. Try to be less pathetic and dishonest.
Dumbfuck, by the time you get to second base (before grabbing pussy), the pass was already made. Even according to you and that link, a pass was NOT made by grabbing pussy.

Meanwhile, trump indicated that's at least one method he uses to make a pass. That's sexual assault if not consensual; of which about 20 women said they did not consent to his gropping.

You're a sick fuck to condone and defend his behavior.

1. Link to support your definition of the word "pass" and then show evidence that Trump agrees with you, and not me, or take your pretense of outrage and shove it up your ass.

2. He said not such thing. YOu are making shit up now, out of thin air. You are liar.

3. Trump is a tall, rich and famous man, who expressed his opinion that women treat rich and famous men, differently than they treat regular guys. And you are pretending that somehow makes him the bad guy. YOu are full of shit.

Imbecile... YOU said it's a pass. Asking me to define the words YOU use is beyond stupid. Seriously, if you don't know what you mean, why is it my job to explain it?

And yes, trump said that's how he can "introduce" himself to a woman.

"You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

1. Link to support your definition of the word "pass" and then show evidence that Trump agrees with you, and not me, or take your pretense of outrage and shove it up your ass.

2. He said not such thing. YOu are making shit up now, out of thin air. You are liar.

3. Trump is a tall, rich and famous man, who expressed his opinion that women treat rich and famous men, differently than they treat regular guys. And you are pretending that somehow makes him the bad guy. YOu are full of shit.
We all know what a pass is. No link is necessary. It's the initial gesture on another, signifying the interest of a sexual nature.

And grabbing a woman's pussy to make a pass is not normal malw behavior. It's deviant behavior which is very often sexual assault. You're a sick fuck for promoting such sick shit.

As far as what Trump said.... I quoted him verbatim. TFB if that's inconvenient for you, ya sick fuck.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how this "outreach" takes shape.

The current message is, "Trump hasn't screwed up the clear downward trajectory of the black unemployment rate he inherited from Obama, all those white nationalists, white separatists and white supremacists who support him don't count, and he was just kidding when he said he didn't know who David Duke was".

He'll probably need to spruce that up a bit.

Make it a little snappier, maybe.

The white supremacists, all dozens of them, don't count. REally, who gives a fuck about them? Totally irrelevant.

Trump cares about them. They are one of the most active parts of his base.
They're winners in Trump's book. He only likes winners and very fine people like them.
Trying to frame an admission of sexual assault as "locker room talk" fails you.

Your pretense of not knowing what the word "let" means, fails you.
Liar. I know what "let" means. But unlike you, I also know what it means when it's the assailant claiming his victims "let" him assault them.

The woman he actually mentioned hitting on, when questioned, did not even realize that he had been interested.

Your pretense that he is some sort of brute, is fucking nonsense.
I like how you point out one woman while ignoring all the rest. :lmao:

Ignoring the shit you lefties throw against the wall, is just common sense.
I threw nothing of the sort. It's that long line of women, who claim they didn't let him grope them, where your problems lie.

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