This is why we support Trump, he fights: Trump to begin massive outreach to Black Voters.

Yeah I remember him asking black America: What do you have to lose? Black America should ask him back: What do you have to lose by very plainly telling the racists to fuck off?
David Duke has never renounced the Klan.

Actually, he was a Democrat when he quit the KKK....

David Duke - Wikipedia

Duke first ran for the Louisiana Senate as a Democrat from a Baton Rouge district in 1975.

In October 1979, he ran as a Democrat for the 10th District Senate seat and finished second

he left the Klan in 1980 because he disliked its associations with violence and could not stop the members of other Klan chapters from doing "stupid or violent things."
I have met two of those guys and I bet they don't give a shit about Trump

So you speak for Mike Tyson..... doubt it...

Mike Tyson Endorses Donald Trump for President of the United States

"When asked about his history with Republican primary candidate Donald Trump, Tyson said he fully supports him for the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

"He should be president of the United States," Tyson said."


Making broad assumptions about "all black people" is the peak of prejudice....

8 percent of the blacks eligible to vote who weren't purged, voted for Trump. 88 percent did not. That's a majority. Mike Tyson is not. Nice try, It's kinda difficult for me to be racially prejudiced against blacks you fucking idiot. I'm done. Trump will not gain support in the black community. I know this.
What do you have to lose by very plainly telling the racists to fuck off?

Once again, a material false statement by a leftist regarding leftist obsession with calling Trump "racist..."

Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK - CNNPolitics

Donald Trump issued a crystal clear disavowal Thursday of former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke after stumbling last weekend over a question about the hate group leader on CNN.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."
It's kinda difficult for me to be racially prejudiced against blacks

You are not "racially bigoted" against blacks...

but you do HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Blacks who do not share your leftist views and support the Democrats.
David Duke, KKK support Donald Trump

I sure hope he tells them to clean up their act. Those negroes are lazy and always looking for handouts from the Dem plantation. He needs to make them realize that hard work and good citizenship is the path to prosperity. That....and to stop having babies just so they can get welfare. Oh! I almost forgot! They need to pull their pants up too. That’s important.

If he does that, he’ll win them over.
Supporting Trump because he wants minority voters makes him no more than the average politician

David Duke, KKK support Donald Trump

and couldn't win jack shit as a "Republican..."

On the other hand, Robert Byrd, KKK, was voted SENATE MAJORITY LEADER by the likes of Low IQ Joe....

What's the difference??

IM2 only cares about supporting DEMOCRATS who help him BILK the system and enrich himself. IM2 is absolutely fine with Cocksucker Obama sticking his nose up Byrd's ass.

But, man, when David Duke ran for Senate and finished in 7th place with 3% of the vote (and a good chunk of that vote was BLACK)....

Trump taking shots at Obama every chance he gets is a really good way to reach out to black voters. They hate Obama.
What do you have to lose by very plainly telling the racists to fuck off?

Once again, a material false statement by a leftist regarding leftist obsession with calling Trump "racist..."

Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK - CNNPolitics

Donald Trump issued a crystal clear disavowal Thursday of former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke after stumbling last weekend over a question about the hate group leader on CNN.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."
And yet the white supremacists love him as much as ever. It's almost like they know he is insincere in his forced sounding deadpan deliveries of prepared statements denouncing the prevailing racial attitudes of his base.
Trump taking shots at Obama every chance he gets is a really good way to reach out to black voters. They hate Obama

When exposed to the full truth about Obama, they do. Blacks are the most anti-gay demographic in the US.

As "Christian Conservatives" are the last people on the planet to figure out that 911 was a fraud and that Israel did it, Black Americans are the last people on the planet to figure out that Obama is gay and that Michelle is really a MAN, and the kids aren't their kids... because two gay men can't produce kids...
This is why we support Trump.....unlike the spineless...gutless, cowardly, weak, moronic, establishment republicans...and I could go on.....Trump is taking the fight to the enemy, the left wing, socialist, democrat asshats......

On Nov. 8, Trump will make his case to Black Americans on why they should vote for him....instead of the democrats who have ignored them, abused them, and turned their communities into hell holes.......... may commence peeing your pants now....

Nolte: Trump Launches Campaign to Attract Black Voters

President Trump’s re-election campaign will launch its ‘Black Voices for Trump’ coalition in Atlanta on Friday November 8, which again proves he’s really bad at being a racist.
“Black Americans have never had a better champion than President Trump,” said Katrina Pierson, Senior Advisor at Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. “The Black Voices for Trump coalition will be a national effort to mobilize and empower Black Americans who support President Trump to help get the message of ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’ into communities across America.”

The press release adds, “Under President Trump, unemployment for African Americans has reached historic lows and nearly 1.4 million new jobs have been added for African Americans. Black Americans strong support for President Trump will ensure a second term for the President.”



THIS is why I support Trump.

My entire adult life, I have been waiting for the Party of Lincoln to be the real Party of Lincoln, and make a serious, focused, and yes — risky effort to attract the black vote.

John McCain didn’t have the courage to do this. Mitt Romney gave it one try before he ran away scared and crying.

Not Trump, though. Despite the best efforts of the fake media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) to smear him as racist, to mock his every attempt to reach out to blacks, to turn every black person who does support Trump into a “Crazy Uncle Tom,” Trump will not be intimidated.

And he shouldn’t be… And not just because some pollsters show him making inroads with groups the cowardly, establishment GOP have ignored for decades.

To begin with, unlike our first black president, Trump actually has a record of accomplishment to run on, a record that has directly benefited black Americans: record-low unemployment, rising wages, job creation, and the long overdue criminal justice reform that Obama couldn’t get through congress.
IM2 will be voting for Trump

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