This is why you don’t elect Democrats

Trump won because he concentrated on rural voters
Exactly. The rural voters who recognize the Dumbocrats for the bat-shit crazy lunatics that they are. Only an asshole would proclaim that the U.S. should surrender their sovereignty. And yet that’s exactly what the left has declared.
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.
Trump won because he concentrated on rural voters
Exactly. The rural voters who recognize the Dumbocrats for the bat-shit crazy lunatics that they are. Only an asshole would proclaim that the U.S. should surrender their sovereignty. And yet that’s exactly what the left has declared.
Rural Americans Are Now The Largest Slice Of Federal Food Aid Recipients.
such winning.

Trump won because he concentrated on rural voters
Exactly. The rural voters who recognize the Dumbocrats for the bat-shit crazy lunatics that they are. Only an asshole would proclaim that the U.S. should surrender their sovereignty. And yet that’s exactly what the left has declared.
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.
I am always right. Both figuratively and literally. I have the facts to back it up.
Wow RINO why are you trying to start a war with Russia?
Russia is engaging in chemical warfare on foreign nations. The war is already under way. It’s shocking that you need this explained to you.

Why do you Trump lovers keep blaming Obama for everything negative in the world? Hell, you can’t possibly believe all the idiotic stories made up by Trump and his congressional lackeys can you? Are you all really that stupid? Can’t you see that this is all going to end badly? And who’s going to pay the bill? I bet that Trump will find a way to blame Barack or Hillary when he totally destroys our country.

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Shitstain obama is so evil, he is responsible for Ebola and tuberculosis.
Democrats run for office for one reason and one reason only: to engage in corruption at the highest levels for wealth.
Denis O'Brien, a longtime donor and friend to the Clintons, secured a multimillion dollar contract from Hillary Clinton's State Department to hand out free cellphones to Haitians through his telecommunications company. O'Brien also invested in a luxury hotel at the behest of Bill Clinton.
Sadly, the Clinton’s have mastered it like no other politicians.

Clinton Foundation critics revive scrutiny of Haiti failures in hurricane aftermath
This is why you don’t elect Dumbocrats...
A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.

Do you know why the newspaper with the articles like 'Girl 12 raped by 14 men' sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?
Bernie Sanders is the quintessential disgusting leftist. He truly believes that women are turned on by being raped and he gets turned on by the idea of a 12-year old little girl being raped by 14 grown men. It’s no wonder “Occupy Wall Street” had such an extreme rape culture.

'She fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously': Bernie Sanders' bizarre 1972 essay about men, women and the 'typical fantasy'
This is why you don’t elect Dumbocrats...
After all, the absolute worst public safety conditions and other urban amenities for blacks are in cities that have been controlled by Democrats for decades. Let’s look at it. Now here’s the kicker. Of the 20 most dangerous major cities, all but one had a Democratic mayor. In many of these cities, the Democratic Party has ruled for a half-century or more. Only Tulsa, Oklahoma, with 17.3 murders per 100,000 residents, had a Republican mayor.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like the idiotic, failed left-wing ideology.

Is the Black Vote Benefiting From Democratic Control?

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