This is why you don’t elect Democrats

Unemployment doesn't matter if we solve for simple poverty. People don't stop living simply because they don't have a paying job.
By the way, nobody is stopping you from doing this in the free market. You are absolutely free to pay people who have lost their job. You can pay their rent, their food, their insurance.

Stop demanding other people do it for you. If you want it done - do it.
Unemployment doesn't matter if we solve for simple poverty.
Folks, I give you the “logic” of left-wing economics. :lmao:
People don't stop living simply because they don't have a paying job.
And money doesn’t magically appear simply because you don’t want to hold a job and provide for yourself.

No employment - no tax revenues. No tax revenues, no money for all of you parasites on the dole. Also, no employment - no good and services. What does all of this add up to? Venezuela.
You keep bringing up the lousy right wing management of Venezuela.

FDR was a left winger.

We have Capitalism; somebody wants to be rich.
You keep bringing up the lousy right wing management of Venezuela. voted for a left-wing socialist. None of them deny that. Don't try to blame the left for the failures of your ideology.
FDR was a left winger.
Yes he was. And the fuck'n tool was responsible for the Great Depression. UCLA acknowledged as much.
You keep bringing up the lousy right wing management of Venezuela. voted for a left-wing socialist. None of them deny that. Don't try to blame the left for the failures of your ideology.
FDR was a left winger.
Yes he was. And the fuck'n tool was responsible for the Great Depression. UCLA acknowledged as much.
The great depression began in 1929 and FDR was from March 3 1933 on.
Herbert Hoover was the president in 1929.
The great depression began in 1929 and FDR was from March 3 1933 on.
No, the collapse hit in 1929. It didn't become a "Great Depression" until FDR's unconstitutional policies drove it into such. Left-wing UCLA acknowledges as much themselves. Take a look...

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression
Means nothing since it was the command economics of our wartime economy that ensured a requirement for full employment.
The great depression began in 1929 and FDR was from March 3 1933 on.
No, the collapse hit in 1929. It didn't become a "Great Depression" until FDR's unconstitutional policies drove it into such. Left-wing UCLA acknowledges as much themselves. Take a look...

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression
So you are saying that for three years of abject poverty there was no depression? You got some real stupid information.
From the web site" This is an article from the archives. Links and some facts and findings may be outdated.".
From the web site" This is an article from the archives. Links and some facts and findings may be outdated.".’s an academic institution. It wants to make sure the reader realizes that new findings happen all the time. It doesn’t make that data any less true unless new findings specifically contradict their findings in the study. :eusa_doh:
It’s funny - we are told by the Dumbocrats that walls don’t work, that walls are “immoral”, and that illegals should be welcomed under any circumstances. And yet, oddly, when illegals went to Nancy Pelosi’s residence, not only were there many walls, but Nancy immediately panicked, called 911, and demanded that law enforcement remove the very same illegal aliens that she states should be welcomed, fed, and sheltered by all of us!
The controversial journalist even went to check if the Pelosis had locked their front door, since, according to a sarcastic Loomer, "only bigots lock their doors. Come on, you can't say everyone is welcome here and then lock your door," said Loomer, upon finding the doors locked. "You're killing us, Nancy! You're killing us!" Police officers were soon called to the property and asked for identification from the illegals and Loomer and company. "I was told IDs were racist," Loomer repeatedly tells the officers. "I'm so confused."
Typical do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do Dumbocrat! As Andrew Wilkow always says, “socialism is for the people - not the socialist”.

WATCH: Laura Loomer Brings Illegal Immigrants To Nancy Pelosi's Home. Pelosi Has Police Remove Them.
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
Employee hours have been reduced in 76.5% of full-service restaurants in New York City and 36% said they had to eliminate jobs in response to the city's minimum wage increase, according to a survey done by The NYC Hospitality Alliance. The survey also found most limited-service restaurants plan to reduce hours or eliminate jobs in the coming year.
This is not an anomaly. The same exact thing happened in Seattle, California, Cuba, the former U.S.S.R.

New York Restaurants Struggle to Adapt to Higher Wages
Nothing ends in failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
As the minimum wage began to climb, the Manns faced tough decisions. First, they were forced to cut expenses, which meant letting go four of seven employees at the Seattle shop.
More than 50% of their workforce lost their jobs because left-wing government interfered with the free market and artificially inflated labor costs.

Seattle Couple Fears $16 Minimum Wage Could Doom Subway Franchise
the right wing has Nothing but Repeal not Any form of better solution at lower cost.
That's because repeal is the better solution at a lower cost. Dumb ass. :lmao:

And not for nothing...but it doesn't matter anyway. There is not constitutional clause (express or "implied") that grants the federal government the right to interfere if you don't like your healthcare costs. Dumb ass.
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response
This is one of those really weird threads that Republicans on the USMB come up with knowing that Trump works for Putin.
the right wing has Nothing but Repeal not Any form of better solution at lower cost.
That's because repeal is the better solution at a lower cost. Dumb ass. :lmao:

And not for nothing...but it doesn't matter anyway. There is not constitutional clause (express or "implied") that grants the federal government the right to interfere if you don't like your healthcare costs. Dumb ass.
no, it isn't. appeals to ignorance are worthless.

we should be solving simple poverty and let markets "float" from within those fixed goalpost Government standards.

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