This is why you don’t elect Democrats

Everybody deserves privacy in their own home, even a mayor of a large city.
That’s not “his” home. That belongs to the people of New York. Since De Bonehead claims that illegal aliens pose no threat, since De Bonehead claims that illegal aliens have a right to be here, and since De Bonehead feels that our nation doesn’t deserve a wall or “privacy”, then certainly the people’s house in NYC doesn’t.
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response

Russia omly seems "powerful" to the trumpflakes because trump requires them to kneel to Putin.
Russia omly seems "powerful" to the trumpflakes because trump requires them to kneel to Putin.
Typical answer from an Obamorangutan. Pretend like Russia doesn’t exist. One hell of a foreign policy strategy. :laugh:
Russia omly seems "powerful" to the trumpflakes because trump requires them to kneel to Putin.
Typical answer from an Obamorangutan. Pretend like Russia doesn’t exist. One hell of a foreign policy strategy. :laugh:

That a really supercalifragilisticexpialidocious answer since California's economy is almost as large as Russia's.
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
Durgin-Park, a renowned Boston restaurant, has been around for a long time. It opened in 1827, when Massachusetts’ own John Quincy Adams was president of the United States. But now, after nearly two centuries, it’s closing. Why?

The owner says it’s due in part to a recently passed law that raised the minimum wage from $11 to $12 an hour on Jan. 1, and will further increase it to $15 by 2024.

This is how idiotic left-wing policy always ends. The left takes low wage jobs and turns them into no wage “jobs”.

Boston Restaurant Owner Says Minimum Wage Hikes Hastened Demise
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
Durgin-Park, a renowned Boston restaurant, has been around for a long time. It opened in 1827, when Massachusetts’ own John Quincy Adams was president of the United States. But now, after nearly two centuries, it’s closing. Why?

The owner says it’s due in part to a recently passed law that raised the minimum wage from $11 to $12 an hour on Jan. 1, and will further increase it to $15 by 2024.

This is how idiotic left-wing policy always ends. The left takes low wage jobs and turns them into no wage “jobs”.

Boston Restaurant Owner Says Minimum Wage Hikes Hastened Demise
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. It could be claimed that business has been taking advantage of cheap labor while paying exorbitant prices for management.
This wouldn’t be an issue if Mitt Romney had been elected president. He accurately assessed that Russia was “the greatest geopolitical threat to the U.S.”. Barack Insane Obama - with unlimited access to national security briefings - mocked him.

This is a prime example why you don’t electe an amateur to the White House. Obama couldn’t see the forest for the trees and thought he could “kumbaya” the world into submission. Now Russia is more powerful and more emboldened.

Russia's Use of Nerve Agent Calls for Unified Western Response
Wow RINO why are you trying to start a war with Russia?
Because repukes believe war improves the economy.
I'm sure the Military Industrial complex got to tiny trump over his wanting to pull out of Syria. Not good for business.
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment.
While failed Dumbocrats policy creates an unnatural high rate of unemployment.
The left has a solution for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.
How is driving unemployment up and tax revenues down a “solution”? :eusa_doh:
by solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment to automatically stabilize our economy to its long run equilibrium where higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
I'm sure the Military Industrial complex got to tiny trump over his wanting to pull out of Syria.
Note that the pacifist bodecea can neither bring herself to condemn MaObama for a military intervention that should have never happened, nor praise President Trump for doing the correct thing of getting the U.S. out of Syria.

This is what is commonly known as a “Partisan Hack”.
by solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment to automatically stabilize our economy to its long run equilibrium where higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
Increasing unemployment (not to mention the national debt) doesn’t “solve” anything. Your post right here is a prime example of why nobody takes the left seriously about economics (or anything else for that matter).
by solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment to automatically stabilize our economy to its long run equilibrium where higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
Increasing unemployment (not to mention the national debt) doesn’t “solve” anything. Your post right here is a prime example of why nobody takes the left seriously about economics (or anything else for that matter).
Unemployment doesn't matter if we solve for simple poverty. People don't stop living simply because they don't have a paying job.
Unemployment doesn't matter if we solve for simple poverty.
Folks, I give you the “logic” of left-wing economics. :lmao:
People don't stop living simply because they don't have a paying job.
And money doesn’t magically appear simply because you don’t want to hold a job and provide for yourself.

No employment - no tax revenues. No tax revenues, no money for all of you parasites on the dole. Also, no employment - no good and services. What does all of this add up to? Venezuela.

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